Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 6 Sep 1934, p. 1

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New Relief Policy Is a·dQpted by ~ ~~ilncil ·Effective Next .Week Voudters for Groceries and . Meet ·Good in Any Local StQI'e the Recipients May CIOoae ! · __ _ UMIT VALUE OF , ORDERS ISSUED Sports Day a~' The .High School' Next Weclnesday Ule annual sports day ·in con- nect'ton with Whitby High School will be held on Wednesday next, / --- September 12, at the Town Park, Artides Procurable With commencing at 9.30 sharp. · · fi Students who lqtend to com- Vouchers Will Be De n· pete are now getting into shape. -.1 b Relief 0fficer - The track at the park has been F Y , put In excellent shape tor the Start New System Mon- races, and competition Is expect- ed to be keen. The afternoon day progrp.mmo starts at 1.30 sharp. In all thero will be '43 event~ Trophies for competition Include tho Langovln.Sebert.Stalnton- Northam cup (quarter mllel; tho Bllssett-Stalnton cup (one mile I; the 1\lapndrcll Cup (high- est number of points) aqd the Kiug Cup (senior champion- ship), Each of theso cups must be won three times In succession 'before they become the property of any one person. E. L. Odium will give a prize for the girl u·ln- ning the second h_ighest number of points. A shield Is also do- nated by the Girls' Athletic As- sociation to the form winning the hl~bset number of points. A new direct relief system, adopted by the Town Council on Tuesday evening, will go Into ef- fect In Whitby on Monday next. The system, recommended by the Department of Puallc Welfare, baa been tried out In other places and baa worked well. UDder the new system a man, getttng direct relief wltliout work, will have issued to blm ,bY Re- lief omcer Frank Underwood, a Toucher that will entitle him to purchar;e at any store he choose6 Jn'(lcerles or meat up to a certain T~ue. Each relief reclpent will be hnnded a slip by tlte roller of- fleer showing what goods -he will be allowed to purchase, such as butter, tea, s~U;ar, jam. HARPER FAMILY HELD HE MUNION PASTOR. URHOLDS THE . DIUNITY· ~'OF-. " . " ~ HONEST LAlOR Rev. Dr. Cairpicbaet S.ja Ideal of Labour ShoUld · Be To Serve Back from ble vacation, Rev. Dr. H. carmichael.' minlater of St. Andrew's 1' res b y t e r l a n salt, brooms, etc .• the same sys- tem applying to the purchase of meat tn any butcher shops. All storekeepers bandling FJrocertes and meats will be furnished by the Inspector with a list of the coods t4at may be purchased un- der the voucher system, and these llat1 In .all cases mnst be closelv adHered to otberwlso. Council will not bonor the vouchers. ___ Church, occupied his pulpit on G th · Good ood ·sunday lmorninc and preached' a a enng at W - Lalxlr Day sermon In which he up- Oldest Member Present held the dlgntty of labor and stat- ed that Its chief function was The Council, In lssulnJ; these voucben, will eXJ~ect the maxi- mum of service from all mer- elie.nts to whom they are taken. Merchants accepting the vouchers must, ill eendtng them o'n to the cOtincll,attach a statement show- Ina: the _quantity and quality of ~Qoda supplied together with the prlce of each Item. Actounts will be paid by the Council as at pres- JUt,' namely, every two weekll. Honored to .zet r;atn but to foster the ideals About fifty members or the Harper family gathered for the first tlme at the home or Mrs. Chas. Harper, Goodwood. Officers for the next l)'ear were appointed and an Invitation a~­ cepted to bold tho reunion at Mussleman's Lake, at tlio sum- mer home of Mr: L. M. Pringle, and Mr. J. 'H. Jay, Toronto. the present system iBSues ' a)\ ··ord,er .'lh~ltls lltc•rel!ee·p~·a for _.,.,.,.f,.ll~ 1 Guesu were present from Oah- • Toronto, , ·Myrtle.,. Statton, ' Ashbum <>&nd Musalema~l':s the new 11ystem. a man n :woman on ..relief will be free to • '· J;ilt -joods on a voucher In what- tver' a.rocery or ·1mtcher shop he \ or ahe pleases, tbe Idea beln&: that ·· those .on relief should ha,·e the · );rtTttege of "PUrchasing where " tbe:r believe that they can ~;rt the molit"ror their money. Members of Co~i'cll are of the oplnlcn that tn ina!ly cases under this new ~ys­ tem ·a woman in particular dnlng the· bn)'lng .:nn get bettl!r Ya)ue ' for' hi>r money. I On•L woman, u·ho Is ;;etting rc- Mrs:' Jos. o ' has celebrated her ' 80th birthday, anil was presented -with & bouquet of gladioli by l\lastc!' Harry Harper. The youn~;cat member present. was Eldon Fsr- ragher, 3 months old son of \lr . and :\Irs. A. T. Farrngher, Toron- to. SAYS PR06HESS IS BEIN6 MADE IN ~ . . . SOVIff RUSSIA --- 1 Dr. R. B. MacCiure StUdi~ Development ·In Cancer Treatment lle~ for n large family, it was ~­ ported. told a member of Council tbat ths Council wM Gupplylng her' .;,tth butter at a prlca which e!.oe knew to he n httle lower else- where, and which Pho wbuld have been Clad to purch:JStl had she the rlcht to choose where llor 1 ellef or•ra are to be taken. The Council. In adopting tho An mtercsting visifor to Whitby new ayatem. felt that both the th1s "cek has been Dr. R. B. Mac- tow;n and reller recipients would Clurc, of China, whose "1fe "as benefit. formerly Miss Amy Hyslop, of Relief Oftlcer Underwood. oper- \Vh1tb}. Dr. MacCiurc has been atlnc under the Relief Committee, in attendance at the Conference be- will . set the details of the new held m the Ontario Ladiu' liyetem at once and will pro 'K:oll•~l{e and is on his rctur~ trip aet apeclftc times during the to ina "here he is ' a medical w.,k for the giving out of' relief ord&re. The govern!Jient. as usual. missaonary, following a tour of some months' duration of some of ·wm lillY two-thirds of tho cost of the Euro.nca1i counlncs, includin" all direct relief after the inspec- .. tora have passed on all orders. Russia, U~nmark, S\\ eden and h h I f I h b France, \\here he has been study-' T e. ca~ . rc 1~ sys ~m w ~re y a • man ta glyen a certa,tn amount of ing the latest developments m work each month for which he treatment of cancer, tubcrculosas mnat receive cash, t wo-thlrds or 111111 other dascascs. which will be paid by the govern- Dr . .MacCiure had some \Cry in- ment, was considered 'by the !cresting comments to make iii con- Council but "'Ill not be tried out ncction with the present situation for the present. Tho Council in Russ)a. He vis1ted Russia four would experhmce much dtmculty ~·urs ago and oo the occasion 'Of tn 'Providing work for all Idle his recent vasit found the people , men, and. In addition, the provl- to be much bettc:,r clothed, muclr eton of work would mean quite haJipicr in their work, and m gcn- an expenditure for material!!'. cral in a much better social condi- \ The Council passed relief bills t1on He commented upon the mao- rot $180.00 for two weeks. The ncr in \\hich people arc required ColiDC:ll was pleased to learn to pay their bills, for example \\hen from the treasurer that this Is his party stayed Qt various hotels 1 .. 1!' than one-third of tho relief they \\ere rendered their accounts · th& . town was snpp_lylng at this in pounds sterling, whereas Rus- Ume Jut year. and 1s an Indica- sians would be charged in Russian tlon or the willingness of men on currency. The result \\as that for relief to work whenever It can be a meal for which ,they were re- bad. qmrcd to pay $2.00 in English Re•lppoi~t~d TG _ :Suburban Area Board ' --- A. formal by-Ja""f' re-aPJlolut- 'ng ex-Alderman George E. Mor- ris as a member of 1the, Oshawa 8yburban Area Roads Commls- alon for the erisutng five yea'!'& was given Its three regular read- ~II.P. t,nd came Into effect ~eeday Jllgl:\t's meeting of . City ,CoU~!)Il, . • money the Russian would .be re- c1uarcd to pay only about the cqui- \'alcnt of fifteen cents. In other words, the man consadcred to be in a better fianancinl po~ition is charg- ed the higher price, and the ~ov­ crnmcnt stands behind this pohcy, The result 1s, therefore, that there appears to be no ;td\ anlage in one man making a higher salary than another because he is charged pro· portionateiY" more for all ·the goods he requires,') Dr, Macdw:e felt, however, that real progress is be- ing made in Russia. ' of service. The words of Jesus to those who rebuked Him fllr heal- ing a lame man on the Sabbath Day, ,"My Father worlteth lilther- to, and I work," 'formed the basts of the dlscounse. ·_ The old idea that it wall degrading to have to work had long pasa~d Into the . discard. said Dr. Carmlclia:el, and today it was an honor t(l work, and there was a dlgnlty to labor. He the ·a••avlolllmw·' t)~ftiv Uilg a'galntt labor, said Dr. best upheld by the Idea of ren- derln-:; the best and highest sen- lee in tho Industrial and commer- cial world!!: such was the' ideal of Jesus as He went about during His ministry on earth healing the i!lck, raising the dead, and pro- clfl.tmlng the principles of which He himself was the living~ prac- tical example. _ , Conditions prevailing ln .the la- bor world, and even here In Can- ada. as disclosed In recent inves- tlgaUons, added no dlgn1tY. to la- bor nor did they foster thA rlgbt aplrlt between employer and em- ployee. On ' the other h~nd, . the principles of Jesus were elfecUTe In His day and If put Into · prac- tice today would add not only dignity to labor but would add to the pleasure, joy and satlifac- tlon of working. If Cbrlet worked then we of today should follow His example and regard work as• an opportunity for renderin~ the highest service to our fellow- men . the ·co:mpllete 'mi!ssi9•hai'Y as, outlin~d be given. · It is imi~no·h••t bcclluse the ' Church' is ·on the of increasing its giviiigs for mis- sion purposes · at ho111e 'and abroad' over last year,, an· increase , of five per cent bavc been generally adopt~ ed by the· Conferences and' Presliy-' tcries ·and muC:h· of the extra 'money promised raised. The Conference learned, at first hand of conditions ir. every mission field, ·and parti~iarly in the .west where farmers have been ,.e,ry. heavily hit during the ·past f~w years: of plans_ of Young 'People.'s Societies to)1elp along the cause of missions; of the work and interest of the by associations of the yari- ous Presbyteries; -ofthe needs at home and abroad; of ' wonderful achievements ' and noble surificell made by the servants of tlie chu'rch dnrintt depressing years: bf assist- ance given to former self-support- - Mrs. A. E. Kearney presided capably at the, organ In the ab-· sence of Mrs. P. N. Spratt, tbe organist and choir leader. Wh~y SCII~ols. Opened .- -· ·o~ Tu•sday Morni .• g with OJtM.SDALE FARMS ~ WIN MANY PRIZES AT biSTRICT FAIRS . - . Ormsdalc Farms, owned by Fred Ormiston and Soils, Brooklin, cap- tured Holstein championships at Peterborough and Belleville Fairs last week. The show herd numbers twelve head, all bred and raised at ,"Ormsdalc". The . entire breeding herd is 'f.B., R.O.P. and ,blood test- _ Fairrly ~rge Registration . . . ' ed by govcrnntent inspector. , . prizes won at Peterboro •no•u•u .. •• School bells rang agiln in Whit• Fa1r included 10 firsts, three sec· by Tuesday mo nin« after ,a silence onds, with grant chain pion Holstein of hyo . months .. and nundreds of Female goin~ to their noted white re'aponded. · cow, Toitilla Rose Queen, whose So ' as can .be ascertained at milk '1-production . record as a two- this time, the ,attendance in all year.old is 15,907 pounds of milk schools is about the same as last with 715 poupds .ol butt~r. thu$ win- year. ' Principals · report, however, ning her second place in Canada for that all of the intpils have not re- that ye~r. . , , .~ turned, ao 1ha_t until they do a At Bcllevilfe the _prizes included complete • registration "ill not be 12 firsts, four seconds, and ' thirds, available. , ' with Championshi!l on Rose Queen. . Hlala School Spccaals won by Rose Queen wert": At the High School the attrnd- Bank- of Montreal special for best a'nce is •now over the ii!OO mark. The Holstein female; International t:pper ~chooi is crowded; due to Stock Food special for best I year the arrival of pupils : frQ~ Clare- old heifer in show; Metropolitan rnont, Pickering 11nd other poigts, Stores Ltd., special, for best two 12 coming from Oatemont alone. Holstein heifers, two years 'Old, The · atteudaP._ce in · the ' first form, owned by sa)11e exhibitor. ~h,owev«:r,l is . smaller this year, due the . fact tha't fewer- tried their He wall leave shortly for the lirial part of his return trip to China. Mrs. MacCiurc did not accompany him, remaining in China with 1 h'rr famil~ • entrance at, the · last · term. There are no :cl!.nges •in ' the teaching staff • .. When· the school 'opened• on Tuesday morniJig the' pupils · were welcomrd by Principal Arthur An:h- ibaiCJ; G. }sf. G~fellow, chairma,n of the Board of Education, and Dr. C. F. McGillivray, secretary, all of \1 hom impart,ed to· the pupils some tamely and very excellent advace. P111tUc: • Scalaoola At the public · schools the regis- tration wilt ~ .. about 458, the same as lut ¥ear. While there is ample room in ' Kini{ 11nd Dundas Street Schools, the Brock Street Scbool, Mr. Sennett reports, is badly cr011ded,' . There an;, some staff changes and re·arrangcmcnt of schools. Mr. Jack Blow, a new teacher. goes to Brock Street School, while Mr. Harry Jermxl • is transferred from Brnck to Dundas Street, where he II all take charge in nlace or Miss ~!clntosh, who resigned. Mr. Alex. Sinclair is · again a . mcmb~r of the Dundas "Street School staff. .\t St. ~ernard's School there is one ~;lia!lge, 'Miss Conlirr; of Peter- borough,' joining the staff as prin- cipal. The ' attendance at this school is •bout . ·the . same as last )'car. M1ss Steffler is the other teacher. "The right to life, liberty and the punu1t of happiness cann.ot survive 111 the modern world Without the n~:ht to work."-Robert M. La Fol- lette. THRESHING FROM STOOIC The weekly report of the Ontario Department of Akricnlture contains the following reference to Ontario County: "There is still considerable grain in stopk, many of the farm- ers preferring to thresh from the stook and blow the straw into their barns. , ~ h • ~ ' - .. : • ters and the · Wc>rli•.r&' which ~r. ~~~:ti~~:J~~.t:~l%~ bein~ "largely, i1 ported by the Rei! <MoV1:1iu:nt'· ing · its headquarters at Mclsti)W, ' Russia. , : : ~ , , • Mr. Bruce dctail~d iq an ipleresJ-t . ini way,. the many Jienefits aecu,red , for "workers as a resplt of ' th-e aE.- af the - LabOr Movem~, ' "'the ac'hievem..ents being' t~e. w.nr•:m••n' s . Collljle,nsatJC)n A~,t,' Mothers' Allowances, Mmimtq:n· · Wage Act, etc;. Mr. Bruce's•a.ddreia ·· was a most . intuesting and eruiah~.:; iiJB 011e, gi'(ing nllf~h , idfori!lalion , , ich was probably not weu·unde'r- ' t stood' previously by some of his heare,rs. He received the /hearty I thanks of the Club frotl'l the · Pres•. ident, Dr. Macdo~ll. · .: , . Visitors at the lunc~eon •wer~ , Fred Hoar, George James , and Si Siemon, o£ BoWJIIanville; also' Dr ' R. B. MacCiure, of Cliina, who hi!• \' 1 been attending the· conferenc~ b~· ·· ing held at the College l)e~e. Dr• MacCiure addressed tlie club brief• . ly. . : • ~~~ The tamarack or Amerie~n larch which ranee• from ', *lie Marltlmell to the ea,etern foot- : hllls -or the Rockies ta :one of ,ttie few conifers which J011e ,,tllelr ' leaves e'very a.utumn. Like, 'the 1 IIJII\JICe, the 1az:1 arow1 a · •lil&,l~~ strafg'bt, graGy 1}: ~~p~pu '"~• , 1 '

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