WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1980, PAGE 31 40,000 apprentieeships created over the next few years CONT'D FROM PG. 2 countries are not very en- thusiastic about corning to this country, " she said. "(Industry) can't really go about recruiting people from abroad, " she added saying that Canadians must be trained to take over these jobs. The physician and mother of six also told ber audience (The EMPORIUM next to the Bank ln Brooklin now carrnes "h gently used clothlng on consignment at reasonable prices ANTIQUES GIFTS silver plating copper and braus polishing fine china and glass repair gift wrapping As usual the unusual iVENDOR ANXIOUS $69900 - Make your offer on this solidi lnvestment. Good looking 3 bedroom backsplit, flnished famnliy room wlth floor to ceiling firepiace. First mortgage cf $66,000 at 12h% for 4 years. Ask for Garrett Dowkor 668-6171 or 576-7384 10%*% FINANCINO Spaclous 3 bedroom esplit level features main f loor family room wlth stone fireplace and waikout to professlonaiiy iandscaped 180 f t. Lot. Cili Marion enrr 668.6171 or 666-1750 that 40,000 new appren- iceshlp places will be created in the province over the next few years. Stephenson also told the students that 'II arn concer- ned about the - changing nature of work. " allowed the oppcrtunity to work in the field, applying what has been learnt in the classroom. 'II feel that the botter way cf learning about the work place is by being there, " she said. Through what she terrned 44co-operative education" -the student can "learn how welI you cao apply what you have Iearned at secondary school." "Work experience is for ail students," she said. "AUl students should have the op- portunity to have sorne work experience that is related to the school. " TYPE WRITERS R.EPAIRS & SERVICE ALL MAKES DANFORTH TYPEWRITER Rentals. Sales.& Service 408 Duhdas Street West 2940 Danforth Ave Whitby Toronto 666-1131 est, 1930 698-258 I ympoq,