Whitby Free Press, 30 Jul 1980, p. 20

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PAGE 20, WEDNESDAY, JULY 30, 1980, WIL.ýAY FREE PRESS Free Pres Emporiu ___CaI668-61 ____________Em norium Ads wili oniv be occepted sub'ect to the followinq Condi'tions. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 73 NOVA, 250 angine, running con- dition, needs orne body work, $30. Cali 66&.7107 il 23,80 1900 PONTIAC, 6 cyl, standard tran- amission, 46,000 mles, 4 doors, very good condition. $1000 or best of fer. Cali 655.3011 i23,80 1970 PLYMïoüTH DUSTER, 340 automattc on f loor, tiger carpet on in- aide, mags, very quick, runs good. $500. Ask for John at 6837538 i 2,80 1974 HONDA, newtres. brakes, mut- fier,. $1.200 frm. Cai 723-5489 ater 5 p.m. JI 2,80 1970 VOLVO 144S - 4 speed standa A-1 mechanicaliy, A-1 interlor, n, y exhaust system, brakes & ti,"' oa, ted rear quarter (repairable), r,. rust $425 or best otter - 668-4637 e. .iit1js. Mis, 28,80 1976 HORNET, 6 cyl, AMC, automalic, 29,000 miles, new con. dition, wlf h roof carrier, 4 dorrs. $2,500 or beat 0f fer. Cati 655-3011. JI 23,80 1975 TRIUMPH engine good gat Cati 668r-796b mlege, t2,500. Jun-. 1,80 72 DODGE MONACO WAGON. 318 V8 good condition $500, Cali 8833472 June 6.80 1976 PONTIAC ASTRE, 4 cyl. com- pact, only 27400 miles, new pint, tires, aulomatlc, radio, white walls, wheai diaka, tender tias, body aide modinga. Silver wth red trlm, like new and wiIi certlty. Price $2540. Cati 668-3243 i 9,8c 70 BUICK SKYLARK, 350 cu ln, runs greaf, needs body work $295. Cali 6W.-7438 day or evening. Juna 12.80 1969 CAMERO SUPER SPORTBtack White interlor, 350 two barrai, 3 speed on the floor, posey traciý rearend, $2000 or basf of. 7236967 June 11.130 73 FORD GALAXY 500 WAGON, mechan-sound, body tair, may be car- lltied, asking $40. Cati 6683052 al- ler 6:00 p.m. J1,80 1918 brio- DATSUN 510 HATCHBACK, 5 spofleas, ike new, 30,000 '-FM cassette. if has super j,age - 36mpg. Asking $4,350. I/1-3131 i16,80 75 BUICK LA SABRE A-i mechanficai cond. Landau roof, buckets. certItied $2.000 or boasf offer. - Runabout with cabin and head, needa some work, free storage tor the summer $400. or besl otter Cati68-7573. Juiy 30,80 1976CHEV with 283 aufomatic $150. Phone 868&5735. July 30,80 MOTOR à TRANSMISSION f, , 1974 Toyota about 35000 milc , $201j, aiso wheets and rear-end, $50. Cati 65ý 3006 Juna 11,80 72 DODGE %~ TON PICK-.UP. 318 automatlc. good runner, asklng $900. CaI 6554410 eveninga and weaken- ds. June 25,80 E TOPARTS TRUCK CAP. tairly good condition. S75 One only appi-oximatalIy 12 ft. aiuminurn awning $100. Cati 725-553 aller p.m.July 23,80 L ECE-AON VELES CUSTOM DUNE BUGGY, cromed headers. new tires 5o and 60 sertes, bucket seais, hearat 4 speed. Asklng $2,000. Calil866881 i9,80 MISCELLNOS PRINCESS BED - 3 drawers. Ex- cellent condition. White French Provincial. Asklng $200. Cati 688- 0718 JI 23,80 1 LARGE (approx. 9' x 5') picture wln- dow wth centre llght & outslde ingle hung aluminum screens & storm wIndows lncluded, ail ln workablai condition - $17500. 3/ bed trame (48' x 72"> wth headboards - $25 - cati 668- 8675. June itj MAT1'RESS, EXTRA FIRM, queen size ambassador, 3 years old, excellent condition. $80. Cati 68869113. Juty 30,80 Have a set of loft brand golf clubs, balla, glove, tees, and cart. AittItems 3 years oId and are ln good condition. My price la $90 for 3 woods and 5 irons, modern style and steel shafis. Cati 7253845 i9.80 TUXEDO STYLE COUCH, siver gray crushed veivet. Excellent for rac. room. $80. Please cal 868-1075. May 21,80 ELECTRIC ORGAN, Canadian made. baeginner with bench and books, very Uood condition. $50 or beat of fer. 10 galion aquarium $10. CaIt 655.3011 JI 23,80 AIRCONDITIONER 8000 BTU, good condition. Asking $195. Cati 6683- 1576 i9.80 CHROME KITCHEN SET - tabla and six chairs. $125 or basf offer. Good condition. 666-1567 or 668-3244. May 7,80 GOLF CLUBS & CARRY BAG - 1 set of tfelist lita 100s R. Hand, 3 woods (11,3.51 & 9 irons used one year. woods refinished, 1 Ram Arias carry bag vi-ver used) with head covers. CosI i.-w $550, asking $400 f irm. Cati 666- 1030 or 668-6421. June 18,80 TWO PAIR FULLY LINED LIVING ROOM AND DININO ROOM DRAPES n green and goid tones 15 ftL and 19 If. widihs. $100. One pair llned goid antique satin drapes 90" x 84", $10. One pair floral print drapes 95" x 84" $10. Two double bed size bed s'preada $5 and $12. One window biind wth New chandelier $10. Consola cof tee table $15. New AM car radio $15. drum sf001 $5, Oid Remington typewrter $7. PooI lo as $3. Cali 686- 2510 July 23.80 ENGLISH SADOLE made ln Argantina leathar, complete with suada trim- ming, A-i condition, muat be sean. Asking $500. Caliar 5 p.m. at 655- 4121 June 20,80 1.3 Piece Chesterfild Suite, vary gond condition. Muitl-cCiioured veivet $150. 68-1436 caialler 5:30. Junel11,80 ONE CASCADE 40 waler heafer. ideat for Cottage use, good condition $50. Cati 668-7371 Juna 13,80 TRUCKC CAP- 42" rear door, only uaed 2 waeks - $500, Swtmmitg POOl PampA PIM lerwth mnolor. and fluoers 25 fhousanld galons a day - $350, 683- affl lune 11,80 BLACK & DECKER eteclric iawn- mower, needa new motor. $15, Cati 66&.1063 June 18,80 GIRLS BEDSPREAD - pupla floral. single bed size, gond ',nditîon, S15 - cati 6689379 KITCHEN TABLE and 5 chairs, $5; Fiva-drawer wardroba, $75. beige and brown piiiow chesterftetd and chair, $75. Cati 666.3457 i, 9,80 LONG HORN WESTERN SADDLE, dark brown, leather complote with suade trIm, excellent condition. Asking $35. Cali afler 5 p.m. ai 655- 4121 June 20,80 PRINCESS BED 3 drawers excellent condition. White french provincial. asking $200 Cati 68.0718. Juiy 30,80 AIrcondllioner, Generai Eieclric carr cool, 5000 8TU, $125. 3M 051 portable Photocopier, $125. Cati 668- 9430 JI 23,80 KENMORE FROST Free Frdge and Slovs with conftnuous dlean ovan. Avocado colour. Excellent condition, $50. Please cati16688455. J23,80 Zenith Block &, White TV, 20" for $30. Brsss Fire screen 3V' X 23", $40. Bird cage stand, crome $12. Uphoîster', malerlal for large cushion size plec..' at $4,00 a Place. Wooden ctotheà dryar stand, $5,00. Cati 668-2258. JI 23,80 TIME CLOCK In good 'condition, cosîs $450 new sellIng for $200. Cati 686-3868. July 30,80 SPEAR-Gun, asking $40. One SMITH. CORONA TYPEWRITER. manual wllh hard-shailed case, asking $75. Cati 668-0827 June 23,80 HORSES FOR SALE. ex.eiienf rldtng horses, very good r. ,.nnered. il year otd Palamino $700; 4 year oid Pinto $800; also 3 saddle; and tack $1000; 1 horse traiter, .avatio, hydrolic brakes $2000 - o basf ottar or att. Cati a ter 6 p.m. 6 i5-4627. May 7,80 7- RUST, CHESTERFIELD, Contem- porary atyiing. Good condition $120 668-9562. May 7, 80 7 SOLID WOOD dinfing room chairs, $35 a place, lwo stylas. cati 655-4847 May 14,80 AIR CONDîTIONER, deluxe G.E. 6,000 BTu., axeceilent condition, used 4 summers, $175. Cati ln Whtiby 723- 2781 star 5 p.m. June 13,80 21 cu il FREEZER. Asking $50. Cati 668-95115 JI 16,80 WOODS SOFT TOP CAMPER good condition clw 9' X 12, zip on lent, S350. Cati 683-3472 Juna 6.8Cf SETof Biack FIREPLACE TOOLS- $1000; Set ot Brasa fireplace foots $20: Calit668-1063 June 18,80 TWO SKYLINE <AUSTRIAN> 10 SPEED BICYCLES (26 Inch), one man's one woman'a, like naw $75 each. ONE 20-INCH MTD Lawnfîighl L-awnmowsr 31h horsepowar, Briggs and Straflon Engîne-.2 season old wIth grass bag, $100. 4 CHRYSLER- PoDUCT RF ALLYE WHEEL-wi-h TWO NEW WIGS, long dark bown and stralgth, $70 or best otfer in de short and curly $20 flrm. Cati 688- 6119 i1,80 SOLlO CHERRY, French Provincial DinIng Roomn Suite, table, 5 aide and 1 armed chair, buffet and china cabinet. Asking $1,800 or best offer. Calil 666-1168 J16,80 FRANKLIN FIREPLACE, 30" a $120. Screen avaliable, $10. Oniy used a few limes. Cati 855-3977. JI 23,80 GILSON 22 cu It CHEST FREEZER, A- i condition, $200. Cail 6680552 daya, and after 6 p.m. cati 666-2215. i16,80 CHESTERFIELD AND CHAIR, ex- cellent conditinn. 4 years oid, sculp- tured velv'ý j. and brown damask prînt. Oriy; . . $1200 asklng $400. Cail 576-4-.2 i16,80 ELECTRIC TRAIN SET, gauge H.O., 4' X 8' beautif uiiy iandscaped, Inciudlng angines and rolIing stock. $175. Cali 655-3961 i16,80 USED GREEN VINYL CHAIN LINK FENCING, 65 feet hlgh approximately 100 feet, $75. Used aboya ground Swlmmlnng Pool 12 ft X 3 fitln depth, with pump, iadder and a plastic cover, $75. Cati 6684744 i18,80 CHESTERFIELD SUITE, 3 place, red and grey $200. Phone afler 6:00. 655- 3604. May 14,80 SOFA- ln (excellent condition> $300 $50 each. ' ie~ ai gooo -eu for someone startlng out. 4- l13Q2 June ANTIQUE PIANO lnIald carved red mohogany. Cîrca 1896, $1500. Phone 668-8271.- JI 4, 80 GARAGE DOOR DOUBLE- Steel 7' X 16'. Good condition $125, c/w Har- dware, Cati 663-3472 June 6,80 PUREBRED SAMOYED, maie, 1 year old. I-,s had aIllits needlas. $65. 655- 4224. May 7,80 THE SIGN 0F A GOOD BUSINESS NEIGHBOR ... THE'SIGN 0F: A MER( -:A ABOUT PEOPLE ... This emblem identifies the civic-minded businessmen who sponsor in the community. For 1'. rmation cal Phone 668-9168 PLEASE READ When the advertised item is soid, disposed of, or unavailabie for whatever reason, the Item wilI be deemed t0 have been sold and a commission will bPà charged based on THE ADVERTISED PRICE as itiustrated below, regardless If price is stated with "best offer" - If the'item is NOT SOLO, or disposed of, the ad will be run for 3 MONTHS and a MINIMUM CHARGE of $300 wiiI appiy. All advertisements must be placed on an exclusive basis wlth the WHITBY FREE PRESS and run at least one month If not soîd. RATES [if article is soldi: 5oe 0 f advertised price Up to $400.0l:,. 2% of balance over $40000 EXAMPLE: SoId item advertised for $120.00 commission due $600 I minimum charge is $3.001 Priva te advertising onty! Please notify us if you find a retailer iisted as a private advertiser. Pieise notify the Whitby Free Press immediateiy when item is' sold so that we may delete it f rom the foiiowing issues. Ail ads not fitting the Ernp%.,rium guidelines wiii be treated and charged per week as regular ctassified ads on a pre paid basis such as: services, help wanted, clothing, reai estate, and personal message type ads, or ads not quotlng price or quantity: Private ciassitied ads may appear in the Emporium section under 3ppropriate headings. aJ ds wîil go In classifled section uiesa otherwlse spectfled. it in doubt, cali 668-6111 MAIL ADS TO: -FREE PRESS EMPORIUM P.O. Box 206, Whitby, LIN SS1 OR DELIVER TO: 131 Brock St. N., whitby THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS IS THE FRIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. ReÇpeat afler:me,, 1 1 1 -.-

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