PAGE 12, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 20, 1980, WIIITBY FREE PRESS Tenting trips i Europe cost less CONT'D FROM ix;. 10 US., and it includes a long stopovers in nine ciies, and highlights along the' inawil.list of sightseeing items, such nine nights with indoor ae- also gel bo know tr conmodations.from other counîries. For those young adulîs (the organizers say most of their custorners are in the -20s age Group) who have more lime to invest in a holiday, there's a 46-day camping trip (rom Amsterdam north îhrough Scandinavia and mbt Russia, returning via Romania, Po- land, Hungary, Czechoslava- kia and Germany. Iî's a route filled with exolic cities and places . The price for Ibis complete package is listed at $1 ,205.00 asvisiLt LU 1meV oisnIoi tiiet and Checkpoint Charlie. Nine nighîs are spent under the hospitable roofs of small inns and hotels. At other times accommodation is in lents. Anoîher European îenîing trip offered by the saine trav- el organizers is for five weeks. It covers the Rhine district and through the Alps into Italy, but also includes south- ern France and northern Spain. lt's a more leisurely journey, too, with two-night What these trips set outi b prove bo the young adult is that a European adenture hol- iday can be inexpensive and fun. At the same lime, a pre- arranged schedule permits the traveller to see the time-tested i Fitnes fits in. Ontarîo way, and ýravellers In short, they try to remove the uncerlainties of solo trav- elling without spoiling the fun. And that's a very interesting contribution tb modern îrav- el. Goway Travel in conjunc- tion with the London-based Sundowners have developed a wide range of European camping holidays (rom two. weeks 10 ten weeks with many deparlures (rom Apnil 10 Oc- tober. For full details see your travel agent or drop Goway Travel a line at 53 Yohge Street, Suite 101, Toronto. They wilI happily put you in touch with a knowledgable travel agent in your area. SPECIA L I ALL TV ~l ISERVICE ICALI WITH fi THISAD ONLY71 .FALCON TV 426 Simcoe St. S. 723-0011 CLOSED SATURDAY DURING JULY AND AUGUST ~auar~1WC iiIII jiar addservice Up we go This young fellow doesn't seern to mind his ride on the swings at the Whitby Lakeshore at ail. Good weather showed up in patches ail last week so surnmer minded people made the best out of those days when it did bother to show up. 'IyVou're 65 or older, watch your malbox tis week' Ontarios Property TIlx Grant applications were mailed this week to ail senior citizens reoeiving the federal Old Age Security pension. If you are eligible, complete the application and retumn it as quickly as you can. Your Grant will soon be on the way. These Property làx Grants of up to $500 help offset municipal and school taxes for Ontariob Senior Citizens.MTere is also a Sales Tax Grant of $50 each for every senior citizen starting in 1980. For seniors, these Grants replace OntariolTax Credits pre- viouslyclaimed by filing income tax returns. PROPERIY TMX GRANTS You are eligible for an Ontario Property 'làx Grant if. *You are 65 years of age or older and *You paid rent or property taxes on your principal residence in 1980. HOW MUCH DO YOU RECEIVE? UP TO $500, STARTING IN 1980. * If you rent, your grant will total 20%/ of your rent or $500, whichever is less. * If you own your principal residence your grant wiil equal the amnount of your property taxe-s or $500, whichever is less. * If you share your home with anyone other than your spouse, the grant wifi be apportioned according to rent or property tax paid. EXCEPIONS: OnIy one grant will be paid to a married -Couple or to unniarried seniors sharing accommodation. People living in homes for the aged or similar insti- tutions are flot eligible for this grant. SALES TAX GRANIS A $50 grant will be paid annually to every senior citizen. Ministry of Revenue Lorne Maeck Minister T.M. Russeill Deputy Mnister HOWT10CLAIM YOUR GRANTh * If you receive the federal Old Age Security pension, an application formn for your Property Talx Grant will be mailed to you automatically before September 1980. An information pamphlet outlining the program has been mailed to you. Your Sales Tax Grant will be mailed to you automnaticaily before October 1980. + If you do flot receive the federal Old Age Security pension and are 65 or over, please phone our Information Centre toil-free afier September 1, 1980 for fui details. *In Metro 'lôronto, oeil 965-8470. *In area code 807, ask the Operator for Zenith 8-2000. * Ail other areas, dial 1-800-268-7121. For fther information or bilingual itera- ture oeil one of the numnbers listed above. ON MOSNEW TAXGRAMS FOR SENIOR (IZN Because Ontario oeres Zim Zamni The Whitby Parks and Recreation Department will host the final Zimm Zamm competition of the sumnmer at Iroquois Park; Friday, August22 at 1:00 p.m. Several of these com- petitions have taken place this summer on a smaller scale. This- Zimm Zammathon is the finale to the Zimm Zamm schedule and should involve between 65-80 boys and girls. The competition is open to al boys and girls 14 years and under. The Zimm Zammathon is an individual conipetition with four different age categories. The competitors will be divided into divisions of 8-under, 10-under, 12- under, and 14-under. There will be prizes of T- shirts and stickers in each age division. The comn- petition wilI involve ahl those interested as well as the boys and girls registered in the Sports Camps at Iroquois Park. There will be no charge for the afternoon. After the boys and girls have been eliminated from the tournamnent, they are welcome to take part in recreational soccer and basebaîl games. SGas Golng Up? One Vsry Good Answsr c&c MOTORS 180 Slmcoe St. S. Oshawa 728-01 81 Leja's Modelling School &Talent Agency " Self Improvemen t " Photography " Make-up Classes For AIl1 Ages Maie and Female 121 Brock St. N. Whitby 666-1528i