Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 7 May 1925, p. 8

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' -.. PAGE EIGHT liiTBY <i ~ , AND Cl ·' ' = THUR.SDAY, MAY 7th, 1925 LOCAL SPORTS .IN erect;ion of booths or partitioM oJ I The d-death occuned sue •'h\ .ool require- ·at -lea ~d Mrs. Bentley are now liv-1 We regret to report the Bell tam-any kind in or between which table! . Monday, y, April 27th, 1925, it ., ~d __ · hop" they may not l at their home here. ily are confined to the house with the BRIEF REVIEW and seats or chairs aril placed as 11 Children'll's Hospital, Toronto, .. ppomted; as the work done b...,, .. . . . mumps. . commonly the case in many r;staur- ty," infafant dallfhter of Mr. ,<Jr Sunday s~hool is most important · .lliSB Lucy Stanning! who hved With I Mr. R. V. Mowbray is going to put ants. No such arrangement will bE R. P. RJWbinaollt Toronto, 0& , 1tnd m~st .be liberally supported. The I Mrs. C. J . S~venson_ ?everal yea;s in a water system in his premises. permitted on the premises of anJI 8 month~ and 1t 'lays. The bl ' Brooklin 9uartette ~ill be present and 1 1 ago, but who IS now h~ng in Hamil- Mr. Bert Beer, of Brougham, has The Town League schedule opens permit holder. interred :I in Gro.ve&ide Cen. . , supply swtable mus1c. _ ton, called on her old fnends here. put in a new cement cistern for C. J. on Monday evening next at the Town "Restaurants and cafeterias will be Brooklin,n, Ont. · Mrs. R. R. Mowbray has been In . The annual election of officers in Stevenson. Park, when the Blackfeet meet the subject t.> these requirements as well Oshawa for some time at her daugh- 1 1 the League and S. S. took place last Miss Edna Redman is home resting East Enders. The wise men from as hotels, and in no case wiU beer be ter's. We are pleased to report her week, Miss Elva Redman is again owing to ill-health. We hope for the east, it is rumored, intend by their I permitted to be sold ovet counters of KIN'SALE. · health •omewhat better, and all hope president of the Young People's So- speedy recovery. whirlwind play to mske their oppon- any kind except lunch counters at . she may soon be restored to her form- I ciety, and ,Ralph Mowbray is head of Mr. Jolu) Dunn left last week for a ents not only black in the feet but in . 1 railway stations, for which special Next E S~day will ~ _ the last -tuar- er health and usefulness. I the Sabbath School, with a staff of visit with relatives in the west. Be the face. provision will be made. I• • , terly m~tinc for this year, held at . Mr_s. M. J., Lawrence, who has been splen!lid officers and teachers. will be absent about two montha.- 1 Mount ~on Churcll at 10.30 a.m. and ill Wlth the flu, has sufficiently re- Everybody will be at the Town ~ i 2.30 andd 7 p.m. Sennons will be covered to be able to call on some of I P---iililiiliiii ______ iiillliiiiiDiE;;;;;iiiiSiiiiiiiiiiiEii&iii5ii!ii!EESE!==iEI-==j Park on Thursday evening, May 14th, Rev. H. R. Horne, of Toronto, an p_reaclledd :t>Y Rc!v: H: H~_ullen, as-! her old friends in the village. when the first home game of the executive officer of the Presbyterian Sistant e.edi~ . o1 lie Christian Guard-, W~lter Handcock has left Kinsale I South Ontario Softball League will be Church in Canv.da, will preach in St. ian, in t the ~t4!reata of the Sabbath i and IS now located at the Whitby Hos- played between Brooklin and the Andrew's Church next Sunda)' at both I school. Special . collections will be I pital, where he holds a positi.>n. The Whitby Meat Market ~~w~~be~~~~~~~~~~QSc~. ~~~~==~~~===~==~==~=================== ·~ the _local ballyard this year, and there --+- r- should be large crowds to encourage · \ the local teams. . GAVE ADDRESS TO COMPOSITE -- LODGE oti::!!~~li::ageth~~o~:~U::U~~~~~ Atlthe ~quet which fol~owed the WHITBY FRUI..... & VEGETABLE DEPOT· less the town fathers do something :Cgu ar mee~ng of Compo~te Lodge II .. very soon towa;rds . fixing up the ball :n the Masoruc Hall last Fr1day even- yard· at the park, which has been wet . ng, the membeni had an unusual treat since spring and becomes very bad m the form of ~ address by W. Bf?. after eVA....,. rai th tea 'II h Rev. C. W. DeMille, of Oshawa. His ·-J n, e m WI ave no t ' al 1 tf abT difficulty in plying the art of mud- exce~ Ion Jl a orm . I 1ty . ana slinging. ple~g manner, w_ere qwte manif~st m his address, which was of an m- Whitby Football Club played their tensely practical nature, and one that first game of the season at the Town was highly appreciated by those who Park Saturday afternoon, and lost to heard him. He was introduced to the Pickering 3-1. The locals scored the gathering by a friend of many years' first goal, and considering the fact standing, v, W. Bro. W. M. VanValk- that they were minus some of their enburgh. . regular players, who did not turn out, The banqu~t was a very enJoya~le they made a very ci-editable showing. affair, W. Bro. J. M. Short, Worship- A little more practice and co-operation ful Master of the Lodge, presiding. W. among the members of the club would Bro. Dr. C. F. McGillivray also spoke, go a long way. and music was provided by an orches- tra under Jas. Rainnie. Ed. Bowman, well-known local base- At the lodge meeting an interesting ball player and fan, was heard to re- occasion took P.lace when W. Bro. Dr. mark after the ministrel show the C. F. McGillivray, assisted by past other night that even if Herb. Wilson masters and officers, conferred the I '!id move .his_ butcher shop_ a "few first degree upon his son. . dooiS east of him to avo•d the ne.as~ • . -~ ..___ he still intends to pay close attentton to the flies this season. And when Ed. Bowman says something he means it. Whitby Football Club plays ~t Goodwood next Saturday afternoon m their first out-of-town game of the season. They are .. taking out. a stro!lg team and expect to return w1th a VIC· tory tucked away in their belts. The Tuxis Boys, to be su~, have a team in the Town League thiS season, r--:;;N;iiiii~;-::--::--n and are out to win the .shield. They have a strong line-up and will be heard from not long after the League opens. The Buckle Factory team in the C. N. B. Town League are an unknown _quan- Whitby Junetion tity and there is rrAich speculatton. as GOING WEST-•4.52 a.m., •5.17 a. to the make up of the aggregation. m., •5.36 a.m., t10.38 a.m., t2.32 P· Fans who are in the "know" are ~m- b., t7.34 p.m., §7.33 p.m., t8.55 p.m. phatic tMt they will stand watching. GOING EAST-tS.lO a.m., 18.48 a.m.; •9.53 a.m., tl.03 p.m., t2.46 p.m., Whitby athletes should be able to t 6.22 p.m., •9.32 p.m., *10.58 p.m .• 1 see a part of the thirty-mile relay •11.38 a.'lll. (midnight). walking race from Toronto to Osha- wa, which is being staged next Satur- UP-TOWN STATION day afternoon by Central Y.M.C.A., GOING NORTH-t8.31 a.m., t6.40 p. Toronto. 'l'hto OW....wa Amaww- Alh· m. , letic Aasociation has donated medals GOING SOUTB-t8.01 a.m., tl.fiO p. for the race, which is to be an annual m.. event, and will start f~m Oshaw_a ·~ tDaily except Sunday. each year. Dr. W. L. Finlay, preS!· 1 y only. dent of the "Y" Walking Club with c. p, B. his assistan-ts have measured ~e GOING WEST-t5.55 a.m., (flag); course, which sta4S from MechBnlC 7.00 a.m. (Sunday only); t8.60 a.m., Street on King St-reet West,. a~d ~- •4.54 p.m., t7.25. ishes at the Central "Y" bwlding lD GOING EAST-*9.56 a.m., t1.85 P· Toronto. 1'he race will be started by m., t7.26 p.m., 11.00 p.m. (daily President H. E. Bradley of the O.A.A. except Saturday), 12.00 p.m. (stops A., and other members of the execu- only for pauenpra to dltnin flom ti.ve. The colors of the O.A..A.A--:!! LalldoJLand west); 1.30 a.m. (SliD- be handed to each starter and on day mol'Diq oaly). colora, which are ~ ~ wh!~ .~ ,. . .. will 118 printed a ~ from the I ,Daiq· aoept BalldQ: Athletic Auodation. The colora will MAILS CL08B be~ to Toronto by the respec- For North-7.80 a.m. tive te&JqS. The crest of the O.A_.A.A. For Eaat-7.80 a.m. and 8.!0 p.m. has been forwarded to Dr. Finlay, For Port WhltbJ-7.80 a.m. and who has arranged to have it engraved 7.30 p.m. on the shield which will be presented For W•t-1.80 p.m., 7.80 p.m. and to the winning team. The race will 8.20 p.m. start at 12 o'clock noon (standard 1 For o.haw-uo p.m. time) and late in the aftemoo~ one MAILS ABBIVB relay should arrive here. It IS ex- , From Eaat-8. a.m. pected that many spectators will be on I From' Wmt--8 a.m. It a.m., I p.m., hand to see the competitors get away. and 7.46_p.m, Each relay will go five miles, and 1 From North-Z p.m. each team is composed of six men. From o.hawa--8 p.m. -·- - -- ~- ~--~- ~~ BARS MUST BE BOARDED UP TO SELL u BEER. .I F s I R t (Continued from page 1) or a e or en aued the following . statement in ad- vance of the regulations themselves, which are not expected for another week: Six roomed brick house, all conveniences, on Pine Street, Whitby. Possession May 1st. This is a desirable property. Ap- ply to d. E. DISNEY . "Section 160 of the Ontario Tem- perance Act aa enacted during the last session provides that, subject to the rules and regulations, na permit holder shall keep any liquors for sale 31 King St. E., Oshawa in any baJTQom or sell or supply any liquors from or over any bar or coun- ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ter of any description. This is a de- !:: finite requirement and must not be evaded. FIELD SEEDS AND GARDEN SEEDS All T eated for Purity ~nd Germination. "'t will not be compulsory to tear out existing bars, plumbing and fix- tures, if the bar or counter be built up flom ite outside edge to a height of aix feet aix inches from the Boor or to withiD one foot from the ceil- ing. The object Ia to convert the for- mer bar into a fixture separated from the beverage room, in which fixture the beer may be drawn and carried We aupply Garden Seeds by out to cuatomera in the bevera,e bulk for leas than half the prioe room. ' . _ of paoketa,- and our method of "The partition must not be of grill improved aerv'ioe tllla your order or lattice work or wire ne~ of &117 Tery quioldy. ldnd, and may be either of wood or of opaque alasL ID .. au· cases, how- F I s H ever, the partitiol\ mllat be solid, with no openlDga except doors or pauagea r.. d V I t f Ch I at the end or enda whieh would IMir\"8 uOO ar e Y O o ce aa means of exit and entrance of the Stock. walters. GROCERIES "'J.'M interior of the beverage room or ~ma when~ th8 beer Ia to be e,n- 1umed mat be · in plaiD view of the pubUc peu~Jw bJ on a public atreet Bargains for all who or tboroaabfare through at least 0118 PAY SPOT CASH window rlaud with . clear rJau and • at leaat ODe ··door llimJlarlJ ...-. =~~:~£ W. B. PRIIGLE&CO. 1oz of the bnerqe room must at all PHONE 14" dmu be in Tlew: of pauenby out- Headqllartera for Pie through a door and window. ---'<lboiM GrOMrill ""l'h'a = .. ~pNftllt the WHITBY l"AAIO TTELEPHONE 192' Here's a List of What We ~ Sell\ Cut It Out For a Ready Reference. =====!=WE DELIVER===== Vegetables NEW CABBAGE NEW CARROTS NEW BEETS NEW POTATOES SPINACH ASPARAGUS GREEN PEAS Wax Beans RHUBARB . L S.alads Heaad &: Leaf Lettuce TO:ttMA'l'OES CUICmtnms P11!:WPFlRS GRJEEI\r ONIONS IWDISUEs p.AJRSL.Ey W~TERCRESS ... Fruits PINEAPPLES STRAWBERRIES FANCY APPLES ORANGES BANANAS DATES GRAPEFRUIT 1 LEMONS Pure Maple Sugar Phone 170 Cash and Delivery Delivery of purchases will be made on and after 1st April. Careful attention given to all orders. Choice Meats and Provis- ions at lowest prices. · -- · - - L-EAVE \'OUR I-o4o-ER HERE FOR- PLANTS - -- . - -- SPECIAL for Friday and tfata,rday only, 2 Pecks Potatoes for 25c. &. McKenzie C. F. MacGrotty Brock St. S. (West Side), Whitby Domestic and ln•101rted Fruits and vegetables Brock Street North, IDIIone 192, Whitby, Ontario For the Woman 1\lho is Seeking to Make Her Home More Attractive We Make Herew-tlt a Few Suggestions, Together with a Number- of Other Very Seasonabl~ Articles at Prices Which You Will Find To Be Right. FINE ENGLisH VOILES J. ~ PLAIN COWRS 58c. YD. CURTAIN MADRAS AT 39c. YARD. An exceptional fine quality~.= is to be had in practically all shades such as rose, yellow, b coral, orchid, green, natural, copen, sky, navy, grey, white. . 118 inches wide 58c Priced at Per Yard Scotch Madras 36 inches wide in a fine even texture which ~as a soft finish that hangs well and looks well at a very low pnce. 39c WE BA VE CONGOLEUM RUGS IN ALL Tim POP1Ji.AR SIZES Congoleum ru~nly wear well but loOk well OJll' the floor, and add much to the eom- fort of the home. There is no other floor covering which gives a maximum of wear, beauty· and service at so low a cost as Con- goleum Rugs. It will be ea111 to choose the design you like by visiting our second floor where they are on display. LITTLE GlRLS' GINGHAM DRESSES Neatly made Gingham D~ for girls S to 6 years of age Wlth panties to match, in BIIOiS check designs. $1 · .TIMELY ·GIFTS FOR THE JUNE BRIDE MADIERA LINEN~ These dainty hand worked Ma- diera Linens make very accept- able and lasting gifts, and will add greatly to the comfort and attractiveness of. the new home. We have them in doilies, centre&, tray cloths, scarves, luncheon cloths and serviette& IRIIH LINEN I.ABLE CLOTHS AND NAPKINS JOQN S. BROWN'S, of BELFAST, IRELAND, nuakle the world's most fam,_ linens. When buying table linens in- sist oa their brand if yCN want the best. We have In lltock cloths and napkina to match, or ~~~lc:\li separately. KENWOOD BED COVERS A very useful gift indeed and when giving Ken· wood'• you are assured of quality. We have them in two liMI and in plain shades or check .designs. Prked at Per Yard UT1'LE BOYS' WASH SUITS · Kade from washable colors in a combination white blouse and tan fir cadet troueers attached with large pearl buttons, in sizes 4 to 8 ye~rs . $1 25 Pnced at . BEST QUALITY OILED OPAQUE WINDOW BLINDS. Best quality oiled opaque win- dow blinds "seconds" for sale at a great reduction in price, and while they are seconds it is very difficult to find very much wrong with them. Colors white, cream, or green, complete with ring pull and brackets. Worth $1.35 reg- ularly 89c Seconds at CHECK DIMITY NIGHT· GOWNS FOR $1.39 Ladies' Nightgowns made from fine check dimity in white, pink and maize shades, trimmed with fancy stitchings and tucking. Selling for $1 39 LADIES' BRUSH WOOL SLEEVELESSS1VEATERS Pure wool sweaters· in the ·sleeveless vest styles suitable for summer wear. Heather shades of green, turquoise, camel, fawn, rose and brown. · Sbes 36 to 42. Worth $4.50 re~rly $2 98 Selling for .· Priced at VICTORIAN FABBIC:S New designs in a new cloth With ~teed colors, patterns and materials that are auitf.ble for womenta h~use . or porch dresses, or children's school ~ Co~ea 82-~. Wlde 35c PRICED AT PER YARD r ft: THE GENUINE NORMANDY VOILES AT 75c. Y~D. The genuine Normandy Voiles will retain their finish and pat- tern They come In spot or block design in a ran~ of the new shades as green, peach, poudre, rose, maize, orchid, red, navy, black. 38 inches wide. D-1--..a P y --..~ 7Sc STOBB CLOSES WEDNESDAYS AT 1UO NOON .-n~ at er a"' DESIGNER PATI'BBNS CABBIBD JN S'l'OCL

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