The Church r-.4~. çp~p ~Ju Speaks N w;Parish By HIS EXCELLENCY . THE RT. REV. ROBERT B. CLUNE AUXILLIARY BISHOP 0F TORONTO A lawyer 's WhtyMayor Jim Gartshore looks pleased that Centre Ward Councillor Barry Evans is confined to the stocks for breaking the town's unofficial rule against wearing ties during the month of July. The rule was the inspiration of Clerk-Administrator Bill Wallace. The sentence on Evans was carried out at the peter Perry Award Dinner that was held hast Wednesday. It is assuxned that Evans, a lawyer in the downtown area, now has a taste of what it is like to be convicted of a "crime"~ by the town's chief magistrate. Acts of the Apostles describes the early beginnlngs of thc Churcb & Its spread frorn Jerusaleni throughout a large part of the then known world under the inspiration & guidance of the Holy Spirit. Acts of the Apostles was wrltten by St. Luke, author of the third Gospel. Because the Gospel tells of the life and saving works of Jesus Christ, it Is sornetirnes called the "Gospel of the Son" while Acte, because it details the work of the Hold Spirit, is called "Gospel of the Spirit." In the opening verses of Acts, St. Luke recalîs the last days of Jesus with his apostles and followers, after his resurrection from the dead. Jesus, as 11e prepares to ascend to Hie Father,' tells thern they rnust rernain in Jerusalern until they are bap- tized with the Spirit at Pentecost. Jesus says to thern: "You will receive power when the Holy Spirit cornes on you and then you will be rny witnesses, not only ln Jerusalern but throughout Judaea and Samaria and indeed to the ends of the earth." >acts 1:9) Acte is the history of that early witnesslng by the followers of Jesus under the power of the Holy Spirit and the establishment of local churches, first ln Jerusaleni and then in rnany other places such as Sarnaria, Caesarea, An- tioch, Ephesus etc. After the 'Church' had been eetabllshed at Antioch, Acts tells us: "One day while they were offering worehlp to the Lord and keeping a faet, the Holy Spirit sald *"1 want Barnabas and Saul set apart for the work to which 1 have called theni." So it was that after fasting and prayer, they laid their hands on thern and sent thern off." (Acte 13:1-3) Under the Inspiration of the Spirit, Barnabas and Saul IITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JULY 30, 1980, PAGE 19 tuavelled to many places, preaching the Word of GOd fearlessly so that they made a "1considerable number of disciples .... In each of these churches, they appolnted eiders and wlth prayers and fasting they comrnend tbern W the Lord In whorn they had corne to belleve." (Acts 14:21-23) 1 arn remladed of ths eending of Barnabas and Saul froni the church of Antioch to'establlsh new churches la other areas, because ehortly members of St. John fIce Evangeliet and St. Mary of the People wIll be aeked Wo leave theïr local parish The Honourable Douglas J. Wiseman Minister of Government Services invites you ta attend the GROU ND-BREAKI NG CEREMONY which marks the start of construction of the Ontario Government Building, Oshawa Thursday, August 7,1980 at 2:30 p.m. (Ceremony at the projeet site, southwest corner of Centre and Athol Streets) Speciat guest: The Honourable William G. Davis, Q.C., Premier of Ontario O ntario M- - - m mop