PAGE 10, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 13', 1980, WHITBY FREE PRESS CDminion. Stores Limnited Due to a labour strike, in ýour distribution facilities whîch supply merchandise to our Ontario stores,. Dominion Stores Limited advises that some advertised produets may be temporarily in short supply or unavailable at our stores. We will do our best to fi any shortages as possible, -and we will issue rainchecks for future purchase at our advertised price. Thank youfor your u nderstanding. We regret any inconveniençe to vou. Rangefinder cameras have a special vîrtue CONT'D FROM PG. 2 Besides being less bulky, rangefinder cameras have a special virtue in that their shutters are much quieter than those of SLR's. When you're taking pictures in a public place in a strange country, it's nice not to have everyone turn around and look as you make an ex- posure. The single lens reflex camera's mechanismn is known formrany things but not for shutter silence. It's small cousins are much -less conspicuous in every way. Also, they cost less. If you'd pr èfer to take your SLR camera but don't want to be bothered with the weight and inconvenience of extra lenses, an ideal travel companion is a 2X or 3X tele- extender, which will double or triple the focal length of your standard lens so you create your own long lens as needed. These gadgets give reasonably satisfactory results and they aren't overly expensive. When you've reached your destination and have begun to take pictures, don't try to cofnpete with the local post- card scenes. Buy a few car- ds instead (they're usually outstanding examples of travel photography) and save your own efforts for scenes of more personal in- terest. Mind your manners throughout when you're taking pictures of people in CONT'D ON PG. 15 Report from Queen ' s Park By GEORGE ASHE, MPP (PC-DU RHAM WEST) Encouraging and assisting our mentally handicapped citizens to develop to their fullest potential lias always been a strong commltmnent of the Ontario Government. Earlier this year, my colleagues, Community and Scoial Services Minister, Keith Norton; Health Minister, Dennis Timbreil; and Education Minister Bette Stephenson, announced the im- plemation of a four-year programn to increase developmental training, education, social and recreational opportunities for mentally retarded people in Nursing Homes and Homes for special care acroes Ontario. The program, which will cost approximately $29 million, will assist 2.920 people and create aboût 800 new jobs in the private sector. Professional people and support staff in various fields are to be involved including physiotherapists, speech therapists, residential. counsellors, early childhood educators, occupational therapists, rehabilitation workers, phychologists, social workers and recreationlats. The first phase of the program ta well underway. A total of $1.3 million bas been allocated for this fiscal year to provide for individual assessments and programn initiatives for 400 children and young adulta up to the age of 21, as well as for 300 older aduits. Each mentally retarded individual wIl be personally assessed by one of the professional teams set up by the Ministries of Health, Education and Coinmunity & Social Ser- vices. Each team wll consttof a physician, nurse, educator, developmental instructor and social worker. A personal plan wil determlne the development potential and training needs of each resident. Programs in behaviour, seif-care, special education, physical and speech therapy wil be offered, to name a few. By September 30, 1980, personal assessments will be com- pleted for all children and young adultsa under age of 21. By March 3lst, 1981, approximately 300 aduits are to be assessed, and programs will be introduced as soon as possible. Often a mentally handicapped person can benefit from par- ticipating in established programs offered in varlous com- munities. These programs will be enriched to include residen- ts and expanded to ensure that all those wishing to participate may do so. The Minister of Community & Social Services is responsible for the overaîl management of the project in addition to the CONT'D ON PG. 15 0 0 omuinion DOON STORES UETHO.