WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY. AUIGUST 27, 1980. PAGE CAO has no power saysGartshore Wbitby Mayor Jlm Gar- tphoro has scoffed at àa daim made by an Oshawa reglonal councillor who soa that the Region of Durham's chief administrative officer la too powerf ul. Ed Koîodzio bas sald that the CAO has more power and Influence than any elected politician. "Thora la no doubt about lt," Kolodzie sald lest wo.k, "1that's where tho power lies." The r.gion's top civil ser- vant la respondiblo for co- ordlnating the work of al rogional departmenta and Kolodzle said that this givea the CAO the power to In- fluence each report that la made to council because ho sees the departmont hoead every day. "Department heada take orders f rom the CAO. Me an- ds Up wlth a bell of a lot of power," Koiodzie maIntains believlng that "Really, the power ie with the clvii ser- vices." Kolodzie bas received support for is position from reglonal councllors John DeHart (Osbawa) end Ann Mus icians w anted The Concordia Pops Or- chestra, a musical organization composed of studonts and adulte from the Durham Region, under the direction of Andrew J. Uranowskl, la once again looking for new mombors. Woodwind, brass, per- cussion and especilIy string (violin, viola, collo, basa> players are wlcome to join. This orchestra provide. an opportunity for amateur, semi-professional and prof ossional musicians to port orm togothor, as an avocation or to gain ex- perionco through performan- ce. The ropertoIre ranges from classical to contem- porary and popular aeloc- tons. Concerta are presen- ted tbrougbout the Durham Region for varlous com- ,munity organizations and sonior cîtîzens groupa. During the 1979-80 concert soason, the orchestra per- f ormed In Oshawa, Whitby, Uxbrldgo and Port Porry. Rebearsals wIll begIn on Sunday, Soptomber 7, 1980 et Anderson Colieglato Vocational Institute, 400 An. derson St. Whitby, Ontario, at 7:30 p.m. Anyono Intorested ln par- forming ln the orcbostra la askod to attend the f irat -rohearsln In ptmber. For Cowman (Newcastle). Cowman saad that bouse moat municipal politicians do not undorstand that com- plexîtios of local planning and financo, thoy are forcod to dopond on the staff. However, on the other aide of the coin, Regional Chair- man Walter Beatb said that If the clvii servants are running the region if la the feuit of the politiciens. Boathb aad that "the CAO bas only the power council givea hlm. Gartahore, chaîrman of the roglon's management com- mlttee, aald that the CAO la needed f0 make sure that the region runs as a unit. "'There bas to be somoone on top," Gartsbore said. Gartshore's commIttee ls reaponsible for hlring the new CAO, a position that was vacanted when Bob Richar- dson resigned to tesa similar position with the Reglon of Waterloo. Gartshore's committet and the chaîrman of the other tour standing committees ara presently Interviewing can. dîdates for the $47,000 a year job. He sold that If it la possible it wouid be acceptable to have the new man ln place beore the November 10 municipal election saying that "leverything doesn't stop simply becausig there's an election." 'lit wouid be quit. proper to have one ln place," Gar- tshore said adding "If the right person cornes along." Repiying to Koiodzle's charge that the CAO la too powerfui, Ghrtshore saad "I dlsagree wlth hlm totaily." Me said that the CAO does not have any power, he only ha. councli gîven autbority to part orm administrative duties. "M1-e'. got authority, not powor,"1 Gartahore elad ad- ding to Beath's vlew that only council has power. "I stili think that the power la In the council and It veatsaa certain amount of authorlty ln runnIng the day-to-day operations ln the CAO," ha $Mid. Gartahoro aiso belleves that the CAO should have somne type of authority to get the job done or nothlng would be accomplished. "Me bas to have some authority," he sald. "Council Stalned & Iacquered Furniture. Ftntshed t rame complote wth 14 yoar lap seam mattress, heater lier, lnelock, pedestal sheet. Choice of stains available. ha$ to give somo day-to-day administratIve authorlty to the man." Gartebore la alo keptical about a suggestion f romn DeHart that the council defeor the selection of the CAO for a yoar to s@ It the region could do wlthout one. Hoesald that It would "create problemae that w. don't need.' The region wouid probable flot be as effective without a CAO, Gartabore said addlng that the council and the community la well served by a man who oversees and co- ordinates the work of the senIor staff mombers. 683196 ;49.00 Stalned & Laquered Furniture. Flnished' bookcaso trame, complote with 14 year lap seam mattrosses. Heater lier, lnertock, pedlestal and shoot. cholce of stains avaliabte. COMPLETE PACKAGES INCLUDING: PINE UNFINISHED FLOOR FRAME (ANY SIZE> LINER, LINER LOCK, ALGECIDE, LAP SEAM, BAG AND H EATER FOR ONLY $240.00. MOTION LESS MATTRESS AVAILABLE FOR $100.00 ADOITIONAL. OVER 200 MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM. MANY SPECIALS AND END OF THE LINE CLEARANCES. 10%, Discount For Att residents in, the Durhiam Reglon on presentatton of tiNa ad. CALL WATERBEDS UNLIMITED i.caciions AI: 2124 Bloor St. W., Toronto 769-4596 2355 Egfinioii Ave. E., Scar. 7594979 6m ý 239 Qucen St. E., Brampton 459-9867 The Dance Studio >121 Brock St. N, Wh itby 666-1528 R.Af.. LS.T.D. N.A.T.D. Syllabi o SB allroom, Musical Movement., Special Boy's, Ballet, Jazz, Tap, musical Comedy, Dancercise,O Skaters, Self -Def ense Day & Night Classes Aval lable O Registration & Open House Tuesday August 26 - Friday August 29 1Oa.m. -9 p.m. Tuesday Septem ber 2 - Friday September 5 1Oam.- 9 p.m. il - il [LÏNCOLNI 1 MER C U:R:Yl