The Brooklin Times, 10 May 1881, p. 2

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,• •.. / .. • ·ll,:.· ·f"' .. ...... . ~ ·"" ...... . C.A.RD. 7b the Edilor of the Times. RUTLAND, YBR!JIOYT, April 23rd, lAAl. DEAR SIR,-As I am at the Vermont-Quar- ries selecting a-..b<'nuUCUl clnss or stock for our repldly Increasing trade, I thought :tt mlgbt not be unlntereRtlngto your r<'adcr~ to give n aketch or the great ;\larblc Fields of Canada and ~he United States . Starting trom Oshnwa on Tuesday the lOth ult ., per lain her right to the temtory against the Dominion Government, ana it is not likl)ly that any antion of the Manitoba Legisla- ture will alter her resolution. Our neigh- bors in the north-west can facilitate a OPENING! settlement if they please, but cannot jlO:st- pone it.-E.x. An intelligent boy about 15 or 16 years G . T. R., I arrlvl"<< per Canndn Central at b · of aerre wanted to learn the printin 0rr USI-Arnprlor at. 1.00 p. m. on the 11th ult.:.,Tb!'rc I found n lnrge quantity to select from. The ness. marble of t-hese quarries Is rapidly growing NARROW ESCAPE. In favor with our patron• . On my arrh·al " there I bought largely or this lin!' of sto<'k, prtnclpnlly!IO:monuments, {)f very pretty While f.~r . James B;.&ldon was driving dealgna and complete finish, or nrst class through the village ye .... terday morning on· 11toc <II. Also a large quantity In the rough his way to his &On's farm, h1s horse be- at rock bottom prtces.l Wrom Arnprtor 1 came frightPned a.nd ran awa)'· The proceeded per Cannda Centml to ~tontreal. From Montreal per Central Vermont H . R. \fa;r~on came 1n contact with a post in through a diversified country, r!'nchlnl! Rnt- front of 1\tr. Gold::-bro's shoe shop ami the ' WEDNESDAY/& tHURSDAY, APRIL 21 & QQ land, the greatAru<'rl<-an !llnrblc Field. Here oltl ,!!Ctitleman was thrown heav1ly to, the hQv_e you 1"nsp et my I met with such a dlsplny of marlJie as I - . y...u • ;~:~!:;?r~~~2~?;~;.~;;ieJ~:!.~~eq~& ;,:;:,:~~:~~o~~~~:.:::;'·!~~~:!~::~a;;~: PATTL ·,.,.. ~ N 8 Q~ . . . ... N, .... ·, ·N·~· -~ '~ :E_. T;_ S & H A TIS Oshawa ~his season" than '"·crat.>cforc. I nm , .J . . • . 1 , <I J I f7 \ I 1 L1 J J - ~·--h•lruJ.,~a. <111<1 tun-r·· •• :<.""' foo:,:ht at lh., \\lid alHI rap.d I ..... I I • ..s , ,... _._ .. " ....... .,....... .......... 11_, , ... . . , rr 1 - _ ~ .... tng secured very nne rules for frell!hl, W!' galloptn" of a hor~e ridden by Master 1 . 1 .. '-' "' , will be able to compcte,wlth nny,Oill' In the Frank .. ~liotl. This is not lhe first ltme Fea~ th'ers' lo-n-re' rs' ' ' Silks Ribbons' and a complete markets of the dominion. I mu V!'ry bu-y . . , . . )\ . VV ' . ' ' In buying and selecting, nnd cxtx-ct to n•tum that I his arnb111ous youth has llllem(lte<l · · · · • · • In a few days. We also have madt• Jl{'rtlla- lo di~p ' ay his equtStrilln po~·erl' in our stock of I nent arr~ngemeu.ts with nn Ahl'r<l<'<'ll firm, , ~treets , hut"' e hnpl' il will be lite Ja,..t, e1e • , . . 1 • .', f, ;, .. ' ltY."l. "<l In Cunuda, to furnbh u~ "llh I . I l f II l I. If I ' r ' ' • . • • I . ' . . ' .· .. .. . ! · ···· •·n :•""'-'""" i..ll . •; ra:ti ;,·. ' ' ' 'nwarc.u.-111 •t'a setllt'.C IIIItH' or 1\JriL'L·I R. ·y ··. ;A .. ND FANGY GOODS Owl 1;~ tu th~ 1:oulJie W!' h·an• talt ,· to .'o pur- , lite r11a. y ,;mali ··hildren who fit'e Ill his . lJ.\1.1. . . • chase our full ~lock of lllarl>l£' ouul (, raniU', ! "I'J'roarh . ~~e~~~n~~;;~~~~d"~-':llc::~fl~::~ ~::.J:.'r,.~!:r 'I (' .. ' > ' - ;' • . ' ~ I v··o· u' R' s· . '&:· 0: ": -~R' o' ~B~RT H omce and _Works, King St. Wl·st, Oshawu Chotce fieiJ, gauleu and flower seeds / : .. · · Iremaln,yourslruly, 1 DARL(i'\GTO!\ ' S · . , 1 ) i . • A . \\'. AXDEHSON, a 1 '-' , ' 1 ~ •• ._ • .BRYCE. Of ANDE.<ION d: VANZ.\NT. A Maple Sugar SO<·ial wdl lle held 1 11 Oddfello '~ . Hal. 1, .W"_ h, i_tb_. y, 3 King St. wes. t.' Oshawa ~~~~~!!'!!!!!!~~~~ · - - -- •· lhe B.' C. Church, .Hrooklw, to-morrow tJ THE BROOKLIN Til\1ES night Illh iiH<t . Fru'rn half-pa~l l>t'\'ell ' · ____ .. _-··------------------ IS PUBLISHED EVERY Ulrtil !)all-pa't.e~lll o'cloc•, ~u~ar atld, REVISED RSION 'I • . ' r t " . I ' 'I ' . ' . ~J:~;;-y c:-o;;:~:.· ~:::.;.::.~~::~~· .. ~:;::.:;~::~;~;·~:~·::·.~ .NE-"" r T(.ElfSlT'H-AE n~ENT .1. 18.TO._VE_._s_· .. ·. _( _SJ. .. ·. OVES· 'STOVES I At his l'rintin!! Establishme11t, will be'dehn·rt'd by the Rev.)V, Ajdrs; fV 1V'I _ • , J ,I LD - c•f Q,ft~wa. 1 ht• ;\li ~st's Ayers will eli-DA ~HIH STREET BROOKliN · · , . llead 1· 1u1 d··lt\'er)· o11o_rr aLout the l7 .h Thf'_ u _ndersi __ l!'n_.e_d ke,e •. os __ .c •. o. nst.antly on hand a full suppl,Y of • R I I ji\·eu tlje pr"'. lt' l'. doug~ b.)' lhe_,· r~llt..,lll t l,! '. •t "" f TERMS 25 OTS. PER ANNUM. borne choice music. A tune ol ~real . .' . · " 1 t\ ( ' 1 "O' · · 1 .•. •• • _j,.~.._ Specit~l uontracra made witb Adverti .. ers pleasure is auticlpnlt•d, sn come all wl.o Any ood"" <'lllou~ted .o rrly r.&re wi'l re- '-' OKI_ N~ '[[. JAPIIJ & PR[SS[D • · L · ~J 1 1· 0 ,1' 15ct · cei\'e J•roiOJ•l attention. S)~t.cimt!u pa:,:t!R •J. t=:~~~~b: 11 by the year or otnerwise. l'tHf. "' m " ' "· AN' D ., · • ' · 1111 \'it'W , Har\'ey, the ;uung pt>de-trtan of Whitby, ~itllfS n mere J .. d 16 years of age, aecompli .. locd l!I'OClKLIN. H [ATI U G STOV[S \ij . • the rem'lrl.:able ft>al of walk111g 8ll mit'S ~ [ n in ::!3 hour ~: . lie ~lart~d Oil loiS walk Ill ---------t- ----------""! I •• • r ' ·~ ·: r ~1 L_A_:MPS TUESDAY. MAY 10th, 1881. 8 o'cloc~ F.mlay IIIJ!hl atoll fini,he::J 7,05 , · · .'JI~~~~~~ P. M. Saturday. FARM SALE: TIN w AR:Ef' LAMP CHIMNIES, AND ' MANITOBA AND THE ONTARIO \ BOUNDARY, · )ta"' l.I<'~Au<mTo~ wi~hea_to rei.iirn iilii.ili<A \o hur '<o.•um•ruuM l'lllltnmt'l"' Coli' lhlllr 'had' putmna~:o In tho Jllll<l, nnd \1'0111<1 kindly snllclt 11 ,·ontlnunn<'O u( t:te ""me. lihe kt'<'/"' on ha11olnll klnd~nf cmhrnlttcry •llkM, woo M, l~·ul(s, 4':\ll\"U ..... , :•wrap )JIPIUI"PS, tu•l, litH'Il 1111'"·"'1, ,tc . . \I"' prlnL'i nlllluscrul arllcll•s . - -··- - .,. ' ..,..._ , ____ ,. , . . . ·.. ' L.A. N'TER~S, . ·--- The Lesrislature of Mani~oba ha" re- •unled business after a long adjournment ·for the purpose of awaiting the pas~ age of the Bonndarie3 Extension Bill by the Dominion Parliament. To the westwaral and northward extension of the Provine~ secured by that bill no onR anywhere will object. Manitoba was at tht! outset or <llilen•nt kinds . ' . A lsn <t..:eni !'or i.rcCnll'~ ~ln~·e-tltttn,j'pnttnrnR TIH'SP put terns Hl.l' tl£'s lgncd tn Jd\'e t lw ntnst lll'l't'o ·<'l lit urnny known pattern In th··markf't H•·n,,. 11,ber the plnl'e, opposllo the c ;(nhc Uott'l,llruoklln. :'o!flH. :\lc::-l.\l'UHTUN. made rediculously small, agailllll the pro- The Intermediate F.xaminatron will be teals of the thert Liberal Opposition, and I given ~~~ lhe Whitby C~>llegiate Institute the present Lil>ernl Opposition are in on Mondaj Jul)· lith, at 2 P· m. All perfeet accord with the proposal to let her candidates rnust seud their names to Jas have all the territory and population she MeBrien, Inspector, before the fir~t of June . realy n>quire!l for 11e 11-l!overn ing pnrpose11. But ab-.,ut the ea~tern extension granted Al!he M. E. coneferenee heiJ at l\lounl to Manitoba the OtJp~ition iu the Hou~e L' k '-) ()·o··, . ,\(;RES, il( ;he T,,,.·n~h\r ftf -' fo.:SQU£SIN8J CI'U:'IOTY· OF U.\LTON. 115 Rcr._.~· impn>Vt!tl, n111l111 fir, l cla•.i contliriu11. Gond :'tune lluuse ami cotptln.l frnme "'"~uildlll!!-"· wilh stolid fountlattolls . Sntfi,. ,,!n\ Ct!tlar un the place lo ft! nce il, and other timber. De- sirt>ab!e locatlllll. ( ;, 11rd ch:tlll'tl will btl :.;•ve11 lu a man wlto m~ns lln~•nt's~. For funlot!r a11 ,1 lull pa-rtlt' nlar:< apply to Dlt ST.-\ RH, Bronk lin. Ont. W., P. P. & L. R'y Time Table. EVE TROUGH lNG AND JOB WORK. attended to pi'Omptly, an'd Satisfaction Guarranted . I .• I . .. '. I Rags,-: \Yo·or Pickings and Old Iron, taken in ext:hatige for goods. Thanking the Public fM the liberal patronage be;to'~ed on them ~inctJ starting .business in Brooklin', and soliciti~g a continuance. of the sam'e: · \Ye are yours respectfuly MCPHERSON & CAMPBEL~ ., Bald \Viii St.~ Bt•ooRlln. rore~t lae.t .""e Mr. ,Simpsou was a:,:aiu of Commons had '100methinl{ to say, nnd stationetl at. Brookltn. the whole Province of Ontario has, nmch to object to. The boundary mea~ure be. Hi~ Excellency the Govener General queaths to !'danitoba the Dominion 11ide or will conf'er the honor of knig-hthood on ~~~~n£·1------- Tm~~~~~"' ~ :_ ~ J- :A. Q u E ·~ ~ . 5 ~1-a~ the diapute \Vilh Ontario,- and it remains for the Manitoba Le::i~'lalure to 10ay whe- ther the contention whioh the Dominion Gn•Rrnm~:nt is too cowardly to pre1'!1 for itAAif 11hall be taken up and fou.!!hl out to the btlter end by a Province which has nothing to g1in if it wins, and much to IOOIJ8 whRther it !lncceedR or fails. Hon. Hector Lan~evin, !'ro. Da\\'$1111 of l\lcGill ' College, and Alex. !'.Inc Kenzie. It is said Mr. ~lac Kenzie will decliutl the J,A:. I -s-·T-~no~s. ;,~,.;i ! ~ .~~- IS BOU,ND TO SELL ··L II7 j i . l:!Tornnto\" ta• t. T. lL , n.:t;i. ~:.!lOJ):! AS CHEAP AS ANY ONE I :u~~ : ~: 1: ~~; ::::~;: _:':: · .. ·_;: - ~·:.~~ - ~~f~ /.:~~ ~ L~ . ·: ; . . · • ~:~~ ' :: ::~ ~ ~~~-·;:~.~~~· .. : : :: : :::::·. ·.-~· ~·.~: ~:.!~ ~-~~ 30 Bars good Soap· for One Dollar. ho11or. The public school i~ now ru11ning under the management of twn tt•achers. 7.:11 (t) . C" • ~oitnmlt ...... ... .. . . . tl ~ . 17 IUO. 7.:17 IILMI' ~!nn'cho•<fPr . ..... , , .••. !Ill ~ . Ul tl.;l2 • ., 7. 1 .~ lrl.U l'rln<'" .\lberl ..... .. . . :10 4.32 II . ~"J }"" b f" J [ " d S r. 5. 5 1 ' ( 7.;;.; Ill.:!.\ Port P£' rry ........ . .. 7.llll 4-ii\ CLI.~ ~ ili"S 0 !!00( ~au~.) ry . 08 p 10r CCI_) S. T:.ere are, unfortunately 11nme apoln2i"t" nf th11 pre10ent Ollawa regime in Manitoba DIED ~. t .~ (0. 1 ., _ ~!'1\l:'ri\\'C ... .. . ....... ,00 R,.'jjl i\ :~1 >..J _ H.:!'lltl .. '\ll~on\·n . .. .... .. . . . . .. . . R. .~I R..'\tl !'~Ill 2 I f .I 'J, ,;( ~ r. 5 .. WIIU WUU !U UIU:f 'u 111nlt..o Uca..l U\"""l \,c- Suddenly of apoplexy at her resic.lence ~.;L1 I U t i 'lnritlln. .. ....... .... .,ll.u ~M S.M ", CR 1 \CS () !,!00u_ . ·ot O( ~08 P l(j(" Ce IllS. \..,L .~. 3rd ' cool., Wl••"tby!' 41h t' nstR!lt, H,.'lll 11.211 ""rlt~< ••ln .... .. .. . .. , , ll.~til :1.:!1 4 - -1-~ ..__, • J O,orl 1 UtJ ttr,._ . . . • .. . tl . l7 ~~IR ~ -1. :\1 k d . • • h h " h f4 tween tha• Province and Ontario over this HeattJr Ann, · wife ol Mr. Samuel B~ay, !I.IO 11 . 1u r. n•l•n~.: .... ...... . ,•lto &oil ·uu AU in s of Grocenes c ea{i for cas or ln exc ang? . or ~:=";. ~:.' ~ ';.;~:.;~'.•• T~.:~::·:, ,::~ "~ :~:;::::;"•· B•hl wi' "' , B~k "' ;" w 1 '""~'j',,~:~.t ~·~~, , i ~:,?' i Fa ~~~~~E~e. TilE STANO OPPOSITE ' THE GLOB£ • ~~TEL, nuring R'!Rin~tl Ont no ~elfi•hne1<", and on Friday, 6th inst._, Mr. John Robinson J .\>1. l!<, • . -'li"".'t""!J. :Dtrf'CI.or 1 : , •· s_ upt. [ . BH.OOKLIN ornioin!! thP tli~tpnted tPrritnrv. Av t~kir!! aged 74 ye11r:<. I t · ! • · ; l 1 : . · • • th · ~ l'larol thPv ~ 00 ,. tn cnmrnit lhA 1\f:• n- _ . . , R<'lnrn Tl<'kc tsl from Brooklin ~tnllon on j ,:_~~~~~~~~~~~=:!'!~~~~=~=~=====~===• itohal.ovPrnmenttonqn rr!!l withnurmvn I "GROWN IMPERI-Al.,; I :-;ul~rdny~ to Toront,o, Whitby, Port Perry u ROO 1\.Ll N ,· '_· .. '1~ ANN. E, .. ~~. . v_ • over the territory covart>d b)· the bonnclary I · . J • , antl ~lndlu•Y· ___ . ___ .D ~~ ~ award. \-\'e e .tpect t., find !\Jr. Norquay I ______ ,.____ · 1 1 nnooKI.!N MAHKET~. and hi" collti!!Ue adopt a more common- . This celellralltd . I · ~ . . sense po'icy. Even if they were pre- CARRIAGE STALLION fleportl'U by w. n. ltob.~on, Brooklin 3tlll•. pared to contend for the di!<puted territory I --- they could not expect to gain anything wil~ travel through WuiTBY and R.:Acu - · . · l !\lay lOth , IAAI . dur1111!' the season of lb81. oommencmg Flour .... · .. .. . .. ... .... ........... t .. $2.75"2.75 by acquirin~ it, for all the timber and May 9th, and will slop at the followmg f-' nll Wh••nt. . .. .. .. .. .. . .. ...... .. 1.00" 1.12 minerals, which give it il~t chief value, places:- ~prlng Wheat ..... ......... . ........ 1.00" 1.18 ·NOTHING /LIKE LE~~HER. The Undersigned i.s prepared to . P.ay the. Hi~hes~ 1cash Pnce for any; qtJanhty of , .. · , . , , -'. ! ., . . I , , ~ ,. ; would beleng to lh" Dominion, while they Mo .. DAY nights, Ray's hotel, Whitby. Bnrley .. · .. · ......... ......... .. .. ... · · 7.~" 90 n A J 75 tl 8J would be compelled to provide for tb e Tu'uvAY noons, Globe hotel, Brooklin'. y, .. · " · "· "· .... " · ... .. " .. _." " ." PC lUI .......... " ' ' . . .... .. " .. " • • " • . . 6U " ~ aalmini~tratinn of jl' ~lice over a wide and Tt:J:s DA \' nights, Walker house p.,rt Perry Cnrn ..... ... . .. . , .. . . . . .. .. . . . . .. .. . . 66" 70 ······s•· y ~ell'l'cl rP!!inn. Thl' nPx! ft!w WEoNESil.lY noo.1s, Coe~}.,Jd~s hotel Rag.:.. Oar~. · · ..... ..... . 1 .. J' ·: .·:: ::;::: ~~· , 40 ·f-11, will pr.,h.t ' ) • l• b w I\ hat hne they I lau . Ap/,)1 _: .......... . ; .. " 80,"· 4o ar" d1 ~ p111<ed to lake 1\•l enu11 l11le that 1 For further parti.fulnrs 8ee bill_~. ":~, 0~~~'-' ~:.· . · .,- : ." : : : : ::: : : : ."::: :: : .·.· ~.'.'. , !~ course IS a mailer of far greater Importance I Hucu HIIHON Prtacr &. You No, Butte~ .. ..... : .. : ..... .... .... :, ....... 16" 15 ,o them than to us. Ontano ha• over and Groom. , PIOprietors. I.ard .. .... .. .. .. .. .. .......... .. ..... . . 13 " 16 over again a!aerted her in len lion to main- Bowman ville,, May !1, 18U.• ..., F.~tgs ....... ...... • ........ • .. ·.. .... io" II . · . •• 1 .& - ~ :woo..t .. ... ............ .. .. .. .... .. ... 3.50"4.oo TAllOW,· SHEEP f;·J--;: and Tanbark. OOLE:7S O~D· · STA.:~jD- In rear of the ~ethodist Church. , :: . , . .. · . : W. J. MURRAY, ProprietOr . HIDES, SKINS .' ' ' ; l ·.., u

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