lAGE 22, WEDNESDAY. DECEMIBER 3, 1980, WliITBY FREE PRESS Cali 725-8967 with news items for the column. Corridor Capersr 1h M \RY NMcl \,CILKRN ALLION DEYRECWES UKE0F DINURd AWARD WHIu-TBY MALL Allison Adey, a student at Anderson Collegiate received her Duke of Edinburgh Award. in London last weeken. On- tario Lt.-Gov. John Black %ird made the presentation. To become eligible for the award you must complete a rigid list of requirements. Beginning with service - Allison helped faithfuully w1th a Brownie group for 1 year. She obtained her award of menit in lifesaving. This was followed by an out.side interest. Allison chose bowling, competing in tournaments etc. Next came the expeditions. She was required to learn basic first aid, the highway code, safety precautions, casualty code, map reading, food and cooking and use o! the compass. She also studied wilderness survival with the National Wildlife Fedieration. First a trial expedition with two or three others had to be carried out. The Expedition - On May 17, 18 and 19, Allison, along with the Pickering Venturers and Uri-* Wendland as their advisor, completed a 40 mile canoe tri jton the French River. The river had many obetacl.such as fast rapids and 8 miles o! swamp. They camped each night and did -their own cooking. - -These are but a few of the requirements to-beéome eligible for the honor of receiving the Duke o! Ecffnburgh Award. OUr congratulations to Allison. A job well done! CARDIAC REHABILITATION ORGANIZATION Ann Preston would like to thank everyone who helped with - DurhamfiRegion's FINEST SELECTION of Fresh and Marine TROPICAL FISH Also A Good Selection of the successful Bake and Novelty Sale held last week. She especially thanks the Whitby Royal Canadian Legion, who s0 generously donated their hall free o! charge. The hand made baby quilt that was raffled, was won by T. Edmunds, 299 Athol Street, a teacher at Dr. Robt. Thorton Schoo. The sale netted the cardiac organlr.ation a substantial amount to help carry on their necessary work. Thanks again to the Royal Canadian Legion and all Who donated or helped in any way. OLD TYME CHRISTMAS PARTY ,,The Mayor and Council'of the Town of Whitby cordially in- vite you and your family to attend an Old Tyme Christmas Party to be held on Sunday, December 14, at the Municipal Building froni 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. There will be entertainment, Santa for the childrefl and a sing-a-long for everyone. Light lunch and refreshments will lie served. Children must lie accompanied by an adult. COMMUNITY CARE Whitby Community Care are still in dire need'o! volunteer help. Just one hour of your time, once a week, wouid ease t.he burden. With winter approaching, more senior persons are in need o! rides for doctor appointments etc. Please call 668-651 and volunteer some timne to-day. You will find it most rewarding. EXTENDED LOCAL DIALING, INCLUDING TORONTO A petition is being circulated in the Whitby area concerming extended Local Diallng. It would appear that areas with Oshawa phone nunibers would not be af!ected. We strongly recommend that ail residents read the petition very carefully before signing. The actual cost o! such a service lias not, as yet, been determined. You would be well advlsed to dlscuss the cost and service with Bell Canada before maklng a comn- mittment. CONGRATULATIONS Our congratulations to Chris Pelgrlms and Don Rogers,' who have been elected as directors of the Wbitby Chamber of Commerce. WESTMINISTER UNITED CHURCH Choir Practice - Thursday, 7:30 p.m. Sacrament o! Infant Baptism - Sunday, December. 14. Sunday, December 21 at il a.m. Christmas Family White Gi t Service. We '- esday, December 24, at il, p.m. - Christmas Eve Comn inion. Senior Centre New Year' s Eve dane The Whitby Senior Citizens' Activity Centre will lie holding a New Years' Eve Dance on December 31. Tickets are $7 per person and only 90 tickets will be sold, on a first come-irst serve basis. Buffet supper, prizes and favor included with tickets. For more information cal the centre at 668-1424. C ounty Xmas The County Town Singers will present their l3th an, nual "County Town Christ- mas"i on December 15 at 8 p.m. at Ail Saints' Anglican Churcli, Whitby. The choir will be directed by Russell Baird and ac- companied by pianist Margaret Webber. The special guest for the evening will be the Whitby Brass Band. Everyone is welcome. Rick Taylor Let me make a J 'Taylor Made Deal with you. Corne in and see me for $Another Taylor Mode Demi 1981 Datun 310 2 door, hatchback, 4 speed, runs on Cony fuel. 44 miles to the gallon on $613 1 0 pusf reght, PDI, Lic.& MIDWAY DATSUN U"8828 --