Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 4 May 1938, p. 8

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0 AG£ EIGHT THE WHITBY GAZETIE AND CHRONICLE, WEDNESDAY. MAY 4, 1938 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- and CO Into Peter's arms, as she ~ANADIAN 6ARDEN just as important. Good lawna ant only a small bed or annuals Is con~ had been tor one brief moment to- ProdJlced !rom top quality lawn templated. The good seed catalogue nlebt. and never leave them, Peter · - grass mixtures, which contain prop. which lists time of blooming, colors, her fdend ••• her beloved friend.. . ·SERVIGE 1 g38 er proporUons or the finer perman- helabta and other points IJl'I!Qtly who was suffering, who was going ent. graslles. · almpllfles this mattl!r of lay out. throUih all the keen torture that Beed should be sown Hberally and Oellerally the best plan is to have was tearlDa at her own heart. the ground fertUized. Rolling In the the larger flowers towards the rear But In the next moment Henry By GOnDON LINDSAY SMITH spring and watering regularly are or centre of the bed so that UtUe I'WUDI tbe car around a comer, a . Velvety Lawns nlso adviSable. tblnp like nuturUums, alyssum, MAli . . . ·- . .. . . . W·ON Uttle recklessly •• drunlt now with dwarf phlox and similar 'kinds will by PbyUia Moore Gallagher the wonder of U1ls thing that had No small garden Is complete wit~- This treatment will l:.:ep grass, a not be bidden. Where the bed Is to ·~i!!i!!i!!i!i!!ii!!i!!!iiiiiii!!iii!!!i!!!i!!li!!i!i!!i!!iiiiiiii!i~~iiii!!iiiii!!ii!!i!i!!ii!!i!i!!ii!!i!i!!i!l!!iii!i!i!!i!i!!i!!iiiiiiiiii!!!ll happened to him •• and Glona tor- out a lawn and the richer, green~· lick dark green and growing rut be Dalxed. It is well also, state the "' got Peter. Henry said, "I know the and sorter that lawn is the better ~nough to crowd out the wee&. exp~rts. to have late, medium and . -~a-e .... Coma . very place. There's a Method1st Patcht>~ or the latt:r In old lawl:s ead)' Dowers evenly bal!Uleed to ln-WHAT HAS GONE IIU'O&E -.. preach Blllock Crossing bo t the whole; picture. Good gra~s. rich are usually a sure sign of worn-out She was rdttlnc there like that er at 's ' a u and smoQth enough to rival or the .soil weak from starvation. In hot aure something always 1D bloom. when the doorbell shrieked thro\llb five IDlles from the city line. If he's weather grass should not be cut as , But there are other and finer the house ... once, twice, three In bed we can l"OOiit blm ou.~. He'll famous turf or the Old Country, Is ~hort or as often as 1n the spring points to consider. Certain shades times .•• and she did not· move. It tell us- bow to get a license. not a dlificult feat, experts declare, and fall. blend well together and often a rana a fourth time, ImperiOUSly, and To Be Continued U1ough they admit that some care Is Garden Pictur-es whole bed wUI be selected with th1s sUU she diet not move. She did not required. . Although the Informal flower gar- blending In mind. Of course for even hear it. Auto Rhyme They point out that the average cien 1s much to be preferred tor this sort of thing, all the plants Henry Drake was 1n ~e JOOID, Here lies a pedestrln, jlerson forgets that grass Is an ord- average planting, at the .same time must bloom ·during the same period. was ·conscloll$ of anythiug but the Be'a as cold as ice. !nary garden plant requiring roo..t this does not mean jwt throwln( Pragrance should be taken Into ac- hurt this nlaht had brought her. He Be jumped only once when and care jll$t as much as flowers o1· in plants. Elo:perts advl.re a little count, as there are so~e spicy flow- l!licot~e. llt(tgnonette, Sweet Sui· tan,•and V~a, which while rath- ~r plain as plants, 101 the whole garden with a delightful tnce~e. Mlaiakes Too soon, too cloi!M!, and too deep it Ia claimed. are the new gardenel'!l most common mistakes In sowing either vegetables or flower seeds. 1'be averaae amateur starts opera- tions days or sometimes weeks too soon and stops long before satis- factory operations can be continu- ed. With the general run or vere· tables and Dowers, thent is no ad· vantage In getting things In while there Is still danger of serious frost One set-bact from a cold day or two completely offsets the early start and may Indeed mean replant • lng the whole garden. This cau- tion or course does not apply to very hardy vegetables or Dowers or to grass seed. These should be sown Jw;t as soon as grass Is fit to work. The second m1stake o! too d:cp planting Is also a common one. Authorltle~ recommend as a gen- eral rule only ' plantlng to a depth of three Urnes the diameter or the . seed. This means that seeds like peas and beans w!ll be covered with about an Inch or soU but tiny things such as lettuce and poppies wtll be merely pressed ln. Spacing Is Important and yet even the enthuelut does not care to spend much ·tlme kneeling and thin- ning. Labor can be saved by prop- erly spacing the seed u planted. com. beets, peas and similar plants with big seeds can easily be sown at the distances advocated on the packet. With t:ny seeded lettuce or alyssum however- It Is practical• ly Impossible to space by hand but If the seed 1s first mixed with a lit- tle sand and the whole sown care- fully plants wm be ·spread out. Rodney Callman anti ballel 1M were bavinr a raY Ume In Waab- inrton despite the ract that Bod• ney was enpred to Gloria, Ule slater of Isabel. Tolll!Q had been knocked out In a flab& be- . cause he was so upset oYer ~~e­ inr MareeDa aDd her hDSband, Baron von Dreyfuss, at the riDe· aide. Tollllll.J and Man:ella were in love d6pite the fact that she had been forced to Dl&ft1 tbe Baron. Dr. Peter KeDt waa b11&1 wiUI hia poor pa .. enb, aDi Glorta with atranre IDIIrcirinrs. eanied on with her work. While abe anll Peter were ~' In his prdea one way, the . old aenant ealled was wearlns a big camel's hair coat Be should have Jumped twice. vegetablo.s and seed .selections Is also . preliminary planning even when era like Evening Scented Stock, and his sna~~ fdt was In his-----------------------~--------------~--------~·------------------------~-------------------------------------------------------~· fiugera. Be was completely sober 1 h ~p;-cV::ed~Jad'O::. man wttb liTTLE ANNIE ROONEY By Brandon Was UleJD;- Ia & bukd OD b1a ·-· step Ule:r found Ule :J'OUDC bab:r of Elva MatheWs, whleh he had uahere-' Into Ule world. A min- ute ·later came a dla&urblor tele-,ram. CIIAPI'E& XID Plilr ·stood then lUte a man out on hla feet, just starma at nothlnl. He put. the telephone down. steac1117. and then he seemed to become con- &elous of Gloria's Importunate hand :lut.chlng his sleeve, or Gloria s&J· In&: "Peter-what is It?" H1s voice was controlled when be spoke. He said, evenly: Be said: "I looked In the window, atandbli In front of her. before abe Gloria. I aaw you. I auppcl3ed ;you mew I waa there. That's why you didn't answer the door, Isn't it?" Gloria aald, wanly: "I didn't know It wu you, Henry. I didn't blow there was any one at the door. I didn't bear the bell," "Well, maybe I'm WrDili." be re- pUecl. "I could have nom I beenl it. Even nun the outside." He took oft his blC coat and nuns It necllgentl1 across a c:halr. He went over to the sofa and aat. down by Gloria. Taltloc one of her limp, cold bancia In his, be li&id: "I've been a cad. Gloria. And a drunken sot. But I've had a pretty rotten time. of It lately. I've been damned miserable." "Isabel and Rodney were married in Roctvllle, Lid., this mornlnl. "I know, Henry, " she answered. They're on their way to Europe -" "Then you forgive me ? Por all There was an lnatant. of allence. the trouble and embarru&ment I've "She was smart. What ltlnd of life ch·en you?" His eyes moVed seareh- could I have given her? At every- tJlily over her face, 1lnger1nc on the body's call all hours of the nlaht soft mouth and the clean~ sm-ooth and day. And no future or money llne of her chin. "You didn't mind?" In It.. "No, I didn't mind, Henry," and Gl~ria said, slow, shocked - not abe IIJ1lled at. him. quite comprehendtn&: "Ob, Peter, it She bad minded, cerrtbly. But can't be true! It can't be wei" now she cUdn't; abe didn't think abe And .oddly, for that ... __.'- wu nw ..._to miD4 ~ lbe cUd DOC tblDit of benllf. '1'ba& ....,. IIWCb • · • K llut, DK tw • RodlleJ ... marrild. '111&& Ulll ... IIIII. 111111 ..... ADd lbe ,.. -zr ~ !!Oil Peter's ~. ~ Mr =~-.:...~~ own. aucb. 111111111 Ill bll pocbta aDd too PeWr ll&id: "She wu IID&I't. I tell mach Uq1Mr' aa his stOmach. Slt- )'Oil!" Then his repa~e sb&Uerecl. ttac tbent tootmc at him a series of He sat down abrupUy by the fire newspaper headlines sWung swUUy and put hia bead in his han~. He past her eyes . • "Henry Drake Ex- uid in a $tran11led voice, Isabel pelled Prom Princeton" , • "Henry " Drake Starts Riot In Night ClUb" Sullerinr and Memories . "Henry Drake ·Arrested 011 Drunk- Gloria could not 110 to him. Sho en-Drtvtnc Charp" • ~ • "Henry wu so terribly sorry for him. But Drake Fined on Wlndow-B~ llhe could not move. She JU$t ltoocl Charcl." there daud, begl.nning to Cl'UP · Henry Drake had alw~a done tblnga now. evezytbinc he wanted; he had al· She watcbed the fireli&bt aa hla wa.YS had everyt.bJnc he wanetd .. hair, yellow and fllcker!ni, and unUl be had met her. She was the vivid memoriea awept over her; of Only clrl In all hla young life who another afternoon when fl.nllgM had not been daud by hla wealth, had danced on a dark head and a who had no~ made a complete fool · .._, _,..._lltmi.,..,.er tanned face bad looked up of her&elf over hlm. Be waa too into her own and she hacl tho111ht: handsome, he had an enormous "I'm happy now, thlli moment. I'm amount of personality and boy1sb happier than any one ever was In appeal, be wu vasUy wealthy. None the world before." or them had seemed to care tha~ She remembered each tone of bo was a cirunkarc1, that he was Rodney's voice and the touch of hla horrtbly spo1lecl and fiercely erratic. hand and th:: soft press~ of hb They bad seen only the handsome- Up& on her own. And now, she neu of him and had been blinded thought :stricken. 'all that was cone by the alltt.er or his ecold: Gloria -forever over witil and done. She had seen the weak mouth and the looked drearlly tnto the fire, aeelDi uneuy eyes and was only sorry for her life unfold before her In clear him. .._.. Uia Cauae white pa~~:es-perfec:Uy blank. Sqmewbere a clOCk cblmed seven Peter looked up then. and be Umea. Henry Drake went In talk- aeemod to remember all a~ once IDe. Be smoked enclleaa cigarettes, that he wu not alone; and that llgbtlnc one nun the cloWillC stub Gloria mwt ~ suffertnc as acutely of the dlacarded one. He said, ear- as he. He &aid, a wry sort of amlle neaUy, "Glorla, u you11 marry me turninC up one comer of hla mouth: tre'll have IUCh a aranc1 time You "Well, we certainly made a bust of haven't travelled much, ha~ you? tblnia, didn't we? I wonder what':; Well, we11 co all over the map." the matter with us?" He talked about Parla and U. Then he aot ~P and put his hands Bola where one could have dlnnei& en Gloria's shoulders. He tlchtencd served to them In quaint little earea tLia ll:l'IP when he felt her trem- bunt up 1n the branches of the &11<1 ~- He said, buWy : "perhap& trees. He talked about the island It a for the beat, Gloria. It prob- of Mont BalDt Wchel and of the ably wouldn't have lalited, you and TaJ Maha1 1n the moonllCht. He Rod-no~· with Isabel and me. She was hrlb!ni her. He knew ltWe ot would have arown resUess and tired persuasion beyond bribes. of me, and God knows how I would · Gloria said, very steadily, "That bave felt, watchlns her clrl!t away souncia excltlncly alamoroua, from me ... " Henry." Gloria ll&ld, sofUy: "It wouldn't ; And Henry, his eyes blli'Dllll fer- have mattered If Rodney bad tired vidly, went on ta11t1nc and Gloria 01 me. I'd rather have · .~own h1a went on llstenlna. tho111b really not. love tor a lltUe while and ·then be hearbli him now. She was think- leU alone than never to have had- ma: "Rodney and Isabel ant~ any thin&." topther now. On a t.raln or a Alter a few momenta Peter wen' boat." to the door. He atood there loot- And when the clock chimed I J.oa about the bungalow - at the lihe thouaht: "Dinner is proba~ small, dull !Mug room with Ita over. They're alone somewhere now. o\'erstutted furniture at the tiny Alone on their flrat nlaht of m&r• d!D!ni room and ~1. dark hall. naae." And abe thoUih\ wlt.b a And Gloria O.w t.bM be wa -- GOI4, ~ flllillll dvtchlnc M Inc 11a11e1 Ill ber dark ......., OD her bean. -a c:&D't bear i&l Ob, U1U IIJI&. .••• lltlJII IaM1 ~ Ooii,I·-.n!f.·blultl" p.-.u;, dCnrD u. ....._ ._ 111m Olalla 1 hu'db kiln wba& t.p. wbl&e llaDd oo &be l'allq. a. wu ~a,.._:--ber-: =-= .... r..lle1 aU ...a.._ Ulll be ~e m!nt 1t vacueJy. 8be aw lUI waa. IUfta'lnll painfully. It abowed band5o!De YOUDK race come ciOiie, In every line ot hla face, In hla felt his ltpa cruah down 011 hera, clenched hand, the tzqlc rta- then recede In a blur. stw ~mew ldlty or hb back. . on1y- that after a 1ona wbUe abe Gloria went to him and took hla \\'ent. upataira packed two ama11 hand and held It close. u · wu aa black aul~. put on a lltUe blue II their mlaery united thllb. Bhe tweed ault and a small blue hat ll&ld, and her voice was a EOrt of with a perkJ feather In the ribbon. cry : "Peter-oh, Peterl" She drew on her ~~:loves and arlpped His arms went around her then, her purse, tenaely. And then abe convulatvely, ' nd for a mom~t. be- was downstairs . and Henry'a eyes Callie lhey wen YOUDC and alOIUI bad UtUe flalnea dancinll In their and hurt, they cluug to each ot.ber. darlt cteptha. She thO\llht, a UtUe Then Peter was aone. and Gloria <baed: "I couldn't have told him J: was at.&ndlni there, awa,lna ll1l:e • would many him." frond with some voluptuoua life, Awa, a. Jlarrlqe · starln& blankly at. the 'door Peter But abe had. And after a mo- shut behiDd him. ment abe was In his loug, sleelr. ror- a lone wnile Gloria JU$t atood roadster, pulllnc away from the there, a atranae weatnua colna aU curb, · the wind cold and edaed wit.b over her. At laat, abe wallted alow- anow 1n her face. Then was only ly toward the . sofa. one th!na abe would remeq1ber dla- When sh' reached the sofa, abe ttncUy about this moment. It wu sat down in one comer of it. She Kent Hill aet. back ott the atn:et ut veey atlll, one ban1 clenched under Ita bower or anowy elms. An wHitely aaalruit the bl'\llaed red of amber llaht burnina In one window her mouU1. She was breathlni bard and a ta.U, dark shadow paaaln11 In a~ If lihe bad been runninK up 1tepe: rront or that llaht ..• back and aa If 'at any moment thole lone, forth •.. bao1l: and forth. Por one b&rd breatlu would break In her llnale lnat.ant her heart. cried out : u :ru.'1t u;au ,;e..:ome <ary :;ous; ..,.ry,l· "Peterl Peterl And abe bad a wi14, gacping, audible soba. But they lantaatlc . dealre to leap out or loid·.l't. She !Wit sat theN!. 'l'errlbU Henry'a ear az;d . ~ar acroaa the I :;till . \ · •llatflntn. whik alopea of Uw bill ~ZERO-I FEEL GRAtilO 'CAUSE I AD-l'T GOT "THAT OLO TOOTHACHE NO MORE- 'COURSE, 'POOCHES DON'T HAVEN0'1l:)()THACHE5- 50 ')'00 DON'T ~W HOW 9Al) IT MAKE5 'JOUFUL- I WISH I COULO SE BRAVE-BUT HONEST. I GET iHE WIM·WAMS IERRIBLE- BUT I'LL DO MY BEST NOT TO HOLLER . VErl:f LOUO- I'M AWFUL SCARED -1 CAN'T HELP IT- G£E, 'ZERO/. MY Fii'CE LOOI<5 LIKE A BALl DON-"THAT DENTIST 15 AWFUL SMART-THE STUFF HE PUT IN MY' 'ltiOTH MADE MY WHOLE FACE 60 "10 SLUP! NON MAYBE IF THE REST OF ME. I<IN&OWS&a!P-·1 ~ FEEL 50 SAO AN' WHEJ..I ')(XI LOOK AT THE. CAL~ AN' 5EE IT'S "THE MERRY MONTH OF MAY .... ')IOU HOLLER NIIRRRN-'CAIJSI/!. 'IOU t<OOW JT WOULON'T BE 'TH .. MURY MONTH OF ANYTHING IF ')QJ 5TIJ.I. HAD I r---""' THK "'I'OOTHACHE.

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