PAGE I 4, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1980, WHITBY FREE PRESS Our Historical Heritage BN, [UGENE HENRY 'VIiti)%" f ore iost Ihistoria n Because people in the Whltby area can travel by automobile hundreds of miles on any given day of the Travel hasn't always been this easy year, it is hard to realize now, that travel in this part of the country was difficuit, uncomfortable even downright unpleasant, a lit- lie more than a century ago. Travel overland was Iimited then by the strenght and endurance of horses that could run about 15 miles a day depending on the terrain, road conditions and rest stops on the way. Organizing and operating a stage coach system was a complicated, expensive and highly speculative bit of business back in the early days of coaching (1817-1830). Stables, horses and hostiers were needed al along the route being served and as always, when dealing with wheeled vehicles, space parts and harness were needed in great numbers. Then too, there was feed for the animais and food for the passengers at regular in- tervals, en route to the final destination. The stage oprator stopped at inna and taverns, that welcomed such trade and it was quite similiar to the way that Voyageur Bus Lines operates through the Whit- by/Oshawa area today. The first stages in Canada started to operate on a regular commercial basis in the Province of Quebec around 1813. Some ime would pass, however, before a siniliar regular service would become available in Upper Canada, through the Whitby area. Bad roadsa ai along the north shore of Lake Ontario and stiff competition from the lake boats, delayed the stage coach service for several years. Travel on the littie schooners was cheaper more comfortable and beL- ter by far and when stage service did corne to these parts it was not by the big closed coach seen in this fine Jeffreys' illustration but by a primitive, covered, farm CONT'D ON PG. 23 WATCH FOR Next Week's Paper The' 1981, Volvos Are Coming TAUNTON MOTORS LTD. Taunton Road East at Wilson OSHAWA "DURHAM REGIONS' VOLVO DEALER" 723-0209 Toronto 686-1525 D. THAPAR Denture Therapist 214 Dundos St. E, Whitby 668-7797 HOUS : Mon. - Sat & Evenings By Appointnisnt OnIy S125TH ANNUVERSARY (~~) 1855-1980 STHE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITBY PROCLAMATION INTERNATIONAL TOASTMISTRESS WEEK TAKE NOTICE THAT the week of October 26 to November 1, 1980 Is hereby proclalrned as International Toastmlstress Week in and for the Town of Whltby In recognition of the achievements of the International Toastmlstress Clubs and urge citizens to avail themselves of the opportunlîy to acquaint themselves wlth the programs carrled on by these clubs. DATED at Whitby, Ontario this 22nd day of October, 1980. J.C. Gartshore MAYOR Town of Whltby m