PAGE 6, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 20.,1980, WHITBY FREE PRESS Care should Ibe taken when filling -gas1 operated engin es Of course, you slii)tuld re- fuel ail gasoline-operated equipnient caretully. If y<iu refuel a gasolinc-operated lawnnîuwer, chainsaw or other device, turn the engine offt and let it cool down lie- fore bringing gasoline near it. As well, be extremely care- fuI about '%pillage around the engine, and don't smoke while refuelling. Refueling of any kind should be donc in an open, clcared area with the equip- ment on a firm base. A gasoline container should be stored in a tool- shed, boathouse or garage neyer inside your home. And, of course, children should not have access to the container. Storage of gasoline in a car trunk over long periods of time should bc avoided. In the heat of asunîrner day, gasoline enclosed like this wiIl go through considerable expansion, creating a poten- tial hazard. When you do transport gasoline, reniove the con- tainer frorn the vehicle It's not nîuch t'un to run out of gas ont a lonely stretch of country rn,,d. Trudging to the nearcst service sta-tion- only to have your gasoline can reiectedl is even worse. But that*s exactly what will happen if you're not pre- pared for the highway this sum-mer. On the road or on the water, aIl gasoline con- tairiers are not the. same. Before you take off on a summner vacation, lie sure you are equipped with a con- tainer that can legally be filled: eOne to t'ive-gallon mietal or plastic containers that bear either the ULC (Underwriters' Laborato- ries of Canada) or USA rCanadian Standards As- sociation) label. They mi st he in reasonable co.ndtion and have al caps in place. Metal or plastie portable fuel tanks, for marine use, up to severi gallons. Those sold aft'er August 1 , 1975 wilI hear a UIC or USA label. World War Il style mietal jerry cans with an enm- bossed mark on the bot- tom. Tlîey nmust be in reasonable condition and have the required gasket and closure in place. The mark will be ICC, DOT, BT(' or CT( followed by If you are going to be carrying gasoline in a vehiclc of any kind, reinove the con- tainer [romi the vehicle bc- fore filling it. Il'a spill occurs ini a trunk or any other eni- closed space such as in a van or* panel truck, dangerous vapor buildup will be created. This vapor could be ig- nited by a niaterial1. such as nylon- that mnay gener- ate a static spark, liy the vehicle's exhaust, or [romi other sources inside the vehicle. The sanie goes for marine containers. Reniove the con- tainer from your boat before lilling it. when you reach your destina- tioni and. store it in a suitable location, away tro.m t.irect suri. Wheni it is in the vehlicle, lie sure tht. gasoline con- tainer is secured in an up1- right position, so it cai t ltail over. A rounid the liouse or cot- tage, neyer use gast.line as a suivent or cleaning niaterial. Many serious l'ires have re- suIte cd romi the use of gaso- line l'or cleaning greasy clothes, rcmnoving old floor tules, washing wheeî bearings, cleaning paint brushes ant. many other hazardous prac- tices. tion ighting Specials