Attersley next mayor By MICHAEL KNELL Free Press Staff On December 1, Reglonal Councillor Bob Attersley wil be tbe 4lst Mayor of the Town of Whltby. Yesterday, the town's clerk-admlnistrator and returnlng officer, -Bill Wallace, acclaimed Atter- sley to that position. Besides presiding over Whitby Town Council and belng the çhief executive of- fîcer of the town, Attersley will also sit on Durham Reglonal Council as bead of this munlcipallty. In a brief statement given Wo tbe Free Press yesterday morning, Attersley said that being acclalmed Wo office gave hlm "mixed feelings" although he added that this event will give him more responslbility. However, Attersley was surprised that s0 many people came forward for other municipal offices at the last minute. III am surprised that so0 xnany people bave come out at the last minute," he said. In wbat possibly could have been an acclaimed council two weeks ago several people bave come forward to make election bids at the regional level and in ail four wards. However, acclamation does bave one advantage as far as Attersley is concer- ned. 'II think that with the ac- clamation, I will bave more tixne to spend with the present mayor ani get up- dated on the affairs of the town," be said adding that there are a "lot of things that tbe council is not in- volved witb. " Wbile be said that he bas some new ideas and programs in mind for his mayoralty,- Attersley was reluctant to announce them because of the impact on other municipal elections. 1"I' don't think that it is fair to other candidates to an- nounce specific programs at this tirne," he said adding that he will make bis plans known at the inaugural meeting of the new Whitby Town Council. Asked wbetber or not he wil campaign for or publicly endorse any of the candidates, Attersley replied, "Defini.tely not, I don't tblnk tbat's fair. " The 47-year-old president of Attersley Tire does not believe that hils job at the region wWl change greatly. He did indicate that as mayor there is "more responsibilty and commit- tment to the region as head of the municipality. " Attersley said tbat the regional councillors look toward the mayors to speak for tbe municipality on regional coundil. Attersley was first electeci to Whitby Town Council in 1964 and served in various capacities including dbat of reeve during the days of the county. Before be was elec- ted to Durham Region Coun- cil in 1M7, be served for two years as councillor for the west ward.