PAGE 20, WEDNESDAY, AUGUS'1'20, 1980, WIIITBY FREE PRESS The 'Weighty' Metric Issue SA VE 25 t75 PER CEN T Rousseau's has put up a, tent for a gigan tic warehouse, SA LE TO END A LL SALES. Thurs., Fri. and Sat.,...Aug. 2lst, 22nd. and 23rd. its0 GARDEN PARTY SALE 0F FINE FURNITURE This Week On/y, we're having a warehouse sale-and we're holding il in a Gigan tic tent. Everyfiftyyears or so, we like to clean house, and we were amazed at what we found. Forgo tten chairs, sofas, love seats, mirrors, lamps, unique accessories, lamps, bedroom pieces., forgotten and tucked away, coffee ,tables, end tables, sofa and occasional tables. Some are perfect., some are flot so perfect. Some are floor samp les, some are brand new. All are being cleared out at such SHOCKINGL Y LO0 W PRICES it took us fifty years 10 gel around 10 il. (Do you b lame us?) Honestly, we'd love 10 tell you all about these exciting bargains, but the on/y way 10 find out is to corne (o the lent and seefor yourself. You won'î be disappointed. And pieuse hurry. We're ready 10 burst. Q~U~SIAU HERMTAGE HOUSE limited 216 MARY ST. E., WHITBY 668m3487 (Cellulose) Home Comfort Insu late now & save money on heat! Free Estimates 668-2938 Stili, a lot of Canadians re- sent the metricators and for a while il Iooked like the Metric Commission's efforts to force metric might be thwarted, or ai leasi slowed. Joe Clark's short-lived Conservative ad- ministration placed metrication on hold, at leasi until our American neighbors decided, 10 fully accepi the system. WVhile the metricators con- tend there ks litle resistance Io thie met rie system, surveys sug- gesi otherwise. A imajority of the 56),00 members of1 the Canadian Federation of Independent Business, for example, support a slower approach to metric. ln ac, th le metricators have backed off in ai leasi one com- munit)- where metr ic was used on an experimental basis. But the real issue is the seeming lack of political con- cern about the effects of fun- damentally changing the Ca- nadian weights and measures system at a lrne when the easy CONT'D FROM PG. 11 as rnuclîknuwledge, skill and expertise into your con- cerns as itot his big clients: only the amnounit of lime var- ies - the direction ut yuur decision wvill bc relatively free ut' iug and 'uzziness, and reinturced bv up-to-thle- min ute i n turma tion tru n cumputers. Not that the de- cision wîill be easy: just that many ut' the -uncertainties hiave been rcinuved. And yuur decisiun must bc promlpt, l'or the pace ot'chanitge in the muarket suun nmakes infourma- lion ubsulete. That decision, îhougil, re- mains yuurs alune. Your bro- ker provides ail the profes- sional counsel, int'urmed en- couragement and emiotional support leading up lu the threshold of decision. But beyond that point, you alone say '"yes" or "no" Mien the proposition is ail laid ouI and th1e last fact weiglied. It's your money, your risk, your reward. Drywal I Ottava's metricators are al smiles these days, even as the> iiatch beîwiIdered shopper-- scratching their heads, trning Io figure oui the real cosi (>1 varous pr<)dIIts. The metricators, of course, are the government people eho coniinuallN re-assure Ca- nadians that they %vill Iearn Io love meirie, particularly when il makes us more compelive in the international mnarket- place. Oshawa Insulation U.S., our major tining pari- ner, s ýreluctant Io Introduce such a program. The metricators should lke a second look. The new systenil ma), eventually pay dlvidends, but in this instan ce stepplng ahead of our neighbor Io the south doesn't make nuch sense. Decision won't be Gov't grant Up to $500. on Homes buiît prior to 1961. & 4r ý