WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1980, PAGE 17 National Fitre Prevention Week a big suceess -mi Whitby By S. GREENAWAY Free Press Staff Whitby firemen were in their glory last week. Across North America, laut week was National Fire Prevention Week, October 5- il, and the Whltby Stationa put on displaya every day to inform the public of home safety. S"More people everywher are more fire conacioua" said Captain Ken Corner. As part of their dlsplay the Whitby fire station Number 1 had an old 1924 REO fire truck which, at one time, was ln service in Brooklin. The old engine la atmU fully operational mncludlng puzn- plng capabilities and could conceivably be used to put out afire. The only action It la IikeIy to see, however, la the oc- caaional parade and fair display. Pamphlets and brochurea were avallable informing the public of fire prevention tlps for safety in the home. Everyday two draws were made. One for a fire ex- tinguisher and one for the kids, glvlng away a free T- shirt. "More people everywher are more fire conaclous" sald Corner. "The more fire conacioua people are the better for everybody." Eve ry b oy's dream Captamn Ken Corner of the Whitby Fire Department sits atop a 1924 REO fire truck which saw service in the town of Brooklin. Laat week was national Fire Prevention Week acrosa North America. The fire truck was on display along with several units outlinning fire prevention In the homes. Every day a T-shirt and fire extinguisher was given away to Iucky visitior. -Free Preaa Staff Photo Wh itby, update comiputer In todays fast paced world even computers have a hard time keeping up from time ta time. A group of tawns have formed what la called a "«user group" tin order to pick up new ideas and programa for tmeircom- puters. towns of Whltby, Newmnarket, Rlch- 1111 and Orillia are going back to a consultant to update their computera. They hope to gain "new ideas which were not an- ticipated originally," accor- ding ta, a report from the treasurer's department.' Wbile there are no com- plaints about the- hardware or the computer, the report states that certain areas need ta be updated or overhauled. This upgrading proces l ta be done in two stages, the firat of which wlll be com- plete 18 montha from now. 'vhitby will pay $8,000 a year as part of the "user group"o. As soon as the programs are completed, the con- sultant will try to seil them ta other municipalities, with the "user group", including Whltby, picklng up 10- per cent of the profits. Hors ore thre more good reason for you to caU Professonal Welght Control ClInlps; *Dianne D-9 Woiglut Loss sf 30 Ika I juat can't bel oeItt 1 really appreclate how teProfessional Welght Control CIInic has helped me. Wlth thoîr assistnce 1 bave changed my eatlng habita and leamed mhat wlth a properly balanced diet 1 foot great. Many thanks to al of you." Dave P.9 Weîght Los$-of 60DIbs. "The Poesin ieht Control program ls terriflc and the only way to go. Theostaff waasuper and helpod me lose 7" off my chest, 6" off mny walst and 7" off my hlps - and if's fot hardit lhoy really live Up to their ads. 'm much happler and feel botter. Ive tried the reat - now lys asucceeded wlth the best." Margaret B., Woight Los:sof 53 ls., I'm so proud of mysoîf. I've trled many diets but none workod as successfully as the Profesalonal Weight Control program. 1 foot more energetic and confident. Thanka to the hoîptul staff who made me f00l1I was amnong frienda." * LOSE -3u5 LUS. A WEEK. * MAINTENANCE AT NO EXTRA CHARGE. * NO FAI BlETS, NO FASTINO.. CALL TODAT. FOR YOUR FREE CONSULTATN:. 2 Simncoe St., C.I.B.C. Building second f loor &VISA KCEPTED Oshawa -Tel.: 571-3300 MONDAT TO FRIDAY 8SA.M. - 7P.M. "NO PROMISES, JUST RESULIS" The Ajax, mond h That Chevrolets like Eggs are Cheaper in the Country! loi 8SONST0. - CHEV-OLDS -E 683-4091 Kinsale & Hwy. No. 7 655-3351 m7 .*osa