WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, NMAY 1-8K 19 80. PAGE 5 Afer 13 y ears, Sister Midred iretires Kids nowadays tend to ap- preciate their rights more and are willing to accept the responsibility that goes with them said Sister Mildred Moyle, retiring principal of Denis O'Connor Hgh Sehool in Whitby. they expect 50 more students at the beginning of Septem- ber. faded away and is now replaced with an individual awareness of Mie in the world. "I think parents are con- Chapleau, Ontario and a graduate of the University of Ottawa and the teachers college in North Bay, said that she had always wanted to be a teacher. Sister Mildred became a nun in the order of the Grey Sisters of the Immaculate Conception after having taught in sehool for one year. Now that she is retiring she wants to take one year out to go to Washington, D.C. for a time of self renewal. Afterwards, she hopes to get back into the prison ministry which she has been involved in for the past two summers in Thunder Bay. After the year in Washington is over, she hopes to continue ties with Denis O'Connor to the best extent possible. The current sex education controversy which hit Durham Region has got Sister Mildred worried. "In high school we don't have the same problems as in the elementary level with sex education, " she said. "We do teach it here but the emphasis is put on the moral values." She feels that teaching of just the plain facts of life and leaving the decision of what is right and what is wrong up to the -kids is bad. "The difference is that we are willing to say no and the kids want this today," she said. "Society is only as good as the moral standards of those in it," said Sister Mildred. METAL S Sister Mary Goulet is scheduled to take over Sister Mildred's position as prin- cipal at the beginning of the next school year. PLASTICS ROJ3IN'S NESI ENQRAVINQ WHITSY. ONTARIO TELEPHONE 668-9714 (AFTER 5 PM) NAME BADGES- TROPHIES - SIGNS IDESK PLATES - JEWELRY - STEINS Sister Mildred, who has been with Denis O'Connor for 13 years, will be retiring at the end of this school year. One of the many high poin- ts of' her stay at Denis O'Connor has been the in- creased enrolîment that has come about, she said.* IlSince Denis O'Connor started to pick up enrolîment eight years ago there has been a steady growth ever since," said Sister Mildred, adding that She attributed the in- crease of student enrolîment to society's growing need for morals. According to her, the rebellion of the 1960's has cerned more about their children and the kids are trying to find proper morals and values," said Sister Mildred. Denis O'Connor has been operating for 18 years and houses grades 9 through 13. Sister Mildred holds nothing but praise for the school. 've really enjoyed my years here. There has been a tremendous teaching staff and great support from parents and the young people," shesaid.. Before Denis O'Connor Sister Mildred taught for 34 years at various other schools. Sister Mildred, a native of Mïc l b àM TYPEWRITERS RENTIT. C iC *LATEST MODELS *IBM SELECTRIC O'CORRECTORS " OLYMPIA -ADDING MACHINES " UNDERWOOD -ELECTRONIC CALCULATORS " SMITH CORONA -DICTATION UNITS " TELEPHONE ANSWERING MACHINES DANFORTH, TYPEWRITER 408 Dundas Street West .2940 Danforth Ave Whitby Toronto 666-1131 Sales & Service 698-2589 est 1930