P>AGE 10, WEDNESDAY, SEPTIEMBER 10, 1980, WHITBY FREE PRESS WHITBY PARKS and -RECREATION DEPARTMENT 1 25TH ANNIVERSARY 1855-1980 THE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITBY iand COMAMUNITY Something For GENERAL REGISTRATION INFORMATION Place: Iroquois Park Complex 500 Victoria St. W., Whltby September 13, 1980 - AIN programs 9:00 a.m.- 1:00 ar. Septemnber 15, 1980 - AUl programs EXCEPT Aquatlos 6:30 p.m.-8:00 p.m. Lut* Registratlon: Subject to avsllablty. Phono for Information. Mea*Il In Rql«rtlo: Payment by mail wiII onîy be accepted tont PROGRAMS OTH ER TH AN AOUATICS Subjeot to avallabllty at the tîme of recelvlng the request. For InformatIon: Pool Programs 6638-7765 Gerueral Programs 668-5803 ext 33 IROQUOIS PARK SWIMMING POOL LESSONS commonclng Sept. l5th Pieuse Note: Classes are 11ued on a "first cornef irst 8erved"'basis - enroliment end4rglstration day Je encouraged. Aiso, the classes below are lilted progresaiveiy. each deantlime representa one clao18. Level Monday Tuesday Wed Thursday- Frlday- Saturday Mom & Me 8:00____ 6:00 .rn. 10:30a&.m. Shrimp 5:15 p.m. 5:15.6:00 .15 p.m. 5:15.6:00 9:45,.10:30 ________or 6:45 pin. or 7eO p.m. ___ or11: 15a.m. Sharf< 5:15 p.m. 5: 15, or 5:15 pin. 5:1î5, or :4or ______8:45 pi..7___ 00_ ______ 11&.m. Pre-Benme 68:00,.6:45 7:00, or 9:45, 10:30, or' 7:30 pà.m. 7:45 p.in, or il .15 &.m.. Beginner 6*00, 6:45, 7-.00or 94.03 or 7:30 p.m. 7:4 5 p. m. 9O451:3 r-7.0rl :5 a.rm. Advnced ginn.r 710,.mp. M..m Survival 6: 45 p.m. 10:30 a.m Pre*Junior 6: 00 P.m. 7:00.,:4 ________7:4 5 p. m. 11: 1 b ar.. Juio *6:00or 7:45 p. m. 10:30a.m Juir7:30 p.m. 11:16______ Lite Saving i -0 ..7.0 ..1 .5am <Repacing Pro-lnterTnediate), 6Opm :O.n :S.n ________ 6:4 5p.m. 7:4 5P. m. 9:45 c.m. Lite Saving Il 9:00Oa.m. Senior 7:30 p.m, _____ ___ 10:30 a.m. Lit e Saving 111 9:00 8-M. RLSS Bronze4 7:30 p.m. 8: 30 ar. L«cdora 830. Syncitro Club f400-4:0 _____5:00 _._.6:00 P.rn. _____ SwWn Club Learn to Swlm IAflvanceU DigiuI I I 7.8- a.ll m.ý 5:00- 6:00 p.m 5:00~ 7:00 p.m. ADULI INSTRUCTIONAL LESSONS (EVENINOS) 8.30 p.m. 1i 1 8:30 nM. 1 .i 1 9: 15 fl. 1 i s;. inmi I - .- - - %F -% Seir 11830 p.rn -- 8:30p DAYTIME INSTRUCTIONAL LESSONS Momna Me 9:00a.m. 1:30 p.rn. or 2:30 Pm, 0 Dm.. 1:30 .m. BLIR. 1:30 p.m -. or 2:30 m.. AquabIca TWICE WEEKLY Tuesdays 9:45 a.m. & Fridays 10:30 a.m.i Pre-Beglnnoer- -:00 a.m. 1:30 p.m Learn to Swim : .m 2:30 p.m.i I2:30 pn.j p 19 5M. 1 1.-30 pin. 1 INSTRUC Mmr & Me Shrimp &Shartl Chiidren's Classas AdutI classes RLSS Aquabics (Waler Exercise> Leaders ( 16 lessons), Swikn Club Syncitro I12:00* 1:30 P.m. r. %TIONAL RATES 40 minute oessons 40 minute lassone 45 minute 18680115 45 minute lassons 75 minute lassons $17.00 S$14.00 $14.0 S$17.00 $ 17.00 1 %, hr./week $20.00 120 minute lessons $2200 2 hr./week $20.00 q I Thing to do.. LADIES' KEEP FIT Acourse adapled to the neada of matura carear woman or housa-wife. Emphasis la on relaxation techniques and on exarcises 10 Improve muscle lona, fiexibiiity and stamina. $10 for 10 $10 for 10 wseks. CentannIal Bldg. Wed. 10-11 &.mn. Brooklin Carn. Centre Tues. à Thura. 9:30-10:30 &.m. Starte Sept. 22 LADIES" DANCERCISE Dancerciafirms your body In lust days along wllh strangthaning your hast and iungs. il's fun and simple dancing and axercislng briskiy 10 lite isteat music. $20 for 10 weeks et Palmerston Public School on Wednesday 9*.00 ta 10:00 p.m. Starte Sept. 22 LEARN TO SKATE Profassionai instructors wili teacit you and your pra.schooler ltae fundamenlalo 0of figure skating., $25 fora8 weeka ut Iroquois Park Arean on Wsd. 9.10 &.m. or 10-11 &.m. or Brooklln Aen Tues. 9-10 &.m. or Fridays 2.3 p.m. or 3-4 p.m. Starta et Iroquois Sept. 17, Brookiln Oct. 7 YOGA 1 Co-aducational course In Hatha Yoga, witicitls prImarily con- cernad with pitysical aspects sucit as axarcisa, respiration and reaxation. $25 for 10 weeks et Cantennail Building Wednesdaya 10:.00-11:00 arn. Sierts Sept. 24. MODERN JAZZ Modern Jazz usas contamporary music and choreography ln order 10 Improva lte particlpan's sense of rhylhm, pitysical well-baing, and self-control. $15 for 10 weeks, Thursday 6:00 p.m.-7:00 p.rn. Whitney Hall. Starte Sept. 25. LADIES' FIGURE SKATING A basic course for women who havealeways wanled to iearnlte aklilis of figura skating. $25 fora8 weeks et Iroquois Arona on Thuridmys frorn 9-10 arn., Braoklin Aron&. Starts Sept. 18. SLIM & SWIM A 12 week instructional axercise & f manss program followad by a swim and sauna. $20 for 12 weeks carnmenclng Sept. 22set Iroquois Parkt Twlce weekly Tues. à Thur&. 2:00-3:00 p.rn. Mon. ar Wed. 7:00-8:30 p.rn. OR 8:00-9:30 p.m. Starta Sept. 22 LADIES' TAKE A BREAK Stimulate your mind and ait In on Informai discussion on topicsIlike Changing Divorce Laws, Consumer Purcitasing Problems, Cancer Awaranass, etc. Coffea and cookies- $8 for 4 wsaks. Whitney Hall, 10:00-11:30 &.m. on Fridmys. Starla Sept. 26 KARATE (Shotokan Style) lTae course will stress exercise and maniai discipline. Tour. nameni fighling akilis wiil also ba introduced. A professional black bal instructor wiii instruct lte courses. Agas 8-16. $25 per parson for 10 weeks ut Iroquois Park on Saturdoa 10:0011:30 &.m. Stanla Sept. 27 GIRLS' FIE' D LACROSSE Why beas spectator? Laarn about lte gamei and how to actuaiiy play. 14 yrs and up. Muai provida own equipmani. $12 far & weeks atI roquois Park. Sundas 1:00-2:30 p.m. Starla Sept. 28 POWER SKATING Power skating leaches youngslars control, balance and manoauverabiiity on skates. Titis new metitod of skating iii- sîruction assIsis participants ln using their natural abiiiiy 10 lte maximum potential. Thtis program la especialiy beneficial to young hockey players wito wiah 10 improve ihair skating. 7- 14 yrs. $35 Sept. 15 ta Oct. 3, 9 lasana Mand., Wed., Fr1. 4:11eli.00 p.m. HOCKEY SCHOOL Titis course empitasizes skating and the abliity to handie te puck ln ordar 10 prepare tae boys and girls for more advanced hockey play. Ciidren shouid be able to skate and must suppiy lte foiiowing equipment-skates, helmet with face guard, stick and gioves. Agas 7-l4yrs $M0 for 10 weeks et Iroquois Arien Fnidaya 4.-00.00 p.m. Siarla Oct. IOth BADMINTON A course designed 10 leacit akili development and provide f un and exarcise. Raquais muai be provided. $15 ftar 10 weeks et L.A. Fairman Public Scitool 6:304:-00 pm. on Thursdays. Statis Sept. 25 BELLY DANCING The dance of the "MIddle East"' brought 10 you by a professional instructor who wili teach you shimmies, zlise and Isolations. Keep flit whlle enloylng youraeif, through lte mystery of dance. $25 for 10 woks ut Hery Street Higit Scholl on Wednosdoas7-8 p.m. Starta Sept. 24 SHINNY HOCKEY Untnstructed time atloted for Individual hockey practice or skating. $2 par person. Iroquols Park, Mondays 9.11 a.m. star- ling Sept. 15; Brookiin Arean Wednasdays 9-11 a.m. Starlîng Oct. 8. MOM & ME Mottera and fathers can enioy skating with titeir young cittidren wititout fear of crowds. Adulte 50$, ChIidren 25# Locations: Iroquais Arana Stan.e Sept. 17 Wadnssdays 10.11 *.mn.; BrookIln Arsns Starte Oct, ô Mondays 9-10 &r. SENIOR CITIZENS' PROGRAMS Enjoy the friendshlp of other seniors by taking a mambarsitip oui at the Whitby Senior Citizans' Centre. Join In sociais, recreationat programa, spait vents. Msmbershlp cout-$2 par yssr. Centra la iocat.d et 801 Brock St. S., WhItby. Phoneo6688.1424 TENNIS LESSONS Lavai 1 - Studant wlili be taught all the basic ground strokes (forahand, backhand, volley serve and ovarhand>, tennis ter- minology and rulas. Levait 2 - will spend more lime on gama strategy for singles and doublas play. Coet $25 for adulte, $15 for taons. Twice a waek, Sept 22.Oct. 18. ADULTS-.LEVEL 1 Iroquols Park: Peel Park: Brooklin: Palmerston Hutchison Wiiiow 7:00-8:00 a.m. Mon. & Wed. 10:00-11:00 a.m. Tuas. & Titurs. 9:30-10:30 a.m. Mon & Wed. 7:00-8:00 p.m. Mon. & Wed. 10:20-11:20 a.m. Tues. & Thurs. 7:00-8:00 p.m. Tues & Thurs. 9:00-10:00 a.m. Tues. & Thurs. 10:00.11:00 a.m. Set. & Sun. 1:00-2:00 p.m. Tues. & Thurs. Aduîts-Leveî 2 Palmerston 7:00-8:0 p.m. Tuas.& Thurs. D'Hiiiier 8:30-9:30 p.m. Mon. &Wad. Centrai Park 2:30-3:30 p.m. Tues. &Titurs. CHILDREN-Level i Iroquois Park 6:00-7:00 p.rn. Mon. & Wed. Peel Park 6:00-7:00 p.m. Mon. & Wed. BrooklIn 8:00-7:00 p.m. Tuas. & Thurs. Hutchison 9:00-10:00 a.m. Sat. &'Sun. CHILDREN--Leveî 2 Palmerston 8:00-7:00 p.m. Tues. & Titurs. SEMI1-PRIVATE--LESSON S lTe Parka & Recreation Department w,ill arrange semi-privata tennis lassons. Two people par cas. Raquest shouid be phonad ln and you wlll be maichad with an instructor. Cool: $40 par parson. 5 lassons et local tennis courts. DIET PEPSI FIT-FOR-RUN FUN A 10 km run starting and ending et Iroquois Park Complex on Sunday, November 2, 1980 ai 1:00 p.m. Entry forma will be avallable afier Sept. 26th aitlita Parka& Racreation Department, 575 Roasand Roud East, Whitby 416- 66&%5803 xi. 33 PARKS & RECREATION FLEA MARKET Sept. 20, 10 a.n.500 p.rn. roquois Park Parking Lot Sellng bootits wlil be avallabie for organizations and ln. dividuals aitlite cosl of $10 par saling bootit. Over 100 vendors expacied 10 participais. You can sail just about anylhing-oid or new. Sponsored by lte Parka Racreation Deparimant. Phone 68&5803, ext. 33 for more Information. PUBLIC SKATING SCHEDULE Brooklin Meniortai Arien 655-4571 Sundays 1:*30.2:45 p.m. Wednesdays 3:30-4:45 p.m. Frldays 8:00-9:45 p.m. commencing Oct. 8, 1980> Iroquais Park Arana 868.7765 Sundays 20-3:45 p.m. Tuesdays 3:30-4:45 p.m. Frldays 9-.0-10:45 p.m. commencing Sept. 16, 1980) Citildran 75t, Aduls $1.00 Be sure t0 loin your friands for laeta Disco Skating Music. Titis year's Public Skating limes wiii featura draws and con- tests for singles and couples. Waich for our specials on ad- missions 10 public skelIng. Public skating on Profassional Deveiopmant Days. Cali arena for limes. FA Li ROGRA2l s IROQUOIS PARK SPORTS COMPLEX SERVIC-ES Everyone..., Date: fJw bitenr edle/ Senior 1 Béginnui *ý9 r -ig k e _j t e" P!. --- - Il