Whitby Free Press, 17 Sep 1980, p. 20

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PAfl M1 ~ Y.SEPEM 17 WIIITRY FREEF Free Press Emnp oriumi CaiI 66861 11 Emporium Ads wiII- only be accepted subject to the fol!owing Conditions. 1960 PONTIAC, 6 cyl, standard tran- smission, 48,000 iles, 4 doors, very good condition. $1000 or beat offer. Cali 655-3011 JI 23,80 1970 PLYMOUTH DUSTER, 340 àutomatIc on floor, tiger carpet on in- aide, mags, very quick, runs good, $500. Ask for John at 683-7538 JI 2,80 1974 HONDA, new tires, brekes, muffler, $1,200 f irm. - , Cti 72-5489 after 5 p.m. Cali 723JuIy 2,80 1972 BUICK LE SABRE 2-Dr. vinyl roof, PIS, P/B, radio, good shape, new paint. $700 lirm. Calii8688-7573. Aug. 27,80 1969 GREY ASTRE, 2 door. 55,000 mIi8 les, 11e rust. Good condition. Take over remaining PaYments Of $124.1 month for 10 montha 988-4716. Can be sean by appt. in Whtby. Sept. 3,80 FISH 'N' CHIP TRUCK, 1968, 241t aiumInum body, aqoipad wth fryer, fridga, gi, potato peeler, chiper and stock. Phone efftr 4:30 weakdays 705-324-8285 Sept 17,80 1974 VOLKSWAGON BUG, good for parts, new wool plaid seats. Engine A-i $450 fît-m. Perigo carrnage (It.alen) mint condition. converta into car bed. $130 Cali 668-0681. Aug 6,80 73 FORD GALAXY 500 WAGON. mechan-sound, body fair, may be cerl- tified, asking $400. Cali 688-3052 i- ter 8:00 p.m.( i16,80 1978 DATSUN 510 HATCHBACK, 5 speed, spotiesa.Ilika naw, 30,000 miles AM-FM cassette. It has super gas mileage - 36 mpg. AakIng $4350. Cali 571-3131 i16,80 1972 Oldemobile 188 good body and motor $895. 1969 Ford Econoline Van low mileage, perfect condition, certif lad $1200. Phono 5764722 or 7253052. Aug. 13,80 COLLECTORS iTEMI 1 owner, 1974 Pymouth Roadronner, 318 automatlc, 25 miles par gallon, P/S, P/B, AMFM ,ttereo, T-sun roof, radiais, mag , el 52,0 1 original mitas. not driven ln winter. Immaculate con- dition. Certif ied. Asking $3500. Phono days 576-2032, evaninga 728-67W0. Aug. 13,80 CIUSTOM DUNE BUGGY, cromed headers, new tires 50 and 60 series, bucket seats, hearst 4 speed. Asking $2,000. Cati 666- 3681.- J uiy 9,80 1975 IIORNET, 6 vyl, ANC. autornatic, 29.000 miles, new condition, with roof carrier, 4 doors. $2.000 or besi of fer. Cmli 655-3011. July 23,80 1969 FORD FAIRLANE302 motor and transmission for sale. Good con. dtion 58.000 miles $200. or besi of fer Phone 688-836. Aug. 13,80 1969 DODGE DART. good for parts, new transmission, naw radiator, engins ln good condition, Asking $20. Cmii 66&-1461. Aog. 13,80 AU ARTS ELECTRIC MOTORS, varloos hor- sepwoers, m-ýcondltioned, many prac- ticla uses. Motors eéch et $15 Cli 6864521 sept 17,80 TIRE SIZE G78-1'f, glass belted, little osed. A bargaîn at just $15, Phone 06681060 Aug. 20,80 1974, 360 HONDA. quarter tehring, good condition $800. Cl 655-4046. Aug.27,80 1978 VAMAHA 5R500. Excellent shape. 3.000 km. Asklng $1,350. Phone 655-3310. Aug, 20,80 17 FT. ALUMINUM BOAT, windshield, semIs, fIrat dm85s condition $80 or beat offert Phone 655-3011 afller 5 p.m. Sept. 3,80 WINTER COATS. Ladies, white whool size 7, worn twIce $50. Mans black leather, size 36 like new $50. Storm Dorr - aiuminumn 2" tri-light brown, excellent condition.$100. Phone 668- 4006. Sept 3,80 ELECTRIC ORGAN <Electrohome> with bench, perfect for beginnar. Very good condition. Caii 723-8798. Sept 10,80 SKATEBOARD FOR SALE, Tracker trucks, kryptonic wheels, WEE WILLY WINKLE BOARD $40. Cal 688-5227. Aug.27,80. SOFA, in excellent condition $300. A reat good buy for someone starting out. Cai 688-2602. Jnl18 STEEL PIPE FOR OuTDOOR SIGN 4" x 21-.9" with 11/21, x 5-86" Hangar pipe $60. Phone 655-3534 ONE 0' OVERI-EAO GARAGE DOOR complete with hardware. $50. 1019 Centre St. S. Phone 688-3941. Aug.27,80 on@ pair floral print drapes 95' x 84' $10. Two double bed sîze bed spreads $5 and $12. Console coffea table $15. New AM car radio $15. Drum stool $5. Calit688-2510. July 23,80 USED GREEN VINYL CHAIN LINK FENCINO, 5 feet high appiroximately 100 feet, $75. Cali 688-4744 i16,80 ARMY BUNK BECS and mattresses $75. Cal 668&9585. Aug. 13,80 PIONEER CASSETT DECK witfi Dolby and three tape settlngs. Ex- cellent condition, Aaking $150. *32 gallon aquarium with customn stand and many accessories, In- cludlng fish. Asling $150. Phone 655- 3821. Aog. 13,80 Approximately 9'X5' PICTURE WIN. DOW SOREEN and torm window in- cludad, In good condition, $160. ¾14bad frame 48"X72". $25. Ooebec wood stove $110. Cali 688-8875 Sept 5,80 LARGE OAK DINING ROOM TABLE, antique, aaking $200. Cheat like Suit- case $9. Table lampa, old ilver $45 a pair. Metai cabinet withi sliding doors $20. Ironging board $500. Cali 683-8838set56 4 ALUMINUM SCREEN DOORS$20. emch, Firapiace $100. Floor polisher $10. Phone 655-3814. Sept. 3,80 D)IsHWASH ER -portable, Klvinator, needa some attention $150 or beat Of - fer. 668-8580 Sp.38 KITCHEN TABLE and 5 chairs $50; f ive-drawer war- drobe, $75.; beige and brown piliow Chesterfield and chair $75. CaliI 666-3457. Juty 9,80 SQUASH RACKET, brand riew, never used, dunlop $15. Cmli 6686563, Sept. 580 PLEASE REAU Whrn the advertised Item ls soid, disposed cl unavaitable for whatever reason, the Item wiit be deerT have been sotd and a commission witl be charged basi THE ADVERTISED PRICE as ittustrated betow, regardi price le stated with 'best off er". If the Item Is NOT SOLD, or disposed of, the ad wilt t for 3 MONTHS and a MINIMUM CHARGE 0f $300 wille Ail advertisements must be piaced on an exclusive with thie WHITBY FREE PRESS and run at toast one mo not sold. RATES (If article le sold): 5% of advertiaed prie Up to $M0.00 2% of balance over $40000 EXAM PLE: Sold Item advertlsed flor $120.00 -commission due $600 (minimum charge le $3.00> Private advertlsIng only! Please notify the Whitby Press Immediately when Item is soid 50 that we may It from the following Issues. Al ads not fîtting the Emporium guidelines will be ti and charged per week as regular classifiled ads on a pr basîs such as: services, help wanted, clothing, realE and personal message type ads, or ads not quoting pi quantlty: PrIvate classifiled ads may appear ln the Emi section under appropriate headlngs. Alilade wlii go In ciassiled aection unleas othemisee specîf led. If In doubt, calI1668-6111 MAIL ADS TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM P.O. Box 206, Whitby, Li N 551 131 Broc Whitt THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS IS THE FR1 DAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOOI Air-conditIoner, Generai Electrîc carry cool, 5000 BTU. $125. 3M 051 portable Photocopier, $125. Ci 668- 9430 JI 23,80 ELECTRIC ORGAN, Canadian made, begInner with bench and books, verY good condition. $50 or beat of fer. 10 galion aquarium $10. Ca11 655-3011 JI 23,80 TIME LOcK ln good condition, coats $450 new salling for $200. Cmli 686-3888. July 30,80 REDISHIBROWN, crushed velvet sofa, 2 chairs & ottoman $155. Cmii ai- ter 6 p.m. 6553497. Sept.3,8O LIVING ROOM/DEN SET. Sofa, 1 awivel rocker, 1 swivel chair & ot- toman. off white wlth brown pattern. $.350. WhItby 688«650 afler 4 p.m. sept. 3,80 ORGAN - GALANTI DELUXE X300, 2-37 key manuals, 13 pedals, automatic rythym. Excellent con- dition. $750. Cmli 668-9902. WESTINGHOUSE DRYER, excellent condition $110. Cli 623-1534. Aug.27,80 22" COLOR T.V. $225. Cl 623-1534. Aug .27,80 gas dryer, excellant condition sklng 125. Cmii 688-8115. Aug. 13,80 Zenith-Biack à White TV, 20" for $30. Brasa Fire acrean 30" X 23". $40. Bird r.mGa stand, crome $12. Upholstery matîerial for large cushion size places at $4.00 a place. Wooden clothes dryer stand, $5.00. Cmii 668-2258. JI 23,80 WEBSTER DIAPHRAM COM- PRESSORMOdel 10-3 wth hase and gun $80. cmil 655.4361. Ag 38 Ltty'S MOTORcROSS BIKE (ALL PRO). excellant condition. 1 yaar old. $95 or wili rade for 5 or 10 spaed bika. Caîl 668-9660. Sept 17,80 OAS STOVE with rotîsserie and cot- tage f rdge. $20 or beat olfer. CAIl 723-2005 Sept 17,80 RUNABOUT WITH CAEI HEAD,needs some work, frn for the sommer $400. or t Cmii 688-7573. ONE (Fight Lino) his and aider on wheels. Suze 22' plus lika new sida pockets Phone 655-4014 CHESTERFIELD AND C cellent condition, 4 years tured velvet, rost and brc% pint. Orlginaliy $1200 as Cmli 576-4993. SOLID CHERRY, Frenchf Dinlng Room Suite, table, 5, armad chair, buffet ar cabinet. AskIng $1.800 or I Cmii 686-1168 GENDRON BABY CAR strolier $25. Chesterfild« Kitchen suite $45. AUi1er BABYc and inç 2687 aft TWO NE and atral de short 6119 AGUARI plate% Aquariui plete wl 655-406Ç CHILDE year 01 668-008 TWO1 vinyl fl Pr. or legs, I 30- fc goodc ning or oven. Sutabte for hou both for $W( Sept 17,80 f, or IBANEX CSTOM ELEI ned to with case $350. Sîbra ai ed onl wthout case $75. Cali7 Iess If WALNUT CONSOLE Solld oak swivei offli be run PhoneO 666-372. appty. basis Dfth If MATIRESS, EXTRA Fil ambassador, 3 years condition. $80. Caii 68U Gîvo y' Free detete :reated re paidTH estate,TH iice or HEART 1 fER TO: ck St.N. by, Ont. N. lIN AND e atorage best offer. July 30,80u id hers soit "X22"'Xl2', S.$50 firm. Sept. 5,80 CHAIR, ex- ' otd, scul pr wn damask sking $AJ0. Sept .'8 Provincial 7 i de and 1 ind ch ina est offer. An accident1 i 16,80Mi STra RRIAGE (5 MCo suite $100 Ontario Ausing o7.8 CRIB for sale. Four years oid good condition $60. Cali 668- Iternooli and eveninga. sept. 5,80 IEW WIGS, long dark brown aigth, $70 or best ofter. Blon- rt and curiy $20 f irm. Cmii 688- i16,80 JM, 200 gai, 1" glass, cOm- with stand, flet etc. $300. um, 100 gai. ½"' glass, com- 11th stand, flah, etc. $200. Cmli 9 after 5 p.m. Sept. 3,80 I5, 2 WHEELER bicycle. suits 4 Id. good condition. $20- Cmli 64, Aug.27,80 TWIN SIZE 39" had boarr.a. fnish, white with gold lrlm $10 $5M each. Tabla with wooden op white anamnel 26" x 239Y' a ýor $15. The aboya Items are, in condition. Cmli W83-75:18 mor- )r vaning aller 6 p.m. June 18,80 .4 0. Cmli 668-3925 ITRIC GUITAR %coustic guitar 728-321 3 Aug. 13,80 1stero $250. ce rocker $15. Sept. 3,80 RN, queen sîze botd, excellent e.9113. July 30,80 I I A~ I j q k Iooking for a place to happen??? ansportation and mmunications I MLM. PHOTOGRAPHY 131 B ROCK STREET NORTH WHITBY 668-6111 Monl - Wed 9-a iii - 6 pini. Thurs. Fni. 9 aun - 8pîn. Sat IO arni - 5 pin. WL 0F FER TOP QUALITY FILM FROCESSING AT COMPETITIVE PRICES - AND THAT'S VALUE! BUSINJESS- STATIONERY*MAIL OROER Aly, sElyrEmi PAGE 20.' Imm 1 . %Ad f zma uu

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