WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1980, PAGE 17 OurHistorical Heriltage WIBy EUGLINE FHENRY P ~ N'itby's frclinost hlistoriali Inventive and hopeful North American automobile designers have produced more than 3,000 makes of motor cars since the first on coughed heavily into action more than 80 years'ago. 0f these automobiles, 76 were of Canadian origin and even vintage car buffs wil have dlfficulty in remem- bering, the year of manufac- ture, the appearance or the engineering features of a few of them. The Atlas, the Gait, the Redpath, the Ford and McLaughlin-Buick were ail made in Canada in the early days of the automobile in- dustry. They came on to the Canadian car market early in this century and yen- turesomne Whitby citizens were quick to buy and drive them. They were on Country Town streets as early as 1909. Set out below is a list of Whitby owners and the make of car the drove in those early days. Jerry Liciz - iror,. Road- ster Ernest Harpe r - Tudhope Horseless Carr*.age W.G. Walters - Stevens Duryea Touring Jake McIntyre - Model T Ford Anthoný Bandel - Russell Knight Arthur .Alan - Packard T(ri~ng W.J.H. 0aro - McLaughlin b1.:ik Mathew Colin-, - MQclel T Ford Frank Burr Moshur Cadillac Tourlng To this llst of Whitby owners we must add the name of David McLaren of Ottawa who was a summer visitor to Inverlynn on Gif- fard Street in a chauffer driven Cadiilac. There were several* fac- tors that held back the alde of automobiles in the Whitby area and thme conditions prevalled throughout cen- tral Canada prior to World WarI1. (1) Road surfacing on provincial highways and Town of Whitby streets lagged behind car owner demandi for improved driving conditions. (2) It wasdifficult to find gasoline outiets. Jake McIn- tyre had the fnst "station" at his hardware store on Brock Street at the "4" cor- ners. (3) It was equaily difficult f0 find, mechanics for repairs for the strange new vehicles. Compared to the cars we drive today, the early automobiles were, to put it mildly, unreliable vehicles. The driver had to be mechanicaly indlined with a worklng knowledge of the in- ternal combustion engine, to take one out of the driveway and when he did, a tire might blow at any time, and often did. The push button starter was a future developement and when it did arrive it came on Cadillac cars only. Early owners had to have not only their health but good incomes too keep their cars on the road away from home. New found mobility. and the pride of ownership however' outweighted the difficulties that were characteristic of automobile driving back in those days . Muffler systems that are now mandatory for ahl cars were, rvoimentary after thoughts in engine design. Coughing, barking, noisy, back-firing, vehicles were Early automobiles were unretiable vehic les D. THAPAR Denture Therapist 214 Dundas St. EL, Whitby US-7797 automobiles in the Whit- by/Oshawa area. They are, however, almost ail owned by the Canadian Automobile Museum in Oshawa or Ron Fawcett who operates the Fawcett Motor Carniage Co. of Wbitby.1 With a sharply rising market for vintage cars in Canada and the United States today ail of t.he Fawcett family have become involved in the restoration and sale of vin- tage cars through their CONT'D ON PG. 20 common place. Frightened horse, alarmed women and children were part of the ad- venture in motoring. The early drivers were, of course, salesmen in motion for the vehicles they drove and promotional advertising for their business down the block. Eight years have passed since the first Canadian cars appeared on our streets and two world wars have given great impetus to the design and use of cars, trucks and a wide range of self-propelled vehicles. What was, in the begin- ning, a plaything for the well-to-do has become a necessity, for most in this country, living and woirking as tbey do, arouti ighly urbanized cities ai. awns. The Whitby/Oshaw;ý area is typical of the situa 1 iti. Thousands of jol',; are in- volved and at st;'<(e in the production 0f Canadian made automobiles, as both manufacturers and users alike search for that small, compact, fuel-efficient, automobile for the eighties and century turning years ahead. Fortunately, there are still more than 100 vintage 125TH ANNIVERSARY 1855-1980 THE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITBY NOTICE TO RESIDENTS 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITBY REVISiON 0F LIST 0F PERSONS ENTITLED TO DIRECT TAXES FOR SOHOOL SUPPORT PURPOSES NOTICE 18 hereby given that a liet prepared In accordance with the provisions of The Asseseiment Act and showing the sohool support of every Inhabitant In the Town of Whitby who is entitled to direct taxes to the Public Sohool Board or the Separate School Board for the year 1981 wiII be posted ln- the ClerkAdministrators office at the Whitby Municipal Building, 575 Rossland Road East, Whitby, on Tuesday Oc- tober 14, 1980. Ahl owners, joint owners, tenants and joint tenants, of property ln the municipality are encouraged to examine this Ilst at any time between the hours of 9:00 a.m. ln the forenoon and 5:00 p.m. ln the afternoon, Monday through Friday, commencing October 14,1980, and ending October 22, 1980, and to take immediate proceedings f0 correct any errors or ommissions contained ln the ist. YOUR TAXES FOR SCHOOL SUPPORT PURPOSES MUST BE DIRECTED TO THE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL SYSTEM 0F VOUR CHOîCE TO ALLOW VOUR -CHILD TO ATTEND WITHOUT PAYMENT 0F AN ADDITIONAL FEE. Applications for revision of the lsf must be made on the prescribed application forms which are availabie af the Cierk-Admnistrator's offilce. filing applications le Wednesday, October The iast date for1 22nd, 1980. Wm. H. Wallace, A.M.C.T., C.M.C. Clerk-Adminlstrator. The Corporation of the Town of WtIltby 575 Rossland Road East Whltby, Ontario AN NOUNCEMENT The Greenery will be re-opening October 9th under thse new ownership and management- of Mr». Serena 0. Randali, of Whitby Serena wil continue to supply a variety of tropical houseplants as uell as offering to the public a beautiful choice of silk and dried flower arrangements. Mms. Tosa Brant, former owner, would like ail ler customers and frienda to drop in wo meet Mrs. Randali and would like to thank them for theirpatronae. GET PAID WHILE YOU LEA.RN We,II teach you a trade anid PAY you to Iearn. Ask our MOBILE RECRUITING TEAM about youropportunlties. OSHAWA ARMOURIES WEDN ESDAYS 10 amn - 3pm CANADIAN FORCES RECRUITING CENTRE 4900 Yonge St., Suite 100 WliIIowdaie, Ontario M2N 6A4 224-4015 NAME............................. ADDRESS.................................. POST LCO E ........... : ............. ED CATIN ............................................ ASK iUS~f T14ECANADIANWPOC.8 ABOUTYOU ARMED FORCES___ 125TH ANNIVERSARY ' 1855-1980 THE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITBY TOWN 0F WHITBY MUN.ICIPAL OFFICESl CLOSED THANKSGIVING DAY - MON DAY, OCTOBER 13,1980 garbage collection GARBAGE WHICH WOULD NORMALLY BE PICKED Up ON MON DAY, OCTOBER 13TH, 1980, WILL BE COLLECTED ON TUESDAY, OCTOBER l4Th, 1980. -WHITBY TRANSIT THE WHITBY TRANSIT SYSTEM WILL NOT BE IN OPERATION ON MONDAY, OCTOBER 13TH, 1980, BECAUSE 0F THE THANKSGIVING HOLIDAY. THE TRANSIT- SYSTEM WILL RESUME NORMAL OPERATIONS ON TUESDAY, OCTOBER 14TH, 1980. WE REGRET ANY INCONVENIENCE THAT MAY BE CAUSED 8V THIS ACTION. R.A. KUWAHARA, P. ENG., DIRECTOR 0F PUBLIC WORKS. ~ m TAKE NOTICE THAT a Public Meeting of The Liquor Licence Board of Ontario will be heId at THE ROYAL CANADIAN LE- GION, 217 MURRAY STREET, PETERBOROUGH, ONTARIO, on WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 22nd, 1980, at the hour of 10:00 o'clock in the forenoon, at whlch time the Board will hear appli- cations for new licences in ac- cordance wlth The Liquor Li- cence Act, 1975 and Regula- tlons thereunder. The following establishments have applied for a licence of the class indicated, and the appli- cations will be entertained at the aforementioned location and time. FamIIy'House Restaurant 110 Dunlop Street East, Whltby, Ontario Dinlng Lounge Licence Applicant: 442412 Ontario Inc. Proposed Restaurant 1009 Dundas Street, East Whltby, Ontario DlnIng Room Licence & Patio (DInlng Room) Licence Applcant: Burger Prince Ltd. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that any person who is resi- dent in the municipality and who wishes f0 make represen- tation relative to the applica- tion, shall make their submis- sion to the Board In writing prior to the date of the hear- ing, or in person at the time and place of the hearing. (Cop- ies of written submissions will be forwarded t0 the applicant). Executive Director Liquor Licence Board of Ontario 55 Lakeshore Boulevard East TORONTO, Ontario. M5E 1A4 MINISTRY OF CONSUMER AND COMMERCIAL RELATIONS THE LIQUOR LICENCE ACT 1975 FHH80434