WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JUNE'25. 1980, PAGE 17 Eric Laycock (far lefteY of the Whtby Jaycees presents Mns. Erika Dovey (right) and her husband (centre) with their prize in the club's "IMWlionaire for a Night" draw that took place earlier this month. Mns. Dovey, a resident of Scarborough, je an .em- ployee - of the Whitby psychiatric Hospital.- OPP urge safe boating habits Safe Boatlng Week runs from July 1 ta JuIy 7 this year and Ontario Provincial Police Commissioner H.H. Graham ie asklng Ontario citizens to take a bard look at their boating habits. Ite OPP takes safe boatlng seriously. The provincial police lias a fleet of more than 80 boats patroffing the provlnces's lakes and rivera. boats have ta ha weil maintained and their crews must ha well trained. Although the pplice crewe spend more finie on the water than the average recreational buater, they face the same hazards. Any boater muet leara the rules of the road and thoee elementary safety practicee which can mean the dif- ference betwveen life and death. While some of the marine officer's training wiI relate directly to law enforcement, they are alea instructed on âtmes like fire precautions, manoverboard proceduree and boat, handling which should be at any boater's fingertips. - Many recreational boatere overlook navigation and Le.O. V.eE. t oeach Engli"sh The Durham Board of Education is sponeoring and Engllsh language develop- ment program for the Indo- Chinese refugees that have settled i the Durhami Region that le called L.O.V.E., (Language Orien- tation Visitation Experien- ce). The programn starts Wedneeday, July 2, 1980 and rume through to the end of August. The headquarters Mf the L.O.V.E. project le E.A. Loveil School in down- town Oshawa. Language akilis wiil h developed by firet hand ex- perience by the Indo- Chinese places of intereet and activity in downtown Oshawa, such as a bank, a bakery, the post office or a pet shop. T7hey wi learn the English words associated with the place and the ac- tivity and about the Canadian way oflite. Tbue words willl tbe ---prac--- by the. In0 C"-- refuge. byne Met * p=t ahcovftaI amd wrltlng. Wile tbis progrm Invu eslearning, the. atmosphrewilll ha that of a day camp and not a classroom. The program je open te al member oM the family. There le no fee charge for this prograin. Those who '6-e interested li the L.O.V.E. projeet miet provide their own meanaoM transportation. For furtiier information on the L.O.VE. program, cail Gord MacLean Mf the Durham Board Of Education, 576-400 or John Lubowitz, prograrn ce- ordinator at 728-573 ( ai ter houri). SPECIA-L 1 ALL TV ISERVICE ICALL WITH THISAD ONLY7 FALCON TV 426 Sîmfcoi St. S. 723-001.1 CL..SED SATURDAY DURINO JULY AND AUGUST Guarnte on ail parts and service chart readlng as parts of their defensive boating knowledge. OPP marine Of- ficers k.now of many mishaps simply caused by a lack of knowledge of how ta read the buoys in a marked channél. "«WIth greater knowledge and awareness of the pastime'e pitfalls, many ac- cidents could be prevented," eaid Commissioner Graham. With hundreds of thousan- ds of lakes lni ths province, the, recreational boater will neyer have to look far for an ideal lake or river. What 18 too easily forgotten la that the skli of boating and a knowledge of the waters you, are using must also be thoroughly learned. kk --------- ---- RERDC YOUR SUMR EIRE * IT CUTMQAIYPOOIIHN p, :~'4.'4 LOATO CALL6 l 55 L ors BsWIck, 0111. Buttsy, Eu Penotior, Loraine Pools. SUMMER SPI Specilis ln effeot from June 3 Monday-Thursdi Ladies, Gentlemen & C Ladies à Mm - Ail perme reg. $29.50 UF Ladies- Wash. eut & style, reg. $12.00 N WVash a Style, reg. $8.00 NOW1 ) Coiourlng, reg. $1 5.00 NOW $9, Hena treatment, reg $21 .00 NO eraids reg. $15.00 NOW $86.00 MENS - Cut, wash &style. reg. $10.00 N~ Shor< cuts. reg 85.00 NOW ME. Oilîdren - eut & style reg. 87.00 NOW te -Cut reg. $5.00 N0W82.5 MQNDAY - SATURD Senior Citizen I& Prie includin Fr»1 Penn reg.-82950 up ta 850.00 Nl Cut, Wash & Set reg. 16M5 NOW Roner Set reg. 89.50 NOW 84.75 Colourlnreg. 89.50 N0W8475 Applolntment not always i BLAIR PARK PLAZA, WKITBY mzo ChIarollo, Karen ECIALS W4-uIy 31, 1980 may OnIy 'hlldren p o M5.00 NOW $10-00 Off 10W 810.00 W $12.00 IOW $8.00 510 4.00 MY ONLY 's Rins N0W %k PRICE v8SZ75 668-5441 t I ne"s"m