WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, J ULY 30, 1980, PAGE 15 1 Report from Queen ' s Pari By GEORGE ASHE. MPP (PC-DURHAM WEST) As we enter the PM6, it is important for al 0f us te refleet on our experlences of the last decade, asseas the changes in our society and our environinent and determine how we are going te tackle the challenges facing us in the next ten years. It has certalnly become apparent to the Government of On- tario that we are approaching a crossroads. The continuation of inflatlonary pressures, the aging of our population and particularly the depleting supplies of oiù and hence gasoline, ail point te a less-mobile population. In. considering these pressures, one answer continues to emerge; we must recycle our existing resources and facilities to meet the changing circumstances. Renovation and conversion of structures and communities will be a major industry of the '80s, and one obvious place to start is by revitallzlng our downtown shopping cores and main streets. There is a unique flavour to shopping along the main street of a small town or long-establlshed community. Perhaps this flavour is created by a tang of the past, a more leisurely pace. Whatever it is the feeling is distinctly different from the hustie and bustle of a shopping centre. Generally most businesses located on small town. main N ew i*fe for the downtown L~i. streets have been operating for a long Urne and were physically designed to meet the lifestyles and attitudes of a different society. * Today's shopping environment can be greatly ïmproved through simple things like planting flowers, or designing at- tractive signs. Providing pleasant seating areas and cleaning up building facades can be done without massive capital exc- penditures or costly redevelopment. However, because most businesses in downtown areas are small, empaying five or fewer employees and are mostiy in- dependently owned, they do not have the capital required to invest in improving the shopping area, and still retain a com- petitive consumer selling price. In addition some small communities do not have the tax base to finance the renovating of downtown or main street business districts. The Governument of Ontario believes there is an important role for it to play in helping to recycle main street businesses and community life, and has therefore extended thle Main Street Revitalization Program to include mumecipalities with a population of up to 35,000. To qualify for assistance, a municipality must have a maximum population of 35,000 as of the date of formal ap- plication; an approved official plan; a property maintenance and occupancy standards bylaw; municipal council cxom- mitment and public support for the revitalization of the downtown; an active business improvement area and a downtown project proposal. The maximum provincial funding to an eligible raunicipality is $150,000. No more than two-thirds of these funds can be used for parking purposes and provincial iînan- cial assistance is available for only one central business Women' s gym Women of Whitby shall soon have the means to keep trim over the long winter months. TI-e Modem Rythmic Gymnastics Club Ritmnika is co.i-iir.g to town. starting on Septemnber 15 when Annaly Riga opens her new club at the Ail Saints Anglican Church hall. Unlike normal gymnastics Riga said that rythmic gymnastics is just a feminine sport". She bas been teaching modemn rythmic gymnastics for nine years and has been involved in it al 0f ber life. Lessons will be taught during the afternoon frorn 2 p.m. until 5 p.m. in three one hour sessions. One session will be for young girls while the other two wiil be strictly for women. There is no competition involved in the lessons opting instead for developing flexibility, strength and body toning. For more information phone Joan Knight at 668-029. ', f district per municipality Through the extendeed Main Street Revitalization Program, the Government of Ontario hopes to encourage and support downtown improvement projects in small com- munities, and to promote coordination and joint planning by the municipality, business groups and the commu nity at large. In essence, this program is merely a part of the thrust by the Goverumnent 0f Ontario to recycle our existing resources and facilities to meet the changing circumstances of today's society. D. THAPAR Denture Therapist 214 Dundos St. E., Whitby 668-7797 HOURS: Mon. - Set.& Evonings By Appointment 0Only EBLE NTENNR ERVI CE AUGLJST SPECIAL 26" Magnavox Colour T.V. Reg. $799. '679 3 YEAR OPTION PLAN ABLE ANTENNA SERVICE 513 PERRY ST., WITBY OPEN 9 A.M. - 6 P.M. MONDAY - FRIDAY