1*~ WHITBY FR.EE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JULY 16, 1980, PAGE 19 The 1980 Anderson Ontarjo seholar' s LISA DUGGAN ----- DEBORAH DZIKEWICH, I The students pictured here An Ontario Seholar is a are Anderson Collegiate and grade 13 student who Vocational Institutes On acheives an overal tario Scholar's for this year. avearage of 80 percent. JANE TAYLOR FREDERICK HORNE New downtown developm ent possiblie CONT'D FROM PG. 1 town." Whitby's senior member of council believes that t.he completion of the projeet will 44open up a lot of land for development in the down- town." "It will rejuvenate the whole area east of Brock Street, south of the CPR tracks and over to Reynolds Street," he said. "This will allow for better THE 0HjAM BER 0F invites you to JUDITH LANE SUMMER SPECIALS Speclals ln effect f rom June 30-JuIy 31,1980 Monday to Thursday Ladies, Gentlemen & ChfIldrenI Ladies&Men ALL PERMS reg. 829.50Up to $50.00 NOW 810.00 Off LADIESI WASH, CUT & STYLE WASH & STYLE COLOURING I reg. $12.00 NOW $10.00 reg. $8.00 NOW $6.00 reg. $15.00 NOW 89.50 HENNA TREATMENT reg $21.00 NOW $12.00 WASH, CUT & STYLE reg. $10.00 NOW $8.00 CUT & STYLE reg. $7.00 NOW $5.00 MONDAY MENS CUT reg. $5.00 NOW 82.50 to SAtU RDAY BRAIDS reg. $15.00 NOW $6.00 SHORT CUIS reg 85.00 NOW 83.50 Senior Citizens ½Price Includlng Free Rinse PE RMS reg. $29.50 up to $50.00 NOW % PRICE CUT, WASH & SET reg $12.00 NOW $6.00 ROLLER SET COLOURING reg $6.50 NOW $2.75 reg $1 9I00NOW $7.50 ArDolntment lot alwavs neCeSSarv BLAIR PARK PLAZA, WHITBY 6854 roads too. " Emm, however, did flot indicate when any of the road and other improvemen- ts will take place although he did say that they would have to be discussed during the budget deliberations. He did say at the down- town can now grow more rapidly. "The whole downtown is in the course of change." A BIR THDA YPAR Ty! Io celebraie Whitbys 125th AnniversaryC O and the 25th year of the Peter Perry Award oENSA JULY 23-,1980 HEYDENSHORE PAVILlON SCocktails 6:*30 p.m. Dinner 7:30 P.m. LIVE BAND Tickets $1 5.00 per personc 0 AVAl LABLE AT THE CHAM BER OFFICE 668-4506 416 CENTRE STREET SOUTH. WHITBY DANCE ONLY - 9 p.m. -$5 COUPLE, $3 PERSON, AVAILABLE AT DOOR q(