WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 1980, Y Mère are Just a feu, auggesions. Et one of thcm la gour holiday apeeialitiy - iletaluaow aboutii A a pre-Chrîsimas preseniation, the> Whiibg Free Preslinvitea aUi li readera go paricipati n sanring iheir holiday gîf i ideas for 1980. Eaeh week uniil Chriatma we uil preacai as mang of iheae idéas as space permils. We ak gon the readers, of ail ages, igoaabmii gour favourie recîpes, handicrafias, cie.. on how i., make aimple gifis, wih eoinpleie dfrecions, and If posaible approximaie cosi. Scnd or bring la gour gli ideus go the Whiiby Free Presa ai 131 Broek Si. N., P.O. Box 206, Whiby LIN S and pleaae include gour nanme and addrcss. Thlnk aboutI h and gei siartid righi away. The more wc reccive, the merrier Chriatmas wili be for evergone. It's Juter than you think!a