WFUTBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1980, PAGE 3 Six cars deraili in Whitby traiin mishap Six cars of a 72 car ON train carryiflg General Motor's products to western Canada and the United States derailed last week in Whltby causing, an un- discloeed amount Of damage. GM spokesman Nick Hall said, that the estimated sticker price. of the 57 passenger cars and 21 trucks was around $700,000. Hall said that if ail the cars were damaged the bill mnight well run into the "'hundreds of thousands of dollars" range. "Ail we know now is that six cars and the van (caboose) left the tracks just west of the Victoria Street crossing and that none of the four man crew was in- jured," said Hall. CN officiais said that it migbt be weeks before the actual cause of the derailment wil be known. "lWe haven't completely ruled out vandallsm, but ac- cordllng to our senior operating people, it would seem to be highly unlikely," said Mike Matthews, ON manager of publie affairs. A ON signal box located at the side of the crossing was uprooted and thrown into a ditch beside the road by the unpace with the train. The damage section of track and the mlshap itself did not slow down the regular crossing of trains accorcling to a ON officiai, who added, that 16 trains passed the spot on the night of the accident. The cars have since been sent back to GM in order to enable an accurate estimate as to damages done. No one was injured in the mishap although a car con- taining two Oshawa women who were waitlng for the train to passa was struck by a wheel assembly causing an estimate $650 damage. Neither of the two women were injured. The track has since been put back into operation. N ew co uncil co mmittees appointd The 1981-82 council that of- ficially takes office next Monday met last week to decide upon the committee structure for the term.* The task for overseeing the preparation of the 1980 budget goest to re-elected Oentre Ward Oounillor Barry Evans who will also serve as the chairman of the treasury department. Aside from these two duties, Evans will also sit on the administravtive com- mittee which wilI be chaired by re-elected Regional Oouncillor Gerry Emm as chairnian of the planning department.. The third member of the committeee will be rookie North Ward Councillor Ross Batten who will also look af- ter the clerk's departinent. The administrative commit- tee is responsible for the planning function of the town. The operations committee wilI be chaired by Regional Oounitlor Tom Edwards, who is not a stranger to the workings of council. He will also be responsible for the public works department. The other members 0f the committee will be re-elected West Ward Counillor Joe Bugelli, chairman of the parks, and recreation depar- tnient and re-elected East Ward Councillor* Joe Drumm, chairman of the fire department. The council's third stan- ding committee,, the management committee will be composed of May,,r- elect Bob Attersiey and the two regional councillor. Evans has been appointed the alternate member of the committee. During the year 1981, Ed- wards will serve as acting mayor while Emm will take over' those duties during 1982. Other council appointrnen- ts will be announced on' December 1. Up we go! Workers stand clear as a crane begmns to hoist one of the six railway cars which left the tracks during last weeks derailment. It is not know how much damage was done by the accident and officials estimate that it- will be several weeks before a definate cause ls determined. There was an estimated $700,000 worth of General Motors cars on the train destined for parts of Canada and the United States. -Free Press Photo by Stephen Greenaway ~/Kingsway ,Jewellers 1 25TH ANNIVERSARY 'TE1855-1980 HECORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITBY PUBLIC NOTICE THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN 0F WHITBY TESTIMONIAL EVENING in honour of JAMES C. GARTSHORE' Former Mayor of the Town of Whitby Wednesday, December lOth, 1980 Whltby Municipal Building at 7:30 p. m. Tickets are avallable by contacting Mrs. Verna Roberts at 668-5803. Wm. H. Wallace, A.M.C.T., C.M.C. i Administrator kL A Il Sales Final Chargex 20 Sil Oshi hus.930F SUBARU SUB3ARU. SUBRU SUBARU. AT C & CMOTORS 160 SIMCOE ST. S. OSHAWA 728-0181 I -GOLD CHAINS -BRACELETS G O LD -ýENDANTS 10 -'14 KTe EARRINGS 1/2 P-RICIE