WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 29,1i980, PAGE 19 The remalking of the human heart CONT'D FROM PC. 16 fuses in the nerve centre and I have nothing left to push. For- tunately, an alarm rings and a maintenance crew cornes run- ning. I do have constant access to adrenalin by which I can induce emergency measures, make the old pump beat faster and cal up a special brand of courage. Sometinies, because I arn 'at heart" loyal to Joe, I interrupt one of my parties and flush out the deviish spirits, if 1 can, and let Joe stand up to bis full height and try to recapture his dignity. When the evil spirits refuse to leave or Joe's computer overrules my orders, I arn restricted to a mixture of fear, cowardlce and humility. I con- feas that this bad-tasting stuff has sornetinies saved Joe frorn disaster. I have become entranced with the heart of one of Joe's friends. She jams ail the circuits and i find myself inflating rapidly witJh love. I suppose this la good and natural, even though Joe's mind warns me about losing my freedom and in- dependence. One of Joe's friends bas had bis heart deflated, thoroughly cleaned and put under the control of-the Powerful Spirit. At this moment Joe is thinking about what happend to bis friend, and facts and influences about the great Spirit called God are being fed into Joe's cemrputer. I can see it comming - Joe wiil make two decisions that will revolutionize my life. He will get married and have a radical spiritual change. And I will have the job of flushlng out the idrt and guarding the doors against ail my old cronies. That it shouid corne to this!1 lil need helpi1 In my "heart of hearts" I ar n ot happy about my past life, the company I kept and the tantrumns I threw. 1 would sin- cerely welcome the presence of the great and good Spirit of God ini the control of Joe's life, especially if he's going to get married. Ail of us - niind, organs, limbs, glands, systems - wiil be much better for this more responsible and accountabie way of 111e. I'm tired of sweiling up, feeling good about destructive situations, then deflating and feeling fiat. Recently I have been on the point of bursting - cail it a "heartbreak". Joe's ladyfriend ahnost gave him up because of bis habits. I did not know where to turn. It's strange for me to think humbly of myseif and yet look forward to the prospect of a more permanent happiness. Strange to think of myseif as being created, yes and re-created now, by God's Spirit. Does that mean 1 can be divine? Imagine Joe giving me - his hea rt - to God!1 G,'od took a body and gave His heart to it in Jesus Christ. The experts can adjust ail kinds of things in life. Oniy Christ can remake hearts and keep them forever. D. THAPAR Denture Therapist 214 Dund&$ St. E., Whitby 66U-7797 HOURS: Mon. -Sut. &Evsnings Byt Appointment 0Dn1y Separate board to debate sex education iii sehool Sex education in sehools wiil be the topic for discussion at the next Durham Region Roman Catholie Separate School Board's meeting. A board trustee, Linda Dionne told last week's meeting that she and two McGoey speaks on sex Father Jack McGoey wil be speaking in the St. Joseph's Room of Whitby's St. John's the Evangellst R.C. Church on Fiffard Street on November 4 at 8: 45 p.m. His topic wiil be sex, love and family life. McGoey is the author of several books on sex and love. For the last 35 years, lie bas worked in the field of marriage counsejlng as weil as in youth rehabilitative work. Everyone la welcome to attend. For more infor- mation call Sue Comery at 66&-2562. .Facials Fac, Lut Masks i elulltlc Treatment other trustees had read a federal government document on sex education finding it's content inap- propriate for use in separate schools. Dionne said that a ministry memno points out that the document is to be used as a teachers guide only and that the memo WHITBY PENTECOSTAL CHUR( 307 BROCK ST. N. WHITBY LIN f4H8 A PEWnTEMAL ASIDWULI OF CANADA CHUW states that abortion la flot a birth control method. A segment in the bookiet also said that once concep- tion lied taken place abor- tion was the only method of birth control, said Dionne. She is currently preparing a report which shall be heard at the next board meeting. ISunday, No v. 2 ~H~9: 50a.. Sunday -j11: 00 a. m.-Pastor House'"Blessed are Pastor H. G. House they who Hunger & Thirst Telephone 668-4611 afterRighteouisness. w P C = "Wbere People Couni 7:00 p. m.-RICHARD & SHARON BEERSWORTH Share an Unforgetable Testimonv. Wed. 7:30-Boys & Girls Bible Club. Bible Study with Rev. J . Piper- Bible Prophecy (Oct. 29) Thurs. 7: 30-YOUTH SERVICE Lynn Pearson Cosmetology CIinic 1400 Dundas St. East Whltby 668-4321 Speclallzlng ln PROBLEM SKIN Eye Lash & Brow Tlntlng Podicures & Manicuros Body Waxing "FALL SPECUAL""V R EELCT BARR-Y EVANS COU NCILL OR CENTRE WARD FOR: * DEDICATION * ABILITY * XPERIENCE .Ar, -UMM" m ; - - - - - - - - - -C=U=D=ÎF-