WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY. JUNE 4,19 80, PAGE 5 Jaycees receive "Gold Chip" Pictured above is the recently elected 1980-81 executive committee of the Whitby Jaycees. Seated is president Keith Wager and surrounding him from left to right is second vice- president Bob Buchan; past president Joe Arbuthnott (holding the gavel over Wager's head); and treasurer Bob Richardson, Not available for the photograph was first vice-president Dave Loft; and secretary Charles Gottfried. -Free Press Staff Photo. 1980-81 Jaycee, Jaycette exec utive The newly elected 1980-81 president of Whtby Jaycees is confident that his organization will continue to grow throughout the coming year. Keith Wager- said in a written statement that, "the Whitby Jaycees have a long tradition of service to the community, this year should see more of the same with our members getting in- volved with youth programs service to the handicapped and many community bet- terment projects. " With an enrolment of 50 members, the Whitby by branch of the Jaycees is the li'rgest in Durham Region. Wager said that in order to make the best use of the membership and special town liason person wiil be appointed i the near future. The tradition courses i leadership development and other learning opportunities wii be continued, he said. l'AUi l al, it promises to a very busy, and a very rewarding year for the Whitby Jaycees,"' Wager said adding that anyone in- terested i joining thlsy young men's organization should contact hini at 668- "1612. Wager also announced that his organization took eight first place and two second place honors i the annual region competitions. Out goig president, Joe Arbuthnott, was named out- standing president of the year for the region which borders on Oakville and Montreal. Whitby Jaycees were also name the outstanding unit of the year as well as attaining the "Gold Chip" for five years of excellence in unit management. Whitby is one of onily ten "Gold Chp Jaycee branches in the count.ry. Pictured above is the 1980-81 commttee of the Whitby Jaycettes. Seated is president Charlotte Buchan and surrounding her from lef t to right is first vice- president Bey Balsdon; second vice-president Lynn Arbvthnott; past-president Hazel Hoît; secretary, Pat Napadek; and treasurer Wendy Johnston.-FePrsStfPho 13 King St. W. Oshawa seuls ouf diri an.d protects the tif. of you-r valuable draperies. MODERN CLEANERS LTD. Exclusive Exact-a-Drape process 321 Olve Ave., 7841 Oshawa ,7841 *MgER Y CLuANIms ASSOC. (Ontario) -MEMB8ER DRAP!UIY PROCESSOUS OVILD<iAm.rca) Toe own and re.hong sevice ovoIIoble 0f slight odditio» 01 chorg.. FIESTA WEEK! 4 et flnc. s Whoit Who WHO -wtpt to stand out i the crowd i excoptionl d@fhiIng et Whose Who* W HO -went f0 Montrui especdyW for you to pick up nmy new exciin cothes for you to wear during fhls fun-fU.d w.ekI Corne and se« us at# nanci's Who:e Wh 579m2401 Ààk v 1 1