Whitby Free Press, 23 Jul 1980, p. 29

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CARPENTRY HOME REPAIRS I MPROVEMENTS METRO LIC. B - 2554 Kitchens, Ceramlc Tling, Drywaii, Rec. Rooms, Cedar Decks and Patio Doors. FREE ESTIMATES CaIli668-4686 HIGH EST PRICES Paici for Goid and Silver coins, old guns, clocks, jewelery, dishes, furniture, crocks, o11, paintings and seaiers. FRIENDLY FLEA MARKET 725-9783 23 KING ST. W., OSHAWA SWIMMING POOLS Inventories muai go on sale, 1980 above ground poos, comploe wilh fliter, molon, pump, waikanound patio, foncing. Roguiariy $2,395, reduced to cliar at $1479. Phone olt ires.11-800- 265-8343 for further doalli. BROOKLIN TOOL CO. SPECIAL SALE Ail air tools. Haif price on ail micrometers, socket & wrench set, vices, jackb, drill sets, drill press, 3 ton hoist, hydroiic garage f loor jack, 11V2 ton capacity $195.00 and sand biaster and other tools for mechanIcs. Al Items fully guaranteed. Made ln U.S.A. COMPLETE AUTOMOTIVE GARAGE SUPPLIES 683-1753 LEARN TO DRIVE TRACTOR TRAILERS OR Straight Trucks Calt1 The Canadian Institutetof TraçtorTrailer Training Ltd. 416-864-9381 Estabiished in 1971 L UOBILES FOR SALE I19178 CUDDY CRUISER, 198 hor- aopwoo, ail extras inctudod as Weil a b>ost dock for lhe soason. Appiy aflerS6 P.m. Coti 579-0791 Factory overstoCk sale of new 1979 pools. These corne Complete wlth walkaround deck, patio, fencing, pump, motor and filiter. Regular prîce $2400, now $1498. Caîl IMPERIAL POOLS toîl f ree 1-800-268- 5970. RENT A POOL Swimnring pool manufac- turer will lease and instail new 1980 famiiy-slzed pool complete wlth waikway, sun deck and fencing, on a ren- tai basis with option to buy. Your choice of style. Try before you buyi Cati INA- PERIAL POOLS toîl free 1. 800-268-5970. TRACTO R TRAILOR TRAINING FOR Ciass A & D Ilcense cal "PARTICi PATION" 416-363-8031 day, eve. & Sat. courses PICKERING TYPE HOUSE Trade Typosettere -Books -Magazines -Catalogues -Brochures, etc. Cel 666829M2 or 683-8500 CAIRNS " Property Services " Light Landscaping Brad Cairns 668-5328 BUBBINS SUDING Atumlnum & vinyl eiding, soffiti, fascia & seamniese aiuminum eavestroughinlg installationi. Free estimates, very roasonabie. Cai 668- 1979 evenings 10 per cent discount for senior citizens. Ontaro WOODS SOFT TOP CAMPER - good condition clw 9' X 12' zip on lent $350. 72 dodge monaco wagon - 318 V8 good condition $500. Phone 883-3472 June 6,810 7 PIECE MAHOGANNY BEDROOM suite, Inciuding two single beds aend two Sheritan style mirrors. Cati 655- 3718 ORGAN usedLOWREY, two-manusi organ, auto rhythm, easy to play. Cali Lowrey Organ à Piano, ln Whitby et 866.3544. Kenmora 15 eu fit treozr, dishwasher, Engiish style baby carniage, and RCA AM-FM stero. 0Cali687258 USED OFFICE FURNITURE We have s warohouse fuit ot used of- fice furnture here In Ajax. Seteclion le good and Inspection le by appoin- tment only. Values are excellent and you can save large amounts over present new prices. For exemple:. Uaed Secretariai posture Chairs seiiing new for up 10 $1 19.00 new mnaY be purchased here for as Mll1e as $29.00. Terme are cash & carry with deiivery avallable. Oelil Dickeon Prin- ting and Office Supplies et 683-1968 for additionslIinformation and an ap- polntmont f0 view. Be safe ... not sorry! Minhslry of Transportaion and CommunÇaions CASH LOAN nover repay. For fires detais write to: Mrs. Lundiow R R 1 Locuet Hill Ontario LOH IJO SIT ION NEED ODD JOBS DONE Around you home and dont have lime. We wilt do your iawn, gardon and hedge cars, fence painting and repair. Cati 666-3010 any timo. LODA VACATION~ EELAS CLEARWATER FLORIDA - six, 3 bedroom, furnished mobile (per- manent> homes. Pools, tennis, ehuf- f leboard, air, guif, beaches, Disney Worid. Chiidren wetcome. 683-5503. ACCOMMDATION One Girl To ahane Townhous wth throe others. Basic ront a $100 s month, evorythlng splt four waYs. Cati 666-3279 APATENTS ONE BEDROOM BASEMENT APAR- TMENT MIi be avalabie September 1, 1980. Prefer mature woman or couple. Cati 668-2357 atter 5 p.m. Abtaineors onty piesse. AVAILABLE îMMEDIATELY, large one bedroomn aparîiment, centrai Whlby location. Toiephono 668-3377 Monday through Fridsy 9 a.m. to 5 p.. Working with people who are heiping themeselves S.nd our TaxOoeductible Contribution To: OXFAM-CANADA Box a&000 sox îzoo TORIONTO WINNIPEG OTTAWA REGINA HALIFAX -CALGARY ST. JOHNS VANCOUJVER SALES PERSON WANTED By quickiy growing Ford Mercury Dosiership, In Uxbridgo. Experience n sales flot necessary, wiii train rIght two people. Top-commission and bonefits plus company car suppiied. Cal 852-3334. DAYAER Dey Car* Wanled for teacher In Coleage Downs Ares for lwo smlii children, boginning September 1, 1980. Pfhone Mrs. Kettrick at 86681844 Dey Cars Avlabi., sterling Novemn- ber 1, 1980 In my home, iocated off Brook Street North. Fenced bsckyard. prIces negotiabie. Any age, have two chiidren of my own. If Interesied pisses cati Lynn et 6683155 after 6 p.m. snd 978-3494 9 to 5 P.m. TRJM ATREE 0F HOPE. Please send cheque or Smoney order along with Iname and address to: Suite 318, Help the Aged 88 Eglinton Ave. E., SToronto, Ont. M4P 1C7 uTele: [416]1489-1146 I uThe charity is registered I in CanadaI I[Reg.No.045099909131 I Iand ail donations are I Ideductibte for incorne tax I purposes.I Hîstorîc Decoration I i i i à I Hunt* te yolar own: of fer choice boans, boots, «and carrote. Picking arte Juiy 23. Pisase cai655-3513 for picklng limes and dIrectIons. DOBERMAN - 4 monthe oid, femato. Good temporment, tuiiy lratned. Eass and tait croppod, ait shots. Looking 1 INCLUDING: Westinghouse stove, tables, iamps, reclining chairs, chain saws, air conditioner, etc. TERMS: Cash *-No Reserve Bids AUCTIONEER: W.R. "Bud" McKee. Lindsay, Ontario PHONE: 705-324-2472 M Pl c fIANTED WATCH-DOG, Up to a year, preferred german sheppard or s pup.' Cali 655-3011 %4 TON PICK-UP, FIRST CLASS CONDITION, Cheve or Ford, 1970- 1980 model. Cati 055-3011 NANTED USED FRIDGO, In faIriy good condition. Cali 688-328. a 8 S Seek the Lord Seek ye the Lord while he may be found, cail ye upon him whîle he is near: EARGESALES GIGANTIC GARAGE SALE, Saiurday Juiy 2, 8 am. - 4 p.m. et 16 Gershwin Court In West Lynde. New as weii as oid Items ln ail categories. Cati 66- 1828. AUCTION SL Saturday Juiy 26, 1 p.m. The property of Wiiford Trolley, 321 Dyson Rosd, picicering (Rosebank> south on Rougemount Drive off No. 2 HwY. 300 yeards eout of Allons Road (watch of signe). Sale of furniture, wood- working loole, and antiques Inciuding beaver table saw. (3V4 horsopower, caut base>, 1 horsepower crafîman router wilh bitte, lempiates and guidebar, 4ý' jointer (% horsepower), craftsman 9" radiai arm eaw, akIli saw, saber saw, shop-vac vacuum, orbitai sander, 318 eiectric drill. grInder, vises, clampe, 20 eheets of corugated green houes, 3% hor- sepower iawnmower (Il yssr oid>, gar- den toole, 'h" sockel set, pionlo table, old 78 recorde, gste-ieg table, hall tray, round oak table, 4 press back chairs, cornler what not, antique dresser, wooden bed, rocking chairs, piano, stop iadder, fip-fiop chair, plus numerous other articles. PropsrtY soid, term cash no reserve. John An- nie auchioneor. Calil655-4663. AUCTION HOUSE AND GARAGE CONTENTS Location: 1011 Centre Street, South Whitby. DATE: July 2lst at 5:30 pm. This Is a large sale (over 400 lots) of quality Items. Featuring furniture, ap- pliances, tools, antiques, ski's, gamnes, etc.

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