PAGE 10, WEDNESDAY, OCOTBER 8, 1980, WI IITBY FREE PRESS i The Book Between PAPERBACK EXCHANGE 120 Dundas St. W., Whitby Cail 666-2442 % PRICE BOOKS-COMICS-MAGAZINES-PUZZLES 10% OFF on Wednesdays during October Tues. - Sat. 10-5 Friday 10-6 Between IYou and Me [%, RUTH COLESJ More about our energy needs What is propane gas, where does it corne from and what is it used for? The name, familiar to me for mïany years lias meant llttle other than being Syonymous with the word cottage. * RETIREMENT HOME Luxury Living " Reglstered Nurse " Televlsion Lounges " Fireplace & Conversation Pit " Heaith Club wth Sauna & Whirlpool sIM The Facililties: " Dning Rooms " Amfple Parking " Horseshoes & Shuff leboard " A Servery For Between-Meal Snacks " Vlsltlng LounOjes " Porsonal Laundry Facilities " Cal Systetna * Craif Rfooms * Private & Double Accommodation *.80 Beds * Total IndIvidual Heatlng & Air Conditloning * 24 Hr. Supervision * Excelent Meals by a Nubtltonlat e Beauty & Barber Shops Reservo "NOW" For Fali Accommodation For turther Inquirles please contact: Mrs. Rowena Kerr R.N. Ballycliffme Lodge Lt6d. 70 Station St. Ajax 683-7321 Meeting The next meeting of the Oshawa and District Ostorny Association will be held on Wednesday, October 15, in Room 1002F of the Oshawa General Hospital, beginning at 7:45 p.m. the association is a self- help, mtoral support group of those who have had or are awaiting ostomy surgery for bowel or bladder. The guest speakers for the evening wilI be Dorothy Pinkney of the United Ostomy Association and a representative of an ostomate supply côrnpariy. All interested persons are welcorne. Rel*reshments will be served. For more informLi tact Blanche at 57t6-UaI6 Louisa at 728-1869. Propane is a byproduct of natural gas wells and petroleumn refinery operations. It is readily avallable in Canada but 1 thlnk about 50 per cent of propane Is exported. WE in turn im- port crude oil at very higli world mnarket prices. More of a mnarket coulb be created by replacing hlgh cost irnported fuels which in turn would create ernployment. Propane is "scrubbed" in the cracking process as a byproduct from natural gas. If there is an Increase in the natural gas streams the avallability of the byproduet 15 in- creased at the source. The thermal heat available frorn one cubic foot of natural gas is 1,000 British Termal Units (B.T.U.'s) whereas propane has a thermal heat value of 2,500 B.T.U.'s. Natural gas is already in gaseous form and 18 conveyed through pipe lines under pressure to a point of usage. Propane i transported as a llquid under pressure in steel tanks by railway and road to be purnped into smaller tanks for custorner usage. The llquld vapourizes into a gas inside the tank above t.he liquid level and the propane is drawn off as a vapour. Frorn the custorner's point of view there is a simllarlty bet- ween natural-gas and propane gas but there are basic dif- ferences between them as noted above. Where a natural gas pipeline distribution systern does not exist, propane gas lias a definite application, sucli as in rural areas. Farmers use this type of energy- for crop dying and no doubt it has many other uses on the farm. Propane is used for cooking, drying clothes, heating and hot water tanks. Now it is a popular way to bar-be-que wlth many different types of units. Propane is used for driving lift trucks, cutting steel and is also highly suitable for over the road vehicles. Espechally so for fleets of vehicles such taxis which can be refueled at their home base. Naturally a conversion must take place before propane can be used. Gasoline carbons up motors while propane does not. Such a versatile fuel can be used in many everyday routines and could replace crude oil in many instances. Does our governiment subsidize propane gas? I think it ha highly unlhkely. Why do they not realize how mucli is being used and encourage Canadians to market their own product? Avallability is so important and replacing one form of energy for another may become necessary. Natural gas and 011 are often mentioned together because they both' corne from basically the same source. Many people imagine that gas and oil are found in large underground pools. The truth 18 they f111 tiny holes or pores in some types of sedimentary rock under pressure. The term natural gas can apply to any one or a mixture sucli as methane, ethane, propane, butane and pentane. Now, after much thouglit, listenlng and reading my knowledge lias increased about propane gai and I no longer will only think cottage when 1 see a propane tank. A Canadian product with good avallability for most Candians. SPECIAL 2 FORI1.SPECIAL BUY ONE ORDER 0F FISH & CHIPS (COD) GET ONE ORDER FREE (on Wed 8 &Wedl15) Every Tuesday BUY ONE HAMBURGER AND GET 1 ORDER 0F FRENCH FRIES FREE We specialize in breaded veal cutiets: Parmesan *Chasseur (laper) *Gypsy style (Zigeaner) HOME MADE SOUPS WE FRY HALIBUT BLAIR PARK FISH & CHIPS 102 Lupin Dr., (Blair Park Plaza) 6a68-8672 SERVING BREAKFAST, LUNCH & DINNER Mon. to Sat. 9 a.m. to 8 p.m.