Brooklin plans accepted by admin comm ittee A 9greem ent The development of and it is expected to b Brooklin is at hand. Monday tabled, until a developmeri night, Whitby Town Coun- agreement with Cor cil's administrative com- solidated Building Compar mittce accepted a set of and Marksborough Propel planning department repor- ties is signed. ts that if adopted by council The recommendation wiil clear the way for the of- alow for a new east-.wes ficial plan amendnient to be collector road to be bul] made north of North Street (S' Councilior Bob Carson, Leo's School). Accordingt who represents the hamiet Carson, this wiil be an er on counicil said that he was tirely new road and wiilno pleased with the recommen- pass through any exisitirj dations of staff. built-up areas. The committee's recom- Another concern that ha mendation wiil be brought been met, Carson says, i before counicil at their that the existing ironing ha. meeting ncxt Monday night been preserved.____ WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 4. 19 Rn. PAGE 1l is ai that is ne.edd o -nt ny cr- st it SL. as is Int eresti*ng 0f the many exhibits at the Brooklln Sprlng Fair, this one has captured the attention of this senior citizen. Itla amodei of the Watts Steam Engine modi ~it eue as a glant log sa w -Free Press Staff Photo ÎIMORTGAGEI '4 E h *~'I'~J~ Ir-m D)OWN 1 If you've been waitin fo mort age rates ta fa, now ?s the time ta move. After hittlng record high levels, mortgage rates have fallen drastically at V&G. You and aur family can feel com (ortable about making the move into that new home you've been waiting for. Cali offce .. . Check aur rates. You'll be happy you did. DraQuus NOW TRUr contact us in Whtby a t 308 Dundas St.W» 668-9324 This appiies particuiariy to those commercial proper- tics outside of the major cen- tre and the residentiai area on Peal Street. Pearl Street wil remain a 10w density residential area and those commercial properties in question will maintain their designation. "The people shouid be pretty darn happy that wc've met and eliviated their concerns." Carson said. However, no action on the officiai plan amendinent wiii be taken until the deveiop- ment agreement has beer signed. This development agreement will stimpulate that water and sewer ser- vices be brought to Brooklin (both the existing and the new areas) at the developers $206 raised for MD Over Uic weekend, the Whtiby Fire Departmcnt raised $206 for muscular dystrophy with q bailoon sale at the Whitby outiet of MacDonaid's Famiiy Restaurant. A spokesman for Uic Sales semîna On Thursday, June 19, the Senior Citizens' Activity Centre will charter a trip to the Woodbine Race Track ieaving at il am . department aid Uiat Lhey want to thank MacDonaid's for their co-operation and al the people who came and bought bailoons. MD is the charity most of- ten sponsored by firefighters across NorthAmerica. tr at ibrary The cost is $350 and in- cludes reserved seat, coffee program and box lunch. For Inore information cail the centre at 668-1424. e2cpense. The town wiil be reluctant to grant an officiai plan amendnient until that agreement is signed, Carson said, because without it, the town wili not be guarantced Uhc servicesor Uhc financial benefits. "The developmcnt agreement is ah Uthe protec- tion wc have," Carson said. Whcn wili the construction of Uich project actualiy begin? That is stili to be determined, Carson said.' -I would think that if Uic development agreement and the officiai plan amendment is carried in June, they have a good cha nce of starting in 1982,"O Carson said. This, however,' will be dependant on how quickly the Region of Durham and the provincial governmcint deal with the proposais. The developers must get their approval before the project can begin. Carson is not optimistic about an 82 starting date. "'Reaiisticaliy, *it may be 1983 before they get star- ted. " You've got a right to equal payfodin snbstantially the same work as a man. Un tact, youi've got a Iaw. Getting paid the same as a man when yau're doing substantially the same wark is the law in Ontario. The trouble is, many femnale employees haven't been paid accarding ta the law, for one reason or another. Examples. It's not goodi enough for employers ta set wage rates on the basis of job title. or to use minor differences in work ta justify differences in pay. For exam pIe men employed as clerks may have ta do some purchasing of plant equipment or sup- plies perhaps. while a womnan clerk may do the purchasing of smaller items-t;tationery. office needs. etc. But minor differer..ýes such as locking up at night, handling petty cash-or lifting neavier loads do not make a 'substan.tial difference"_ in the job and do not.necessarily entitle t he man ta a higher rate of pay. The law states that wh en a woman is doing substantially the same work as a man. she must he paid the same. What "substantially the same"' means. To clar ify it for you, -substantially the sartie' means that the skill, effort, responsibility and work- ing conditions requîred for4he work are similar and any difference in these are of a minor nature. In considering skill, attention is paid ta factors such as experience, train ing and education re quired ta do the work. In considering effort, attention is paid ta the degree of physical or mental exertion required ta do the work. And in considering responsibility, attention is paid ta the degree of accauntability ta others in doing the work. Enforcement of the law. To enforce the equal pay law, the govern ment of Ontario has added extra staff ta the Employment Standards Branch. Their job is ta make spotchecks into businesses across the province, ta audit pay practices and to investigate com plaints made by you ta the Min istry of Labour. Equija pay for equal work.. lt's your right. And if's the law.« If you want mare information or feel you have a valid com plaint, cali or write your local Employment Standards Branch of the Ontario Ministry of Labour. To caîl your local Ernployment Standards Branch, check, your tel ephone directory or ask Bell Directory Assistance fôr the toîl free number. Paying a woman less than a man for dolng substantially the same work isn't just unfair, lit's illegal. Ontario Ministry of Labour Employment Robert G. Elgie. MD Standards Minister B ranch DENTURE THERAPY CLINIC 111i-DUNDAS STREET WEST WHITBY 668-1464 1