Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 30 Jul 1936, p. 7

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----·------------~------------------------~T~H~E~~~'H~ITBY GAZETTE & MANY VISITORS I As Leaders of Pilgrimage Welcomed in Paris CHRONICLE, THURSDAY, JULY 3'0, 1936 PAGE SEVEN .... _____________________ :_ ____ · ____________ 1 8 US IN.... E ~ CARDS LAKESIDE PARK Port Perry United Church 'iunday School Holds Annual Picnic PURT PI!:RRY, July 29.-Mr. 1nd Mrs. Hr€thaner and ROD, llll- .ie, and Mr. J. Weiland, or Galt, lnd Mn. Howard and 1\lr. J. Wil- liamson, or Oallawa, were Sunday ~uests al the home of Mr. and -l.fra. Wm. Causley.· . 1 Mr. and Mrs. Whitewood and family, and Miss Comer, or To- ronto, are spen<ting a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Gilo. Hensler. Mr. and Mrs. A1'U1ur Glenlster, or Chicago, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Prentice. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Graham, of Brantforci, spent the week-end with friends In Port Perry. Mr. Wm. Brooks, or Montreal, Is the guest of her slste1·, Mrs. Ue Shane. l>lr. and Mrs. l'hilill Nlnd, or Thorold, are visiting his parenlB, Rev. T. A. and Mrs. Nind. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Hutcheson and two children, 1\ll~es Dorothy Keele, Irene Telfer, Enid Thomp- IIOn, Edna Greer and Messrs. Bert Sutcliffe, Ross D. Cockburn, Billie Murray, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Young, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Dalton, Mr. and Mrs. B. W. McGregor, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Dale and two daught- ers, Mr. and Mrs. M. c. Martin. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. T. Cooke and family, Mr. and 1\tr.s. Wm. Dunn and William Jr .. and Cora, all or Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Lead- ley and family or Scranton, Pa., Mr. and Mrs. Arthur White and · one son, or Bulfalo, N.Y., were among the many visitors at Lake- aide Park on Sunday. A most enjoyable afternoon was spent by tbe large number who attended the Port Perry Unit- ed Church Sunday School p!cnlc which waa held Jut Wednesday at St6phenaon'a Point. Prize winners Ia the aporta events were: Boys, I and undei'-Robt. Areher, Er- nie llartln, Wea Jaclulon: •Iris, 8 and under--Shlrle:r Boe, Bett,y Cool!, Annie Noll: boys, 12 and under. Allan Colbear, Robt. Sheri- dan; girls, 12 and under-Aileen Oke, Beth Grimn. Nor~en Stewart; bon, 16 and under, Mike Sheri- dan, Bruce, Burgess Beare; girls. 16 and under-Aileen Oke, Enid Dusty, Noreen Stewart: girls' 3- legged race-Aileen Oke and Beth Grlmn; boys' sack rac&-Bruce Beare; spot race tor men and wo- men-Mrs. S. Ploughman; balloon race, ladles-Mrs. 0. Hood; bts~ cult race, men and women-Mn. l, Brock, 0. CIIIJ; tug-oC-war- L. Col bear's team; banana race, men and women-M. G1lrrow and Mrs. F. Beare. Mrs. Wallace McMillan and ebildren, of Port Credit, spent a few da.q. wJA 114!1'-~U~;&U. ; Mrs. Jaa. M<'Kee, recently. - ~~-.w~, . ~~ l Needlecraft Novelties ~ -------------=- MAKE PERMANENT PETS OF THIS "DOGGY" PAIR QOGS IN SINGLE STITCH PATTERN J27~ l'cklnel!e 11nd Bo~ton Bull-so hfl~tlle In real me, 110 friendly In 111ln.:Ie stitch are as "dog,;y" R p;lir fo~plctnre or pillow as one could ~ find! They'll provide you "'ilh lntere tin.: pick-up work· for leisnr·~ ·moments, and mnkc prlr.c donations or that fair. l•'ollow th~ rolor 'tnu;t~:estlonR with your patt..,rn. nnrl miP wool , ailk or ~olton. Pattern 1Z76 contains a tran•f"r pattcm nr a pPkinc'le'n h"nd i~ x 10 inrhr~ ·and a bull pup'!! head fi~ x !:')4 lnrhPs; R rolor chart and key; material requirements; Illustrations of all stitches needed .• LEGAL W. J. HARE. B.A. Barrister, Solicitor, Nutary. (~ucccssor •o A. G. Browning. K.C.) Office: 110 BROCK STREET N. Telephone: l!Z - Wbitb,. W. H. KENNEDY Bli.rriilter, 8oUcltor Ia the Supreme Court, Nota.., ConYt.')'• &DeeP, ete. Whltb;r, Ont. Ollce:-Brock Street North. R. DONALD RUDDY Barrl1ter, ·soucnor, N otal'1 Public Oftlce at tbe Colll't Boase, .form- erl7 occupied bJ A. E. Chrlatfan. JlloncJ to loall. Phone 330 · WhltbJ DUNCAN B. MciNTYRE Barrister, Solicitor. Notal'1 omce: Brock St. Soatb Opp01dh! Bell Telephone Olftte. Phone fiJ WbltbJ tEMETERIES GROVESIDE CEMETERY \V, R. oiOND. Set.'t- Phone 2303 Brooklin Ontario MONUMENTS N. W. STAJI'lo'ORD Oealer Ill l.mported ana Caaadlu TAXIS DON J. BRYANT Central Taxi Service Two Heeted Seclana Phone 364 for Day and Night Seniee UNDERTAKING W. C. TOWN P'laaerat Dlret:tor ·and l!lmbalDier Ambalance Service Pboae 4!0 WhltbJ Marlow & Strowger FUNERAL SERVICE AMBULANCE Ph-• ss . Broc:~ St. S. A. A.· ROBINSON ll'lmeral Director and Furnftve Deal@!> Ambulance &!nice Pbone No. :MOO Brooklin, Ollt.. MEDICAL DR. R. T. MacLAREN Pb,.aieiaa and Sa ... eon Reaicle~~ea ancl Offiee Cer. ~ _. Bred! Sta.. WWtJ., Dlt. FREDERICK A. CUDDY. I'HIMIUAN Cor. a,.... a Col,__ Ma. ·....--eo INSURANCE L W. DUDLEY UepreaenUng Natioaal Life lnaurance Co. a lao Fire. AatomobUe, Ac:cldl"1lt &Del GHURGH MEMBERS hr.rs and adherents or the Presby- terian Chnrch on Wednesday, 1 npon the occasion or the annnall Gl'llllltea Firat class worlt: at modlll'ate prlcea. lilc:kneu. Phone 88 Dud&a 8 \V .. Whl ENJOY PlrNir ~~~~~re:ra~~~l~i1n;,ic;!%es~~n~rt=~= A_W_A_R_o_r_._"_NT __ R_A_,., ___ S_a_n_d_an_d_M_a_t_e_rl_a_l_C_o_ .• -L-td-.-. -lt-11 --- lJ (11 ~~\~~~-::C~ f~r ~h~>~i~~~~~~~e~l~~~~ lltJ (J 1 snnounccd by the depArtment of Rnppr.r. The evrnln.':( Actlvltle• public 'fl'ork.s In Ottawa. Tbs 'Chapman's Park Gathering lnrluded races ror the adults nml FOR DRED61Nfi amount to be expended Ia U1.671. , • ~~ram!lles ror the juvenile~. The J. B. Holland, chairman o: the Place For P1ckenng r.ommltlee In char~~:e of arrange- harbor commission, stated he bad p byt • m~>nt~ lnrh1ded G. BRxtcr, Rev. {. written thr. contractors and asked res er1ans carmlchaPl, Mr~ . H. w. Royes, $ll,G7l Will be Spent that they proceed with the work Plrkerin~t, July 29. - 1\tissc~ 'Phyllill and ;\!arion Baxter. or Oshawa. have been visiting Pick- ering friend• this week. Mr. and 1\lrs. J. Draper and dauJP;hler. Keswick. •Pend ~nnday with Mr. RDtl Mrs. James Andrew. Mlas F. WlllnmR and Mr. Gerald White, <>f Toronto, wero ~unday suf!lltll or Mis11 I •. Rorke. H. J. and Mrs. Marquis, 1\flss Cegncs, and Mr. Jack, of Lefroy, paid .a Oylnl!: visit to Pickering trlends on Wednesday. Mrs. J. Draper, of Whitby, a former resiil~nt of the >'lllage, spent Thursday renewing old ac- quaintances. Miss Edith. Rose, or Toronto, baa been holidaying at the home 1 "f ·her uncle. ·D. !II n nro a nil rllm- Uy. Mr". 0. Coorer anti dn n.:ht,.r. and 1\11~~ C. Munro. F. M. Cha'P- on at once, Both eut 11nd w~&t bar· m~n kindly donated the ground~ Operationa at Port bors will be dredged, it Is 1 tated. ror the outln~. and 1<'. Pr.Rt~on The ftnt part of the contrAct will pro\'lded transportation for the Hope be conftned to clearing a 11and bar boys and girl~. · A good represcnlallon or the at the month or the harbor wblch PlckerlnJP: memhers attended thp Port Hope, July 30.-The con- has hampered Incoming vel!llela 11 nnual picnic or the Plck('rlnlt tract for dredging Port Hope har- since navigation opened Jut Horticultural Society b~>ld 11t the bor h11s been let to the National spring. home or Mr. and ll!r11. G. Cowan, Rosebank, on Saturday afternoon. The exhibits In the rose-delphl- num show were not as numerou~ as they would have been In nor- mal weather, but were verv en- coura~:lnll: under the r.trcunistan- ces. F. L. Green, or .Greenwood. Philip's Missionary Labo::-] "BRASS TACKS· ON THE SUNDAY smiOOL LESSO!'\" -~ kindly gave his services 88 judg!' B:r DR. ALVIN E. BELL baptism. But be was by no mea!ls tree naming contest wn.s won by (The Internallonal Uniform sincere In his profession. For for the occasion. An lnterestln~~: I Mr5. c. Annis. Lesson on the above topic ror Aug. when Peter and Jo~' came down Miss Fleldln~;, of Brantrord, 2 is Acts 8; 6-40_, the Golden_ Text I rom Jerusalem, brf::.lg~ng_ . adde!!_ - · hll~ been thft · .:uc:;t of her ~istcr, belug Ads 8:{, "They therefore -st!frtnll.l bli!Qlngirto the niniloe- ~lrs. v. F.. Cartwright durin-:; the that were 11catter&d abroad went llevera of Samaria, bestowing upo· Brougham BROUGHAM, July Z9-Mr. and Mra, C. Deane, and Mrs. Sutton, Mr. and Mrs. J. Sherlock, To- ronto, Mr. and Mrs. F. Varley, or Tho delegation or ('unadlau CX•Sl'r\'kl'lll('n uho l'tllliC loa· thr. dedkution of lhc llll'IIIOrill) at \'lmy , IUdgc, arc t•ictul'cd with y,·on J.)t'lbos (t•l'utrc), l•'a•unt·e's miui,..tl'l' or foreign urrulrs, .In the group Rre l\lr. LllllOinte (ll'rt), Rl~nister or justlrr or <'nnudu; (;l'o. Hoss, l'lli('r of lhc Canlldllln dclep- I tlon and PhiHJlJlO Hoy (right), mlnistl'r rrom t 'nunda to l'arls. U«"ow, Urigudler-GeneraJ Ito.. pl11ces 11 WI'CIIIh on thr tumb of the unknown soldin In l'nrls. The King Jll'l'slded at the dedicatory llel'· vices [or l:anadiiUlll k.lllcd a~ \'lm~· . July 2U, -Cenu·al Pres~ Canadian Photo Ptry.llhl, oC Tot-ottto; ar.d :.liss M. R. Clark. or Clinton. were Sun- day visitors with Mrs. W. J. Clark and family. Mr. and MrR. C. Butt and fam- Ily spent Wednesday with friends In the citY. rast week. about preaching the word.") them special POwers ot the H'- 1 - --==-=.....,.=-.. ----. ---·- · . . HEN and Philip with the Spirit by the laying on or the\ Harvard University Is to con- t-o-t:::h_.e .. raa~.o4r~~e~seve1i-dft ltandt,_S.Imon conceived tho Idea o~ . dnc't a series of testn to discover early clrurch were appointed to commerclaJiiJns this power. - \ the chief causes or errors among "servo tables" In tho care or the Simon)' Enten the Charch \ motor caT drivrra. A reaction poor so that the apostles mlrht ,., Holding the devilish ~~~ tbe.t time test v.•lll he made by a re- •'give themselve& continually to • ever:r man has_ his price, Simon actometer, an Instrument which prayer and the ministry or the ~.ought to bribe Peter and John; measures, In hundredths of a sec- word." And yet It seems that these •• He olfered them mone:r, aa:rlnr. ond, the time needed In an emer- two laymen for a time outllhone ulve me also this power, that on gency for the driver to reall7.e the even the aposllca In the preaching .whomsoever I lay my hande, he dan~rer-and act. There will al- of the word, Step ben In JerusRiem mRy receive the Holy Spirt ·. " We 110 be tests to reveal complete or aad Plltllp Ia Baaarl&. Tille IOI,e.l call this purchaalng or e(:Cletlu• partial color blindness. clvn tree coarse to ladiYid .. l hal- tical preleraent "abaoD.)'" fro• London •. and Mr. and Mra. Pennel, of To~onto, were week-end guests Mr. and Mrs. McWhirter SJlCUt at the Bert Harvey borne. Thursday at Port Perry, Mr. and Mrs. Milford Hamilton M•·s. Swurdtagaer and Mr. accompanied tbe Frank Ham Arthur Cassie. of Winnipeg. and family to visit friends In Toronto Miss Margaret Cassie, or A~;ln­ tn Saturday, court, were gue~ts at the Io'rcd Much sympathy Ia felt for the Cassie home tbls last week. Routley family, or Brooklyn, Mr. aud Mrs . . John Everest and whos11 barn and contents were son, Mr. aud Mrs. W. J::vcresl ami dutroyed by fire on Sunday, This little ~on, and :llrs. Newman, of Ia the :!nd barn that bas been Toronio, were visitors o.: T. and deatroyed by tire. Tbe Routley Mrs. Gammage during the week . family were once very highly A lar;;ely attended meeting of RINfiS INDICATE HABITS Of FISH Scientists Tag Bau To Learn Their Mysterious Movementa tee d ld the milk producers association M me res ents or tbls com- was held in the Town Hall on !'ow Haven, . Conn .. July :!S .- munlt:r. ~'rid · s 1 k :llicro5coplc annuli. or growth Mra. McLauchlan and little son ay cvcibng evera spea ers rings, on the scales of ~triped bass are holidaying at tht. home of addressed t. 0 meeting. A short are providin~>; science with a new Mra. George Philip. Week-~nd I ent~rl.alnm~ent featured tbe e~·en- data explaining Cor the first tin1e Ylaltora with Mrs. Philip lnclud- In~; s pro.,rawmc, and all IHro tbe mysterious movement11 or ed: Mr. and Mra. Wllllamaon, and serv~d a helping of Ice cream. flab that have punted Cllibermen tll6 fOI'aaer'a. mother, lira. Hart- Ma. and Mrs. T . lld11nn . were tor ~:oneratlons. llll61l Jonu, and aon, Ha.·vey vlsl~·~·s lldt tbe T. Robertson home Daniel Merriman. ~raduate stu- JoaM, aad Mlaa Aatlaony, of To- 011 uJ:s ay, . dent In IOO)Oif al 'tale Unh'erlll• ronto, Mr. and Mra. R. Jarvis, of The S. S. t•lcmc at Uamona ty, Is coDipletinJ:: an exten:;ive Cedar Grov•. and the Burro;•JOha Parle. wu " . lfrand success. Rather study or the ~>;rowlh ring~ on ramll:r, of Locul Rill. late In selling unde r wuy, as rain i.Jas~ at the mouth or the Niantic Mrs. Wlll Carlton, 1\lr. Percy threatened , 11ut about 10() "u t river, and has round that the Carlton, and Miss Pearl were down to the picnic SUJIPCl' . Tho ril•ss currc>(lUIId to the ~:•· owth gueelll at the M. Hamilton home Pllrk 1s 11n Ideal siluatton fur such rlnJ:;s or trees. ~tudied und01· a on Wednesday afternoon. a ~;athertn~. microscope, lhn annuli rc\·cal the J. The Th M t u~;o o( thn fish, the ralo of ~:row- Cowle, of Toronto, was also a om',18 or on. family at- th. and whether it goes south in Broucham visitor that day. tended tho I rout Ca~IIIY reunion winter. On Thursday afternoon, St. at Dowmanvllle 011 Saturdur. So1uc c;o South In Wlnt('r Jobn'a S. S. held their annual 0 ;hurch. alt~a~dr.nce w~s very "Jr the fish spcuds most or Its picnic at Ramona Park on the g d on :sund.t} • Rev. J. J,; , Glover lln1c In warm wnte1·, going ijOuth 8th concession. A goodly number t_aklng )lis text . from Rev. ls~ jtu winte r. It grows ras ter tilld 1 he were In attendance, and report a chap .•. 8th vet·~" · :.\1~~. G·iovcr ~pnco i• c l ween lht! rlnrs I~ wider." very pleasant afternoon spent In b~t.n~>; ·~ .. solo, Tho Garden or ~lcrrlman dt•clarcs. "Tho rcver:~e games swimming and soch.tl 1 l!ayel . ' ~ tho case II the bass st•cnds its torcou~so, with pl~nlc aupper n- Doll Mal co lm . .s istet·s , ~·ern and ll_me !u t· o~tl<.>r watrr8 ulun;: south- • SaraJI. wem week-end vis ilora oC c1n New Ln>:iuud , hores . ------------- Toronto friend s " 'l'his lallcr conchtiun hus hecn · Mr. D. Daws~n . or Claremont jlonud to bo tho case In about 111 apont Sunday with hi.11 daughter' per cent. of the s•·aies c~amlncd :Mrs. D. Jllaln; and family, 'I thus far, Jndkallng lhal a lal\~r Consult Our :TWO OPTOMETRISTS ~URY & LOVELL. OP11CAL DEPARTMENT / r KING STREET EAST 9SHAWA Mrs. B. Hollby Coli down cella I· n.•aJoril~ oc striped ba ~s found · in Nleps last Monday und bJ·ok 1 . < onncd lt·ut "'atcr~ 11:0 :;outh [ur 0 101 the w1ntur" wrist and Injured hc1' s houlde r • very seriously. She Is pro;;rc:~~lng -------------- as well as can be expected. Provincial Con&tables On Wrong Trail l\onh Bay, Ju_l~ .!11.:-Thc palieurc of prov1n( 1a l olh(Cf> tntcut on thri~ •·try rourtc sy " l-autp\li;..: n , \\a !\ 'lra:ucd rcc~ualy aitcr th ey harl t.lrivcu 25 miks tlorou;.; l: l,lint.liug . ram aud h;od after a u a llr~~t..l hit- and-run olr i1c r, only to fiurl the car, the nutubcrs o( "hicio hat! been given to them so positively by a ~it..lc>wiped tuutor :s t, cuvcn·t..l with the du't uf a lWO· I\ccks tic·Ujl in the O\\ ncr's ~,;;orasc . 1-itorrt·hm,.kr·r~. " tlo·ut Jon! BoJ· oty .....:T~II 111e how I t·an mak e a creal bit at tho buuquet tonl~hl. r ecdeku - Wh en th ry rail on ¥OU (or & 1peecb Jus L re[use. Mr. Harold Wiman and Miss Jean Campbell. of Toronto, spent aeveral days this week with the form-er"s nnr.le. Mr. R. nurroll. Prf'lih)1rrlnn Pirnlc Chaoman'a Park was the meet- Ing place for onr seventy mcm· By means or netting, tagcln• and releasing more than 500 or the fish In the Niantic river, data indicating the time of baas mi- J;ralions also Is being studied. Based on returns by fishermen or about 8 per cent. or the numbered lase, it is apparent that the spring migration northward ar- rives In April and moves alou, to- ward Rhode bland through llay and June. -------------------------- Uatl're aDCl abllll)' and arorcea no Bfaoa of Samaria wl~ . wlloa It · becan, bat wltll who~.. •-«ort.- J.'etnaJcs l..cud llllK!'ntlon More than 90 per cent. oC the 1 !.ass examined up to early July I' I wem Connd to be females, Mer- ' rlm11n reveala. "Recently, the per- cent•gea of males hu been In- •. creasi~. and It Ia Indicated that the lcmaltlll m11lce up the blllk of eJll'ly IDJill'itlon, Wftll the males r following alon~>; In a hapbaaard I' manner thereaCte1·. I "In tho summer lntcrvenin¥ be- l ween t 11e northward and the southward migrations or striped bass. the fish probwbly move aiJout from Niantic· waters to , HoUle e.\tent. Tbose shorter movemculs are shown In the re- t•c nt recovery from the Thamea • river of a number or bass tagced at Nlnntk ." 1\lerrlman reports. Slnco the lnvesll~;allon was launched In AJll'il, u tag from I Newport, R.I., ma•· k~ tho rartheat I dl~tant t•oint or recovery. Tag No. ~51 has been recovered t wlce at Point Judith, R.I.. arter being at- tached to two successive fl3b. lt is now affixed to a third one. doad ~~~Ill of DDflontf(T ~t .. at•~. It tiii aot ead. "Biit P~ WOIIId keep a pM aU dOWIL MIC .. to 1111111, ny lllv• ....... Race l'l'eJ.UC. !:leNa wltll ~.. bec:aaae tloa bat Ignoring the ancient preJudice thourbt to obtain the clft of God which demanded that "Jewa have with money. 'thou has uelther no dealings with Samaritans," part no lot In this matter: lor thy Philip, like . his Master, "moat heart Ia not right before G-oll." needs go through Samaria." He Thla Ia a rebuke deserved by all knew also the messace Samaria who would commerclall&e spirit- needed. for, he "went down to the ual rlfiJI. 1c:lty of Samaria. and preached "Ethloflla Stretches Handa to God" 'chrl't unto them. And the people "Ethiopia shall baste to atreteh with one accord gave heed unto out her bands unto God," the those things which Philip spake. psalmist sang. God heeded and bearing and seeing the miracles called Philip away from hla sue- which he did . . • and there was cessful work In a great city to 10 great joy In that city." The aln- down Into e desert and help .one cere acceptance or the gospel al- hungering soul, and that an Ethl· ways brings Joy, for tbe gospel oplan. Thus God valuea one hu- came rrom heann to earth as man aoul and Ignores a1I linea or "good tidings of sreat Joy." race and color to brine his bl- Chrlst'a proaram lntluded Sam:- ing. To. this Ethiopian, readlnlt aria, and consequently his prom· the creal Man or Sorrowa chapter Isert power attended thla godl:r lay- of Iaatab, and wonderln& who man In carrylnc out the Lord's this wu who "was led aa a lbe•p creat COJ,llmlsslon there. to the slaughter," Philip, be&ln- First Conflict With Superatltloa nlng from this scripture, preached "They therefore ' that were scattered abroad went about preaching the word." The gospel met Its first conftlct Jesu•," 11nd upon hiR confeulon or with auperaUUon and aorcery here repentance and faith In Chrlat nt SllmAria In one "Simon b:r name llaptlaed him 11nd admitted him who beforetlme In the city used Into th• Church of Jean1 ChriAt. Roreery, and amaaed the people or Thus In one JaymRn named Pblll~t SRmarla, giving out that himself the witness ot Christ went. out wa11 some great one." This man Crom Jerusalem and Samar II\ unto even profeased taltb and accepted the uttermost part or the earth. l HeN a IIOI'Hnr or martetan named Simon profaaed to become • OlriiU&n. Wb61l Peter and John came alvtnc ape- ' c1a1 ~~»!ritual ala. Simon trl6d to buy creat thla power \0 11M for hll own MUIM PWJIOH• "Peter Mid unto him, ThJ &liver perlall with thee, becaUIII tbou hut thoqbt to obtain th• 11ft of God .with 11101\87 , • • th;r hart Ia not rllbt blton God." BlmOD npeated and Ult6CI th611\ to PI'SJ for h1m. ·~ tM lt. ... Al9ia L Bell AM Alf ..... J. a....._

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