WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, MAY 21.!_9 ,PG M IES ELCLLLANEOUS CARPENTRY HOME REPAIRS I MPROVEM ENTS M ETRO LIC. B - 2554 Kitchens, Ceramic Tiling, Drywall, Roc. Rooms, Cedar Docks andi Patio Doors. FREE ESTIMATES Cail 668-4686 HIGHEST PRUCES Pald -f or Gold and Slver: coins,, old. guns, cdocks,' Jowelery, dishes, >furniture, crocks, 011, painfings and fRIENDLYFPLEA 'MARKET 725-9783 23 KING ST. W., OSHAWA oLYrs PAINTING à DECORATINC - free estîrnalea, ressonabie rates; shingiing and carponler work also. 666-3 185. DRESSWAKINO AND ALTERATIONS DONE. Plhons 668.2864. CAIRNS *Property Services *Light Landscaplng Brad Cairns 668-5328 BUBBINS SIDING Aluminum & vinyl lding, sofflîl, fascia & seamisE, aiuminum savsstroughlng Insallation. Free estimeles, very reasonable. Cali 666. 1979; 10 par cent discount for senior citlzons. AUTOMOBILES FRSALE SUPER SPORT 67 Chevy il, 3700, good condition. 655-3791 1972 FORD LTD WAGON wilh or wthout CB radio. Bost offer. Plions 728-7790. 72 BUICK A-1 mechanical condition, neade some body work. Sali as le 668- 7573. 1978 OLDSMOBILE ROYALE, 2 door, 30,000 miles, radio, auto, wire disce. 350 4 barrel. Ladies car, excellent condition $5,000. 65&3657. LOOK! ORIGINAL 9500 Mi. 1978 CHEVETTE 4DOOR HATCH BACK ACCENT STRIPES deck and fenciflg, on a ren- tai basis wlth option to buy. Vour choice Of style. T'y before you buy! Cail IM- PERIAL POOLS tOil free 1- 81YC2686970- $WIMMING POOLS- M ufacturer has an Inve' tory nft,#979 above ground pools u clew,. Comple wlh filter. molor skimmer, purnp, wsik- around patio, iencing. Reguiariy $2,295. Now $1444. Caltit 1f ree 1- 800-265-834 for furher dealls. USED COLOUR TV 26" Electrohome 3269-80 day werranly. Abe Anenna Service, 513 Perry St., Whilby. 68 6901. GIRLS BIKE for sale - suit 8 - 10 yeer old. 668-088 ONE 5 x 1We BOX TRAILER equippod wlth eiectrlc brakes, 6,000 lb axIo and equIpped wlth equalîzer htch, seking 31.000; one covered snowmobiie treiler 7 x 110% used, 3M0. Phono 655- 3477. SIMPUCITY, OAS DRYER,' excellée,ý condition g3100 or boat offer, 1 Walt gas space tieater $100 Pr boat offer.< 883-5946. MIE YEAR OLD SUNBÈAM electllc iawn mower.'Asking 350.668-2252. BATHROOM TILES, white 3 x 6 seconds, 75 square test plus .20 teet of black trim 340; compete 101101 set and bathroom elink $15; 2 Inside doore 1¶-.24 x 80, 1 - 22 x 80,$310 eech. Apply 711 Bume St. W. or phonoe683495. SEARS AIR COMPRESSER, 2 cylin- der 1 h.p., 120 Ibo pressure. LiNs new $200. Phono 576-2032 durIng the day and 728.700 evenInge. REFRIGERATOR, Beatty Norseman, avacado green, $335. Ownod for 5 yaara, oxcelent condition. Cail Ted 68n5358. WASHER SPIN-DAYER, large tub $1175; girls prîncees bod 3125; 688- 8914. DRAPERY TRACKS Rouler Binds, Verticals, Draperies Instalied Guarantee Workmanship Your Tracks or Ours 668-1987 579-5121 USED COLOUR TV 25" RCA-$129-30 day warranly. Abe Antenne Service, 513 Perry SIt.. Whllby. 68-6901. IMPORTED SOLIO OAK CREDENZA- 72" long. Suitable for large onîrance way. $950 - Asking $700 or bout offer. 655-3657. C(AD Working with people who are helplng tharneelves Sand Vour Tax Deduclîble Contribution To. OXFAM-CANADA sox 18,000 BOX 12.000 TORONT'O WINNIPEO OTTAWA REGINA H4ALIFAX CALGARY ST. JOHNS vANdOUvER Family Favorite 1 bag and f reeze apricots be- cause my family likes their deli- cate. delightful flavor ini pies and puddings, or poached and flamed on ice cream. Apricots when de- frosted and served raw can taste slightly chewy depending on the variety. If you haven't frozen them before. try a test sample. Freeze a small amount and next day defrost and taste. Prepare apricots for freezing in the saine way that you prepare peaches, treating them with asco)rbic acid. Both fruits dis- color due lu oxidation. The only difl'erence between the two is that apricoti; donnt require blanching aind peeling. If you have any other questions, pIease write to me at the 'GIad' Home Freezing Information Cen- tre, 165 University Avenue, Toron- to. Ontario M5H 3B8, enclosing a %îamped. self-addresçed envelope. 1*11 be more thamn happy 10anwe themn.aner ETO 2 or 3 BIEDROOM furnlshed eper- iment or hous for montha of Juiy & August ln Whltby-Oshawa ares. 68- 8835, Mrs. lKenny. EXRENCED 00KEEPER UOOI<KEEPER - otffrlng exporien. ced bookkeoping services, pick-up and delivery68.1012. MORTGAGE SALE TOWNHOUSE 943 B URNS STREET WEST, Uncler and by virlue 0f the Power of' > âpre opntalnsd ln à certain morgtge ,àhlch wiii b« prodVcedat the time of, se lhsm vwlll'be oflered for sale by: AUCTION ON TUES. MAY 27AT 9:30 A.M. AT 1127 FINCH AVENUE WEST, DOWNSVIEW The sald property wIlli bo offered for sale subject 10 a reserve bld and con- ditions of sale. TERMS: A deposit of S4,000.00 by cash or certif led cheque 10 bo paid at the timeo0f sale and the balance within thlrty days thereatter. For further particulars regarding the Auction and appoiniment for lnspec- lion apply 10: 8388.OOITOUSAND for envelopea you mail. Postage psld. Work et home. Age or experience no bernier. Sond neme and address to Ms. L J. Theobald, 451 Mlltery Treil, Unit 108, West HIII, Onlarlo, MI E 4E8. ENUMERATOR for local dlrectory. 30 hralwook, for approx. 4 weoks. Good handwrlting essentiel. 579-5870. GOLDEN CORN FLAKES BREAD 3 cups Corn Flakes cereal 1 ' cups regular ali-purpose flour 3 teaspoons baking powder 1 teaspoon sait 3 tablespoons sugar 2 eggs 1½ cup unsalted butter, softened 1 cup snilk DANBURY SALES C (1971) LTD. melv 1127' FINCH AVENUE togel WEST, DOWNSVIEW sait (416) 630-5241 1 I eggs SATURDAY, MAY 24. Sais lime 11:00 cerei a.m. Farmn Machinory, furnituro, an- Stir1 tiques. Auction sais the property of nmixi: Jerome and Sandra Taylor of Scugog Spreý Island. Lot 1 Concession 7 bing 1 Mile oasa of Port Perry on 7A 1 9 X5 Scugog Island 1/4 mle north 10 tiret in0, road tumr rght, 1 Mls 0881 10 farm. utes <10110w Signe) Farrn Machinery - Ford raclor 7000 WOOt duel whsels, cab, radio and chaînes, ter c Ford tractor 5000 with Industriel loader mnd chaîne, Ford 8N tractor, squa N.H. harveetor 770 with 2 row corn Yi head and hay head, NH. No. 26 blower super Il1, GehI soif-unioadlng wagon, John Deere soif-unloadlng wagon and Hydrien 3 farrow 16" bol- toms, Hydrien 4 farrow 12"~ boltoms, Brush Hog 12 fIL hydrsulic diec, N.H. No. 310 balor wlth throwor, 1 ysar old> dons oniy 5000 baies, J.D. 3 pt hitch PTO rouler, 3 wagons wth basket racks, Int seed sh11 with ail altacli- monts wth hydraulic lift on rubber, McKos double auger snow biower, N.H. No. 469 lisybino, hay elevalor wilh under carrdage, 2 New Ides 214 single beater menure epreador wlth hydraulic tlat gales, weed eprayer 100 gai. fiborgiase tank, 1 yer oid. J. 494A - 4 row corn planter, 2 hydrauiic rame, JOD. Model H raclor needs repaire, 14 Inch chain saw, 2 sels harrows, 200 gal i01lank, 5 hp. molor, Fristomat, 27 h. tfeeder, lhreo point hitch ecrape blae steel rouler, large aasorlmont boîte and nuls, large assoriment of tools, lires and im;i, gnIndos. traiter, mêtl siding, steel p!ping, berb wlre, 2 wagon ioads emallItiems, 1000 baies hay and milking oquipmenl. ,-urnIturs and antiques MotlaI Gourmet stove (green) Tâppln dlshwasher - bulitlln green). Inglis waeher and dryor goid), pIns 6" har- veet table, 4 ladder back chairs wllh tope seaie, prees back chairs, old paintod harveel table, f lat 2 Pc pIns cupboard, oid school desk. Aiaddln henglng lamp, sofa, windso)r rocker, Royal Daullon plates .r.0115d10rs) proverbe, the Wine Seller, the Gyp- F aise and setoches trom Jeniers,F Deproselon glass, :oppsr kettle, copper lray. crestki and sugar, ligurne.lady on a pedeetai baso, oid, Royal Baefrsuth candlsstIck holder, hsnd mode weaving tramne, hunrICan lemp. Florentin Decorative pîcluras, macrame screen, 1940 medicai dlic- tionaiy, cupe andi saucera Japan) Stack Amthials rose bowl, candis stick and dlali, trunke, glasses. china, butter bowls, chairs, oid records, pic. ture trames, 51 pin@ counterornale ;.alhefr radIner chair, TV sterso corn- bination B&W, dressera, drapes and many more items. This le a large sale of excellent queiity. Much of the mechinery being neary new and 1h. tumilure Saes ias somelhing for everyorie. 2 suc- lioneffrs No reserve. Terme cash or ID choque. Lunch avalable. Farm Sold. Aucioneer Murray Jackson 1- 416-9052459. = RCRETINAL WANTED - used boasa and motors, cabin traliers and lent traitera 10 b. soid on consignment. Wilde Sales. 655-8010. 79 YAMAHA XS-750-SF Specilapr- ledt condition, shafl drive, mage, $2,750. Oel 668-5301 or836283. 1975 STARCRAFT 16' fIbregiese boat with 65 Mercury motor and traiter, many exîras, excellent condition. Asiing $4,000.- cail 655-3091 or 655- 3563. 340 TNT SKIDOO, 800 miles, make of- fer. 668-5155. DACAE DAY CARE ln aiy homne, 2 yease& o1lder, Pisses ceili668-0874. GARG ALES HUGE GARAGE SAL, Saturday, May 24, 10-4 p.n. 1005 McCuliough Drive. CMDDATION ANNES a DUNLOP STREET In WhIt. by - tomais lies 2 bedroom sparlment 10 chars, wilh reliabie female 3125month plus hydro. 668-9471. SWIMMING POOLS Factory overstock sale of new 1979 pools. These corne complote wlth watkaround dock, patio, fenclng, pump, motoir and f liter. Rogular price $2400, now $1498. Cail IMPERIAL POOLS toîl f ree 1-800-268- 5970. SUNDAY, MAY 259 a&m - 4 p.m., 701 Anderson St., Whllby corner of An- derson & Fredrick Ste.) china, books, chirsjock albums. Someathlng for evsryone. OSHAWA ANTIQUE GUN COLLEC. TORS show & sale, Kinsmen com. munltyConter, 109 coîbourne st. w., *Oshawa, sunday, Moy 2,1009an 1 p:mn., Ladies Silver 'Dollar draws. Ac(nisslon 31.00, Ladies fre.. 'FLORIDAVACAnOj4)N R ENTALS CLEAAWATER FLORIDAI - six, 3 bedroom, furnished mobile <par- u'ianent) homes. Pools, tennis, shuf- ileboard, air, guit, boaches, Disney Worid. ChIldren wolcome. 6835503. WANTED14'aiumlnum boat. Oeil 655. w PAGE 21