PAGE 16, WEDNESDA, AUGUST 6,.1980, WH-ITBY FREE-PRESS Free Press Emporium AdfiI n b>ccue sbet to the followinq Conditions. IAUTORMOBILES FOR SALE ' 73 NOVA, 250 enigins, running con. dition, needa some body work, $300. Cali 668-7107 JI 23,80 1960 pONTIAC, 6 cyl, standard tran- smission, 4,000 mites, 4 doors, very good condition. $1000 or best oller. Caîl 655-3011 JI 23.80 1970 PLYMOUTH DUJSTER, 340 auiomatic on flbar, tiger carpet on in. :ide, mage, very quick, runs good, $500. Ask for John ai 6837538 JI 2,80 1974 HONDA, new tires, braus, mut' fier,. $1,200 firm. Cati 723-5489 aller 5 p.m. 2,80 1970 VOLVO 144S8- 4 spaed sianda A-i mechanicaity, A1 Inierlor, nF-w exhausi system, brakes & tir-, ut- ted rear quarter (repairabie), nu. ruai'- $425 or besi offer-66&-4637 ev.-nings. Mià y 2880 1975 HORNET, 6 cyl, AMC, auiomaiîc, 29,000 mles, new con. dItIon, wlth roof carrier, 4 doris. s2,500 or besi offer. Cati 655.301 1. JI 23,80 19 75 TRIUMPH SPITFIRE, new engine good gar mite 'go, $2,500, Cati 668-796b Jun, .1,80 72 OODGE MONACO WAGON- 318 V8 good condition $500, Colt 683-3472 June 6.80 1974 VOLKSWAGON BUG, good for paria, new wool plaid seata. Engina A-i1$450 firmn. parigo carrnage (Italien) mint condition. convarta into car bad. $130 Call 668-0661, Aug 6,80 70 BJICK SKYL.ARK. 350 cu ln, runs great, needs body work $295. Cati 668.7438 day or eventng. Jn 28 1969 CAMERO SUPER 5PORT,Btack Whte inierior, 350 twQ barrai, 3 speed on the f loor, posey iracL, rearend,'12000 or besi Off *723-967 June 11.801 73 FORD GALAXY 500 WAGON, mechan-sound, b>ody f air, mnay be car- ltled, asking $40. Calit 68-3052 af- tsi 6:00 p.m. i 68 1978 DATSUN 510 HATcHBACK, 5 apeed, spotiesa,Ilike new, 30,9000 miles AM-FM cassette.-il has super gas mleage - 36 mnpg. Asking $4.350. Cati 571-3131 i 68 7s BUICIC LA SABRE A-i machanicat cond. Landau roof, buckeis, certif led $2000 or besi offer.-* Runabout wiih cabin and head, needs somne wOik, free storage for the summer $400 or bost off er Calil 668&7573. Jl 08 1976CHEV wiih 283 automnattc $150. Phrone 86685735. Juiy 30,80 FOR SALE MOTOR à TRANSMISSION f(i, 1974 Toyota about 35,000 mute-, $20)io, aiso I RECRAOIN VELES CUSTOM DUNE BUGGY, cromsed headars, new iras 50 and 60 sertes, buckai seata, hearsi 4 apssd. Asking $2.000. Cati 666-3681 il 9,80 ELLALLNEUS PRINCESS BED - 3 dîawsrs. Ex- cellent condition. White French Provincial. Asktng $200. Cati 668- OY18 JI 23,80 1 LARGE approx. 9' x 5') picture wIn- dow wiih centre ighi & outaide aIngie hung alumtinum acreans & storm windows Inctudad, ait ln workabi condit Ion - $175.00, -V4bad ftrame (48" x 72) with headboarda - $25- cati 668- 8675. MATTRESS, EXTRA FIRM, quasn sizs ambassador, 3 years oid, excellent condition. $80. Cail 668-9113. Juiy 30,80 Have a set of lett brand golf clubs, balla, giove, tees, and cart. Ail Items a years oid and are In good condition. My puice ta $90 for 3 woods and 5 irons, modemn style and ateet shott. Cati 725-3845 i9.80 TUXEDO STYLE COUCH, slilvr grey crushed velvet. Excellent for roc. room. $60. PMease cati 668-1075, May 21,80 ELECTRIC ORGAN, Canadian made, begInner wth bench and books, very good condition. $50 or besi ofler. 10 galion aquarium $10. Cati 655-3011 JI 23,80 AIR-CONDITIONER 8000 OTU, good condition. Asking $195. Cati 668- 1576 i9,80 ORGAN - GALANTI DELUXE XM0, 2-37 key manuels, i3 pedals, automatic rythym. Excellent con- dition. $750. Cali 668-9902. GOLF CLUBS & CARRY BAG - 1 set of tiietis i lie 100s R. Hand, 3 woods (1,3,5) & 9 irons usad one year, woods refinishad, 1 Ram Arias carry bag 'flever uaed) with head covers. Cost i .iw $550, aaklng $400 irm. Cati 666- 1030 or 668-6421. June 18,80 TWO PAIR FULLY LINED LIVING ROOM AND DINING ROOM DRAPES la green and gold tonas 15 ft. and 9 ft. widtha $100. One pair lnad gold antique satin drapes 90",x 84, $10. oaa pair floral print drapes 95, x 841 $10. Two double bed suze apreada $5 and $12. Console coffea table $15. New AM car radio $15. Drunt tool $5. Old Remmington typewrltar $7. Cel] 666-2510. July 23, 80 ENGLISH SADOLE mode ln Argentine teother, complets with suode trlm- mtng, A-I condition, muai be sean. Asktng $500. Cati aI ter 5 p.m. ai 655- 4121 Juna 20,80 1-3 Plece ChOeteiliOld Suit*, vsry good condition., Muti.coioured velvet $150. 668-1436 caialler GIRL'S SEDSPREAD - puieafloral, single bsd sîza, good c'indîtion, $15 - cati 668-9379. tJAV 2RIR KITCHEN TABLE and 5 CI FIve-drawer wardrobe, $75;, brown ptiow chesterf lidj $75. Cati 66&-3457 LONG HORN WESTERN dark brown, leather comi suade trlm, excellent c( Asklng $35. Cati after 5 P 4121 COLOR T.V. ADMIRAL tabla, very good condittio buat offer. Phone 66&-1071. AIr-condltloner, General carry cool, 5000 BTu, $125 portable Photocopier, $125. 9430 KENMORE FROST FieeF Slove with continuous cie Avocado colour. Excellent S50. Pisss cati 668455. Zenith Black &, White TV, 2 Brasa Firesacrean 30' X 23- cage stand, crome $12.t maieriai for large cushiona at $4.00 a plece.' Woode dryer stand, $5.00. Cali 6U1 TIME CLOCK ln good cosis $450 new seiling for 668&3868. SPEAR-Gun, asking $40. CORONA TYPEWRITER,n hard-shaiied case, asking 66-0827 GARAGE DOOR DOUBLE- 16'. Good condition $12! dware, Cati 683-3472 ANTIQOUE PIANO lniaid mohogany. CIrca 1896, $1 668-8271. SOFA-.In (excellent corc and two aphoistered cha $50 aach. A reai goc someone startlng oui. 7 SOLID WOOD dining roi $35 a piece, two styles, call AIR CONDITIONER, detu>t B.T.u., execeilent conditi suLmmers, $175. Cai l nY 2781 allter 5 p.m. 21 cu fi FREEZER, Asking 668.95t'5 WOODS SOFT TOP CAl condition c/w 9' X 12',2 $350. Cali 683-3472 SEToI Bîack FIREPLA(i $10.00; Set of Brass lira; $20; Cali 668-1063 June TWO SKYLINE (AU!' SPEED BICYCLES (26 man's one woman's, 14 each. ONE 204INCH MT[ Lawnmower 31h iorsepc PLEASE READ When the advertised item is sold, cllsposed of, or unavailable for whatever reason, the Item will be deemed to have been sold and a commission will bç charged based on THE ADVERTISED PRICE as illustrated below, regardess If price is stated with "best offer". If the item is NOT SOLO, or disposed of, the ad will be run for 3 MONTHS and a MINIMUM CHARGE of $3.00 will apply. Ail advertisemeflts must be placed on an exclusive basis wlth the WHITBY FREE PRESS and run at least one month if not sold. RATES [if article is sold]: 5%~ 0f advertised price Up to $400.00 2%ý, cf balance over $400.00 EXAMPLE: SoId item advertiied for $120.00 -commission due $6.00 Iminimum charge is $3.00) Private advertising only! Please notify us if you find a retailer Iisted as a private advertiser. Please notif y the Whitby Free Press immediately whe'n item is sold so that we may delete if f rom the foilowing issues. Ail. ads not fitting the Empvrium guidelines will be treated ancd charged per week as regular classified ads on a pre paid basis such as: services, help wanted, clothing, real estate, and personai message type ads, or ads not quoting price or quantity,: Private classified ads may appear ln the Emporium section under appropriate headings. % Il uds wiiI go tn cîassîfîed section unless otherwiae .pectffed- hairs, $W* - TWO NEW WIGS, long dark brown beige and and straigih, $70 or besi offer. Blon- and chair, de short and curiy $20 f Irm. Cati 668- i, 9,80 J19i 16,80 4 SADDLE, SOLID CHERRY, French Provincial piste wiih DInIng Room Suite, table, 5 aide and 1 ondition. ormad choir, buffet and china p.m. ai 655- cabinet. Asking $1.800 or beat Of ter. June 20,80 Jai6&18i 16,80 20"$ por- FRANKLIN FIREPLACE, 30" a $120. an $20 or Scîsen availebta, $10. Oniy used a 10w urnfvvti es. Calit655-3977. J 38 - > GILSON 22 eu fil CHEST FREEZER, A- il EIectrîc 1 condition, $200. Cati 668-0552 days, !. 3M 051 endafier6 P.nlca 686-2215. i 68 5. Cati .Ji 6,8 il 23,80 CHESTERFIELD AND CHAIR, ex. cellent condition. 4 years old, scuIP- tured veivet, ruai and brown damask Fridge and print. Originaiiy $1200 asking $400. san oven, Colt 576-4992 i 68 tl condition, J 68 JI 23,80 ELECTRIC TRAIN SET, gauge H.O., 4' X 8, beautiilly tandscaped, Inciuding engines and roting stock. $175. Cal 0" for $30 655-3961 ", $40. Bird J16,80 Upholstery _________________ Bize places an ciothea USED GREEN VINYL CHAIN LINK 8-2258. FENCING, 65 lest high approximaieîy JI 23,80 100 lesi, $75. Used above ground SwImmîng Pool 12 fi X 3 fi ln depth, with pump, iaddsr and a plastic cover, condition, $75. Cali186684744 r $200. Catii 16,80 July 0,80 CHESTERFIELD SUITE, 3 place, red and gray $200. Phono alter 6:00. 655- One SMITH- 3604. My1,0 manuel wlthMa148 ýg $75. .Ji June 23,80 CANADA E- Stel 7 5, c/w Har- June 680 People To carved red People 1500. Phono Dsvolopmont J14,80 iditton) $300 airs for sais )od buy for 668-2602 Junel11.80 oom chairs, t655-4847 May 14,80 KeG.E.6.000 I ion, used 4 .. > WIitby 723- June 13,80 ig $50. Cati i 16,80J MPER good zip on tant, J une 6.8(f CE TOOLS-v place too15 18,80 .4 OXFAM supports 5911a111, self- TRIAN) 10 help projects In developing Ilnch), one communîties around the Worid. iha naw $7 OXFAM projecis Stress self- D owr, Biggs rellance and seek rmaximumn CHwRY raSL- _oplai. .XFM -Ismor THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS I5 THE FRIOAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. Fitness is a nationa issue. We cail it Body Polities. lue canadiian movemefli lor personailloasi'P Trailer Snarls! If you*re holding Up traffir, signal, pull over, and let other motorisis pass. O Minîstry of Transportation and 5D Communications Ontario MAIL ADS TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM P.O.. Box 206, tNhilby, LiN 551 OR DELIVER TO: 131 Brock St. N., Whitby 1