A"N Empoyes 4ermnde t empaloers eninedne K-Mart exp ansion approved By MICHAEL KNELL Free Press Staff Despite the loud and emotional objections of Corridor Area resients, Whitby Town Council ap- proved the plans for the ex- pansion of the K-Mart Plaza at the corner of Dundas Street West and Kendalwood Road. The eroDansion of the m-fl has the centre of controver- sy in the Iast eight months over the proposed site of a restaurant in the north-east corner of the plaza (the south-west corner of the in- tersection) within a few feet of the historical cairn. While ares residents have given their blessing to the expansion of the mail, they severely objected to the site of the restaurant. They have claimed that it would create many problems for their neigh- bourhood, which has existed longer that the plaza, in the areas of parking, odour and garbage control. However, at Monday night's council meeting, the main objection to giving ap- proval was their dlaim that they had not been informed that the matter was to corne up at last week's ad- ministration committee meeting. They said that t hey were not informed by any mem- ber of staff, officially, and when they found out about the meeting and went, were not given ample opportunity to speak to the matter. CONT'D ON PG. 12 Surgie ai co ntrols wanted The coroner's jury in- vestigating the death of a five year old boy said last week that Tysen Havard died of the effects of the general anaesthetic given him and because bis heart beat was - inadequatley monitored durig an operation at.Whitby's Dr. J. 0. Ruddy Hospital. The jury also handed down a set of eight recommen- dations with its verdict i- cluding one that would make constant monitoring of a pataients heart mandatory during surgery. This monitoring should be done by both mechanical and manual methods. During the three day inquest, the jury was told that the boy was not connec- ted to available heart and pulse monitors during an operation to correct a urogenital problem on January 8, when he suffered from cardiac arrest. After being resuscitated, Havard was transferred to the Hospital for Sîck Children in Toronto where he was pronounced dead the following day. Ananaesthesia speciallat from the Sick Children's Hosptial told the inquest that cardiac arrrest was the resuit of a number of factors that led to the decrease i the function in the heart. Dr. Davis Pelton said that this would probably have happened gradually but over a short period of time. He said that because the boy had nothing to drink si- ce before 8 p.m. on the CONT'D ON PG. 6 Joanne Dosza, manager of Whitby office of Canada Manpower student services, helps Whitby Mayor Jlm Gartshore cut the cake to of- ficIaIIy June as "Hire a Student Month." During June, the service contacts employers ln the town and encourages them to hire students during the sumnmer months. 0f the 1,000 students registered with the VVhitby office, 200 of themn have already been placed ln jobs.' The number placed last year was 375. Any employer wanting to hire a studnet for the summer is asked to cati the office at 668- 5233. ______________ mony testî page 3