PAGE 12, WEDNESDAY, SEflEMBER 24, 1980, WHITBY FREE PRESS Peacock place 3rd in season play Finishlng the season ln 3rd place Peacock Sports & Trophies of the minor peewee dividion, dlsplayed trernendous discipline and sheer guts when they defeated firut place Pickering Village 1-4) in the first round of post season play in Pickering. It was vintagae palyoff socceer wlth Robbie DeLong belng the only one to put the bail through the posta in the gaine, thanks ,to a set up from brian Watson. Preser- ving the game and shutout was keeper Billy Chilton. The major atorns travellng te Peterborough finlshed an Up and down season by getting bornbed. Il looked as though An- thony's diner had something up - their sleeve as they ½Acame off for the hall Urne' break with a i-0 lead, but reallty set in during the second haif with P. Borough scoring seven times. The Atoms finished third in reg season. Honorable mention goes to Mark 0'Dell, Chris Page, Phillp Hughes for their neyer give up attitude. Aslo travelling to Peter- boro for Post season play was cheekers variety of the maier Mosquito Division. The Whitby teain finished the reg. season in 2nd place ahead of Peterborough, but ladyluck was not with Chec--kers, as they bast the decision by penatl4iy kicks. The game was probably the best of the year by the two clubs, wlth consistent play comlng from 13Mt defen- ders and attackers. Af ter faling behind a goal, Whltby fougbt back for two and star- te dthe second hall wlth a one goal lead. In the last couple of minutes wlth the pressure mountlng Peter- borough put one past the Whitby net on a thrlfty three way passlng play to send the gameine m overtime, to whlch the Whitby coach says "'Any turne I hear soccer mentioned, that 3 WaY passing play continuously runs through my head, 1'11 neyer forget it.', Jeff Page scored lsoth Whltby goals, wlth honorable mention for- this gaine golng to, Mke Cann, Peter Clayton, Steve Ross, Peter Tedford and Brian Cray. Badmint on club's l2tli year Badminton is a Iffetirne sport. This Canailian Badminton Association slogan is exein- plified by members of the Whitby YMCA Badminton club who range from, juniors (aged 6 to0 12> to those eligible to be classified as masters, froin beginnerg to seasoned veterans, and froin strictly social 'players 10 tournament comTpetitors. Ail are benefltting froin physical f itness. The club is entering its 12th season, playing Monday and Thursday evemings as well as Sunday afternoons from September to May at Henry Street High School. Juniors are coadhed Satur- day mornings from 9:30 to 11:00 and are perniilted to join the adulte on Sunday af- ternoons which have corne to be regarded as faily days. Bob Smith, the junior coach, believes in a well balanced combination of learning and fun to maintain interest throughout the year. He is an accomplished player hirnself and regularly wlns the master's mixed doubles championship of the Central Ontario Badminton Association. New members are now being accepted. Basic fees are $34 per season for an adult, proportlonately less for couples, students, inter- mediates (le and under) and juniors. Registration will take place at the Henry Street HMgh School lower gyrnnasium September 22 and 25 alter 7:30 p.m. Beginners can look for-" ward to a comprehensive coachlng prograrn and wilI have fun froin the outset because novices can stlll en- joy long rallies. It is also comforting that rnissed shuttlecocks don't roll very far. For complete details cal the club's secretary, Cindy Benoît at 666-3757 after 5 p.m. WISC season gets underway The 1980/81 season of the Whitby Iroquois Swirn Club will gel underway this mon-_ THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY 0F DURHAM THE EXPROPRIATIONS ACT, R.S.O., 1979 NOTICE 0F APPLICATION FOR APPRO VAL TO EXPROPRIATE LAND IN THE MATTER 0F an application by THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY 0F DURHAM for approval 10 expropriate land being Part of Lots 18,19 and 20, Broken Front Concession, and Part of the Road Allowance between Lots 18 and 19,, Broken Fron Concession, in the Town of Whltby, in the Regional Municipality 0f Durham for the purpose of 'the reconstruction and relocation of Regional Road Number- 22 (Victoria Street) froin Thickson's Road easterly in. the Town of Whitby, in the Reglonal Munlcipality of Durham. AND IN THE MATTER 0F the proposed expropriation of a limited interest in land being an easernent or right in the nature of an easernent Part of Lots 18, 19 and 20, Broken Fron Concession, and part of the Road Allowance between Lots 18 and 19, Broken Front Concession, in the Town of Whitby in the Rýegional Municipality of Durhamn. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Application bas been made for approval 10 expropriate all right, tille and in- terest In the lands described as follows: Part of Lots 18, 19 and 20, Broken Front Concession and Part of the Road Ailowance between Lots 18 and 19, Broken Front Concession, la the Town of Whitby in -the regional Munlcipality of durham, designated as Parte 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 on a Plan of Survey deposited in the Registry Of- fice for the Registry Division of Durhain (Number 40) as Number 40R-4956. AND NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Application bas been made for approval te expropriate a limited interest being an easernent on rlght la the nature of an casernent in the lands descrlbed as follows: Part of Lots 18, 19 and 20 Broken Fron Concession and Part of the Road Alowance between Lots 18 and 19, Broken Front Concession, la the Town 0f Whitby la the Regional Municlpality of Durham, designated as Parts 6, 7,8e and 9 on a Plan of Survey deposited la the Registry Of- fice for the Registry division of Durhamn <Number 40) as Number 40R-4956. This would be a temporary casernent and would terminale upon completion of the reconstruction and relocation of Regional Road 22 over Parts 1, 2, 3,4, and 5 Plan 40R-4956. Any owner of lands in respect of which notice is given who seires an inquiry lato whether the taking of such land is fair, sound and reasonably necessary la the achievernent of the objectives of the expropriating authoirty shali so notify the approving authority la wriing, (a) In the caseof a registered owner, served personally or by registered mail witbin thirty days aller he is served with the notice, or, when be is served by publication, within thirty days aller the first publication ofl the notice; (b) In the case of an owner who is nota registered owner, within thirty days after the first publication of the notice. THE APPROVING AUTHORITY IS: The Council of the Regional Municipality of Durhamn 605 Rossland Road, East Wh"itby, Ontario LiN 6A3 THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY 0F DURHAM C.W. Lundy, Clerk NOTES: 1. THE EXPROPRIATIONS ACT provides that, (a) Where an inquiry is requested, it shall be conducted byan inquiry officer appointed by the Minister of Justice and Attorney General; (b> the inquiry officer, (i) Shall give evýery party to the inquiry -an opportunily 10 present evidence and argument and 10 examine and cross-examine witnesses, either personally or by his counsel or agent; and (ii) may recoinrend to the approving authority that a party 10 the inquiry be paid a fixed arnount for his coste of the inquiry not te exceed $200 and the approving authorily rnay in its discretion order the expropriating authority te pay such coste forthwith. 2. "Owner'" and "registered owner" are defined in the Act as Follows: 46owner" includes a morlgagee, tenant, execution creditor, a person entitled bo a imited estate or interest in land, a committee of the estate of a mentally incompetent person or of a person incapable of inanaging his affairs, and a guardian, executor, administrater or trustee la whom land is vested; "registered owner" means an owner of land whose in- leresl in the land is defined and whose naine is specified in an instrument la the proper registry, land tilles or sheriff 's office, and includes a person shown as a tenant 0f land on the laest revised assessinent roll; 3. The expropriating authority, each owner who notifies the approving autbority that he desires a hearing la respect of the lands latended te be expropriated and any owner added as a party by the laquiry officer are parties te the inquiry. THIS NOTICE FIRST PUBLISHED THIS -24th DAY 0F SEPTEMBER, 190 125TH ANNIVERSARY 1855-1980 THE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITBY 1980 FINAL TAX NOTICE FOURTH INSTALMENT Tihe Fourth Instaiment of taxes for 19801la due and payable September 30, 1900. If payment laflot recelved by the due date, penalty et the. rate of 1i'A % per month wiil be charged on lie overdue balance. Taxes may bes paid et any WhItby Bank wlthout bank collec- tion charges' or et the Municipal Office, 575 Roseland Rond East, WhItby, Ontario Gali Empey, Tex Collector, Town of WhItbv YA message f rm Vour ýLung Association 723-3ý151 j run amneet efficiently, in such capacities as timers - two tor three per lane - ,~t roke, turn, and place )tidges, starters, referees ird a host 0f other duties. %pai-t froin being a service .the young swimmers, of- .iaing is a satisfying and right up 10 the national level. The Canadian Amateur Swimming' Association of-« fers clinics for official training at regular inter-" vals. A level I clinle will be- held at Iroquois, Pool (general purpose room) ci Saturday, September 27, ai 11:30 a.m. Anyone ir terested in working as swim officiai 'will be welcomne. Voluntee- s are not required 10 swim -jr even to be able 10 5wi. volun- teers will be required 10 work an average of one home meet per month. For further information, contact George Blake at 668- 8097, officials co-ordinator, Whitby Iroquois Swim Club. th when swimmers resume training after the sumnier break. The club is looking forward to improve its suc- cess of last season and has planned a busy schedule of home engagements. The general public is mostly unaware* of the large number of officiaIs required 10 operate a swirn. meet. It requires 25 to 30 officials 10, iquu.o D~URHAM m 1