The Brooklin Times, 10 May 1881, p. 4

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·~ I i AhGil'TilAT.E's CouaT.-Hadle" l\'lcQuain 1 of My~tle,' w~ brought before ;he magis- trat~s Qll ThursJuy . last, accu~ed w!th stealing il &beep-skin robe, .the prope•ty of Mr. · ~. L~le, f~in the "heJs of ' the· Gl~~ ho't!ll, ~n the evening of Ja11uary 3rd. The e-ridence of the plaintiff established the ~en~ity and O\~oership of the rube and proved it to have been in the po~"ession ol McQuain. The 11tatement ofl\lcQuain amhhe evidence of John Barnett i11 de- fence, proyed com·.Ju,.ively that McQuain was ·JIOt guilty ol the gr~ve charge brought agajnst hirrr. · It-appears by the evidence that McQuain was in:oxicateJ on the nigh• of the el&·tion, and that some _mirereants took his hor;:e ar:d cutter and Liddle'" robe to dnve around the country intending no doubt to;eturn them, instead of doing 60 they left the rig under R. C. Warren's shed wbere McQuain and Barnl!tt found it, abont 9 o'clock at mght. McQuain at fil"6t refused to take the robe home w1th him, but thinkidg the rightful owner would call for it, and he .-..-oo:Jd by that mmm~ .discover who had useJ hi!' horit', he ilrimlf'd to keep the robe. No one c~' ied . for it however, and & bout three """ek- al :erward being in Deni!'on's hotel. 1\(•ach. :'.lcQuain spoke about ha\·in~ this n.b~ whi-n Deni60n'requested him to leave it ;ot his place. McQuain did 60 and 6'>0n after the robe with other things wa~ seized for rent and ~ld at Manche~t~r, where a 110n of Mr. I.iddle'" identofied it, and claimed it. There being no e"idence to criminate the accused, the case, if we may be allowed to call it such, o,ns dis- mill8ed. • The return of fine \veather and moon light pights ha-< caul'ed larg-t>, and not IOl• 01derly crowds, to con!!regate nijZhtly at the station to witness the arrival and de- parture of lhe evening trains. \\'e won- der that some serious accident does not happen to the venturellOme little children ea.,.,.;i~lly, w.ho m_-ke ih.ia place tl eir rendezvous. !.\!any little g irl .. whose ages vary from six to fourteen yeana, board the train nightly, and m many cases, before it stops, mnch to the annoyance of the regular pa.~s•mgcrs, who may b~ lt'nY- ing or entering the car. \Ve heard ol one girl r.l\rried south, ond nigl:t fa,,t wePk. \\'e hnpe it may teach her, with many i' . -- --. -· -~ - --=z .. STILL ARRIVING AT THE lTHE CLOBE HOTE~ ~C>Q:OS ; rE:Lv.I:F»QFI_:J:".lJJ.v.i:, BEi\J..\MIN :c~UOAK~IN~ P~toPa~croa. THE MOST DESIRABLE GOODS OF THE SEASON. India Muslins, Sattin Cloths: in delicate shades, Opera Kids, Black and Cream Laee Fichucs, Cream Lace Barbes, Gold and Silver Headed Tie Pins, . . ! Childrens Parasols, Ladies' and Childrens' Hose in forty shades·. In fact everything that is New and Novel can be found at the Be~t Liquors and C1gars. A well aup- 1 plied t;oble. Airy bed-rooms. Confortable 1 stab!in~ auJ large yaro.l room. Charges ; mud~rate. I . 1"'Wl\1. ROBSON AGRICULTURAL INPLEMENT DEPOT Opposite the Globe Hotei,JIBOOKLIN • l1EALER IN HOWE, LOCKMAN, SINGER, I an•l all other St:wmg Machines I REAPERS, MOWERS, GRAIN Whitby Dry Goods· Emporium, i DRILJ.S, ; ~traw Cutter3, Plo; vs, Iron Harrows and l all leading Agricultuoal lmplemenL'I lt Ross BROTHERS j:'.lanufaciurer,;' Praces Ureter!: by ma1l 1 promptly attentl~d to k, _ ' · I ~I LJ'::£,~lU!.S f!>.L~~ _!".f_ ·---;---- . l Hlii .-~S. CUAilGHS l\~.3£1tAT~ WARREN,IBROOKLIN ·MILLS WATCH MAKER 1 The M•ll111 now in cnmplt"te running . - . ... . GEO. PRACTICAL -w-. 011ler, ha-ring just stautt!d one ol · Gra)'5 J c~lebratetl combmf'\1 Sepa~r, Smutter Opposite Tlte Globe llotel, Bl·ool:lin. an.l Brush Madtine. . • . . REPAIRING A S P ESlA LTV . ! ~~~~~~::;~~!~~~!!, ' " FLOUR AND ALL Kl~DS OF All' Work1 Warranted to· Give Satisfaction. ~ULL rEED co~sTA~TLY o:s It AN Jl. A==CALL RESPECTFUL~Y SO~I_CIT~~~::~:;::K: B BATTY Butcher CAI"'L ON I ~duut~p~plly,inthe • • ' WI M.l'BU. RNS, Best Po~~~~~~~~ume~, Weekly Route for Winter :-Monday and I · e\·~ry day for every l~th t>u!!be,l, when Thumla)· ·, Brooldin, from 8 In 10.30 a.m.; F.rnpire • OF WHITBY twn:;hl by the loa•l ·. · 1\lills and Cnlu~bu,., from II a. m. tn I p. m.; • ' Th .. nking our uun.eruus friPnt:a fur the ~alurolay, Brooklin. Sh · ·. The public will at ... ay~ hnd a !!flll• 1 ~nrrh· nf (;:::)- FR F.SH .MEAT. PICI\I.t:D TO~GUE, &c., and C.df's R:: nnet~ at o•1r plactl of l •u siues~ For Reliable Boots & oes. hberal pnlfUII<l{;ll herehofure rec~tVI!tl, \Ve I hop~. b)· l'tract ;ot!l!ntoon to bul'llle:<ll, ami (J:G==- Foot \Vear of all kinds sold Cheap a <l~t~rmu.atiun to <l~al ~ati,.fal'IOrily With r C h -b all part•~;,, to merit a continuation thereof t 10r as , y . 1 . · WILLIAM BURNS, ·1 W. B. ROBSON, Proprietor. othe;s In keep within the tlo-corum or her ' OPPOSITE W. 8. ROBSON'S CRIST MILL 11e.t. Youn!! girls r~i!iv~ a lin" :-c_houl Ill!! B ~ Q Q K L I N ' amon.. I'Uch aSSO<'IatiOn", an .l 1! theor 1"1t • paren7s have no regard f,.r \h~r f~re BR uroOckOStreKet, L\VhliNthy.lcARRIACE Afm WACCON SHCP, well-being, the author•Uea should enforce CALL 0 N the atahttes and be the mean, of !'a-ring W .. HAULT, j BROOKLIN. J I The aubacribcr leela it a pleuore to · · . thOM who cannot or wlfl Dot &aYe tbem- lefYea. Hon. John Godfre~ Sprag~. Chancellor or Ontario, has been appointed SUCCt>!'SOr to the late Chiel-Ju~tic~ !\lolls. Richard G111ham, ol Claremont , is in &otlan.t louyrn!! hnr!'e:c<. BROUCHA~, HOTEL ! Cc.rner Brock and i\lain ~treet, in the Valla<>e of Brougham. Fir~t-cla.~~ ac;ommodations . Best r:,luors and ci~ar,o. Goo<l Saabling and attenti Vd hostler. THO\lA~ POUCHEH., PROPRI ETOH, ALSO UCEMSED AUCTIO~EER ! For the Countit's of York and North and Suuth Ontario. Auctir n sal~~ of real estate farm stoclc, &c , attend~d !11 moJerate charges. Address , T. POUCHER., FOR 'YOUR FURNITURE A-ND UNDERTAKING! II thanll: his . numeroua eUillomel'll aiiC~ friend. for the raany fa-rora ree.!ived fNIIl them siuce commeneita, busm- tn ~fN.Iild...L I ~rook lin !!Ieven yt•arR 11!!0, ami htt i" I tl~t~rminP.J to rmulud: hil' bu:oinPBM in ~~~11~~~ I future a!' in tl.e past, for the ~•"tlut~reo-t rt~.........,,.. 1 ol his custcm~r!'. Now is the tim!! to gel ~~iiR~~~~~!t!;~ I pour • j t:t:W;tJ·:~ . Cl:TTI-:RS. WAGGONS, &r. ' . . . . I fiE-PAINTED (N COOD STYLE I Always a aood Stock to Select from, at Bottom Pnce::. P1cture Frames made to order. lit . . d···' A c 11 0 • l I l "l'illfln!! promptly a:1eu o::u to. ll . Funerals attended on short not1ce, an< at al tours. I ,,. ru~-;t .:oti,·itetl. ('/un·ges Lou~. -w-_ :E3:_A_ UT •T -I . NOAH LUKE. - .. -- ··- ... .. -.· .. ·1 l\IAXWELL HAMILTON OH YES ! !~~u~~~~,N CET IT ! i SUILDER AND QIIHTRACTOR; I A .COOD FIITINC SUIT OF GLOiHES ARCHITECTUR£. · GO TO D · . I • · · · ' r B ·1·•· FIRST CLASS PH_OTOGRAPHS, ARE MADE AT · · ·. . I rawmg ano .':l(lt'Clticataon o ua uangoa _AI_ 0 _ D E ..A R, S :7 promptly prepared with v~ew . to economy / BROOKL:I.N. . 111 construction. . Box47,Brongham,Ont A. BARRETT'S H. W.' LIDDLE . PHOTO ROOM wh .. u• \'uu artt snre tn !!el the best ~>ati~factoon. G"ntlemen Ctn; .• u:n & SCHO<tL A RCHIT£C-ca'l eff...ct a Fnvin~ of t~n per cent by findina their own TURE A SPECI:\LTV. AGE~T FOR THE . . DOUBLE HARPOON HORSE HAY ~1t FORK AND ELEVATOR. "VV:EIIT':B"Y"'! mn\erial and lakin:;; tt to A. C. Dear's, where they nn get Correspom'eure re~>pectfully 60licitet.l • . i it mad11 up in the Fasl)lonable S,tvJe- J\HXWELL HAMILTON. 11 ~ Baldwin St., Brooklin, lllost Rt :lu~ lowe;ot 1 rices· Cuttinl! done on lhe Shorte·t Notice Thanking his num e rous froeml~ and customers for pat' .' The operation of the Double Harpoon Horli& Hay Fork and ElevJ.tor, wherever it hu been fairly teste!.!, hu been ex- tremely satis f:u:tory. No other imple- ment ev11r attained s uch :!t!norul populnnty in so l'hort a time. Amon:,: the th :· u:<:HIL!s who ha\'e used 11 and w•tne.;~e.l•t .;opera­ toous in thtt Eastt'rn, :\I id.!le Soutlwrn and \\1u $ltHII Stall',., the mir.e of appn•vnl is almo:~t uuanimoutJ. Leatln1~ a~riculturists m all pn.-ts of the couutry. t•ommlttcea aud of ~ricultural journala have ailkd test1fied to ita unqu~stionabl~ s uperi- o• ot ~· . The high ch:uacter of the men nnd - ~ ~· llal, that have endor-1 the Double '! •. . , .111 llor!ltl Hay Forlt:, a IHI the impor- ·' ~ard:i bestuwt!d upon it, fully ~ ... • ~. ,.h 11s pre-emin~nce . • H..D ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. H. W. LIDDLE, Sole Agent, Brooklin, Ont. BRASKSTRECTS NEW PROCESS favo..,., till hopes by s trict .Ut_entlon to busin~:<!l, ami !!1")()(1 ) LDIBHB' MJIJf'. PHDI , Workmanship, to merat a contmuaoce of pubho pataoQa~e. I .lllJUia} A. C. DEAR, I . . . . . .. Op(l'lsite J. \\'arren's Dru;; S10re, llrnoklin. WATIJR I'JlOOr . QUICK WORK. A. BARRI;:TT. CARRIAGE 1r.>~ p ~~J1\TT ~'!To~P BLACKING I ~i & ~~ J.i .&, .;)~ £ l THEBEST G. 1;. ~HAMBERLAI!IC, bl'gs tc. i10form the Citizenr. of Brooklin and surrounding co~ntry tnat I have Lumber and all other! LEATHER PRESE·R-V£R. K.NQWI. Mateunl neces>ary fur the l\lanufacture of Cutters, Sleighs, Buggies, Wagons, &c., And am prepared to execute all ordera in my line, with punt~tualit1 ami deputch, and gilarantee all work to be mads of the PRICE 12l Cts.~ PER BOX • . . , best mat~rial. And also prepared to do all . . t J. "'· ROUTLEY-. . 0 .A. :Fl.~ I .A. C3r ~ ::I? .A. I~ T I 1"W ~ • MAKER, ASHBURN, . ONT. • 1n the best sl) le of the art. D. F. CHAMBI:RLAJN, Having had over thirty years e:oq:erience in I he above brnnche11 of I . ' r businl!ss, I ft'~l confident of lx:rng able to satisfy the moat faatid.ous. Therefore, come one, come all, bring on )·our orden1 For Sale at T, J, Ho/J.ulayt, _B.roolclfta.. . · to be applied io the u:sual 1.-ay~ : Shop aecond door eaal of Polll Office, Brooklin. D. F • CHAJ\11 BERLIN• Manager. - ' ·

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