-- ----w - -- -~ WHITl3Y FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 29, 1980, PAGE 9 ~J. Report By SCOTT FENNELL. IP (PC - 0ONTARJ10) Constitution debate "Pack of tricks" My coileague, Walter Baker, speaking recently on the con- stitutional debate said te the governinent "When this debate began, we were told there would be no tricks. It looks to me as if the whole process is a pack of tricks. " In the mînds of most Canadians, Parliament is the corner- atone of our politicai aystem, the place where the government must defend its proposais before the people's representatives. You would think that now, during one of the most crucial times in our history, the House of Commons wouid be allowed a real voice in developing our new constitution especiallys ince the provincial premiers have been exciuded. Instead,'the goverriment is using a cynical and underhanded method of pushing the "tailor-made" constitution through Parliament and on to London. By manipulating the rules of the House, neither the Com- mons nor the Senate wiIi be able to propose any amendments!1 We can debate, sure, but we wili not be allowed to change-or even try to change-anything in Trudeau's proposai. Even the Special Committee set up to study the matter won't be abie to ainend it but only suggest possible changes to the government. Worse stili, the Committee itself couid be used by the gover- riment to further its own ends. Composed of 14 Liberais, 9 PC's and 2 NDP, the quorum for any of its meetings wiii be 12. This could mean 12 Liberais and no one else. I agree with Baker. Trudeau, by creating a false sense of urgency, is mamipuiating the ruies of Pariiament and hoping no one will notice. I believe this is an affront to Pariiament and an insuit to the Canadian people. I HRE AS NEYERVIE A B1TE YA T BY DAHAMMONDEWRTE IReport accuses UNICEF of pro abortion and birth control ties CONT'D FROM PG. i The four page report goes on to state UNICEF's alleged activities wlth blrth control and abortion ac- tivities as well as stressing the churches position on such matters. The report also claims that of five kts available for female sterlization two of them were developed by UNICEF. "The United Nations Fund for Population Activities (UNFPA) is also funding the purchase of an increasing number of IUD's for developing-country pro- grams, with the actual procurement undertaken by UNICEF (about 97 percent) and W'11 (about 3 percent). Between 1974 and 1978 UN- FPA bas funded purchases (or shipments from the stockpile) of neariy 5 milion IUTD's for UNICEF and WHO, of which about 1.8 million were inl198," read the report. Roche said that by with- drawing the boards' support of UNICEF he was flot dolng any damage. "I'm not taking it away from the kids, I'm just direc- ting it through different channelds, " he said. One such program is the Volunteer -- International Christians Service (VICS) whlch sends people across to needy countries where they donate their skills with no pay. 'This is the-direction I want to go instead of abor- tifacation." "It's an emotional issue and they should underst.and the facts first before they make their decision," said Peacock.1 "I thlnk we leave a lot to be desired as human belngs," aaid Roche. "The reason there are 65,Oo abortions in Canada a year Is that nobody takes a stand. That's no way to solve a social problem. " Edwards endorsed .Tommy Edwards, one of the three candidates seeking election to, one of Whltby's two seats on Durham Regional Council has received the officiai endor- sement of the Oshawa and District Labor Council. , Members of the council's executive and political ac- tion committee lnterviewed several of, the candidates from varlous municipalities in the Region of Durbam. Vice-president .Terry O'Connor aaid that the can- didates that received endor- sement bave agreed wlth a political program that is upheld by the council. SALES PL US SE RV ICE EQUALS SATISFACTION CANADAS NATIONAL. ECONOMY DRIVE 1981 CHEVROLET CHEVETTE Equipped with 4 4speed manual transmission 4 4cylnder engine *Radio *White wai tires *Body side mouldlngs M I I a SONSLTD). -CHEV-OLDS- .4 cyI. .6 cyi. .8 cyI. . Monza, Corvette &1 Air Conditioned $12-10 extra. $29.95 $39.95 $44.95 Vans $68.95 Vehicles 'ICHVR0UT DW ()WRL IIme 683-4091 Kinsale & Hwy. No. 7 655-3351 GET A TUN EuUP NOW 17 Point Check WINTERIZE NOW We wii11 check the foiiowing items... *Hases & clamps *Batteries *Anti-f reeze *Electricai connections *Llghtlng *Lube & ail change & filter *Windshieid wipers *Windshieid washer and antif reeze *Exhaust systemn Beits $21w95 See our service advisor for f ree est imate WAREHOUSE SALE FANTASTIC SAVI NGS 4~ MUSIC CENTRE 1100 Slmcoe N. _ 5796239 Open Mon., Fr1. 10-8; Sat.. 10-5 m BRING IN YOUR VEHICLE FOR GUARNTEE SERVi i1I ' [ICi!1:11 hR Ii E :D [ ItlIJ:a G :1h I I iiIIG1'PARTS Mih- Ottawa -Mao