Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 4 May 1938, p. 3

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THE WHITBY CAZE1TE AND CHRONICLE, WEDNESDAY, MAY 4, 1938 ".:• CORRESPONDENCE FROM RURA L. CENTRES Improved Mail Service for Brooklin .. is C~ntemp.lated · by The Post Office Department I Family-at-Church Sunday". BverJ family is invited to attend at leut one service 1n the church on &bat clay as a fitting memortal or Mother. During the Sunday school service at 10 a.m., the sacrament of bapt!&m wUl be d1spensed to chll- dren presented by thetr parent.s. A Women'.; choir will lead the musi· + cal service and render special mu- Mail Twice Daily From lenge, He mU5t be crownecl or cru- ale at both morning and evening Whitby if New Plan :. clfled. 0o where we wUI, the eyes services. The pastor, Rev. P. L . .Jull, - f rlst will preach 1n the morning on the 0 the Cb seem to be· on us. St. subject, "The Church and the Fam· Adopted-Lacrosae Team Paul made. as a text for alt his aermons, "Jesus Christ and Him Uy", and In the evening on "SOngs Looka For Succesaful Crucified." We have never seen a 1141 Mother Used to Sing". All ser- Claremont Plans Centennial Celebration ~une 1 0 to 12, and Has Prepired Big Programme + One ThoulaDd Invitations wW be demoUshed. n was changed lnto a pool room several :rears ago Sent Outto Old Boys and and the present manager is Mr. • · Alfred Molea. Another building w!U GD'la - Creamery Sold likely be erected kor tile owner Kinm Wid farther back on the property. The al ount - en present building may not be d~ e____ Oth 1 f cross with a man on It as 1n the v!ces are on Standard Time. ..x.aun - er lelna 0 "Mother's Day" will be observed , time Of Christ but we see It today In the Spencer Sunday School a~ Road u Safety Measure mollshed until after the centen- nial. Interest in Brooklin In war, In dl&ealle, In sin, and In 1 with th riD our own pride and ·selfishness. The an :open ses& on, e supe • faith that mad J "Path tendent, Mr. Amos Prouse, ln (Mrs. N. WhUe, Cor.) e esus say er. charge and an address by Rev P L. BROOKLIN, Ma,y 2. _ An 1m· Into 'l'by . Hands I commit myself" Jull · · proved mall service for ~ hamlet waa • faith 1n which to live and The death occurred at OShawa . of Brooklin and rural routes is con- die. The Christ of the cross rives I General Hospital, . on TUesdaJ, templated, and Will probablY be to us a life, which, If we wiD re- May 3rd, of WllUam John Lawr· Inaugurated around the first of celve It, will transform our crosres ence. beloved husband ~f Mallei July. The Post Offlce Department Into trlllJD}:Ihs. Hawes, 1n his 61st year. Deceued at Ottawa is asking for applications The Women's Institute held Its was the eldest ~ of the late for the conveyance of His MaJesty's regular monthlY meeting on Wed· Absalom Lawrence and Mrs. Lawr- malls 12 times weekly, or twice nesday at the home of Mrs. Rat· ence and was born on con. 6, Jn every day except Sunday, between cllffe. Following the routine of the home still occupied by hla CLAREMONT, May 2.-~­ ment.s are progresslnr steadily for the Claremont centennial Celebra- UOil to be beld June 10 to l:i l!l· During the past .few wi!'as l!eV· era! of our citizens have been con- fined to their homes suffering from severe colds or &he flu. The warm weather should now put an end &o elu.h'e. One thoUsand invitations both. business. the programme consisted mother. All his life had been spent Whitby and Brooldln, and these are of a p:ano solo by Ruth JuU. "Sw:l· In this community where he wu to be In by June lOth. Mall under nee River," and a talk by Mrs. N. highly thought of by a large circle the new regulations Is to be taken J . White on her recent winter in of friends who will regret his p&a• from Brooklin to Whitby twice Plorlda. This talk was iUU5tra~ by ing. He was a very kind neighbor dally, at 8.30 a.m. ancl ol p.m., and many Jnterestlng products of the and alwaya wtlllng to lend a help.. · on each of the return Uips mall South, as well as snapshots and lng hand where .needed. He Is sur- will be c&rrled baclt to Brooklin colored pictures of places visited. vlved by his widow, three dauah· from Whitby. Th1s will rtve ~e The roll call was answered by ters and one son. Mrs. OScar MOl'· village and people on rural route tempting recipes on the u...oce of ap- rison, Brooltlin; Mrs. R. ChiUoU, No. 1 a greaUy Improved service both pies. 'l'be annual meeting was als:l Rouyn, Que., Rosena and John ae for east and west mall. 'I'he most held when Mrs. C. L. Mackey, home, besides five sisters and four unsatisfactory feature of the pres- chairman of the nomating com- brothers. Mrs. A. Thompson, Osh- ent mall service is that It Is almost mlttee, presented a slate of oflicers awa; Mrs. Wm. Web!!. CalgBI'J: noon before people can get what and the secretary was asked to cast Mrs. Albert Grills, Aglncourt; Mra. is Jmown as the b1r TOronto mall, ballots for the elecUon of these. Lome Robertson, Toronto; 1\ln. as· it comes to Myrtle by C.P.R. They were as follows: Past pres!- Leuta Agnew, Toronto. One sister and it is after eleven o'clock before dent, Mrs. E . Hames: president, Mni. Deell:s, passed away about two It can be sorted and available to Mrs. w: A. McNeely; vice-pres!- years ago at Niagara Palls; and the public. on the rural route it dent.s, Mrs. R. Scott, Mrs. Jeffery: Messrs. Charles, of Carrol, Man., - secretary-trea.rurer, Mrs. N. J. Wesley, of Weyburn, Saslt.: Wal· means dlstrlbutlon .of mall wen on White; planl.st.s, Mrs. S. Lockyer, ter and Elliott at home, and his Into the atterDciGD.. IDider U. DeW lin, IIDJd: dlltrlc& diniclor, lira. aged mother, Mrs. A. Lawrence. CODtempla&ecl _... u a ·.tbolllht w. A. Beron; atanclfnlr oommtttee Tbe fUDera1 wm be held oo Thura- uaat man from ~ ad GUier c:Gid'ccaa H•Uh, lin.. B. Am· clay, Jla;r lith, at two o'clock s.T~ pam&a wUl a. dtAI1IIIded ln &he aey; Acrlculture and eanaclfan In· from h1a late raldeDce Jot a. eoo. JloooMJtn PMt ..,._.., • a .m. at the cluRrlola, u.., p, Ho~Uda7-; 0urnm 11, \YbWa)' 'l"'nrDDbbp, ReT. P. ~" latelt. 'Ibe lmprond aftenlooo ier- Bnmta, KQ. Lewin: In~&kmal Jull will coodud ~ funenl •r-t .see from &be -' will aiiO be. Relations and World Peace, Miss vice at ~ house and a~ ~ II'&"· IIPIJI'8clated. particularly by the Bessie Garbutt; Education, Mrs. Interment In Graveside cemetery. buslne&s men. Dryden; Historical Research, Mrs. Brooltlm lacrosse team Is loolt1Dg Batty; Legislation, Mrs. .J. Moore: forward to a. very successful seaaon. Home Economics, Mrs. Agar; Com- The first game Is to be played on munlty Aetlvlt!es, Mrs. George Ash bum Victoria Day, at the Brooklin Spring Jones; Dlrecton;, Mrs. Mackey, Pair, and the players are tat1ng Mrs. L. Hall, Mrs. J. Wight, Mrs. (Mrs. Beron. Correspondent) advantage of every opportunity f.O .MedliUld, Miss Vipond, Mrs. Gas- ASHBURN, May 2.-The Ladies' practice, Offlcen> are: . President, coyne, Mrs. Loeber. GuUd met on Wednesday afternoon W1111am Manntng; vlce·presldent, Week-end guest.s with Mr. and In the ba.sement of the church. '1be Levi Tordlft; secretary-treasurer, Mrs. Norman:· White were: Mn. meeting wu opened with hymn Stanley Harding; Executive, W. VanValltenburgh, Whitby; Mrs. E. weome to the Savior." Mrs. H. Schell, K. Kivell, Dr. J. H. McKln· A. Harris, Montreal; Mr. Mllton Doble read the scripture lesson. Tbe' ney, Murray Robillson, Jack Mac- White, and Mrs. Y. Rlc:hardsan, roll call was answered With a· Duf!, &n!1 Mr. Tobin. The ID&Ilager Toronto; Mrn. Elwood Cro51er and Gardening hint and some very ' Is Thornton MacDuff and the coach llttuJ son, Gerald. Manchester. and helpful suggeGtlona were rtven. · George Munro, Oshawa. An effort Mr. and Ml3. Frank Wessel, of The ~ders for decorating the Is being made to have all aam · WQOler. · church were I'Md ancl t!1scusaed. ·· !.~":..up.:::=:::-,~~ rT~cw::J:'.~"h~~~~ ~~~dt~~~IY~= llca:lon. and Mrs. A. C. Elliott. esttng for this time of ;year as all I Several new hom.e.s are being buUt Mr. and Mn>, E. Sl.m.ser, Miss the verses were about springtime in Brooltlln ~Is ;year. William Simser and Mr. and Mrs. Walter and sowing of seeds, etc. Lunch Watson is buUdlng a bungalow a~ Hitchman, of Toronto, were week. WB.S served by Mrs. Parrott'a rroup the corner of King and Queen end vlsitoD with Mr. and l141'3. W. and a social hour &pent. · Draper. Dr. and Mrs. MacSheldon accom- stl'eets, and Fife Innes Is building Mr. Charles Spencer waa at Good· panted by Mr. Prank Plsher, of To- on the highway opposite the new erham last week. ronto visited with Mr and MD. home of Dr. J. H. McXlnney. In· Miss Lucth1ll'llt, of Toronto, visit- N~ khton, on Sa~. !:tar~~~~=:;: ed ~Is Weelt 'll'lth Mrs. Lewln. 111ra. Grant visited on Sunda;r cU5tomer a~ Beav~n. Bulldlng -r:- Robson and aon, Robert, of with Mr. and 1\lra. Robert Holtb)', In B-""- ._ __ been qulte •ft'"'e 1n to, were ruesta at ~e home of Port Perry • ...,..... ...., _.,., of Mr. and Mrs. A. Cook on Sunda3'. · recent yeara In ~ VUJare, and Mrs. Howard Arbey and .sons re- MD. Russell Richardson visU.ed there are ~oae who· beUeve that turned laa~ week from NaabvWe, with friends 1n Myrtle on SundaJ many outsidera could be Induced to where ~ vlafted. With Mra. Ark· afternoon. build If some effort waa made to aey•a mother. On Tuescb.y evening, May lOU., bring new people to the vlllap. Mr. W. KcBaln was called to &he Rev. Mr. Smyth of Port Per17 One of the beauty apota 1n BrooJt. Owen~ on Saturday, OWing to United Church Will give his 111111- !Jn these days is the part pwned the d~&l'l of his father. · · trated lecture here, under the a_.. by Mr. Charlea Grasa, maintained Mr. Jerry BaUey'a refreshment ploes of the Y.P.S. There also wiD by him 3nC: placed at the dl.sposal booth was broken Into on F'i1day be mU5lcal numbers. Mr. Bmyth'l of the people of the vl.lla&e. without nlcht but before anything was talt· lecture Will be about his trip to any charge. As a matter of fact en, tbe ~ were frightened Ireland and those who have heard many tow1sts passing throurh use away by Mr. Bailey's faithful It report It to be well worth heartDa the park, stopplns to rest and eat watchdog. · They were In a car, again. And also the pictures an &belr lunch. The park, la a rreat litolen 1rom Dr. Bird of Oshawa, Very rood and it is hoped then asset to the commUnity and Mr. which ran out of gas a lihort dJs. wW be a rood attendanoe to enJo7 . Grass d~erves the hlrbelit com- tance up the road north and which thJa meeting. It wUI be the ~ mendatlon tor h1s fine community they &bandtned and took In Ita meeting untll next fall aplrtt displayed In 110 tan&lble a place Mr. Earl BaU,'s car from his The Women'a Mlaalonary aocte" form. garage. They also entered Mr. will meet on TUesday afternooa, A complete programme tor the Cook's saraae at Myrtle and Mr. May lOth. Brooll:lln Sprtnc Pair appeara on Grant Innis' aarage at .Manches. Mr. and l141'3. John Miller were In Pare 1 1n this Issue of the Gazette ter. . and ChrooJcJe, and IUr\ber an• ~~Supper Club, UDder the lead- Toronto on Tlluraday, DOWIIIC I 'lllta wDl be ~Dade l'rolll e of J1ra. 1nD. Alar, bi.Wlt Next Sunday be1nr Mother'a DaS u.. to u.e wrtl~ -.,a Oil ......... 'nl- a I&IICial llo&hen o.;r III'Uir'&llllae · · are 111011& ~ to GV Nadia wm Ill foUoncL At 11 a.a. an. e.mota in the UD1&elf Qurch, OD • 1N lll't ,..,...., Jll Qlr Sill· RMir& &lmpwOo will tie In ~ BllndaJ. wre CODducW- - tbe 1IDIIl .. ., u.. 8Mb weak. tbe anci· &here wm 11e a -.. fir JIUtar, an. P. L . .JU11. 'ftli Iller&· an&, .-ad aDd ......... ....._ _........._ 1VIIIII ua4· Did. ....... ODi ... -•. _, ot the Lala'l Supper waa ad- -· ... - -- • ., • ...... mJnistered at the morning service. or the salad course. ;. All ·are very come. SU11day School aa U5Ual u The ~xt for thla .service was taken fine and the rtrla are to be highly 10 a.m. from the wonls of Pontius P\)ate commended on the Interest taken Sorry to report MD. Hom hal a~ the trial of Christ when he aa1d and wwk accomplished In the Sup- not been well. We hope she .W to ~e . throna aatbered at ~be per Club. 1be first esaay was slven I500il be able to be out aptn. · Jud&ment hall, "What then shall I flrat place was written by Marp.ret Mr. c. Pelton, who ha.S been 1n do with Jeaus who is called Chrlat?" Hamet:. Christie Stl'eet Hospital, Is recuper- Tb th03e or ua ·who 1:voe In a Chris- Mr. lte,ys, of 'l"oronto, demonatrat- attnr at his home here. tlan land Jeaua is a perpetual chal- eel &he use of palnt.s at Mr. A. J. Mr. and Mr3. Pred Be a •H a, • MSprioa Fner'" iJ bnJU&bt oa bJo poiiiOCIOUa ~ wbida dos )'OIU cbild'a foocfwa,. ud uader- miae Yitality. Needed Ia the smW: flusbioa KtiGa ol Eao'a "fruit SaltN-to CJeu the cliaa- Uw tract aad ocuualla hn-- acid.ity. Eao iJ plcuaot·tut.io& WC. ud IIIIICb IDOCI cffcCUYe thaD "allpbur aad molaua". ENO'S "FRUIT SALT " Cook'a fii:e new .stole on Saturday. Shirley and Harvey apenL SundaJ The demonstration waa most ·tn· .with Mr. and Mra. Wallace, o1 terestln(r and a creat many took Claremont. advantaae of the opportunity of llolra. Summerville, of ToJonlo, learning l'tow to use this paint. isited fri da Mr. Charlie Tordllt has mo-d v en 1IJ the vUiage Oil ·~ Sunday afternoon. Into Mra. Allems' house where he Is stUl carrying on hiS buslnesa or cloclc and watch mending. Kinsale SUU we have more buUdlng oper- ations taltlng place in our •lllaae. llolr. W. Watlon hu purchased the (IUra. \'lctor Partdn, Corr.) lot east of Mr. B. Mackey'•; Mr. KINSALE, May 2.-Pollowlnr a Hardln,r, the lot opposite Mr. Wm. brief IUnes.s, Mra. Ocorrlna Mor· Smith's. and llolr. Fife Innls, the lot rlsh Rodd passed, a,way at the -north of Mr. H. 1.Y011'a. AU &IJI home of Mr. and Mn. Roy ~.Mow­ bulld!Jw new houees on &heir lots/ . ~ray, on Wedneaday, April :rrua.. Mra. Ro:r JaCkson ha.s been In Tile late Mrs. Rodd was hlghl;r Columbua with her parenis for a respected by all who !mew her. 8be few daya. took an aetlvoe part 1n all church 8erv1oe In St. 'l'bomaa Anallcan wortl: 1n thla community for &h't church ·will be held on Sunday, ))11.\t forty yea111, and was much May 1." at 11 a.m. wllh the Jeetor ml.5.sed when she retired from &nil In eharre. ~ v•ork several 1~ ago, owmr to ill Ml5slon Circle wtll ton • heallJJ. On Satun4ay, AprU so, a day evenlnf, 11ay· II, school large cOncourse of old friends aDd 'room of the church. All airls in nelghbora aathered at her JaN the COD¥Dunlty are Invited. • ' home to pay their l.,sL respeeta. Mr. and Ml3. S. Lockyer are In The beautiful floral tributea teatl· l VIneland for a few days. fled to the popularity cit the dec• "Mot.bl!r•.s Da;y'• wlll be observed eaaed. Her ~tor, the Rev. u. B. In ~e ~ted church u "The Mutton, preached a very touchJna Rev. J. E. Glover was unable to han been printed and are being conduct church services on Sunday mailed to the old boys and girls or on account of a severe cold. In the the vDiage. It Is- expected that morning Mr. Young o! Oshawa, many of them will plan to return and 1n the evening Rev. Mr. Mut- to the home town on the above ton, of Greenwood. occupied the dates. The Annual Pleld J>:\3> will pulpit. In an i.cceptable manner. · be held on Saturday, June 11 and The recent brtde and croom. Mr. oo Sund&;r, .June 12. Open atr and llnl. J. P . Peddles. were clftn church Rnlca will be beld In the a abower a~ the ~ ol &he Memorial PaR. &tOOm'r. 1)Umb net.r Olen 1blOr The bustnesa men. factor;r man- before ·fhq JeR for &heir ~ ID aaement and bank han chanled to OU&wa 1ut week. 'nla bride wu Da7lilh~ 8&\'lnc Time. The School ginn a shower by her Claremon~ has not )'t't ehanced but It Ia ex- friends prior to her marriage on pected that D.S.T. will be adopted April 15th. by the citizens In general as It has The township ~ssor, Mr. A. been In other nearby urban ccn- Speers, was maldng his annual tera. rounds In the village last week. D. A. Pugh has sold his cream- Miss Jennie Michell, of Toronto, er:r at K.lnmount to L. G. Walton was a week-end ruest of Mrs. T." of Toronto. 'l'be deal was made Condy. thi"'OIIh George Baker. Stouftvllle Mrs. Stanburjr returned last week realtor. The K.lnmount plant ha, from a visit with her daughter, a production of around a hundred Mrs. Martin, of Peterborough. thousand pounds of butter per While then! she suffered an attack year. Mr. Pugh wUI now devote his or nu. Her daughter, Miss I. Stan- entire time to his farm here. bury, of Peterborough, was home Mr. B. Cameron. employee of llolc- fo1 the week-end. Int;rre factory moved his family Mnl. Walford has not bt'en 110 bere from Toronto last week. 1bey well recently and Is again confined are occupying ~e Pretty house at to bed. west llde of Village. I Miss Margaret Spenceley expects WID. Dlcldnson 1a moving Into to be able to resume her duUes as the late Miss Young's residence on teacher of the Seventh School In Tllesday o! this weelt.~The house the near future . hu been wired for .e) trlclty and Several ·of ~~our vUiagel'lt have other lmprovement.s ave been been busy In their gardena during made. the past week. Mra. · Dlcldnson, we are sorry to The bowlers arf' getting ready ron learn. Is again Jn a Toronto hno~pl- another season and wtll soon be on tal being treated for serious eye the greens If this fine weather con- trouble. A few days ago she un· tlnues. clenns:lt another surg1oal op:!ra· Mrs. s. F. Robina. or Lindsay Uon ln the hope of saving her and her alster or New York City lflbt. were Claremont vlsltoD the earty The Highway Department has part of last week. deekled to broaden the Brock Road Miss Han-let Walker. of Ux- a& the four comers as a safety de- bridge, spent a couple of days In nee for motorist.s. In order to do Claremont recently. thla 011e of the oldest landmarks A large crowd attended Mr. of tbt! Ylllage, the stone store as 1~ Thomas Graham's sale and good was mown by for many :yeaD, prices were realized. .seiuJon. She .111 sur.r.ved-- b,r~ vice-pre.~ .• Mrs. Alvin da~ Mrll. Rosa Had!~ oC Boulter; 2nd 'vice-pres~ Mra. wm. Tcmmto, and Ml'l!. Roy Mol"bray, at Bell, Sr.: sec.-treas.. Mrs. J. wan; ltlnale, also six graMthlioreu, p!anist, MD. N. Decker; assist. three of whom acted as p.lUcea..oers. Miss Eileen Parldn: dlst.. director, 'lbe sympathy or this c.emmunlty Mrs . .J. Wan: district represent&- ~ out to the bereaved relatlvc.a. tlve.s, Mrs. W. Brown, Ml'll. Led- . The W.M.S. meeting wlll be held gett ond Mrs. Declter; flower com- at &he home of MD. Lloyd l'C,:(l'. on mlttee. Mrs. Hooker, Miss Roxena Thursday, May 5th at 2 o'clock. Ledgett, MD. Gormley, Mrs. W. Mra. Milton Pefllt'a groUP will have stevenson, Ml'l!. W. Bell, Jr.: pro. ('haqe or tbe meeting. T.~ articles gramme committee, . Mra. W. w. whleh were made for the W.M.S. Gee, Mls.' :lloiRy Brown. Mrs. ·V. bale, wfll be shown. All ladles of Parll:ln. MD. R. E. Mowbray and the eln:uit will be made welcome. lloiD. Decker. The programme com- On Sunday, May lUI, a combln· mlttee will meet a~ the bon. o1 ed aerTice of &he 8uDday ICIIOCII .llrs. N. Deeter, on &he attemoon an~ cb1lrch wm be held at 2 p.m. of J~Wda:r, May tth. ·. 'J'ba a-day 8chool pupil~ w!U haft eJiiiP c.t Uii · ~- 1.11 -um. of U:e COIDJI11IIll~ wm Ill' made welcome. Mns, L . COOk, or Brooltlln, was a reeen~ 'lo1sitor wUh htr d:mshter, Mra. W'm. Bell, Jr. lira. Anrue Harbron haa retcme3 to her home here. Her nephew, Harold ntchal'd.sM, o! Oshaw1. ac- companied her. We are sorry to report Mr. Wm. Glblon again under the doctor's care. At time of writing, he 1a IOII.MIWbat Improved. Greenwood (Ma:r E. Brown, Cerrespendent) GREENWOOD, May 2-Next Sun· day morning the reruiar church and Sunday School services wUl be com- bined at eleven o'clock. A spec1al programme and pqeant. is being given In honour ot Mother's Day. Everybody welcome. Ml'll. W. G. Perkin spent a few days last week with her sona In Toronto, Llstowel, Sebrlngvllle and VIneland. CCe1l Walia, of MoWit Zion, and Vaneaa Walia, of Pickering, were home on Sunday. l141'3. Hugh Miller and daurhter, Jayne, of Pickering, were with the former's parents, W. w. and Mrs. Oee, over the · week-end. · The drama. "The Ginger Gin'~ given by membera of &he Brou&ham Y .P.U. was well acted and enjoyed by all last WedDeaday nlchL Clifford and Mrs. Barkey and son, Earle, of Dixon HIU, called on Greenwood friends on Bunday. MD. P. W. Gibson and Mrs. W. E. Trimble have been W 'll'lth severe colds. On llonday evening, April 25th, CJftl' ~irty relatives and near· DeichboD aathered at the home of Mr. and Ml'll. Wm. Bell. Sr .. to help oelebrate the '10th birthday of Mr. Ben. Despite hia recent 1l!ness, l\lr. Ball thorourhly enjoyed the even- Inc'• flm, and showed In hb usual pn1al manner the Joy he felt at beJq .urrounded by hla family and DltlhtMira, A •er:r enjoyable evening waa spent In playtnr progresatve euehre.- The ladles' first prize WM - b)" MD. N. Wllson, and f!Dt cent&' bY Mr. A. Bell, the consola· -Uon: pr:ze.s going to ML.._, Hickson and Mr. W. Bell, Jr. All were In· Yited to the kitchen when tablea were at for 2f. and ta.rtefully dec- orated with a centre of daffodUs. A beauUtul cake with 70 candles The MisSion Cln:le met at, the deck>ed the head tal>le BeRt wishes home of Miss Edna Green last were extended to 1\lr. Bell, and Thursday eventna. Miss Pead Hick· conttratulatlon~ to boLh on their son was In charge o! the prop-am reumt marriage anr.lversary. The v.-hlch proved lnterestlnr and help· family present Included Mr. an1 ful. and MD. H. Farndale. of Oshawa: .James and Mrs. Penglety, of Mr. and 1\lrs. 0. Lawton, Manllla: Brooll:1ln, spent Sunday With Green- llr. and Mrs. Ross Raine. of wood relatives. Brouaham; Miss E. Bell, of Osha· The farmeD bave the seeding wa: llutlel, Arch and Alfred at 1 weu under way, A few more wann home. Mr. ana Mrs. ·Lome · Bell, ef days and the rrass Will be ready OriDla. and Mr. and MD. Chas. for the .stock to go on. R&l..ell. of Pf!netang, we1e un:~ble 'l'be many 01'eenwood friends of to be prcJ<ent. i\t lUI early hour all Wm. Glbwn. of Kinsale were sorry leU for their homes, feeling that to learn that he 15 quite Ul at hl.s :.. and MD. Bell \\·ere capltl\l hos- home. The Women's In.<tltute met al the !lome of Mrs. Albert Parkins wttb nlne members and seven vlaltors present. 'lbe minutes were read and approved. Roll call-01 ·- den Hln\.5-wa,a fully responded to. An lnterestlnr and lnsk:~cUve pa- per on "I Go Into My Garden", WU Clvcn by Mrs. J . Wan. The buslneas cOnsl3ted or election of of- ficers. or which the following is tbe nault: Prewdent. Mr1. w. A. Myrtle MYR'ILE. May 2.-Mr. Floyd Boney left on Sunday tor South· ftStern Sa.sll:a tchewan where be w!U be ~tudent preacher for Ule .summer montha. This Is the third summer that Mr. Honey has been In the west. llolisa Margaret . Armstrong ad- dressed the congregation here on Sunday nl(rbt, baaiq her theme on her work In mission fields, She gave a most helpful and Inspiring message. Next Sabbath, May the lirat, ~e alternate afternoon and evening aervlces between here and the RBI· Ian charge, wUl commence with urvlce here at. 3 p.m. Mr. Grant Onnlaton, wt.o baa been on the east Calder farm for ~he past year, is moving to Raalan this week where be Will continue the trucltlng business. Mr. and Mrs Will Oook and Mr. · E. E. Mole were at Oakwood on Thursday attending the funeral of · a relative, Mr. Thomas Curtl.s. - A truckload or men journeyed to Bea~rton last. week and brought back a fine catch of suckers, which through their generosity ~e neigh- bors enjoyed for a lew d~ after. Miss Johnston, of Whitby, spent the holiday season with her cousin. Mrs. Da~ Leury. School re-opened for the flna: term on Mm1da;y, the teacher, Mts.• Smith returning from her home at Oakville on Sunrlay. . Mr. and Mrs. George Painter and daurhter, of Uxbridge, attended the final meetlnc of the elub here an Prlday nlcht. Pickering PICKERING, MAY 2.-Miss A. E. Richaro~on was elected president ot the local branch of the Women's Institute lit lt.s annual meeting held the local un:on, proved to be a on Tuesday. She will be assisted by most successful experiment In Ml'$. P H. Hall, Mrs. J. Crockett friendship. Sixty young people and Mrs. G. Law, as vice-presidents. gathered In the sunda,v schoo: room of the Unltt:d church here, tAl Other officers Included: secretary- enjoy a varied program of worship, b'eiiSUrer, Mrs. C. A. Sterritt; dlrec- music and games. foi:owed by re-- torn, Mrs. R. H. Cronk, Mrs. N. Ble, freshments served bY local group. Miss D. Ba:yne; auditorn, Mrn. A w. Among the visltorn was Rev. H. G Mitchell. Mrs. J . Cowan; press sec- Crozier, - minister or the Ce:lardale congregation. who ,restgnf'd from retary, Ml3. W. C. Murkar; dlsb'le& the local charge In July. after five director, Mrs. R.. H. Cronk; flower ye:m;· soJmlm In the village. committee. J141'3. A. ~- · Mitchell, Mr. Frank Leavens, or Bolton. MD. w c . Murkar: music commit- editor ot the Bolton Enterprise, tee, li.Jrs. F . L. Bunting, Mrs. E. c. was In town on Thursday. and call- Jones: 11-elfare committee. Mrn. c. ed on a number cf old friends. A. Sterrl~t. Mrs. J. Crockett. Mrs. J. Miss Marlon Baxter, of Oshawa. S Balsdon. Mrn. w. A. MacLean, was the guest last week or Miss and Mrs. E. Andn!w. · - Jaleen. Bushb;y. The program WB.S featured by a Miss Helen Maddaford, or Whit- much • appreciated address on b.v. visited with Miss Gertrude "Gladioli", by Dr. H. c. :Pearson. Walsh, last week. president of the local horticultural 1'41sl Eva PUkey, who has been sOciety. Mrs. E. G. Robinson con- employed in Toronto, bas returned trlbuted a l!plendld paper on "Win. to the vlllage, to spend the sum- ter Bouquet.s'•. At the coneluslon of mer mo!lths 'll'ltb her parcnt.s, C. the program, the ladlea enjoyed a H. an-:i Mrs. Pllkey. social h.uf-hour, during which light Mrs . .M. Coakwell. of Oshaws. refreshment.s were served. Twenty- visited with her sister, Mrs. G tive members were present. Johnston, last week. The Pn.st Masters' Night of Doric Mr. Gerald White. of Toronto. Lodge, A:P and A.M. was Well at- .spent ~e week-end with his cou- tended, with representatives pres- sins. the Misses Rorke. ent from Brougham Union, Whitby, Mr. and Mrs. A. Boye.o< and son, Broo11:1in and Lakefield loefaU. Cor- -1adt-, ami. Mls."- Mary . and Master Oll3.ti Lodge or TOronto attended In -Bill,.. ·lla:ve:s motored to Port Perry, a body, r.nd lhelr W.M. W!l11am on Sunday. to visit the former's Dickey took part In ~e proceed- daughter, Mrn. A. Franklin, and lngs. Among the rormtr Masters of family. he local lodge, who were present. Mfs.q Edith Murray . spent the was Rev. P C. Harper, of Toronto. week-end with Rev. J. E. and MD. who was a former mfnlster of st. Andrew', Presbyt.erlan Church. Pol- Hogg. Upon her return she was ac- 1 companl~ by Miss Ethel Hogg. of OWing the ceremony, the gathering Stouffvllle, who had been spending adjou~ed to the A.YP.A. rooms to the Easter holidays at the home of enjoy a banquet, and a musical pro- her parents. gram lntersper.sed wlth speeches !rom the vililtlng brethren. Mrs. Claude Snider and daughter, The membern of s~. George's Wo· Miss Ruth, w~re week-lind v:Sitor:o; men'& Gulld and their friends en- with the formcr'li sister, Mrs. V. E. .loJed a euchre and dance, In t.be canwrtabL Town Ball. on Wednettlq nilbt. lin. Cflariaa BladdCICir, of Dudle;r, Tbe receD~ Yildt of Oldard&Je wu a recent Ylaitor 'll'lth G. w. and Tomw hijli'j ~. Ot.t.wa. .. - "1lri. Bilibr. Columbus COLUMBUS, May 1.-Rev. ~­ H. Wylh, tdrn. Wylie. Robert ru{~ Don, returned on Friday fro~ a pleasant visit with rela lives ahrt friends at Sydenbam. . , ;'·· ... Mother's Day, May 8th, wW be observed by a :;pecial service In the Sunday SchooL A good program is being prepared. Mrs. Jas. Ashton has returned home after having spent the win- ter months with friends at Stourf- vllle. Mr. r.nd Mrs. Clarence Hayes visited relaUvcs at Sunderland on Sun,ay. · We are sorry to l~am that Betty SCott who has been Ill Cor some time Is still confined to her bed. We trust she may soon be restored to her former health. Miss Jessie Ormiston, Whitby, spent Sunday with her parents; llolr. and Mrs. Wm. Ormiston. ' Miss J. Bothwell returned on Sun- day after spending the Easter holl• days at her home at Millbrook. Arbour D:J.y will be observed by the school on Friday aU.ernoon. May Gth, when Columbus School will visit Pettman·s S=hool. . . Mr. and Mh. Mmord Wllltlns, · - Oshawa, visited at Mrs . .J . .James' on Frl,a;y. Mr3. Geol'l:e Hayes vl5i'ted with Mrs. Cassidy, J\shburn, last week." Mrs. W. Hoskin, Burkton, spent .. few days last wee!.: with Mr. anti llolrn. Lome Hoskin. · Mrs. W. W. All!son, Mr. and .Mts. J. C. Hcrlty and Miss Marie Herlt.y of Toronto. were t.ca guests of Mr. and Mrs; T. Pereman on Sunday. · Don't forget the lecture to h given in the church on Friday even- lq, Apdl 30UI. b7 Mr. Alfred ScaiJ- ctq, of &he Moose Rlftr Mine. There will Uo 11o a mlllal- JN- cram. A JOOd time Is aaaured. STY,lE.I COMMANTJING SIZE.! lli~Ai:·l.iJi,iJflY.I '" . ' . ....,· ~ ' c\'-:\,j~_,;;- .: ~ ': .. :: ~ . f/1!- fD'*' J.SIIIIJJM~ . "( tH.tk~. A BIG MONEY'S WORTH! ... - ................ ~~ew ..... . ..... c .... .. ia Clornler c..o.-1-.... ••- ...,.r_ ........ es.~Se-IBadF. es.r.t.PiateGieaalnAllwiH--. e """-caoiWal~ Distrlloutleft ••• ~Halctlt' a .. h ••• lineN It-Axle ••• lawiSYel .._... •AIItiJn• _, _, • ...,,_, ~ Eoq;,.rie6 Alir•........,tJ •••• aw,t..- ,.,.,,._6'!"1 ~~ .... ,., "-"' WBrriiY MOI'OBS LIMITED DUNDAS ST. EAST WHITBY PHONE 647 ..... . . ~

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