Nuclear energy protests have blackout of large areas such as experienced around 1965. Prolonged blackouts can produce disastrous resuits. we are s0 completely dependent on the use of electricity for things such as, gas pumps, furnaces, stoves, communications and many other things. Because of the lead time required in building generating stations, fourteen years are required. It becomes necessary for the planners to estimate what the demands will be in the mid-i990's. With the state of the economy to day it becomes virtually impossible to estimate with any accuracy what the demand wiI be that many years ahead. Neyer the bss it becomes mandatory that such forecasts must be made to avoid a collapse of our society. To avoid such a situation estimates must be on the conserative side. Failure to get the proper perspective now of our energy situation can result in serious consequences which can be dif- ficult to imagine. We cannot afford to waste time debating the merits or otherwise of the nuclear system. There is no other service available in the quanties required. One of the problems is for the layman to understand the IITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 18, 1980, PAGE 17 complex problems which exist with the overaîl question of meeting the energy needs. Before we allow ourselves to overreact or panic we should learn as much as possible from genuine sources, the latter being most important. There has been much criticism of our over building generating plants. Public opinion has been qulte unfair in it'sî crltlclsm beause of the lack of understandlng ini regard to the fourteen year lead Urne requlred to plan and build stations. If various levels of government and industry could concelve it possible to electrlfy our railroad systema as is dmnn Europe we could save many millions of barrels of fuel over the years. Lt should not be necessary to do long, delayed and costly studies as the know how expertise is readlly available. There are so many things which could be dons before it la too late. Airplane travel could be rethought i some areas too. Do we need the overabundance of flights? Not reaily. Why not restrict local flights across Canada? Let's learn all we can and hope the rabble rousers will do the same. They might very well put their time to better use. created fear "Get Your Facts, And Then You Can Distort Themn As Much As You Please." MARK TWAIN. Energy is a much talked about subject these days, a worrisome topic, not understood by many. A very emotional issue often the resuit of ignorance. Before demnonstrators do their thing before the cameras some intelligent thought should precede their actions. If they thought this out carefully and well they would no doubt stay home. Word association creates fear, i.e., the bomb. Say or listen to the word "Inuclear" and immeciately most people think of the bomb and or war. When cars were first used in England a man was required to walk in front of the car with a red flag before the car would precede along the road. The speed limnit was four miles an hours. Does this tell us something? The car no doubt was a feared and dangerous thing in those early days. today the words nuclear and radiation create a fear and trenibling in many people. A great deal of fear cornes from ignorance. People fear what they don't understand. The critics do not have answers. Look for solutions and then after a study has been done you may allow yourself to be a self claimed critic. When the crash of an aircraft occurs a very concerted effort la made to find the cause. Once found an effort is made to en- sure that a similar failure will not be repeated with other air- craft. So it is with things nuclear. Possibly the accident at Three Mile Island is the best thing which could have happened. The resuit has been a stimulated study and developmnent in more sophisticated studies and procedures. Rumour and sup- position are not necessiirily facts. I would be interested to know the real facts, not press reports. After many conversations with people both pro and con, about nulear energy I arn bewildered and confused. I listen to both sides and feel I understand the ramifactions of such. When I listen to people who are on the anti-side their agrumen- ts seemn fair and square until I reallze it is ahl too simple. Now after talking to a friend who is a professional engineer in this field, one whom I trust and respect I feel I have a better understanding of the whole thing and image I an now on the pro-side. Two main points. Do people really understand energy con- servation? What is being dons to develop energy resources? Main empathasis is being put on petroleum or oil as a source of energy also solar heat. The latter cannot solve the problemn and Is totally unthinkable. Other things such as wind and tidal power we hear passing reference to. The important source is nuclear and there has been strong opposition to this and this feeling will continue until people have a better understanding of the subject. The birth of new and different ideas generally creates fear and it has always been thus. At the present time this form of energy is the only viable formn. This has to be recognized until someone can corne along with another form of energy which can meet the demand, which at this time is not available. We have not yet developed another forîn of energy which can be made available in suf- ficient quantities; until this can be done we must accept nuclear power. If we do not have enough generating plants to meet the demand at any given time. The electrical supply network can become unstable and resuit in a complet collapse of a major portion of the system. This means very simply a con-plete FOur historical1 hertitage i;79 uJu By EUG UNE HENRY, Whitby's forernost Ihistorian Will return next week i25TH ANNUVERSARY c. 1855-1980 THE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITBY WHITBY RECREATION DEPTU IROQUOIS PARK POOL SUMMER SWIMMING PROGRAMME INSTRUCTION REGISTRATION: WHEN: Childrens Classes: Aduit Classes: INSTRUCTIONAL RATES: ADULT CLASSES: Iroquois Park, (Corner of Henry and Victoria Streets) SATURDAY, JUNE 2lst - 9:00 arn - 11:00 arn for both JuIy and August sessions 3 weeks - 15 lessons - Monday thru Frlday. 4 weeks - 8 lessons - Tuesdays and Thursdays. Mom and Me Shrlmp and Shark Childrens Classes R.L.S.S. Leaders $1 7.00 $14.00 $14.00 $1 7.00 $22.00 Tuesday and Thursday Evenlngs - 9:00 - 10:00 p.m. 8 lessons per mon 'th; twlce weekly - $1 2.00 Test on 8th Lesson. The classes listed operate dally, Monday thru Frlday, except ln the case of the public holldays onTuesday July lst and Monday August 4th. It Is recommended that swimniers have attalned the previaus award before contlnuing to the next level. PLEASE NOTE:Casses are fiiIed on a first corne, first served basis Enrol- ment on registration day ls encouraged. YOU MAY REGISTER FOR ONE (1) FAMILY ONLY. JULY INSTRUCTION COMMENCES LAST CLASS Ail testlng completed by AUGUST INSTRUCTION COMMENCES LAST CLASSO% Ail testing completed by Mornand Me Shrimp Sliark Pre-Beginner Beginner Advanced Beginner Survivat Pro-Junior Junior Pre-intermediate Lif e Saving 1, 11, 111 Intermediate Senior R.L.S.S. -Bronze Leaders - Wednesday, July 2, 1980 - Tuesday, July 22,1980 - Friday, JuIy 25, 1980 - Tuesday, August 5th, 19lO -Monday, August 25th, 1980 -Friday, August 29th, 1980 40 minutes per tesson 40 minutes per tesson 40 minutes per tesson 45 minutes per tesson 45 minutes per tesson 45 minutes per tesson 45 minutes per tesson 45 minutes per iesson 45 minutes per lesson 45 minutes per tesson 45 minutes per tesson 45 minutes per tesson 45 minutes par tesson 75 minutes par tesson 120 minutes per tesson 10:30 arn or 6:15 PMn 9:00, 9:à5, 10:30,11:15 arn or 5:30 & 6:15 PM 9:0,9:45,11:15 arn or 5:30, & 6:15 prn 9:00,9:45, 10:30 or 11:15 arn 9:00, 9:45, 10:30 or 11:15 arn 9:00,9:45 arn 10:30 arn 9:45 or 11:15 arn 9:00 or 10:30 arn 9:45 am 10:3Oamn 9:OOam 15:3 amrLe 1:15 arn4 à To bs Announced Cal 666-7765 ADULT SWIMMING LESSONS - TWICE WEEKLY - TUESDAY AND THURSDAY Aduit Leam to Swim Aduit Beginner Aduit Junior Aduit Internuediate Aduit Senior 9:00OPm 9:00 Pm 9:00 Pm 9:00 Pm 9:00 Pm 1 - - -