PAGE 18, WEDNFSVDA Y. AUGUST 6, 1980, WIIITBY FREE PRESS CONSUMER BEAT Buying a house (Part 2) Keeping up with the Joneses a decade ago meant owning a two-storey house ; z with a double garage in a fashionable suburb. But now, because of rising energy costs and spiralling inflation, families are looking at otiier types of housing. While privately-owned, .-- single-family homes are stili the most conîmon formi of people are buying condomin- ownership ini Ontario, more iunîs, semi-detached, row and iink houses. In a condominiumî ar- rangemîent, the buyer own the individuai unit but shares upkeep or miaintenance costs for conîmon areas with the other tenants in the building. A board of directors, elected by the tenants, estaibishes ruies that each owner is ob- liged to follow. When you want to sel your condominium you can seli it to whoever you choose, just as you would a single-family home. A co-operative, however, is an entirely different mat- ter. When you join a co-op- erative you are part of a group that has built, or bought, a building or group of buildings. There is one mortgage bill and one tax bill for the entire group. Each owner pays a por- tion of the total mortgage anîd tax bill according to the value of his unit as a fraction of the worth of the whole co-operative. Each nienîber holds a share or certificate in the co-operative and has either a perpetual lease or 99-year lease on the unit. You do not own your mndi- vidual unit. IIDEAL WHITBY LOCATION - charming quality bulit 3 bedroom sidesplit, spaclous living room, famiIy kitchen, rec. room, many extras. Vendor moving out of town. Calil 6 68-4088. OnIu!Y668-6221 =Mzý-3r GOLD JACKET REALTY ITD. 683-6221 824 Brock St. N., Whitby_ Member Broker LILIAN NORTH Meet Lilian North, your latest Neighborhood Prof essional. Lilian Is a former il year employee of the Ajax Chrysier Plant. She is 2nd Vice-President and Membershlp Chairman of the Whitby Toast Mistress Club, a Charter Member of the AjaxPickering Professional Business Womens Club and a member of the Antique Phonograph Society. Lilian enjoys swimming, gardening, letter writlng, reading and collecting antiques. She has done volunteer work for the Red Cross, Heart Fund and the United Way. Lilian came to Canada ln 1966 f rom Yorkshire, England and became a Citizen ln 1971. She and her husband John, along with their children Catherine 21, Angella 20, Russell 15, and Wayne 13 have I ived ln the Ajax Whitby area since then. Lilian looks forward to serving old friends and new ones too In her new career. She has completed the stringent Century 21 training program and îs ready to help you find that I Special home" for your f amlly. If your are thinking of buying or selling your home please caîl her at Century 21 Gold Jacket Realty, 668-6221 or 683- 6221 ar at her home 668-7479. She loves helping people and will be glad to help you and anyone she can. Each office is independently owned and operated Like a condominium, the co-operative is nîanaged by a board of directors elected by its members. Unlike a condominium, however, if one member defaults or cannot pay his/her mortgage, the other niemibers must make up the difference themiselves. The board of directors may also reserve the right to refuse a potential buyer who they feel would flot fit ini with the co-operative co niinunit y. Most people who choose to live in co-operatives usu- ally do so because it is cheaper than privately- owned units and they enjoy the experience of running a large, complex business with others. Other faniies have juniped on the renovatiomi bandwagon and bought older honmes that need upgrading. Older honmes are usually found in established neigh- borhoods and often contain design features like high ccii- ings, decorative brickwork and large roomns that are un- available in miost new homes. The drawback, however, is that some expensive and es- sential parts of a house like the roof, foundations and plumbing inay be in need of replacement and repair. It is a wise precaution to have an older home inspected by an expert before investing your money. Building your own house can often be the best way to ensure that ail of your living needs are satisfied. This can be a. time-consuming and costly veniture but it dOes give you a chanice to sec YOUr future hoine grow froili the ground up. 'You cat monitor eachl stage of construction to ensure that it is beinig donc properly. Sei-ni-detaclied, rowv and hink houses are becomiiig more popular as housinig prices continue to climb. Ail three types of housinig are generally cheaper than a single-fainily dwelling al- though they do miot allow for the saine privacy. A semii-detached houle is defined as a house that con- tains two separate units un- der one roof. Thle commnon wall mneans noise fromn one unit can travel inito the other but it also mneans a reduced heating bill compared to a detachied house. A row house, is three or more houses, uisually of sim- ilar dêsign and size, joined together. Link hiouses are similar to row houses except that the attached units are not of the saine design and are often Iiniked to each othcr by garages whîch al- low access from the front to the rear yard. This is the second in a five-part series excerpted fromn the Ontario Ministry of Consumer and Comnmer- cial Relations booklet So you wvant to bu)' a bouse! To obtain a free cd;py of the booklet write: Consumer Information Centre, Ontario Ministry of Consumer and Commercial Relations, 555 Yonge St., Toronto M7A 2H6. Telephone (416) 963- 1111. Colleet calîs accepted. PENTECOSTAL CHURiCItY SjiHam M0 BROCK ýST. N. PASTOR H-OUSE I WHITBY 1 LIN 4H8 7PM, A PU«ECOSTA L ASEM#UU OFCANADACUU SUMMER SERI ES ON __________________'J _ MINOR PROPHETS Pastor H. G. House with Alwin Reid 668-4611 wpc ,Where People Count" Alan J. Risen,B.A.,LL.B formerly a partner ln the Iaw flrm of Aff lock, Risen & Sosna wishes to announce the openlng of his new off ice at Lord Simcoe Place, Suite 1C 57 Slmncoe St. S. Oshawa, Ontario 571-3942 Preferred area of practice ln criminat law. OnIUIY668-6221 683-6221 GOLU JAC KE-TR EALTV LTDý» rnember broker 824 Brock St. N.. Whitby Eaclofce à tup.dny owvcd and .perated. 9 ROOM 4 BEDROOM HOME over 2200 sq. ft. Family room fireplace, large eat-in kitchen, 101/4 per cent financing. 4 baths plus more. Rosemarle Bell 668-6221. 543,500 DETACHED 3 BEOROOM brick home. Applianced kitchen, pool, full basement, garage, $2,200 down to lst mortgage. 668&6221. 10 PER CENT 1ST MORTOAGE 3 bedroom, walkout from kitchen, 110 ft. lot, fenced yard, low down payment only $46,900. 68886221.