PAGE 20, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 4, 1980, WHITBY FREE PRESS SERCES AUTOMOBILES CARPENTRY HOME REPAIRS IMPROVEMENTS METRO LIC. B - 2554 Kitchens, Ceramic Tiling, Drywall, Rec. Rooms, Cedar Decks and Patio Doors. FREE ESTI MATES Calil668-4686 HIGHEST PRICES Paid for GoId and Silver coins, old guns, dlocks, Jewelery, dishes, furniture, crocks, ail, paintings and sealers. FRIENDLY FLEA MARKET 725-9783 23 KING ST. W., OSHAWA DRESSMAKING AND ALTERATIONS DONE. Phone 668-2864. CAIRNS " Property Services " Light Landscaplng Brad Cairns 668-5328 BUBBINS SIDING Alumlnum & vînyl siding, soffltt, fascia & seamlIe5ý alumlInumn eavestroughing Installation. Free estimates, very reasonabie. Cali 666- 1979;, 10 per cent discount for senior ctizens. SWIMMING POOLS Factory overstock sale of new 1979 pools. These corne complete wlth walkaround deck, patio, fenclng, pump, motor and filter. Regular price $2400, now $1498. Cali IMPERIAL POOLS toli f ree 1-800-268- 5970. *Stîmmer activities arc starting, so you may need a new hot lunch idca that can bc prepared ahead of time. Here arc sorne time-saving ideas, from the home economists for Union Carbide, utilizing savoury sausage products. * Lenhil and Sausage Casserole provides a nourishîng meal. Preheat oven to 400 degrees F. (200'C.). Place in greased oven- proof dish 1 cup (250 mL) of cook- cd lentils. Place 1 pound (500 g) pork or beef sausage in boilirig water and simmer for 10 minutes. Drain and place on top of the len- tils. Bake the dîsh uncovered until the sausages are brown. This makes 4 servings. * Sausages bsked with apples can be a real pleaser. Arrange in a on top.' Cover and sîmmer 15 mînutes. Serve with additional ap- plesauce. Makes 6 servings. 1972 FORD LTD WAGON wlth or wthout ce radio. Basf 0f fer. Phone 728-7790. 72 PLYMOUTH VALIANT, 2-door, power-ateerlflg, would make great second car. Aaking $1150 certif led or best offer. Phone 68"6982 after 5 p.m. 72 BUICK A-1 machanicai condit ion, needs some body worlc. Sei as sa 668- 7573. AMC GREMILN 78 - six cylînder stan- dard undercoated, low kilos. Reasonrt for sale; gettlng company car. caîl 8&1287 FOR ENT UNFURNISHED WHITBDY APAR- TMENT, $160, 1-bedroom, Dundas- Brock, 4plece bath, frldge, stove. Brght avaliable now. 05111-787-7308 C~AD WorkIng wlf h people who are helping themselves Send our Tax.DeduCtible dontributiOn To: OXFAM-CANADA Box 18.000 Box 12,00 TORONTO WINNIPEG OTTAWA REGINA HALIFAX CALGARY Li. JIOHNS VANCOUVER Seek the Lord Seek ye the Lord while he may be found, cali ye upon hlm while he is near: Isaiah 55:6 * ..s*S SS S 0 sS es att ans esxr sedn Ah NC FI I1b ELCLANEOUS RENT A POOL Swimming pool manutac- turer wiii lease and instail new 1980 famnliy-sized pool complete with walkway, sun deck and fenclng, on a ren- tai basis with option to buy. Your cholce of style. Try before you buyl Cali IM- PERIAL POOLS toil f ree 1- 800-268-5970. DRAPERY TRACKS Roller BMincis, Verticals, Draperies lnstailed Guarantee Workmanship Your Tracks or Ours I 668-1987 579-5121 SWIMMING PC>OLS - M~ ufacturer has an Inve tory %f *u7g above ground pool., )cle . domplete wlth flter, r- tor iklrr.rrîer, pump, walk- around pati .,fervi:ng. Reguiarly $2,295. Now $144'; Caliitoit free 1- 800-265.8343 for lu nerdetalis. ART PRINTS of 23 Whtby H istorIcal Building exampie station museum. Framed 2 for $2500. un- framed 2 for $1000 Cati 668-4521 15 CU. PT. - 500 lb capaclty f reezer In excellent condition $150, cail 668- 1125 The streets are for Exercise your rights.(1 7 ome money, he D COLLECTINGI : 'OR FURTHER 4FORMATION CALL: 668.,6111: or drop in - IWHITBY FREE PRESSe 131 Broci t . N. Whitby WHITBYS ONLY NE-VYSPAPER 0 LOST- FulI-grown black labrador retrelver teat sean Harmony Road norlh ares. Roward 655-4403 GEAE AES GARAGE SALE - 148 Hilicrest Dr. Whitby. June 7, 10 s.m. - 4 p.m. - Bikas, Pot Lîghts, Bathroom Tîle, etc. GARAGE SALE - it wiii b. et 578 Mary Street East, Whitby. Siove, chesterfleld, and matching chair and <miscelianeous Items) dIshes, chiidren's toya., books. Belng Heid June 7 starting 12 noon. ANNUAL DECORATION DAY GROVESIDE CEMETERYý SUN. JUNE 8 -1:3OPM under the auspices of BEETHOVEN LODQE 100F LEEIENCED BOOKEEPER BOOKKEEPER - offering experlen- ced bookkeepIng services. pick-up and dellvery 868-1012. ~HELPj FORD PARTSPERSON. - Experlence n stockroomn and truck parts knowledga a muet. Applicant muat relata to public as welI as trade ac- counts. Saiary plus sales bonus ln- centiva program. Drug plan and group Insurance. Reply Part Manager Glenwood Lincoln Mercury 868-5893 HOMEMAKERS WANTED- The Whlt- by Roeross requirea competant househoid manager show enjoy per- sonai contact with members of the communIty ranglng f rom the very young to the elderiy. Car preferred, If lntoreated eall668-2741 for f urther In- formation. AIJOTION SALE - Wednesday, June Il at 6:30 p.m. Prince Albert Hall, 2 miles south 0f Port Perry, estate Of the laie MR. MANSELL STONE. Port Perry and other conslgnments, crome dînette suite and six chairs, cheater- fild & chairs, colour T.V., wash- stand, dressera, pressed back chairs, two good recliners, double bed box- sprlng and mattrees, end tables, kit- chen table. queen sîze box-spring and mattroe, record player & speakers, disas, spin-washer, rlnger-washer, lampe, cool 011 lampe, radios, waikie- tlkie, 8 track, deep hat back massager, head phones, sun lamp, OX13 carpet, gun rack, remInglon chain saw, @tep iadder, trapper boat and ppddies, ca-pet adheslve, gar- den toola, picnIc table, office fur- fture, bicycles end Items too numerous 10 mention. Calil John Pearce, Auction Service 965&7492 SATURDAY, JUNE 7, 11:00 &.m. Fur- nIture, antiques, boat, car, Roai Estate. Auction sale the property of Stanley and 'Florence Black of Manil,Iocated the let street east of the store turn rIght, second house on the lotI <watch for algn) Real Estate - Beautiful Modemn Brick Ranch stylo Bungalow wlh breezeway and attached garage, elec- trîcal heated double lnsulated, 3 bedrooms, lnlng room, living room and bath wllh flnlshed basement providing 27,000 sq. ft. of 1,i ng space on a lot 88 x 130, taxas approx. $500.00, hast and hydro $; par mon- 1h. Terme $2000.00 day o' sale and 10 close ln 60 days, owner ,MIi take back a 50% mortgage et il'e,. This proper- ty wlll be shown only rprevious to sale day, for appolntment eaul Stan Black at 1-705357-3304. Boat - 1978 Tempast Boat, 17 fi. In- board outboard used 19 hrs, 140 horse, 4 cylînder chev motor with Mercury stem drive ioaded wlth ex. Iras on a easi loader iralier wlth spolse wheeis eioo 14' convertible boat and traller. Car - 1970 Torîno G.T. Convertible nover wlnier-drlven, 351 dleveland Hi performance rîding on 4 new ralaed whie letter good year tires loaded with many extras. 1 tandum horse trailer. Furnîture and Antiques - G.E. Frudge, Kenmore washor and dryer nearly new. Mottai atove, G.E. freezer, 3 years circuler chestorfieid, chester- fild and chair, thzy boy chair, 2 bedroom suites, antique aide board, antique dlning roon chairs, weshstend, steel bed-, kitchen table and chairs, cool stove, 26" colour TV, cabinet type. Smith dorons typewriter, chine cabinet, trunk, hospîtal bed, o11 stove, pictures, war- drobe, dishes, chine, new quille made by Mrs. Black, antique ciock, lampe, baby crib wIth new msttress, single bed, new electric broom, vacuum cleaner, records, stove fan, wringer wesher, Modei T Ford tire and rim, 1- 670-15-8 ply tire on rlm, large tishing tackle box and equipment, eiumInum windows, body shop bools, gardon tools, ferlilizer drill, soif propeîied Iawnmower and many more Items too numerous to mention. This sa a fine sale of welI cared for Items - weIl wor- th your attendence. Lunch availabie. Terme cash or ID cheque. Sale manager and auctioneer, Murray Jackson, Port Perry 1-416-985-2459. ESADE OHOLS TRACTOR C ms a av&iens Tractor Trailer Train ing Lt<j. 416-864-9381 Established 1971 :about a Paper ]Route? THE eWHITBY FREE PRESSE :is looking for carriers for : Wednesday afternoons., e Boys & Girls 9 or older