PAG E 16, WEDNÈSDAY, J UNE '25, 1980, WHITBY FREE P5RESS Gro up bylaw wanted Jue 27.0 a 81 O. i WityC. - .0- 75 participants from across Durham Region came together for a day ta discuss the matter. " In the brief, Oshawa and Whitby are being asked ta open up ail residential areas of the city ta group homes but that certain distances be required between new homes. The brief recom- mends also that a registry of group homes be maintained by municipalities. "To be registered a group home must be supervised, sanctioned by the Durham Region Public Health Department, preparu d to undergo regular inspections by this Department, and in compliance with fire, health and building regulations. " For those existing group homes which meet registration standards but do not comply with spacing requirements it is recom- mended that they be allowed to continue in operation as non-conforming uses. Group homes in the Oshawa area include John Boscoe Home For Boys and Glenhome Residence for the mentally retarded. "In my opinion" saYs Boland, "the time is right for an inclusive policy and by-law on group homes. We are hoping that Oshawa and Whitby will develop that by- law whlch will seve as a model to other municipalities in Durham Region." WiilBeath retitre? The Social Plarnng Coun- cil 0f Oshawa-Whitby wilI be asking the councils of Oshawa anxd Whitby ta develop a group home by- law for their muriicipalities. At its June 3 rr:eeting, the Board of the Social Planning Council of Oshawa-Whitby gave its full support ta such a by-law as recormmended in a brief prepared by a corn- mnittee chaired ly Theresa Boland. This nine-mernber corn- mnittee was estatlished last October to investigate a group home policy for the two neighbouring niunicipalities. The corn- niittee was successful in at- tracting the participation of several persons represen- ting various ageicies in the community who have an in- terest in for such a by-law. "There is a hlgh level of interest in this issue of the location of group homes," says Boland, "A recent Group Horne Conference sponsored, by the Social Planning Advisory Group (SPAG) in early Spring provided evidence of this as Beath has held the chairman's office the in- traduction of regional government in 1974. He also said that when he reaches a decision he will announce it ta council prior to the November 10 municipal election. Durhing 30 year political career, Beath said that a premature announcement can be embarassing not only ta himself but ta other people as well. Beath was appointed Durham's first chairnian by the provincial gaver- nment and was re-elected HAVE YOU TRIED. A RIDE ON WHITBY TRANSIT?] 129 WrfSte-CkErig nt Jkq e3- -W/ l ci32- NEPTUNE MARINE SERVICES OF FRENCHMANS BAY & SRLIITON, ONTý HAS ANEW FACILITY AT' 16me chades st. on Whitby Harbour OFFERING YACHT SALES -SERVKI- REPAIRS in 1976 and 1978. However, his election in 1978 was the source of con- troversy as he voted, for himnself when regional council was divided bet- ween him and Oshawa Regional Councillor Allan Pilkey for the office of chairman. Beath was not a can- didate for municipal office in his home city of Oshawa during the last election. Since Beath's vote, coun- cil has changed its rules ta prohibit the current chair- man form casting a tie- breaking vote during the election of chairman. 1 8,t574 out of work The number of clients unemployed and registered for work at the Canada Employment Centres in Ajax, Whitby and Oshawa for the, month of May totalled 18,574, consisting of 8,578 female and 9,996 male clients. -This figure includes 7,265 students, ac- cording ta spokesman, Gary Hillier. Placements in the three offices totalled 844 for the month, which compares ta a total of 540 placements during April. The majority of clients were registered in the student category: material handling and related; contruction trades; product fabricating, assembling and repairing; clerical and related; sales; services, he said. During May, the greatest employment opportunities existed in Retail Trade; Accommodation and Food Services; Personal Ser- vices. In May, there were 39 agreements signed under the Canada Manpower In- dustrial Training Program.> As a result, 49 people will benefit fromn bath training and em- ployment in the Region of Durham. At the end of May, there were 158 students in the skill courses sponsored by the Canada Employment Centre and 35 people receiving academic upgrading at Durham College. Employers are encouraged ta .,,ntact the student centres in Ajax, Bowmanville, Oshawa and Whitby ta place their )r- ders for summr'r vacan- ci es. Walter Beath said last week that he has madae no announcement stating that he' will step down as Chairman of Durham Regional Council at the end of this terni. There have been rumors flying around the region that Beath had informed members of regional coun- cil's management commit- tee that he will not seek another term in office. 'II have made no announ- cement, yet," Beath said last week. "Nor have I mentioned it ta the com- mitt".."