WFIITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 1 & 19 9). PAGE 3 Me wen renmnsriders of hourly bus sehedule Whitby residents should be reminded that the town is providing a one hour bus service. According to Forbes McEwen, assistant ad- ministrator of the town, the buses ran on an hourly basis with a haif-hour rush hour service that is provided from 6:30 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. and from 3:30 p.m. to 6 p.m. from Monday to Friday. There is no weekend bus service. "One of the things that is not clearly½ 2conveyed in the literature is that the town is providing a one hour ser- vice," McEwen said. The buses have routes that make a figure eight. Accor- ding to McEwen, the 'A' bus that does the nortwest of town also the 'C' bus that covers the soUtheast. The 'B' bus that covers the northeast is also the 'D' bus that covers the southwest thereby dividing the town in- to four sections. The bus takes a haif hour to complete each section. McEwen said that if a per- son mounted the bus at the western limit on White Oaks Court, that bus would take tliem to the Whitby Mail at Thickson's Road. However, if that person wanted to go to the Whitby Psychiatrie Hostpital, he or she would have to transfer at the "Four Corners." Ail of Whitby buses travel to the "Four Corners," which is used as the centre point for the routes. McEwen also advises passengers on the buses to ask the dirver for directions to get to where they desire to_ go. GEORGE ASilE, MPP Timnbreil says no to new role for Ruddy Hospital Ontario Minister of Health Dennis Timbreli has rejec- ted a proposai to make the Dr. J. 0. Ruddy General Hospital the basis for the redevelopment of the Whit- by Psychiatrie Hospital. Responding to a recent question from Durham West MPP George Ashe in the legisiature, Timbreli said, "for the record, the draft report prepared by the con- sultants for the health coun- cil on the hospital roale study has said they feel the Dr. Joseph- 0. Ruddy General Hospital should form the core of the rebuit Whitby Psychiatrie Hospital; that is, the report would put it out of active and /or chronic care. 111 do not agree with that recommendation and 1 will be so indicating to the health council in the not-too-distant future. " The Durham Regional District Health Council has commissioned Peat, Mar- wick and Partners to do a hospital role study earlier this year. That report made the recommendation that the hospital be retired from ac- tive medical care and used in the promised redevelop- ment of Whitby Psychiatric Hosptial. The helath council had yet to receive the consultant's findal report or to make any recommendation to Tim- breil. J cALLIST1RS L Present That added Touch to finish your Living room. Choose fromn 7 decorative colors in velvet. ]Chair $24800 McA L LSTEgS Where Discerning People Make An Investmerl n BeautY 70 ROMSAND RD. W. I)SHAWA 576-6465 Mon.. Tues_. Wed. 10-6 ~ Thurs . Fn. 1 0-9-Sat. 10-5 r hi ,66S eiko, W.atches 130% IIIGP - -__mwmým- Alil Sales Final 20 Simcoe St. S. American Express Chargex Oshaw>a, Ont. Master Charge 723-7133 Mon. -Thurs. 9:30-6 ~ Fr. 9:30-9:00 Sat. 9:30-6