Press Erium" CoiI 668-6111l 4 _ 1 -w Mý 1960 PONTIAC, 6 cyl, standard tran- smssion, 48,000 mles, 4 doors, very 900<1 condition. $1000 or beat olfer. Cali 6553011 JI 23,80 1970 PLYMOUTH DUSTER, 340 automallc on loor, tiger carpet on ln- aide, maga, vary qulck, runs good, S50. Ask for John ati683-7538 JI 2,80 1974 HONDA, new tires, brakes, muffler, $1,200 f irrn. Cali1723-5489 af ter 5 p.m. JuIy 2,80 1972 BUICK LE SABRE 2.Dr, vinyl roof, PIS, PIS, radio, good shape, new paint. $700 firm. Cali 668-7573. Aug. 27.80 196 GREY ASTRE, 2 door, 55,000 miles, fllte ruat. 000<1condition, Take over remnalnlng payments of $124.! month for 10 months 988-4716. Can ba seen by appt. In Whtby. Sept. 3,80 FISH -N' CHIP-TRUCK, 1966, 24ft aluminumn body, equlped wth fryer, tri 'go, gili, potato peeler, c Iper and stock. Phone ai ter 4:30 weekdays 705 3246285 Sept 17,80 1974 VOLKSWAGON BUG, good for parts, new wooi plaid seats. Engine A-i $45 firm. Perigo carniage (Italian) mint condition, converts lnto car bed. $130 Cali 668-0661. Aug 6,80 73 FORD GALAXY 500 WAG.," mechan-sound, body fair, may be cor- Iiied, asklng $400. Cali 668-3052 ai., fer 6:00 p.m. J16,80 1978 DATSUN 510 HATCHBACK, 5 speed, apotesasilike new, 30,000 miles AM-FM cassette. It has super gas mleage - 36 mpg. Aaklng $4350. Cali 571-3131 i16,80 1972 Oldamoblie '88 good body and motor $895. 1969 Ford Econoline Van 10w mleage, perfect condition, certif led $1200. Phone 576"722 or 7253052. Aug. 13,80 1977 YAMAHA SNOWMODILE,ET 250, excellant condition. $1100. Cali 655-3477 Sept 24,80 CUSTOM DUNE BUGGY, cromed headers, Inew tires 50 and 60 series, bucket seats, hearst 4 speed. Asking $2,000. Cali 666- 3681. Juiy 9,80 1975 I4ORNET, 6 vyl, ANC. ..utomatic, 29,000 miles, new condition, with roof carrier, 4 doors. $2000 or beat oifer. Cali655-011.July 23,80 1969 FORD FAIRLANE302 motor and transmission for sale. Good con- dition 58,000 miles $200.Or beat Of fer. Phone 68-8368. Aug. 13.80 73 GRAND TORINO, 351 V8, PIS, PIB, certif led. Asklng$50. COeil 655-3679 Sept 24,80 mmil3 1PLEASE READ 17 FT. ALUMINUM BOAT, wIndshieid, aseats, flrst ciass condition $600 or boast offert Phone 655-3011 aller 5 p.m. Sopt. 3,80 1978 YAMAHA SASC. Excellent shape. 3,000 km. Asking $1,350. Phone 655-3310. . 1 Auù. 20,80 79 FORD %a TON, l' Super Cab Ex- plorer, AM-FM stereo, PIS, PIB, cruise control, tilt steerIng, factory air, with Ford Cap. Equipped for camping. Plus much more. Muet be seen. List $13.500. Must seli asking $9,200. Certif led. Cali 728.700 Sept 24,80- 1974, 360 HONDA, quarter iehring, good condition $80.COeil 8554046. Aug,27,80 1978 SIANT 0 ENGIN!, 16,000 miles. $275. Automatic transmission for the same vehicie $150. Afier 5 p.m. Cali 579-125. Sept 24,80 1974 CHEVROLET CAPRICE CLASSIC ail power equipment, automatlc V-8, ioaded with options. Comfort and style. Certiled. $2,2W0. Caeil668&5678 Sept 24,80 COLLECTORS ITEMI 1 owner, 1974 Plymouth Roadrunner, 318 automaiic, 25 miles par galion, PIS, PIB, AM-FM atereo, T-sun roof, radiais, mag" wheeis, 52,000 original miles, not driven ln winter. immaculato con- dition. Certif led. Asking $3500. Phone days 5762032, ovenings 728. 8700. Aug. 13,80 1969 CUTLAS OLOSMOBILE CON. VERTIBLE,PIB, Pis, PIW. New brakos, tire-rod ends, Idier armn, mut- filer and pipes. includes 08. $1000 certiiied, iirm. 0811 668.1416 Sept 24,80 USED GREEN VINYL CHAIN LINK FENCING, 5 ieet hlgh approxlmately 100 feet, $75. Oel 668-4744 i16,80 ARMY BUNK BEDS and mattreases $75. Cal 668-9585. Aug. 13,80 PIONEER CASSETT DECK with Dolby and three tape settings. Ex- cellent condition, Asking $150. 32 gallon aquarium with custurr stand and many acceasories, ln- ciuding fish. Aaking $150. Phone 655- 3821. Aug. 13,80 Approximaieiy 9'X5' PICTURE WIN- D0W SCREEN and storm wlndow ln- ciuded, ln good condition, $160. ¾4bed irame 48"X72'", $25. Ouebec wood stove $110. Cali 668-8675 Sept 5,80 LARGE OAK DINING ROON TABLE, antique, asking $200. Chest like suit- case $9. Table lampa. id ailiver $45 a pair. Metail cabinet wth siiding doora $20. Ironging board $500. Oelil 683-6636 Sept 5,80 4 ALUMINIJM SCREEN DOORSS20. each. Firepiace $100. Floor polluher $10. Phone 655-3814. Sept. 3,80 DISHWASH ER- portable. Keivinator, neada somne attention-$150 nr beat ofi- fer. 668-8580 Sept. 3,80 KITCHEN TABLE and 5 chairs $60; five-drawer war- drobe, $75.; beige and brown piiIow chosterfld and chair $75. Cali1666-3457. July 9,80 ons pair floral prInt drapes 95" x 84"* $10. Two double bed size b.d areads $5 and $12. Console couse table $15. New AU car radio $15. Drum stool $5. Cali 666&2510. July 23,80 Whrn the advertlsed Item is soId, ci unavailabie for whatever reason, the Item % have beon soid and a commission will be cl THE ADVERTISED PRICE as Illustrated bel, priCo le stated with "'best offer". If the Item Is NOT SOLD, or dlsposod of, tl for 3 MONTHS and a MINIMUM CHARGE ol Ail advertIsements must be piaced on an wlth the WHITBY FREEPRESS andi run at IE not soid. RATES (If article le sold>: 5% of adverteed pre up t0$400.00 2% of balance over $40000 EXAM PLE: SoId Item advertised for $120.00 -commission due $6.00 (minimum charge ls 33.00) Private advertIsIng onlyl Ploaso notIty t Press immodiateiy when Item Is soici so thý it f rom the following Issues. Ail ads flot fîtting the Emporium guideline and charged per weok as regular ciassifiod basis such as: services, help wantod, dlotl and personal message type ads, or ads fot quantity: Private ciassIfiled ads may appear section under appropriate headings. Ail Me wiIi go In ciassiiied section unies othenv If ln doubt, cali 668-6111 MAIL ADS TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM P.O. Box 206, WhItby, Li N 551 THE DEADLîNE FOR EMPORIUM AI FRIDAY PREVIOUSTO PUBLICATIOI Aircondiloner, Genui carry cool, 5000 BTU, $1 portable Photocopier, $1 9430 ELECTRIC ORGAN, Cetý beginner with bench and good condition. $50 or ti galion aquarium $10. Cal TIME CLOCK ln good costs $450 new seliing t 668-3868. REDISHIBROWN, cri. sofa, 2 chairs & ottomai ter 6 p.m. 655-3497. LIVING ROONIDEN S swivei rocker, 1 swivel toman. Qi i white with ti $350. Whiby 668-8650ea ORGAN - GALANT X300, 2-37 key manual automatic rytbym. El dition. $750. Ca11668-9M WESTINGHOUSE DRYE condition s$110. COeil623 22" COLOR TV. $225. Ce gas drysr, excellent coiý $125. Calil688-8115. Zenith Black& Whte TV, Brass ire screen 30" X2 cage stand, crome $12. materiai for large cushli af $4.00 a piece. Woo dryer stand, $5.00. OelilI WEBSTER DIAPHRA PRESSORModeli10-3 wu gun $60. Cali 855-4361. BOY'S MOTORCROSS PRO), excellent condiiIci $95 or wili trade for 5 bike. COeil668-966. OAS STOVE with rotissa tage f rdge. $200orbes 723-2005 STEEL PIPE FOR OUTD< x 21 *-9*wih1h - x 5-4 $60.PN orai EiecirIc 125. 3M 051 125. Coli 668- i23,80 nadlan made, d books, very best offer. 10 il 655-3011 JI 23,80 d condition, for $200. Cali .Juiy 30,80 ished voivet n$155. Cal ai- Sept.3,80 SET. Sofa, 1 Il chair & cf- brown pattern. lier 4 p.m. Sept. 3,80 TI DELUXE ls, 13 pedais, aceilent con- 02. 'ER, excellent - 1534. Aug.27,80 'al 623-1534. Aug.27,80 ndition asking Aug. 13,80 1, 20" for $30. 23. $40. Bird L Uphoistery on size places ooden ciothes 68-2258. JI 23,80 AM CON- ith hose and Aug. 13,80 BîKE (ALL Dn. 1 year aid. or 10 speed Sept 17,80 eots and cot- if aifer.COlil Sept 17,80 COR SION 4"* >. Hanfgarpipe ions 655-3534 CH ESTER FIEl celoeni conditi turod voivot, r print. Origine Cail 576-4993. ONE (FlIght i sider on whei plus liko new. Phono 655-401 SOLID CHER DinIng Room e armod chair cabinet. Astir Cail 666-1168 Chesterf 1le Kitchen Si. ln good CO 8084 lsposod of, or mili be deemed to harged based on ow, regardiess If ýho adi wili be run f $3.00 wiii appiy. i exclusive basis east one month If ho Whitby Free iat wo may delete es wIli be treated ads on a pro paid hing, real estate, t quotIng prIce or rin the Emporium oie speclf led. OR DELIVER TO: 131 Brock St.N. Whitby, Ont. DS STHE uIATNOON. LO AND CHAIR, ex- ion, 4 years old, scuip- usi and brown dampsk 311y $1200 asking $.: AO Sept .6 Uine) his and hers soit els. Sizo 22"X22"Xl2X side pockots. $50 firm. 14 Sept. 5,80 RY, French Provincial Sulte, table, 5S ide and 1 rbuffet and china ing $1,800 or beat 0f fer. i16,80 id Sulte$100. ulte $45. All items indition. Cali 655- Aug. 27,80 Complet* set of HOCKEY EQUIP- MENT sutiable for boy 11-13 years. Includes pants, pada, helmet, glovea, carrying bag etc. $85 comploe. 2pr Bauer Skaêtes sîzes 7 and Beach uaed only on@ seon $30 per pair. Ciii 855%1840 IBANEX CUSTOM ELECTRIC GUITAR' wlth case $35. Sibra accoustla guitar without case $75. C0811728-3213 Aug. 13,80 MATTRESS, EXTRA FIRM, queen sîze ambassador, 3 years old, excellent condition. $80. Caîl 668-9113. Jifi30.8 One Portable Toliet suital tige or traiter $50. Ktcher tapa $25. Bath tub & shower nozzie aiso sInka & One Propane cook etovi $100, One Propane Spa $100, One pair 14" snow ti $20 reasonable. A quantîti pIpIng and fttinga hall pric piy 704 Burns St., W., WI 668&5272 or 576-1392. ELECTRIC OROAN (E with bench, perfect foi Very good condition. Cali POOL TABLE 8' X 4',5 cornes aiong with balla. 688-4889. Newiy recovered studio Goid veivot chesterfieid 6688-9009. WINTER' COATS, Ladies, sizo 7, worn twice $50. h leather, size 36 like new I Dorr - aiuminum 2' tri-il excellent condition-$100. 1006. QUEBEC HEATER, woci $125. Annex stove wood c Oelil655-4931 POOL TABLE, BRUNSWIC months oid. Excellent cor cludes balla, rake and wrai $800. Cali 723-8416 DESK à CHAIR$25, i chesterfieid $100, addli $25, vInyl sofa $5, 8 pc dl set $900. Ciothing and othi Immediate sale, cause we' Calil 68-2649 foo-p reve nt fbrest firelu nsinka end STOVE, harveat goid, 1 year old $2 25. taba plus Stroiler $15, Baby car seat $20, baby 1tapa $125. bock pak $5, moel f Ire Place, eisctrlc îe 4 burner $50. Affer 5 p.m. cail 579-125 ace stler sept 24,80 Ires on rims ýy i copper ce $2. Ap- RUNABOUT WITH CABIN AND iby or Ciii HEAD,needs some work, ires storage for the summer $400. or boat offer. Sept 24,80 Oeil 668-7573. Jl 08 Electrohome) SQUASH RACKET, brand now, nover rbeginner. used. duniop $15. Oel 68-6563. i723-6798. Sp.58 Sept 10,80 Sp.58 - 'SKATEBOARD FOR SALE, Trîcker 5 cue and trucks, kryptonic wheeis. WEE i cue and WILLY WRINKLE BOARD $40 or beat $100. Cali oîîer. Bike parts, boat ofier, V4cali Sept 17,80 668-5227. Aug. 27,60 Couch $90. $125. cali DININO ROOM SET, Octaganai table with 18" ext. Four uphoistered chairs Sept 24,80 with arma (No mar caetera). Wood -grain and chrome. As new $456.0 Dînette Set with two chairs white whooi woodgrain and brasa. Look as new Man's black $175. Call 668-6062. $50. StormSet248 lght brown,Set248 Phono 668- Sept 3,80 ON! BROWNIE UNIFORM$15, One - Cub Uniiorm $10, One Scout Uniiorm id or coat $20. Ciii 668-4407. r coal $150. Sept 2480 Sept 24,80 CHILD'S DESK ln good condition, $25. Two pairs of boys skates, 1 sizo 6 junior pro-lilt new $15, 0CM Bobby K, 4' X 8', 3 Hail aize 5, $10. Caii 728-2578 indiiion. In. Sept 24,80 ,ck. Aaking Sept 24,80 SKATES' 0CM Super Tracks, worn 2 montha wo place aize 7%1 $115. 0CM Mustangs, worn ýg machine 1 season, -%ize 6, $70. Bauer Junior lning roomn Supreme ai e 2 for $30 and size 5 for orarticles. $20. H.B. Ma ik 7 Junior size 4 for $10. re moving. Hockey Panli. blue, waiat 24-.26" $10. Phono 668-5227 Sept 24,80 Sept 24,80 BABY CRIB for sale. Four years oid ami ingood condition $60. Cai 668- 2687 ailornoon and evoninga. Sept. 5,80 TWO NEW WIGS, long dark brown and siralgth, $70 or beat ofier. Blon- de short and curiy $20 firm. Oei 668- 6119 il16,80 AQUARIUM, 200 gai, 1" glass, com- plete wlth stand, iist etc. $30. Aquarium, 100 gai, 'W' glais. com- ploie with stand, iish, etc. $200. Cali 655-4069 af ter 5 p.m. Sept. 3,80 CHILOS, 2 WHEELER bicycle, suite 4 yeîr oid, good condition. $20. Cai 688-0084. Aug.27.80 ONE S' OVERHEAD GARAGE DOOR compiete with hardware. $50. 1019 Centre Si. S. Phono 668-3941. Aug.27.80 FR100!. oldor b,.« 9g0d - $50. Cali668-3148 Sept 24,80 WALNUT CONSOLE sterso $250. 5011<1 oak awivei office rocker $15. Phione 666-1372. Sept. 3,80 7 pc. DININO ROOM SUITE, excellent' condition. $400 or best of fer. Cati ai ter 6 p.m. 668-7844. Sept 24,80 Emporium Ads wiII only be aiccepted subject to the following Conditions. e 0 1