Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 4 May 1938, p. 12

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PAGE T\VELVE CHEAP HOUSING PLAN URGED ON HOUSE OF COMMONS AS CURE FOR UNEMPLOYMENT J..iberal · Member Would Erect Wooden Homes at $15 Monthly to Aid Lumber Industry and Re- duce Relief Roles Ottawa, April 29.-Proposal that the Government enact a "Work- man's Housing Actn under which municipalities could borrow at 3 per cent from the Federal Treasury for local housing proJects. ...., made In lhe House of Commons last night by C. B. Howard <Lib., Sherbrooke>. Be was spealting,ln continuation of debate on We Relief Bill. The sugges•lon envisaged a .scheme under which a municipality \1/ould borrow from the Federal Treasury at 3 per cent, bulld work- men's houses at a maximum cost of $3,000 and seli them on monthly payments. Workmen In the $18 to $30 a week class would be benefited, Mr. How- ard said. It would be possible to build comior\able wooden houses . on concrete foWldaUons which could be c:an1ed as to Interest, taxes and principal payments for $15 a month for a $3,000 property, and be paid for in twenty years. The mu- nicipality would charge 3% per cent interest and thus have '4 of 1 per cent to cover adminlstraUon and supervision. Stlmula&e L'tllllber lllcbuU7 Stimulation of the lumber Indus- try would go a long way towara solving the unemployment prob- lem, Mr. Howard said. AlreadY lumber and · pulp industries were the creeteBt cmploJera ol labor In the Dom1n1oo. The DolniDion Bouaial Act had 3ernod a &ood purpoae, but because MARKS -THEATRE OSIIAWA. of the requirement that the pros- pective home owner must pro'Vlde 20 per cent. of the total, it wss not avallable to the class of people needing it most. It was not economic for a man to spend more than 25 per cent of his income on · housing, Mr. Howard Satd, but under the scheme proposed a man eamtng only $18 a week could have hls own home. Spealtlni: of bls experience in Sherbroolte, Mr. Howard said It bad been proved there by actual experiment that such a scheme was worltable. Tax Exemption Suua&ecl He had been liven to understand by Sherbroote officials that If hls suggestion were adopted that city would grant .nve years' tax ex- emption because the scheme would take c:aie of the unemployed and benefit the whole community . But even If tax exemption was granted !or a number of years, :r.tr. Howard said he would have taxes collected yearly from the start ani! placed il) a res'enoe as credit against future charges. Slum clearance bhould be started immediately, continued Mr. How- ard. In the Clt,y or Sherbroolte there were, perhaps, 100 homes un- fit for human habitation and th!s condition extended right across the country. Mr. Howard suggested tearing down the slums and rebuilding ac- cordlng to Government-appro'\ed plans. He would subsidize the own- er ol the property 50 per cent ·or the difference between the munlc1- pal assessment of the old ·building and the co:st of the new, providing · there was no rental Increase for a period of three or five years. REPORTER FINDS S'lliLEN VEHitLE Oahawa Man'"a Car, Stolen Sunday, Discovered Yesterday Direct FI'QIIl the Fred Storie's ear, 'stolen from his garaae, Simcoe St. N., Oshawa, la:st r _lm......:.p_erial_. __ Thea __ tre._,::....:~..:OI'O;;:..:.::a.:;to:....., Sunday night, was recovered Mon- day noon on Quebec street where Enme Week Mon., May 9th to Sat., May 14th. -~S:~~S::~~os\\ AU Seata 30c ~ MatiDee DUI,., 2.15 EveaiDp, 7 . & 9 p.m. It had been abandoned. Albert Turn&-, former reporter of The Times, now representaUve of the TOronto Telegram, noticed the ear on the street and, growing sus- pieioua, tool: a loOk at the license pla~. Having a no.se !or new.s and not Just satisfied with the outward appearance, he too1t a loolt under the -t of the car and found Mr. Storie's llcenae platra had been re- 1110\'ed and placed 'under ·the seat and another aet placed on the car. The pollee we.-c noWlecl and they went to Uie parlted car and drove 1t away The car had not been damaged but appeared to be in good ahape. The pollee were not able to checlt up on the mflea&e to find how tar the car bad been driven. It Is thought the car was returned to Oshawa some time uuring Tuesday night as It was not noticed there previous to Wednt'aday. Omemee Man Ia Fined $100 For Having Liquor Lindsay, May 3. - Last week tn pollee court. Crown Attorney J. E. Anderson, K.C., warn~ that ne would never again give consent to the reduction of a charge of bavlnr liquor Ulegally to one of 1Uegal con- ~umption. On Saturday he made good bb warning, when Ross McOounell, of Omemee. was fined ""$10 and co.sts, with an alternative of three. monUlll ........._, f• b&1'tii:IIJ .. SPECIALS FOR THE WEEK-END CHIFFON DR.F.SSI:S, with alipa. $3 so •Sizea 16 to 44. Reg. $6.50 for............ ... ..... • ~~~::: ~~-~~ .. ~~~......... $1.98 LADIES• AND CHILDREN'S 2 Paira 25 C SILK SOCKEES, elastic top a ............... . ALL KINDS LADIES' HOUSE DRESSES. 98 Bolero and other atylea at, special ........................ C ~~:Yc~~.~~~~ ...................... Pair 49e ~;~r ~~~r~~~~~: ........... ............................. 59c =;~r=~r ............................................ $1.3'9 =;~r ~~........................................ $1. 4'9 ::;~r~~~~~~o ~:~"'; ..................................... 98e MEN'S COMBINA nONS, abort aleevea, 59 long lega. reg. 75c, to go at ................................ - e I I THE WHITBY GAZETTE AND CHRONICLE. WFDNESDA Y, MAY 4, 1938 _ The baseball dJamolld ,aDCI &be boxlnc ~are represen~ in thia bU of clo~ slqed by two of ila leU- ~- expoaeala. & Sebadll. LEFT, Ia Uae former ma,Jor pl&eher who tours &be coanb'J In &he SUJiliDCr puUiac on his Jlft-pllle aet for &be am-...ement ol &he fans (811d a few c:olns of &he realm). At's ad becomes-. poptl)ar each 7e&r autl he baa no ca- to en'f)' an:r of &he aeUve slars and Uaeir- :>alal-ies. The other ro .... form la &bat of TOa:r Galento. .Jenera elpr-smokln~e. beer-drlnklnc heaV)'We~ht bo:ur, whose suspena. was reoen~ Wted, aad who Ia scbedaled to taqle with NaUe Mann in his next f~hc: -- GHOST TOWNS OF HASTINGS ARE RE .. OPENED BY MINERS ~------------------------ &All THIEVES ·oPERATIN6 IN THIS DISTRILl ·Dr. G. L Bini's Car Re- covered North of Brook- lin and E. A -~Lovell's Car Found Near Golf Coune Olliiawa and dlstrtct appear3 to be &be aperaUn& cnnmds for a num- .ller ol UlieYeS durJ.ng the past ~lt. Seftnl. cars have been reported 11to1en. homes have been entel~ ·anc~ arUclea taken, and other break- ins haft been reportec1 to the pollee, who. with their Umlted starr. are \IDUie to. cope with ~!le epidemic. n would appear that the thle\'\!11 keep their eyes on the mo\'elllents ol &be pollee and in liOIIIe Instances· the tbefts ·are carried out in-broad daJlllbt. 'lbe epidemic started a week or more qo when Mlte'"li Place, Thl! Adanac Machine Shop and the Dkrlltman· eo-opeftttve . acn were mratnlan Co-oPerative ataie, Olb- ~wa. were eotered aDCl arttdee of fthie taken. -.niih"" ~ - .... a; eara ban lleeD labD far 1DJJ1c1e1. ~ car of Pred 8&arle, lakeD a Week ago from hls garage whUe · the lamlly was absent, was recover- eel Oil Wednesday las\ with a set of lJceDse plates on it stolen from SIDRE MANAfiER 60ES m JAIL ON THEIT .GHAR6E Interest ia Revived in Min-I Remanded Week a PaR Percy car. --• Con North Car Banecl in Ditch ICfiU tent as 0 Fi d C'l. Oil Thursday night Dr. G. L. u .:...... Co t Min n rau nart~e a•Uwual UD y es --- Blnl'a car, Oshawa, was stolen from A Jn fraDt or a home on Lloyd street. clive Oshawa. Ont .. May 2.-Remanded ·wbeq the doctor was Ylsltlni a - lllh -.llNNIVERSIIBY SA I.E ·- To made oar elenalh ~of~~ of our baaiaesa ill Whitb, we are offerinc a 20% Discoanl -on- AU Fandbant In lhe Sto .. e - Daring lhe Moalh ol MAY Come in and take adwmtqe of this offer at a time whea you need lumiture. ···- W. e. 'I'OWII PHONE 410 Found Guilty of Negligent Driving BROCK ST. SOUTH Drunk Driver Given Jail T enn At feterboro Judge Coleman, in Whitby Court, Statea f:vidence Eatabliahea P e r f e c: t I y Oear Cue of Theft ___ one week . on a charge or fraud paUeDt. The ..key was left in the car Belleville, May 3.- Reviving in- _by presenting a cheque for whtcb aad" the thief or thleYes had llWe Peterboro terest In the mineral contenl of ~here was no funds in the bank. difftculty in setting away with th~ 1\(jchael savage. found guilty or ' May 2·-Drunk drlv- Nol"th HuUn&a· Coun\y bas Lran6- lSSUed m lhe name of William 1l Bolek.. This car was discOvered driving in a negligent manner on 1ng must be stamped out and the formed the barren bush country In- Sharp, Jobn Ke~ -~ remanded morning by a i'epresenta- the night of March 31, ...., fined accfdent toll kept down, declared to a 'ftl'ttable hive of Industry af- In cust.ody one week thia morniDI The Oshawa Times, three $25 and costs, and his driver's per- llhl1strate 0. A. Langley fn cft,r John D:achulr:. Olhawa. was BeD• \er yeans ol depression tlmQ In \he by Yqiatrate P. S. Ebbs. north of BrookJJD. The ear mit was suspend~ for three court when he sentenced JJourln =t ~ e:~~~~~-~-B. ~ COUDtr)': ,..~•Unr 10 UIG tr.ilmGc o1 Mr, wu ldenWied by the doctor's lie- months in Oshawa pollee court. ~~ite to 25 da~ In Jan on a .., .__ ·-· ....... _., manaaer ol Conoo'a Ooal eaa plates tinder the back seat. Prom the evidence adduced from ... ....,.. drll'ing conviction. COleman In COWltJ .Judie's criiD1n&l Olden Plkl m1nJDg area In the and OOII:e. IIIII King street west. Mr. D-1101. whUe on the car were lie- the wl~ Gordon crawford, It was the longest ~ntenee In the cour~ Friday on a charge or :;teal- province, Hastings County was once Keys_ had pr~ente;l a cheque to 11118 plate.!! No. 199-H-2 which had driver of the other car inY01Yed, court's hbtory for a summary eon- lug $1,2'11.40 from the Ukrainian the focal point of Ontario mining him m payment for a small account bleD .tolen olf a car 0 and David Kollnsty, Charles Rus- vfctlon. Co-operative Society store iu Osh- Interests. Mines sprung up over- and &Sited thP.t Corson (<ive him the Oordaa Davia Osh wned by Rll and K soretta. wbo saw the .John COJ)penra.tte, brother, awa between July 1st, 1937, and nigpt and mining towns were num- balance, abOut rtrteen dollars In ' awa. acc1dent, the story' ...., unfolded to chaQred With being dnmlt in a pub- February 26th, 1938. Dlachult. who erous in the vicinity of Marmora cash. Corson. not knowing the man Garaps Eaterecl the court. About 10.40 p.m_ Sayqe lie place, was fined $15 and 14.50 was manager of .the store during and Madoc. Later, difficulty of whose llBme was signed to the Late P'rlday night gasoline was drove north on Church stnet. costs or 15 days. Thill Is an In• that period, pleaded not guUty to smelting the ore and transportation cheque, gave Keys five dollan; and atoleo at the Manchester garace slowed up a~ the cpmer- of Bond crease of five doll~ ovl!r the usual the charge. problema resulted in closing of the told l:!m he would give the balance aDCl a nrare at Sunderland hat: s~t. and not ~:eelng ~ car ap- fine. Aft~r a truck which Douglas The Crown's case wa.s conducted majority o1 the shafts. the next morning when he had a beell broken Into. U Is supposed, preaching, proceeded across Bond OOppenralte was drlvlnc Cl'llllhed by Crown Attorney Allin Annis and I Dese~d buildings and flooded chance to go to the bank and aee &bat \be parUes in Dr . .tSlrd's ear s~t. When be came on to Bond into another car on Charlotte at. Russell Humphreys of Oshawa ap- mine shafts gave Hastings County If the cheque was of any value. weJW the culprits. After leaYlng the stne~ bls ear was struck by one last nlaht. the men were arreated peared for the a.:cused. Mghost towns" or Its own, and for There were no funds, and CGniOil KaDehester prage the car headed driven by Gordon crawford, and by Constalbles Stevenson and Clarke Kll:e Gmit, employed at the co- years mining activities were at a said Keys had _not worked for .aouth and was going at sueh a Savare·s car was upset. with aome difficulty. operative store, and a former chalr- virtual standstill. Sharp for some t.ime. He demanded apeed that It mWied a tum Jumped crawford claimed he had no man of the Society, told the court Open Four Years Aco hls five dollars back, f&.Uure of DIU'Ir ten feet trom the 'edge of chance to avoid the accJdent aa that Dlachul: had received upwards Approximately four years ago, which led him to lay the chaqe tbe road to a ditch barely escaplna Savage came out too faat. ""be future must concern Jtaelt With . the ereaUon or more and more means of. co-operaUve human service.~ of $50.00 per month .salary, aome- gold mining v.•as resumed at Cor- of obtalnlna money by fraud. a telephone pole ~d a Jarae fence savage admitted there wu a times $'10.00. He looked after the dova. eight miles north of Mar- Key:; bad nothing to say, nor waa pcllt. It then travelled over 200 11top algn at the comer and that he accounts, bUls. and cash register. mora, when U1e Consolidate Min- it disclo.sed who Issued the cheque. . :ran!ll alODI the fence and finally had slowed up, and c:h&nled to low Be had been paid uo wages in Feb- ing and Smelting Company ~ook ~b.-ate Ebbs reserved his deei- adrecl Jn ·a botr. The doctons .5Jll'ID8 gear, but neither he nor hla -JJU-lr-----------.. ruary as he had been arrested on over control of the old eontoV. alqi lmW next. Thursday. • 0\'UCC~at was \L'Ied under tbe wheels aenaer saw the other car . unUI 1t the 26th o1 that month.. mine. , 11 oa 11 DAYS 1ft an attempt to set the ear out, was almost· on tOI1 of them. "I came to the store and be. asked Toc!ay, Cord&va Is operatlnc , bat wttbout SUoce&'l. Magistrate Ebbs told the accused Pll! to Qll a meetloi," a14 Gmlt twenty-four hours a day, with more "rhomaa Sunderland pleadlDI ftam there It 1s supposed the If he had stopped before entertnr throuah the medium of W1Wam than ei8hU' men employed. The &l:llllY o1 belnllntoxlcated in a pub- Ulleftl went on to Brool:lln where the street there would have bl!en Iael, court interpreter, "he aald be shaft has been :sunk past the nine lfc place on AprU 6. anct J.- tbet' atole a Durant car owned by no accldent. Pollee Constable Bar- had taken a · comlderable sum o1 hundred foot level, and a high- McQuarrie pleading IUllf.Y to \be llr . . Batty in the early houn of W!1 invesUgated. money and \hen pve the amounta. grade ore Is reported. Deserted 5&1De olfence on Apr1116, were each 8a&anlay morn.lng. 'Ihls car was ------- He said he wanted to separate -from houses, almo.st overgrown with fined ~10 and CO&tll or the altena- clllcoftred Saturday on Ritson Rd. NEW MANAGER lJNI'J'ZD hla wife and wanted to give It to a weeds, without a whole pane of Uve of 10 days in the county Ja1L DOftb. damaged beyond repair. MOTORS SEBVICE, INC. lawyer to advise him." These state- gJua left and in dire need ol paint, S1ncla1r Keyes, char&ed with bel-. LoYell'l Car Stolca menta attributed to Dlachult. toot have been reJuvenated Into mod- Intoxicated whUe ln charie ol a N y ..... em bom lth en! tor __ .__.. 011 Bah•-'·- -'-~ B. A. Low- ew Oa-., AprU 29.-Mr. WUllam place at the meeUn& whlch wu es w every conv ence. mo car""""""' ror an adjollrDIDI!Dl .... ......., ... ~ • attended by Omit, Prank GadRJUk, Partber south, on Highway 'l, be- for one week. The cases came be- car was stolen from Simcoe S. KnudRD, president or OeDeral J. Kras. and John Polny, an con- tween Marmora and Madoc, and fore bls worship Magistrate P. b. 8&1-' 8llaUl. Olbawa. &be IIIIIDe llll*n. tDdaY M' WM!I. ti. IIP- nected with the Co-operaUve So- about 33 mlles north or Belleville, Ebbs in pollee court this mornlnl. ha'ftas ..._ left ~ n waa IMD' lilt at Jlr. c. B. MUDir uj clety. Sums of $3911.85 and $200 new mfnlng acUvlty has sprung up '1!111111111$ ...,. V.: tlla. ~-~ ~.W... were supposed to have been deposit- at the Aclterman Gold Mine. The uarUl IIIII at CadiUIIc aftllae. Jn a Banb, be. Mr. dtUDir wm .._ · ed 1n the bank. but had not been, company Is beaded by Lt.-CoL · c. eight men are being given emp)oJ- boc. ceecl Jlr. P. A. ~ wbo 11M and money ha.d_also been diverted H. Ackerman, or Peterboro. ment o.t the Ackerman mine. '!be Oil Saturday night two cans were been Kft!CI'al manacer or thdtecl from the cash register, li&ld Gmit. Gold Bear~ 0.-c main l5haft has been sunk to 110 tuapered with as. they were parked Motors since 1930 and who Ia now who produced rece!pts the accused Pollowing numerous assays made feet, with drlft.s extendlna IDOh ...r the paY111on at LakeYtew Park. taklna a alx montb8 leave or lib- had given him, one for $835. to H. by reputable en&lneers a high-grade than ~ive hundred feet. rnrtn McCullough reported to the RDee. The appointment will be- Of the RiPest .Qaa&t, Alwqa in Stock. Onla .. Now QUICK SEilVICE -·~ R. laldriag PHONE869 Port Whitby- L. Rutherford and the other to Mr. gold bearing arsenical ore Is re- Giving employmen~ to Madoc pollee that the non-draft venWa:m come effective May 1, 11138.. Humphreys, his lawyer. Omit stated ported 111 the Ackerman property, district residents Is the Madoc Tak: bad been smashed. Pred ColYln -------------------------- that Dlachull: told him he would and last fall operations were begun mine, whUe at Delora, the lSDMlt- repart.ed that liOIIIeone bad stolen worlt a number o1 years to repay at slnltlng a shaft. Investmen~ in lng plant Is busy night and dar. bla Uce011e c:aae and car lteya. V. lt. developing tho Marmora district with a consequent reduction or un- Jladlley reported tbe loss ol a coat mine has lent impetus to the nor- employment In that town and u. aat of hla car after BOmeone had them area, and at present twenty- surrounding district. bn*en Into It, and Mr. Lanr re- ported theft of guollne from bis car at the lake. Loeb Cat - Gas ..._P a..e one cut the locll:.s ort the ps a.... and PI pump at the Oshawa LaiDley on saturday night, but tbe amount or guoUne stolen llOUld .- llle determined. A resident on Mas:son street re- partC!d a week aao that a rtna had llllea atolen anct on Saturday nflh\ a hat had beeb stolen while the blmb' was away from the house. Mr. Kelley, 240 Arthur street, also reported BODle one entered his .._ Saturday nlgn' and articles ... laUD. 'l'llere have been a number of ~ reported stolen during the .,.. ~lt. On Saturda1 nlah& bi- Qdl With llcen~~e ~o.. m was taken tr.l 780 Simcoe 15&net BOUt.tl. ""be SOuth American darter blrd 41an. U head after prey. by means of a sprlnc-llke l:lnlt In the neck. FOR BETTER EYESIGHT and Complete Optical Service CONSULT JURY and LOVELL OSHAWA Two Optomebiata io atteDclaDc:e d~ io the optical rooms, D""P'"ine 11001' of Jar,. 4: l.oftll'a Druc Store. Hours: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. E~eainp by appointmeat,. Except~ PHONE 28 • 29 Annual Meeting-Children's Aid Society The Annual Meetiaa of the Chilclr-.'a Aid Soaet, of the Co.t, of Ontario aBel the City of Oehawa wiD be held in the S.cla7 School Aaaemhl7 HaD of St. Andrew'• United Church, Simcoe St. South, O.lu\wa, on Friclay ensaiq, Mq 6th, 1938, at a o'clock. ·I A brief busiaeaa aeuioD clea1iac with the ....... month~,. work ~1) ~ held at 7.30 p.m., aftw which the bulineu of the aDDual meetia1 will be dealt ~· Tbe Hoa. Gonloa D. CODallt, K.C., M.L~. Pro~ Attorney General, will be our peat apeakw. , . Motioa pictwea of the work of the Societ,. will be ahowa. 't ou are cordia~~,. arted to P. • the ~t aDd inapira.tion of your .....-ce aDd ..... ..-... at thia meetiftc. -- - DIIWD ' in l'aliD SJ!iap. California, &Jiq an 1aaW1q a a.w. ..... .,.. 0 M. a • ,.~a · elael7 .. III'DUaeat an4 two of t:te pretty ea&raala an llaeWD in actlla. • ~ MRS. T. H. EVERSON Alalnr for Uae b.U'a-eJ\s are Elbalteth llartbllllmQ a1111 Gall G....... Supetiatend.t Secretal7 ol 1M Aaplea ('fboae DIIIDMn .. ~). • ' • '• lll•---~----~!!!!!1!~ - --~---- ---- H. P.SCHELL Pneiclent

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