Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 9 Feb 1928, p. 4

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. ~- Page 4 I ~A Februarv 9. 19/.R Rella ... ~ Alarm Clock Is a wonderful help towards gett,,ng up on time these dark morn- Ings. We have a fine assortment priced from sl.75 to •&.50 All (iuaranteed. J. M. Hicks dEWELER Flnt elass Watc:b Repalrla~ BROCK STREET WHITBY 1 Miss Mona Stewart, of Toronto, vis- . ited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Stewart, last ¥- Mr. and Mrs.n.c. Rutherford spent Sunday with the ··tter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. G e. Mr. Ralph Van one, who has been quite seriously ill .or the past week, is now improving gwly. i · ·--. . . \·· .· The February "Jo{lrd meeting ·, ~ . . : •. of-the Women's ist ;Foreign Mis- Sion Board will eJ,0 ry:d on the third . Thursda~· of Fe :f . ~- 16). We ·. ,'\ ... . - . ~ ·~ inyiled to • at the St. Clair Ave. Baptist c ,11, Toronto. Take St. Clair or ay car to the .,orner . 'Y,'ychwood it St. Clair. Avenue. mg y lunches and come and en- : ' ~us hospitality of this · arch and reeeiYe a apiritual bl~ . . - J . ~ ~~). -1~~:.: ~=-~.!· :Or:..;nt,~~ · · ~.rth 'liVen! they wiU !"pend tv.·o months. They &'t' first to Texas for a short time, and will then go on to Or- lando, Florida, · ... The Parish Guild of All Saints' Church will hold an Afternoon Tea and Sale of Home Cooking on SatuT- day afternoon; Feb. 11th, at the home of Mrs. Wm. Downie. Afternoon tea 25c. And on the same afternoon, Feb. 11th, in the Parish Hall of All Saints' Chunob, the' Guild will hold a Rum- mage Sale from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. Noth- ing but useful ~cles will be for sale. Note wnge of date of afternoon tea. Mr. F. L. Beecroft, who is convales- cent after a recent tonsil operation, was in Toronto on Wednesday when his mother celebrated her 93rd birth- day. -::- HIGH SCHOOL PLAY The Literary Society of the High School will present a play on the ev- ening of Wednesday, February the 29th. The title of the play is "Little Women," a four act comedy. Reserve this 'date. Detailed announcement lat- er. -::- PUBLIC NOTICE re A88es&ment Roll TAKE NOTICE that the Assess- ment Roll of the Town of Whitby for the year 1928 was returned to me on the 9th day of February, 1928. A,ND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that the last · ~y •for filing appeals against assessments is the 24th day of February, 1928. Dated at Whitby this 9th day of February, 1928. John R. Frost. Clerk, ToWll of Whitby. -::- ROBBERY CLEANED UP Tbe Jut of tlllw - bliplle&ted Iii the robbeey of a IMre m Uzbridl", St-anley Sayers, was tried in that town Monday and sentenced to 18 months in the Ontario Reformatory. The two other men, Jas.. Kirkwood, who got 4 years, and Earl Gourlay, three years, are now in Kingston. The round-up of these men was made by Provincial Constables Cookman, of Whitby; and Mitchell, of Oshawa, and Toronto 'de- tec~ives, after muc:h effort since Nov. 29th, the date of the offence, and the officers have been commended by the Provincial Police Department for their good work. TOWN OF WHITBY Notice of Regialralion of By-Law Notice is hereby given that a By- law was passed by the Council of the Town of Whitby on the 6th day of February, 1928, providing for the is- sue of debentures to the amount of $3l,WO.OO for the purpose of paying for permanent improvements to the Whitby High School, and that such By-law was registered in the registry , office of the ~wn of Whitby in the County of Ontario on the 7th day of February, 1928. Any mQtiOD to quash or set aside the same or any part thereof must be madt: wjthin three months after the first publication of this notice, and .cannot be made thereafter. ~ Dated th~ 7th day of February, 1928. . . .\ ...... :~~~~~ .r-_., ..... . .. ·' . -.S~APE I Whitby now ..4er of TUes- province." enjoys throughout the nia January ?4 from bean seizure. He was 66 years old and had re~ired ap- -: : - . , parently In normal health and col- ~ ,J• the provincial . ..w.l! one huge skating ~vers of motor vehicles \ .with difficulty. Motorists .. 1\ov•n on Tuesday evening . MARKS 75TH BIRTHDAY, _.,__~· la~~without warning upstairs. He George N. Reynolds of 138 DowUni' ~~~$ided in Sli.rnia for 21 yea~. Ave., Toronto·, well-known to many. 'l'ik:late Mr. McBurney was born m old friends in Whitl?y, veteran of ~e ~1tby, Ont., and was a son of the Feni~ · Raid, on Saturday last cellt' .• Mr. and Mrs. Robert McBurney brated ·;'bis 76th birthday, a "graniJ'~fthe ,n~lth ward, the whole of his youqg·itian." He was born in Bell ·.,-~~-~.:· . .career being spent in the ville iii"1853 and later lived in Whit-;~ ... ~~,.~fthe W. R. Brock Co., whole; . '" ·~· . :; __ ._ .... tf~~ and those who' p~ced in the old way could very quickly acquire the use of the necessary .equipment and act accordingly. The faker and man of slip shod· methods would not have a place .. with · the -business public, and Optom.etry would be saved any of the distn;dit that might arise from this source. (Continuea next week) .,eeing many cars and trucks L... ,.ditch, although no serious acci- dents were reported. In town the streets, particularly Dundas street from Brock to Centre, were like glass. ~t noon the Council decided to · put crnders on the hill coming into \\'hit- by from the west, as many accidents were narrowly aYoided. The sidewalks were also in a dangerous condition and m11re than the pro~·erbial wicked walked in slippery places. The situa- tion has not much improved to date but colder weather is promised. by 'f~r 20 years. His old home here ~e ii:r'Ygoods .dealers. For a nu~'t! •: , was Trafalgar Castle, nc;nv a "part of of years Mr. McBurney was tbe .· . t.= .. ::;=; .:;=., :;::::~;:,========::;::=ii the Ontario Ladies' College, of which western· representative. He was on~ o _, . . : .:'C.': . .-.· he laid ·the foundation stone as a the keenest members and a past presi- · ":;~~' ' child in 1859. · dent of the Sarnia Golf Club. He was ,_. ..:_. ./•. JUST He was educated at Whitby Gram- an active member of St. George's · - ~· i<.~·:;:· mar school and Upper Canada col- Anglican Church, and during the rec~ · lege. His father was the late Sheriff torshlp of the late Canon Davis ·held ARRIVED Reynolds of Ontario county, and the appointment of Rector's Warden after be<:oming invalided with par- for six years. In politics he was a _: : _ alysis this position was taken by the consen·ative. He is survived by his STOP SUNDAy HOCKEY present Mr. Reynolds in the 80's. wife and two children, Catherine and After being in business in Winnipeg Bob, who are at the University of Tor- It was reported to the To'o\'11 Coun- he began the Office Furniture Equip- onto, and three brothers: W. H. Mc- cil on Monday evening that complaints rnent Business in the present Daily Burney, ol' Walkerton; Albert, -of Sas- had been received from citizens who Star building in 1884, now at 6 Wei- katoon; and George, in Manitoba; Mrs. object to chlldJ:en playing hockey on lington street for 40 years. He is the W. J. Hanna, of Sarnia, is a sister-in- Sunday on the open air rilik in ·the oldest exclusive office desk dealer in law. · north ward. The Council fett that this Toronto, having been in this line fot practice should be prohibited as it was . over 45 years. He is well known to an annoyance to the citizens in that many banking and manufacturing Your Eyes ana Health. .,;cinity and in addition it did not look d e...nsed the con concerns, an sup •.. - The Eyes of Children well. Council instructed the Chief of struction of the steel ·work of the Police to bave Sunday bocke}" stopped present Globe building, the Mc~n- Part '1. both at this rink and on another one non. building and also other promm- By C. H. Tuck, Opt. D. on Ash street near the C.N.R. tracks. ent city stroctures. Copyright,_ 1926 He is a member of the Albany If a person has failing sight and a AT THE ROYAL THEATRE Club, Scarboro <?olf ~lu?, and the vendor offers only superficial tests as bugler in the Feman ra1d m 1866 ~nd all these tests are sure to be and The management of the Royal The- has lived at his home _on Dowh~g many of them are not even worthy of atre has booked some good pictures. avenue in the bouse whtch he bmlt being considered superficie.l, and say -::- for the coming week. On Friday and 7 Saturday the bill includes that scream for the past 3 years. the case is cataract, glaucoma or iri- "KoSher Kitty Kelly," a humor of tis, much harm may be done when Jewish wit, also a Fox news reel. Then DEATH OF FORMER WHITBY proper attention is not promptly on Monday and Tuesday the attraction RESIDENT · forthcoming. If certain work could be will be Pat O'Malley and Mac Busch Robert B. McBurney died very sud- prohibited proper · .advice would be 1 A complete shipment of English China consisting of everything necessary for everyday use. See our complete stock for your general needs . Our prices are right and the quality the best. Selrito .Store I. 0. SPROWL, Prap. Telephone 204 in "The Perch of the Devil." For Wed~ denly at midnight at his home in sought and proper relief would be giv- nesday and Thursday, Feb. 15 and 16. en. This explanation .of this matter 1..!::=============::!.1 the picture is the popular Jackie Coo- ===============.J should meet with the approval of any gan in "The Bugle Ca11." There is a Births, Marriasres, onscientious reader because of its far special matinee every Saturday. chlng effects in the interests of -::- NOTICE A car of gluten feed is expected to arrive on Saturday, February 11th. This feed will be sold from the c:ar. Farmers wanting gluten should get in touch with G. A. Canning, Flour and Feed merchant, Whitby. COUNCIL COMMENDS HOCKEY TEAl\{ At the To"'ll Council meeting on Monday evening the following resolu- tion, moved by Coun. Ed. Bowman, and seconded by Coun. Mowat, was passed unanimously: "That this Council has learned with great pleasure of the success of Whit- by's Intermediate hoekey team, and we desire to plate on record our apprecia- tion of the efFort made by our boys in attaining tbP di!tinction th@y have "·on u· championr; of the group in which they -re FCbeduled. "Thi~ Council b@reby ext..nd~ heart- iest con~tulations and express the hoJM! that the. Intermediate hoc~ey team may meet with further succe~s in the semi-final contests yet to come, and hereby encourage clean and wholesome sport amon~ the young men of the town, and al~o~ adsl to the favorable reputation the To"'ll of ANNOUNCEMENTS BIRTHS HILTS-At Whitby, on January 20th, Hl28, to Mr. and Mrs. Hilts, a daughter. - BROUGH-At Whitby, on February 7th, 1928, to Mr. and Mrs. Brough, a daughter. SLEIGHTHOLM-At Oshawa General Hospital, on Friday, Feb. 3rd, to Mr. and 1\trs. Jack Sleightholm, a son, (James Allan). RUSSELL-At the Ontario Hospital, Whitby, on Monday, Feb. 6th, to :Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Russell, a son (Roy Vernon). DEATHS JACKSON-At Port Whitby, on Wed- nesday, Feb. 8th, 1928, Fannie 1. J adl: son, eldest daughter of the late Samuel and Margaret Jackson. Fan- 1!1'111 fl'6m 8l John's Bay Ghurm on Friday, Feb. lOth, at 8.80. ln- t.,rment in. St: John's Cem~ry'-·- - · IK l\fE!'tiORLH1 PEARSON-In JoYing memory of our j dear mother and father, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Pearson, also our sis- t..r, Alice, who entered into rest Feb. 1924 and 1913. Sarah E. and Wellington Monday, Feb. 13- Postponed auc- tion sale of farm stock, implements, Winter underwear cut-priced Boothe's. All rubbers reduced in price at Tal- ling's. at hay, train, roots, etc., including 11 horses, 40 head of cattle, 45 hogs, the property of Hutchings Bros., lot 19, con. 2, Pickering, ¥.. mile north of the highway on the Brock road. Sale at 12 o'clock sharp. See bills. Fred. Posthill, auctioneer. Ice Cream bricks and eskimo pie~ kept by electric refrigeration. High- way Cafe, A. Stanlick, Dundas St. Boys' Overcoats. Sale prices. Buy now at Boothe's. The Heintzman piano tuner will be in town on Monday, Feb. 13. Orders may be left with Miss Wright, Centre St. South. Lux, 3 for 25c, at Meeker's store. The Ladies' Aid of the Baptist Church ha\"e postponed their Home Cooking sale and afternoon tea adver- tised lor Feb. 10 and will hold it at a later date. Wednesday, February 15th- Auc- tion sale of horses, cattle, pigs, im- plements, harness, etc., at lot 9, con. 6, Pickering, the property of Chas. Ledgett. Sale at one o'clock sharp. See bills. Wm. Maw, auctioneer.--33 Thursday, Feb. 16--Auction sale of 60 head of fresh milch cows, springers and young cattle, hogs and ments, the property .of 0. Denny and J. Vincent, at lot 24, con. 4, Whitby Tp. Sale at one o'clock sharp. See bills. Geo. Jackson & Son, auctioneers. Do not miss the Valentine Euchre and Dance in St. Bernard's Hall on Wednesday evening, Feb. 15. Euchre fi-~============='J at 8 o'clock sharp. Round, square ·and novelty dance. Good music. Refresh- ments. Admission 25c. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Mr. J. M. Sherlock, Toronto, Vocal Teacher. Whitby Studio at Mr. Frank G. Erskine's, Centre Street, each Wed- nesday. Phone 187. City Studio at Heintaman'a, opposite Eaton's, phone!!!:============== Elcin 6966. -88 '11le DeYJ patten\& Of "rnAd~ ... tn ... rnoao ure" dotlaea are here. Your satisfac- tion llbsolutely cuaranteed. You will find quality at reasonable prices at Boothe's. The Daughters of England will hold a euchre and whist in their lodge room on Monday evening, Feb. 13th. Everyone welcome. Admission 25c. Men's oil skin slickers, all colors at one price, $4. 75, at Tailing's. ' P. J, Sullivan, licensed plumber and tinsmith, Brock Street north, Whit- by. Phone 117. -tf. Twenty-five bars of Naphtha soap for $1.00 at Meeker's. Arthur W. Lynde, Teacher of Sing- Ing. Studio c:orner of Dunlop and Centre Streeta. Pho11e S71, or addrells Box 11)9, Whitby. -tf FOR SAUS AND TO .lEI" ~ aENT - - i:JGBT-ROOilED 8JllCJ[ bou.oe. coriHir C...tn llll4 Col-.,.. BtL. Whltb7, DeWI7 clecorated tb._.-t, .... fu1 na.ce, hardwood floor& and all modem con• veniencet~ . Posseuion immediately. Apply to L. W . .Dud I••· ~• ARTICLES FOR SAUS FOR SALE-TWO cows. ONE PART JER· .ey, renf!l'"lll lint week in )larch. o~ part Ayrshire COY.', renewe Sept. 16. wnt eell na.anably for Quiek eaah Mle. Apply to E. Hradley, Hroc:~ Sl. S .. Wbltbr. F OR SALE-WHJTE ENAMELLED BABY Cuter. 12.00. Mn. Harry Tbompeon. l:lyron St. F OR SALE-APPLES. BASKET OR BAR- rel Spies . Talman Sweets. Ruaaeta. Bald- wins and GreeninJI'W. Al.a frdh IWHt elder eve~ wHk, and Df'W laid ea:~livered in Oahawa or Whitby. J . P . Yule, Phone &84. WANTED W ANTED-YOUNG WOMAN WISHES Plumbing and heating are our spec- daily wor~ or by the month. Apply P. laltiea. X. W. Southwell, Phone 228J. ,::o;_. _:Bo:=x_:::9Z::_·-...... :-:-::::::::::--:::-:=:::;-:-;;:;; Brodt Street North. -tf. WANTED - BOARDER Ul PRIVATE Dry cleaning and pressing at Boothe's. Our method leaves no odor. Ladies' dresses or men's suits or coats done at moderate prices for firstclass work at Boothe's. W. B. Kenned,., Barriater, hu moved ac:roa the .J,treet from his fo~ mer otrlc:e, one G'oor eaat of Public Library. Moue,. to )Dp..D~pmortgaps at iawat rates of intereit. Conec- tlona, c:onnyancinc 1111d windillc up of ,.tate. a apedalt;r. -tt. Home. Convenlencea. Apply Gasette. WANTED TO RENT- A GOOD HOUSE IN Whitby or. Brooi<Un. Applr to IL llo~ dith, R .R. No. I, Whitby. W A.NTED- TO RENT, GOOD 100 ACRE Farm. Muol luove J<ood buildlDJlll and on J<OQ<I road. None but first clau (ar'<ld roooldo~N. Apply Box 15, Guclte Offiee.-3' W ANTED - MARRlED MAN V>':ANTS yearly poa.ition on farm. Robert Able. Box 8ZO.~bltby. ' LOST AND FOUND the conservation of vision. HAIRDRESSING It is hard for the public to differen- tiate between the good and the bad, but if certain of these features were rendered impossible the general public could only get the much better atten- Houses For Sale Whitby Ont. $2,500.00 buys a 6 room frame house, conven?ences, garage. $4,700.00 buys a 7 room brick house all conveniences, oak floors, garage, large lot. "' Several more houses to choose from, also some good farms for sale. lbertll Jackson Brock St. s~· Reali Estate J. £. DISNEY Pl.,e St. . . Whltb~ A lew Trucking :service MY LISTIN6S COVER 30 to 40 fine R~sldentlal Properties In the Town of Whitby. . Makes Daily Trips to and from the city, also surrounding vicinity. A. phone call · will ensure prompt CaU and see me If you are Interested. semce. ·~. . Phone No. 8 from ' 8 t .Q 6.30. · FRED B. JANES, Albert W .- Jack.On • Whitby, OnL TWO .W P SPECIALS Neilson's Cream Toffee Large Bar, · . Friday and Saturday only 19c . . . . Neilson'~ Jersey Milk Chocolate Bar 19c ~After the Hockey Match Come In and have a cup of Steaming, Hot Coffee. Healthful and Invigorating. A. E. STUl6ESS "THE HOME OF 6000 BREAD" Phone 230 Coal and~ ood Coal pile getting a bit low? just give us a ring, tell us the · kind of coal you need and our trucks w11l deliver the needed tons promptly. We handle HARD COAL in all 5i.u:s, and Clinker-free Soft Coal. ~ol11ay Coke ---.;·Jeddo Premium Coal General Motors Wood AU fuel eighed on to~Ies. Certified slip with every delivery '\ ' - · --t I ~ I \ . . I ', . ,. '\ ~ W'>Jios-g .a:--son&· l . . . . .. .._ . -- . Softens~ caused i · and . Excdtent A. Shave February 9, 1928 Jc. .~IAN Peroxide Cream Not Greasy ~~T . Sticky I 35c. 85c. 1 Tin Talcum FREE PERSIAN Vanishing Cream PERSIAN Talrum R. J. Leach Drugs and &tatlonery WHITBY, ONT. Brock SL S.' Farmers, Attention ! R. AUSTER CO., LTD., TORONTO -Demonstrating High Class Dairy Machinery Showing T w~ Days at Whitby Thursday and Friday, Feb. I& and 17 The Let:z Mill, that grinds the whole sheaf; The New Model low down Melotte Separator; New and Improved Water Svs· terns and Pumps. . · · · Mr. W. G. Schell and Mr. D. Nevay, who have been 'With • the Lister ·eo. for some years, will be in attendance both days · to explain matters. If you are having any trouble with your Separator bring it at~g~d have it repaired by our expert . Demonstrati~~g Each Day at 10 a.m. For full particulars ste, WM. MAW, Whitby, OnL BURNS' CASH GROCERY Grocet~_ria Specials For One Week I. Nu Jdl, regular IOc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . special, 4 for 29c. 2. Pure Cane Sugar .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. . .. . . .. .. ~49 baa 3. Lux .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. . .. .. .. .. • .. .. . Ci ~ fvr ~ 4 O.idr Soup . . . • . . • __ m .............. \ ... , ... : 2 liDS fw 25c.! J • • 5. Harvest Brand Peas ........ , ............. 3 tins for 3lc. 6. Granulated Sugar . . . . . . 10 lb. bags 69c., 20 lb. bags $1.35 7. Hampton Butter . . . . . . . . . . . ....... .... .. 4lc. lb. . . 8. Mixed Peel, Orange, Lemon and Citron .........• 17c. lb. BOTGHER .DEPT. r' 1. Wing St~ ..... ,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32c. lb. 2. {4opped St' .. . . 3 •. Pickled Picnic Hains ~ .... "-.. 4. Breakfast Bacoo, sliced ... ' ~: =d::.a.~ -~~t- ~~--. 7. Round Steak .. ... - · ~:. • . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . .,J 'i-'·lb. ~ -~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16c. lb. .... ·. 27 c. lb., piece, 2Sc. lb. · ............... 20c.Jb. .... ..... , .... t&. lb. • : • • . . . • • • • 2"Jc. lb. 8. Corned Beef, sliced ..... ~ ... .. .... 32c. lb. HOME MADE ....,,...,.,....,rH'\ ~-

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