WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JULY 9, 1980, PAGE il Report from Queen's Park people of this province to practice energy conservation. Energy conservation is the highest priority of the Ontario Ministry of Energy. Allhough Canada has large resources of petroleuin in the form of heavy oul and tar sands, and inl of- fshore and frontier reserves, it will take many years, plus enorînous financial investrment to develop these resources. We ini Ontario use about 20 per cent of Canda's total petroleum supply, and Ontario has almost no oil of its own. We must pur- chase wJit.we need from outside the province. But there is one petroleurn source that Ontario has plenty of, and that is the oùl we conserve. This source is llmited only by our imagination and our wil to action. This energy is cheap and it is powerful. It is as abundant as ail our present energy supplies combined. To take full advantage of this source of energy, we must ail become Energy Savers. The suxmcer phase of the Ontario Energy Savers campaign wii focus on the transportation sector and wil demonstrate that good driving habits, including oboying speed limits, when combined with a weil-tuned car, can result in substantial savings of gasoline and diesel fuel. Ontario drivers are expected to consume about three billion gallons of gasoline and diesel fuel over the next 12 months. Almost al of this amount cornes from outside the province. If our consuiption coulb bo redtuced by 10 per cent, we would save 300 million gallons of fuel (avoiding costs of over $300 million at today's prices). And that's the target the minister has set for the summper phase of the Ontario* Energy Savers program ... to reduce gasoline and diesel consumption by 10 per On Thursday July 3, the Ontario Minister 0f Energy and myseif officiaily launched a new program called "Ontario Energy Savers" at an extravaganza raily in Nathan Phiilips Sciuare, Toronto. This program is designed to encourage the Bi TO ANNOUNCE THAT URTINSKY FLORISTS 214 Dundas St E WIL L BE CLOS] FOR HOU July 14 ED DAYS m-26 mma WHITBY CERAMICS SUMMER SALE! G reenware Xmas Lites Brushes Decals ALL 2 0%0cOFF Bring Your Own Boxes Tues., Wed., Thurs., Fr1., - 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. 1450 Hopkins Street, Whitby 668a6941 :GRAND OPENINO SPECIAL! i~WINDOWI TINTING se FOR ALL OFF AMY 1~ AUTOMOBILES WINDOW TlNTNG With This Coupon Only (Offer oodUntil August 1,190 :~ i"Mode In The Shde" -1-1 iUMA 695 Finley Ave., Unit 8 683.1903 ÏI 1 c cent. Here are ways to save energy on the road. Keep your car tuned and increase gas efficiency by as much as 12 per cent. Check tire pressure ... under-flated tires can reduce gasoline mileage. If your car's alignent is off it can cause drag and waste energy. Avoid jack rabbit starts ... they waste fuel and you don't get there any faster. Slow down driving up a hili and don't accelerate down the other side. Clean out your trunk and back seat. Carrying extra weight is energy wasted. Don't rest your foot on the brake pedal. It's dangerous, eats Up gas and wegrs out your brakes. Drive within the legal speed limit...staying below 90 kph uses about 20 per cent less gas. If you need new tires, switch to radial and get five per cent better gas mileage. Change your air filter often. A dirty filter can cut your gas mileage by as much as 10 per cent. Think about swîtching to a standard transmission if your buying a new car. You can get about 10 per cent better mileage than with an automatic transmission. Life is good in Ontario. We can conserve it and preserve it by becoming Ontario Energy Savers. The minister of energy is calling on everyone to support this important program by concentrating on reducing your consumption of gasoline during these summer months. Hopefully by fail this wiil bo a way of life for you, and we wil then launch the conservation of heating oil phase of the On- tario Energy Savers program. To obtain a brochure outlining the way to Save Energy on the Road, contact my Constituency Office in Ajax at 683-6707. p. cJJ. By GEORGE ASHE, MPP (PC-DURHAM WEST) M