PACEEICHT ·. -_, SPORT PACE Yachti!Jg in Whitby The report of last Saturday's •·aces at the Yacht Club could he condensed Into one concise state- ment-there weren't any! But that report, however accurate, would do scant justice to the '"crowded hour of glorious life" we experienced, or to the extraor- li.lnary activity which at timea pre- \·alled. The program for the day called ior two races and the atronK nor- therly wind gave every promil!e of 'rast and exciting aaUinK. There was a good turnout and busUinK activity as skiw>era took · one or even two reefs In their Ails pre- l>aratory to embarking and the tirst group of passengers had just left the club house In a punt, bound tor the Guardian at her moorings, when, like a thunder- holt, a sudden gale from the west u~ruck with almoat ·hurricane Coree. The only dinghy which had hoisted All and cast olr its moor- Ing was over before its crew knew what was happening, two other o.linghles were capslaed at their moorings by the sheer force or the wind and the punt. with six pas- sengera aboard, ran before the wind-despite the strenuous ef- forts or its oarsmcn-aa though all the engines ot the Queen Mary were driving it, The voyage of the punt, though not long, was exciting enoug.h while it lasted and its course little short of miraculous. How it pass- ed through the very middle of the skeleton of the old stone-hooker Ia past explanation and would be past belief if t wo-llcore people had not wltne~~~ed it with their own eyes, But it dicl - and allot on down the harbor, to the bewilder- ment or ita puaeqera ~~" tlle ua- • .,.,, ..... ,a amaaement or all • boldera, lnall:r endtnc ap with a perfect though inYolantar)' land- ing at the small dock or one of the cottages about 100 yards along the shore. This gale-which fell aa quick- ly as it. had arisen-was accomp. anted by a drenchln~ rain (which atung like hall) and it waa a wet group who hastily landed and hurried back to the shelter or the clubhouse and the banter of their friends. 'rhe rest ot the afternoon waa spent in retrieving the casu· allies and enjoying the refresh- menta, which certainly neYer taat- ed better. The hosteasea for the afternoon were Mre. Fletcher, Mlaa ::itaplefo1·d and Miss Robertaon _and lhax had s. ,·ery appreclatiT~ group of guests. However, we did manage to get In one race over the week-end, In the Blue Division, but only tour boala were in. the race as Vitesae bad strained ller deck when aha overturned in the cale &boTe. dea- crlbed, and had to be laid up for repairs. All tour were across the lhie within 8 aeconds of t.he gun but the windward work, to the wester- ly buoy, quickly sepuated them. As has happened on aeYeral oc- t·aalona recently, tho ftrst boat around that !buoy eatabllshed - a lead which could not be caught up. Valhalla had a margin. of a llttle onr 2 minutea at this point and though Nautilua and Navahoe cloaed up considerably and made tbe 11nish close, they could not chanKe the tlnal reault. Juanita went olr on an extended tour all uf her own, in ~earch of experience but judKing by results, most or her discoveries were negative what NOT to do. Details are as follows: ( 1) Valhalla-R. Reitzel and BOWLING REVIEW With 20 rinks competing, the 2nd Scotch Doublea T®rnament to be staged by \Vhltla Bowling Club thla season proved to be Tery successful Monday eTening. Rinks were In attendance lroUl Oahawa, . WhltbJ', Port Perry, Kew Beach, Cobourg and Can- nington, and a:ames were played on the point ayatem, two points for a win and one lor a tie. Five prizes were awarded of blankets, walnut end tables, aliTer cake plates and shirts. Firat prlie went to a rink skipped by Rene w. 111. Letcher, of port Perry; second to Alger aild Stacey, Oshawa; third to Wilkins and Taylor Of Kew Beach; fourth to Thompson and St. John, Cannlngton, and fifth to s. Jeffrey and C. Jeffrey, Pot·t Perry. Firat and aecond prizes · were blankets; third walnut end tables; fourth aliTer cake plates and fifth .alUi'ts. Competitloa Keea AlthouKh there were twenty rinks the local a:reen proyicled sufficient accommodation but it was two o'clock in the morning before the wlnnera were decided. The competition in all three rinks was Yer:r keen. DurinK the neninr; the ladies served moat acceptable rerreah- ineiiti hd.lie club lioiia-e. -· --- . It was announced by the presi- dent, J. M. Hickl, during th!! evening, that the annual Fall Bowling tournament will be held on August Uth in Whitby, the main prlxea being the Farewell ahd Swanson cups. The scorea made In the Y&rloua aamea wen aa followa: ' nr.&o-e Ooodma11. Olllawa. 13; Slelcht- holm, Whitby, 1. At.ter, Ol'bawa, 11; .-marc!. 1\"lli<b7. '6. Gordon, Callnblatou, H; Bell, Wbttby, 6. Letcher, Port Perry, -11; Pea- cock. Oahawa. II. Snell, Kew Beach, 15; Jeffrey, Port Perry, 9. Ingram, Port Perry, 18; Ward, Oshawa. 6. Thomson, Cannina:ton, 21; Preston, Oaha.wa, 3. Wilson, Oshawa, 1%; Anderson, Whitby, U. Luke, Oahawa, 13; Weuon, Coboura:. 10. Williama, Kew Beach, 23; Dud- ley, Whitby, 5. SecOatl Game Letcher. Part Perry, 10; Wll· son, Osha.wa, 9. Goodman, Olha.wa, 11; Snell, Kew Beach, 9. Peacock, Oahawa, H; Sleicht- bolm, 10. Jeffrey, Port Perry, 14; 11111- lard, Whitby, 10. Dudley, Whitby, 17; Preston, Oahawa, 12. · Luke, Osba.wa.,' to;. Gordon, Cannlngton, 6. Alger, Olhawa, lt; ln~am, Port Perry, 10. Wilson. Oahawa, 14; Ander· aon. Whitby, lZ. Bell, Whitby, 10; Ward, Osba.- wa. 11. . Willlama, Kew Beach, 6; Thompson, Cannlngton, 6. Anderson, Whitby, 16; Luke, Oahawa, 11. SOFTBALL NOTES Another Wl ek of fast aud ex- 1 ci ing softball games has passed,. and tho rever Ia still rising, and the games are well B,!IPPOrted, ror which the teams are thankful. Eaateoders Beat Clerks The luckless Clerks suftered another defeat Friday, when the Eastendera took them to town to the tune of 22-17, but the Clerks' manager states their team Ia ~olng to throw a wrench into the league standing yet. Here's hoplDg, A win Ia sure · coming. An accident happened which we are all sorry for, when Bill Brown, star pitcher for tho Ea.stenders, wrenched his back in pitching. He had to retire and is now confined to his bed. We all hope for a speedy recovery. W. Brown (alias Red Horner 1 replaced him, and pitched nice ball. The game was called In the 7th inning. Eastendera •• . ... :MS 311 Z-22 Clerks •...•••. 100 327 0-117 Batteries - Eaatenders, W. Brown and John Quinton; Clerks, H. Moore and Toland. Eaatenders Beat Angllcaaa The Eutenders handed oat a surprise last Monday uight by de- feating the Anglicans 16-11. The Ea.stendera have ·Improved a lot, and W. Brown is pitching nice ball, with John catching. 'They will make It interesting b'efore the achedule is finished. Eastenders •.. OOS 007 400-U Anglicans ••••. 010 036 20-11 Batteries - Ea.stenders, w. Brown and Quinton; Anglicans, Mayne, Adams and Barker. Aaaf.k:au Bell& 8&. Beraanl's There wu .a capaclt:r crowd on ~cl WedDt!t11hl7 D~ht for the l!fUI!Ial pme between Angl!cans and St. Bernard"a. Anglicans came out on top with a score of H-9. The game was very e:.:cn- ng from start to finish. Amy cot stage fright and froze the ball. A aop-fly over 2nd sent McCurl, Am;r and Helrerlng into a huddle, but the fly got away. A. Samlnakl pitched a. nice game for Mickey Cochrane's team, but he couldn't measure tbe heavy hitting Ana:U- cans. Mayne pitched a tight game of ball, allowing only 7 hits, and getting 10 a trike outs, the rest of the team giving him lots of support. Duckle Medwlck on first and the Infield played real ball. not makinc auy errors, and Barker playlq a tight game at home plate. Barker and Allan got a. home run which came at a good time. Score: Anglicans •.•. 115 004 10!!-14 St .• Barnard's.030 002 103- 9 Battei·lea - Anglicans, Mayne and Baker; St. Bunard's, A. Siminski and E. Siminski_ · Lcape Standin~t .Won l'ickering . . • • • • . . • • 4 Anglicans . . . • , • . . • • 4 St. Barnard 'a • • • • • • • 3 Princeu Pata •. , • , , • Eastenders •. . ••..•• 2 2 0 Clerka , .•...•..•••• LOst 1 1 J 3 3 ' Jeffrey, Port Perry, 9; Weuon, Anglican ball playera please Wllaon, note:-Oet In touch with Jack Clarke before Friday night. Coboura:. 7. Dudley, Whitby, 16; Oshawa, 16. Ward, Oahawa, 15; · Millard, Whitby, 1%. Slelghtholm, Whitby, 11; Pres- ton, Oehawa, -7. Alger, Osbawa, 10; Gordon, Cannlngton, 8. Bell, ; Whillby, 13; Peacock, Oahawa, 11. Thompson, cannlno:ton, 18; Snell. Kow Beach, 4. WUUama, Kew Beach, 9; In- gram, Port Perry, B. ELUDED OFFIGERS PLEADS GUILTY C. Vanderwood, 4.00.8- 4.69.62. ( 2) Nautllus-J. Bascom and :\lisa M. Matheson, 4.00.0"""T500.2. ( 3) Nuahoe-R. Mathil!on and Pickering Township Resi- dent Remanded for Sen- tence at Whitby Letcher, Port Perry, 16; Good· ' man, Oahawa, 12. D. Blow, 4.00.7-6.00.45. {4) Juanlta-W. Ruddy and D. Cameron, 4.00.2-Finlsh not re- l'Orded. ----------- GOO)) REPORTII':It A 1·eporter who described t.he departure or the Orat Zeppelin from l.ekehurst made a ftrat~laaa unintentional buna:le: "Aaoag tbe laat to enter," be wrote, "wu lira. Cla1·a A. -----, of J:rle, Pa., tone WOIDin p&.IHDpr. 8loWlJ her huae uoae wu turaecl lato t be wind. Tbea, like aome great beut, abe erawled along the c•·a~s."-Boston Transcript. TOURNAMENT O!'i AUG. 1:11 The annual Fall Bowling Tour- nament of Whitby Bowling Club will be held here on August 12, and present Indication• are that there will be an exceptionally large entry liet. The two main .priaM ror eoapetltiOJl are tU Farewell alld 1Swa1110a cu,._ -------- J'lra~ Traap: "I wu ODet Ml- ler off." Second Tramp: "When was that!" First Tramp: "The day I aat on the bot atove." ---------------------------------------------- !'~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·!•!•!•!•!•!•!•!•!•!·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·!•!-~·!·~!! ~If Travelling by 1 Rail or Boat .... Let ua help you to plan your trip. We can aell you tickets for boat• and trains to anywhere. will cheerfully furniah all information. We COWIESON'S In district ~HC6" court here on Tueaday afternoon Wm. Moore pleaded guilty to a charge laid by Prov. Constable F. R. Jarvis, of Oshawa, or escaping from the awful custody of Constables Oli- ver Crummer and William Chea- ter, on tn lltb of Jul.)', In the TowubiJI of Plcll:erlnc. lilaa:la- trate a.. accepted hia plea but reauted lila for a week tor aen- teuce. pendlq tba Crown Attor- • .,.., retura. Moore. It Ia under- stood, was In custody on another charge when he escaped. He pleaded that he was In lll-healtb and alao that he had propertlea to loot after. He wanted his cue disposed of fortbwith, but the magistrate told him that he would be taken care of In the countv Jail and that any senteace Imposed upon him would date from tbe date of hia arrest. Moore was brought Into the court hy Governor H Lucas or the jail, I ---------- Succeaafully Counterfeits Monster of Loch Neaa Loch Ness, Scotland - About 100 Aberdeen excursionists are atiU talking about their visit here. Tltere was 1 rush to the shore when the cry went up, "there's the monster I" Dozens of cameraa clicked in the hope of recording scoop pictures of the Scottish wou- der. But amazement turner! to con- sternat ion as the "serpent" ambled into shore. It turned out to be a man in the party who entered the loch un- known and swam about for some Tllia Central Pr .. aa Canadian rad:ophoto abowa Kina Edward abalrina banda with B.;. •• Ceneral Ale:a. Roaa, ef Yorkton, Sask., Preaident of the Canad"an LeJion, who headed the pil1rimage of 6,000 Canadi&D Yeterana · te the un•eilin!: of the Vim:r Memorial to C.nada'a w ar dead, which waa un•eiled by 'Hia Majeaty on July Zlth.. More than 100,000 person• witneued the ce...,mony. At the extreme right ia Hon. PhiDipe Roy, C.aadian Mini•l"r to Fr,.nce, 10nd on His Majesty'• left ia Hon. Emeat Lapointe, Canadian Miniater of Jua• lice. The full figure on the left is Prince Arthur of Connaught, former Go•ernor·General of Ca....fa. (Cop~·ri;ht by Central Press Canadian) GHURGH GROUP MIT AT COLUMBUS The Weekly Style Pattem BARN ENDAN6ERED BY 6RASS fiR£ Mn. E. Hed<lon Host to Women's Missionary Society You'll want this dainty summer frock the momAnt you see it. Jt'R ~imple aa A, B, C to sew. ~11ch pretty features are the sun- Believe Cigarette Butt Start· ed Fire on Sunday Near Myrtle 1 hurst "dart" tucks at the neck, I Columhns . .lnly 2!1.-ThP "'"-' hrlof ,, .. rvr•. pockets nncl huttnn ' :'ll _HII<'. .luly z~ . -Jifr. Wyre mPn's ~li< < inu:on· :- .. 1· irly mrt nl I trim . I ~prt!l wcc-k-rn.t al his home thP homr or ~,. . ,, E. ll~•.lrlon °"1 You c~n make II for a!ternoons '" <.nlllennk .. Wednr."tl~•· aflrrnoon. \\ tlh ~lr•. Jolm Nottm~:h:tm. nf Sonyll, J. N('~hill .' l'rr-~ illen t . prr~itlin~:. visited hllf ~on. Stanley Nottlng- and rkvrn l:~rlies pr~>>rnl. fhl' I ham, on Snndny. mrrtin~: """""'I with " hrmn. ! l\lrlvln Honey. of Hs~llton. follo\\·rrl hy thr Srrintnro lrs<nt• l' ~rent lhr "·rek-encl "'ilh Jus par- and ,r:~~· r-r h~· Mro . J\'r, hill. nnts. now. Mr. Anrl 1\l. r~. Honey. "lnntrs or prr\' inn" mrrl in::: \\'C'I'I' Ga n~:~ nr ~len ha\ e been buBy d 11 . • 1 nncl hn•in,..<s I Cor some da)·s ,;radlng the ninth rna "n 11 1'1' 10 '~' • ' - · ·~ concession between here and Osb- maltcrs rlr:tlt w1ll1. Mr.... nn~· awa. preparatory to laying a new RAtrlllfc hncl • · ha~~:n or l~r ~":ul .v road hed like the one north or Rook pcnnll. " ' h 11~h l'rO\ rll '('ry O:o:hll wa. TJifs ha.~ for aome time hPlpful. nr.:~dinll.'ll wr1·s ~:iven hy tw.en a very b11d t~trntch or road Ia Mrs. w~- tr~· . :\li!IS l..ois llcrlllnn, lh& IIJ)rlnlf. when the frOst Ia co- MI~~ H. ~milh llRd !t,r~. Pl!ll!ffilln. in~: out, and r.ii.iaena aioaK · here !ltr• . llrrlllon ~:n"r n " "r~· ""'""" ! find the dust nulnnce almoat aa- llld rcadln..: nn Tnmr~"rnnrr. Mt•« bearable. ~;. J.awr~nrn nls n ~>:a,·n :t "hnrt The Faltbtnl tempcrnnrn rr:trlinl!. artrr whlrh "·ere cntertaln('d Mr.11. Hcdrlon ~;:\\'o a nn· finn i\l rs. A lite nol's, read in;:: of ,·rrss en I itlrll "Thr Thursday night. Workers Class Ill the home of or Ashburn, on Robin." Considerable excitement wu Meet in~: rlo~rd with hymn anrl caused on tho highway a mile and repeatln~: thR J.orrl's Prayer lu a quarter south of the village on unison. In wah rlecidell to \\'ltlt,- Sunday afternoon, when It · Is draw the An;;u~t mcPt iug. thoiiJ::ht that either spark& from Mr. and :'ltr•. nrrt Jtnric~·. :'\lb!l a JlnS.«ing motor or a cigarette Man:aret Dl'nni~ . :\1 iss t:l, Ritrh- ht;tl ~;t.artl'd a ~:rass fire along Je and 1\lr. Jack Hail. Torontu. lhP side or the road. There was ql;ite a heavy north wind at the Ylslt•d with :'\!i ss Frances Hayes time which made It make rapid on Sundn~· . l;cnllway until a bucket brlttade Mr. aur' ~Irs . .T. Pickering nnrl ;;rrived and swatted It out Wllh Mad~re. Oshawn. were rrrcot wet ~cks and shovels. Had It ~:uesta or :\1 r. anrl lllrs. John \\':tl-~ not been noticed Hugo Bradley's aon. :1ew barn might have fallon a prey Mia., N. nrmson, nochestcr. has I to the flames, as ll was only a been sp(;nd in~: A few da~· ~ "'·tth few rods from lt. Ml"l'. Geo. Hayes and other friend s . Mr. and Mra. Tom R. Price, of Mrs. Arthur Dnrt and F'Jn, Hanover, and 1\llss Pauline Price, SQIOOL EN6AfiES TEAGHER Miss Smith, of Oakville, Will Succeed Kenneth Moyer in Fall PICKERING, Jnly 29. - By means of ether waves, the real- dents of Pickering attended the Vlmy memorial service ~ morning. "l"rom a hill-top In PlckerlnJ: township we listened to the bill-top service In }"ranee," 11ald one resident. In speaking to The Press. "Just 1111 we turned in for the Vlmy broadcast, our house radio broke down. We made a dub for the car, drove up a aide road to· a hill a mile north of the highway, and there, away from the interference of traffic and hlr;h power lines, with whMt fields &tretchlng out on either aide, and farm houses ne11t11ng among distant trees, we had an almost perfect reception or the memorial service. The message of His Majesty was particularly clear. Such a natural aeltln:; made It easier to 'Yil!uall&e the scene belnK .enacted ao maay thou~~and mile~~ away." At the United Church Sunday School sesSion, the pupils were enabled to llatr.n to the broad- cast, through the Installation of a radio by the· ... superlntell.dent. I... M. Morley. Specially prepared lantern slides of the Ylmy Mem- orial, and of His Majesty, Kin~: Edward VIII. thrown on the screen durin~; the ceremony, add- ed to the lmprelll!lveness of the occastou. Dionne Popularity Growing Steadily North Jlay, July 28.-Day by day the Dionne qnlntul'lt>ts Wlllt in populultr. Last Wednesday 1,!136 automobile~. c:arr:rln« ap- proximately 7.000 t>assengt>1'!<, were checked on tht~ hl~thway th11t lead~ to the Dafoe HoS'l'itat , tht' ba bles are quartered. Last Thursday's totAl was th11 largest or the s('a!';on, and Krcater· than tho 193S high. Little Joan had been punished by her father. "Oh, mummy," 11he sobb~d. "was daddy the only man J'OU could get?" "IT'S WISE TO " Choose One Of These 1936- The "Million Dollar" __ .. . ~·""' ELEMENT D URING 1he past 25 :rnn. men chiD oae millioa doUan "" ~ lfCDC iG ...ncc:ecw. lloe ,__ HODOINI'-JU...SruiEO - CALROD El.F.M1.NJ" •••• Afru ru'<in~t throuJth the dev.:lop- . rnent stagn of "open <Oil" and "cast-in" clemcnb-CI«tric conk- err haS at last come into its oom with thi~ CALROD ELEMENT, made with non-detuioratintt "lNCONEL ". Tbe coil is DOt IIW'- IOWidcd by any mawill wbidl absorbs beat. Eftry bousewile who is interesmf in modera cooRry is umted to visit our lltOft and Re these "millioft.dollu" elnnents which cook U fast U food will cook-an: IS easy 10 claD IS a rie plate -oo ol!er ex«Ptionally economical long life •••• If fOil are tbiakins of switdtins from old-fashioned, UIKfttain ~llune-lYJ!e" mobr~ sure 10 Re the new Hoq>oint Ran&ao Equipped with CALROD HI-SPEED ELEMENTS, tber ol!cr you clean, sure. trouble-free coolcerr for rears to come. Why DOt decide 10 "ao modem"-ead sne IDOIIC,_. Hocpoianrayl' Hade Ia Canida HD·IO. - • ---·---- -- . ·-· --- - • RA Z1-~...t &..; aD Hotpoint .... ..., t h i • "'nUit to the floor,. lllOdel c 0 Ill b i • • • -ptioaai heauty aJMI JIIOdera CIOII• neieace. Haa aix Hi. apeed aarfaee •le-b- two apaeioa8 e.,.na• ..., aat_.t:c •-· pe16tue coatrola a.d pilot hhta - atala·nai•t• iac eaame1 fiaiah. The .,... hu t- apace 3 .. .. aad 4" ldala. Fl- apece ~. z1•. • Jimmy, h:t\'O rl'lnrned to Tm·onto, or the East General Hospital, To- after havin~: spent the last r~w ronto, called on friends here on weeks with lllrs. Jas. Ashton. Sunday. The t~lvo Wirn S. s . Cia"" were , Mr. and Mrs. James Routley. enterblnerl nt tho home of Jllr. ! or Locust Hill, visited Mr. and and Mrs. Rov Ralclltrc on l"rl<lav • Mrs. Frank Booth on Sunday. evening tnst.' whrn a very pl<'n;- ' Arter the church aervlee on cnt time wns enjoyed hy nll I'~""" · I Sunday evenln.~t a mcetln« of the Sunday school o;oo;eeutlve was held ent. Offi.:crs nr the chi"' w~ro In appoint ~ superintendent to elec~cd an<l It w:ts decided to ~;uccced Kenneth Moyer. George hold ll plcnir. a I O:·ono Park <•n j Painter was a'Jlpolnted, with Mre. Friday aft<'rnnon. July 24th. ltr- E. Cross as afts(l'Uint. rr .. shm<'nfs wnn sl'nrrl, con ·l ~t- in tuh ,aslel Hllk or dotted swis~. In~; of cokr. :,;:111 dwlrh es , corrr o For sporls and general !lay and dcliciuns homc-mudo Ire- Wl'ar, pique novelties, chaliiK cream. Jl:llternerl chin I z, sheer crispy rool scer~ucker and plain or Mrs. Sonic}· .. :llrs. J . Sutherland l>rlntcd linens are nice suggcs- and boys. Ut1en. s pllnl Sundny tlon ~ . with Mn. n~ht : St:l .herl.nntl. I . ~lyle> Nn. ::121 is designed for 1\ Brtnlt (' J,J,dr olllrl MtHic ~17.!'s 14, ln . 111 years, 36, :lll and Hoclrln have returned home Rfl!'r 40-lnches bu~t. Size 16 requires ll))elldlng a wc('k's vacation al the 2 i )'1\Tils or 39-lnch material with C. G. f . T. Cnmp at rorl Dol stcr. ~~ yard of 3!1-lnch contrastln~ . Mr. ami :'\Irs. <:rorgc Fostrr, Send FlFTEtlN CENTS tlbcl nellevlll e . ,· isill'tl r!'r('ntlv with In atami'S or coin \COin Is ~r ... Mr. And :llr.s. T . l'rreman: rerrod) for PATTERN. Write M1· . And :\It·-' · I.ornl' llo~kln. mHI ~lalnly, NAME, ADDRESS AND :\lurray an<l .\!iss Elsi e l'cron;an I :STATE SIZE YOU WISH. attendc:cl thf\ .John s nnrl Woo d ~ Send for Your Copy Todar• plrnlc al Orono 011 T ·e · l · , 1 f'rtr:'l o~ DOni( Ffl"TO::~:~ CENTS " s r ~.1 . Our NEW SPRI:'JO AND Qullr_ n nnmho·r ft·nm herA nro f:/\lti.Y SUMMER FASHION Jllannln., to attr•trl thr Mn11ntjoy I'TYLE' NU~·fB"'R BOOK 1 t• plcnlcntOrnnoot:-i · t · (· ::. " ""' sou. 1 • 1 1111 a)· ncautlfully Illustrated In color. ---- Bigger than ever, with seven Ref~ Declare pages of children 's clothes. See the new rashlons on parade. Priata Massacred Discover Grave of First Premier Toronto, July 30.-.:.Burl~d b&- ncath tho tall ~~:ralls of a. little abandoned r.cmetery In Stormont County, there have been discov- ered tbe graves of Sir John Sand- field lllacdonald, first Premier of Ontulo. and or Simon FrAiler. f:tmnd explorer, who was the first white man to sec the Pacil!c rrom Canada's western shores. Word of the discovery was brought to Premier Hepburn and hn ordered Immediately that ar- I'RRgPm~nts be made for rolla.blll- tatlon or tho gri\\'C)'Qrd. RA 35 - Beautifully mod· em, this new "Table Top" ran,e ia one ol the moat popular in the Hotpoint line. 1De top of the apacioua oven, with ataia-resiatiq fin. ish, proYidea unple workin1 apace. Modem featarea in- dude Automatic Tempera· ture Control, $1idiq Sheh-ea in the oven, three Hi-Speed Elcmenta and Thrift Cooker. Floor apace required 25" x 42". DON CHRISTIAN 38 Simcoe St N. - Phon-e 84 Travei.Service TAXIS- TRAINS- BOATS time with a large artificial ~crpent- "Rritl~h rr fnt:<" " frnm '•ltrllln::: liL;e bud protruding above the sur- :\l~tla~;a dcrlurcrl 1111'." hart p~crrrl "Whnt Is hoppr.nlng Is MVRI:C face. throu.:h shnllrors of lhr ir l!icl;erl ~net ~rlmlnal," said nne 0 r tho rcr- The ,;t·avP.ll were discovered nnar tho lilLie village of St. An- drew's by a friend of the Pre- mll"r 's who was Interested ln. the history of that section of -the province. He wrole 1\lr. ·Hepburn to tAll or finding the tombstones over- grown with weeds and grass. At once the Premier ordered omclala to communicate wltll the trustees or tile ceJDetor)' • Phone 46SW - ~c planned the ,"" ~arcfully, j hotel to sP,.. "rhil.rlrr.•,' W(':trin~ rr1l !n~:cl's who arrl\'ed last nlcht htrmg the: acrpcnt a hcild m Aber- ties 11nd •·r tl ' lnrt ·• s hnnt "'""11 . :thn~rtl the Drltlsb destroyer dee~ . acorea of l··a ~ · · bt s n1111 nrlcs ls. lllrazcu. • OSHAWA Whitby \ ' ·;