Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 12 Oct 1938, p. 3

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·•· ~,, :;'. THE WHITBY GAZETTE AND CHRONICLE, WEDNESDAY, OGTOBER 1 193& ·' and · Personal Brevities Announcement& JOBN PEEL. EXPII:R'IJ BBO!l R!l· patrer, at rear of Aane:w Surpa&s store, Brock street &Outb, Whitby WILLIAM: MAW, LIOJ!:NSED Auctioneer, Sales conduot.ed on short notlce. Telephone 'l88 Whitby. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Lucas and daughter Jane,. of Toronto, Mr. B. Edmonds, Mr . A. E, Salter and Mr. arid Mrs. M. Hollands, of O&h· awa, were vlaltors during the boll- day week end with Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Lucas. + + + Dr. and Mrs. Darmlcl:ael b&ve gone to Buffalo for the ordination of thelr son Rlllph. to the mJD.iltn. At .the ordination aervice, conduct· ed by the Presbytery of Buftalo- Ntag- Dr. OarmlchaOI wlll preach the.sermon. Atthe&ameservtoe Ralph wm be tn.stalle:d aa m1PJ.ster oi Lebanon Presbyterian: Church, Northamplon and Wohler StreeY, Buffalo. He bepn h18 work there at the begbming of September. V.O.N. ANNUAL OANVAS ti• Whitby tnanch of the Vtctorl&n Order of Nurses will .make· its an- appeal to the cltllena of : ~io!=~=n;:~~~.· for fUnds to ~ on 1ts .~~~~WJ~ BI work on \Tuesday, Octobet 18. can- r~ Va&Sers will call at busJness places lllld homes, sollcltl.ng generous aup.o work Which la so · well Th<! noed of the V.O.N. II great and the work very tmportant. WEIGHED TWENTY POUNDS wellh1na' ·no Jess tbaD ~~;=~~~;i~~~~~~i~Z:~:on tho foml Myrtle, was and Chroll• on l'ridal' a!t<moon. It field: with other turnips weJslied tipped the scales at; 'lbe turnip wu left at our olf!ce imd turned over by the edi·. tor to. a · home :where tt 1a needed. . ST. ANDREW'S MEN A special meetin& of S t. .Andrew'l Men II to bo held . on ThundaY .~veDIDI of th1J week. at ellht o'eloct. ln. ·the 3unda.y Behool ro;om of st. Andrew.. Church, !or tho ~-.of completina the business of tbe annual roeetina and anang- lne fan imd winter worll:. . BADMINTON CLUB All Ut011e interested 1n the Bl.d· mlnton Club are invl~d to attend a meeting ln the CouncU Chamber on Priday evening, Oct. Hth, at 7.30 o'clock. ---- CANADIAN INDUSTRIES DAY The October meeting of the Wom- en'S lnatltute will be held ln the COUDOU Chamber, on Fr:lday after- noon, October :nat. _commencing at tb,.. o'cloel:. Tlio lloU Call will be &nawered. by the names of a "canadian lDd.ustey•• and a talk ~ tho Topic wlll bo rtvan by tho con· vener, M1Ba: Ethel Pletcher e.nd there wll1 be an exhibit of Poeters lllU!traW>a tho topic. Thta prom!&· es to be a very tnatructtve and tn- terestlnr meeting and It b hoped that there w:Ul be a lara:e attend• anoe of members and: fri!'Jlda. ' S.S. TZMPBBANcB STUDIES Ollce ap1n t.be Sunday School TemPerance lesson& are beJna: read and atudied by the boya and girls of the SundAY Bchoolll - Junlor.s, nlDie Yfllll old and un.s.r: Junt~ 10 IUUI 11 yean; IDionnodlateJ 1~. 13, 1' yeara; aenlora 115, 11, 11 yeara. All atria and bo:n are welcome to Join Jn the atudJea, of Wbtch there are five each year. There are three local prtaa, offered 1n eaoh of the four rrade~. The beat tbree papers Ill et.Gb. crade are 8Ult to the county and Ulere are also Provlnelal and National awards. Th1B year there' are five apecla1 prizes offered locally for best paper by one who 1s wrttlng fm: tile f1rR Ume. 3-For beet paper b7 one who baa written for two yean 1n aucceaston; 3-Por one who has wMtten far three yeArS In sue~, cesa1on; f..-POr one who baa written for four years 1n sucoeu~on: 6---Por belt paper by one 18 years ot age or over. One prize for each claSs. A.nyone Wiah1ng to read lessoM can BOt full Information trom Mrs. c. A. Ooo<UeUow, 221 Trent street east or lll1sa N. Harper, 24?5 PerrY street. ' . * 1t, Think of owning the finest make of cleaner-the only cleaner that. has Positive Agitation to reach and remove embedded grit-for as little as a sin· gle dollar bill a weeki This is our offer .on the Hoover 500. Its cash ' . price is only $64.50-a sensationally low figure for such a famous cleaner. Cleanfug Tools in Handy Cleaning Kit are only $16.00 cash. There is a small carrying charge on the easy payment plan. See also the Hoover Cleaning Ensemble, in· stantly convertible from rug to furniture cleaner. Try any Hoover without obligation. Telephone- we'll send our Hoov&r representative to show you modem cleaning by Hoover Cleaners. ·. · .. Victoriah of: Nurses ANNUAL · TOwN CANVASS Tuesdal', Oc:l. 18 Whitby knowa tho ,..rk of tho V.O.N. and haa never fai1ed in, ita 1upport. .. .. • with to remind you that this ia THE LAST WEEK of their sPECIALS in PERMA· NENT WAVING. Don't MISS this OPPORTUNITY to tr)' ouj madWiel- .ateom perma- nent, SPECIALLY PRICED. A;T, ' ' . •.{_ If your hair it not yet in. COIOdil~:!' us about our oil • permanent, consult treatment•. . ' RESERVE NOVEMBII:R 30th, P'OR st. Andrew's Night, to be held tn the School Room of the eliurch: BINGO, FRIDAY EVENING IN St: Bernards School. Good prb;es. THE CASTLE CHAPTER OF ON• . tarto Ladles• College are holdins their annual Bridge and Tea at the Collqe, on Monday, Octobel' 2fth. Bridge 60 centa. ·Tea 3& oenta. Brldp 2.30 p.m. and Tea at UO p.m. All wiahlns to mate Table Ane.ngements for Bridge please phone Mra. W. J. H. Rlch· ar&on. telephone 643. wm. play· ers please bring their own cards. ST. ANDREWS' LADIES AID SO• ctety are holdinl a sale of Home Cooking and usefUl artJcles. on Friday, November 4th, :In tht Royal BILilk Bullding, Brock St. RESERVE FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 4th, for Chicken Pie Supper. 1n Baptlst Sunday Bchool. BINGO EVERY WEDNESDAY Evening 8.15 p.m. Ten aood prlles fOr 25c. 137 Brock St. South, Oshawa and Dbtrlct Prorresa!ve Co-operative_ Ltd. Birth CARTER-At Oshawa General Ho,s .. pltal, OD Monday~ Oetober loth, to Mr. and Mrs. R. Carter, (nee Marjot1e Heard} a da.Uihter. JEWELRY HAS GOT THE MEN AT LAST ACC BROS. Lower Price Store _,. .. ~··'*' :t .... ""' Pastry. Flour WE ARE SORRY that. we oouldn't supply U.e demand Jut weeJr. 10 are putting on sale ap.ID this wefJk a& : 2.4 lb. lag J 9c SHORTEN INC MATCHES ... PINK SEAL • l,ibs.l3c 3 lor 19c ·SALMON lge. tins CREEN BEANS llor lSc Tin 10c SPINACH Tin 11c TOMATOES lge. tins 3 lor 2.5c - - DOLE PINEAPPLE JUICE - tin 19c · CREAMERY BUTTER llbs. 43c' . . . . . - . \ ; : Second Grade --------------------·> ACC· BROS:~. JUST .PAt OF WWTBY MILl liEP'I'EMBER 20th, 1938 No. B. Coli Standard Plate PerC- COomt ButterFat - -1. Ablenl 1,700"' ......... 1.11 .. Abten• 28,000 SJI s. Aboonl 10,000 1.11 4. Aboonl sa,ooo ... ... AIIMDI 17,000 11.11 :'SlORM· WIN·a·o.w·s ·~ . . " . ...:;. ... . :.-., , - ,. We can supply them at prices to meet ' ,. . ~~·any competi~ion . . U yo~·. a;_ thlnld;,g)'f blllilding, lei ua eatimato on • :. [ ; ;Your bill of inateriali. . . ·I ;, TilE WHITBY. CLASSIFIED,· Go. to Church Sunday 1lNITED OlfuRCH ANNIVERSARY SERVICES On Sunday wlll be celebrated ~e 112tb. anniversary of the foundlnl of the Whitby Circuit of the former Met.hocUat Church ln Canada. The guest prea~her ror the day Ia the :Rev; P. "E, Malott. B.A., DD., minla· .ter of. Wall Street, Broclr.vWe. In tho mornlnll thls dbtlniiUI:!hed m1nSBter preachea on "The Vlalon We Need," and .special anniversary anthems, Solos, duets and quartettes. Speelal Thank.offerlng enve-lopes wUl be lD the pewli •. Ammenal'J' Supper and Concert The Ladies of the United Church are pll.nirlng an appetlzlDg supper and exceptionally fine Con• oert 1n the Auditorium 011 Tuesday next. .. Musical Camoes" featuring To<onto.IIDgel's and dramatlsta will be .rendered at the close of the &Upper. .... \be · achool holdl a& ' I •O'alock St. A!idrew"a Men meet on Tb.ura-' day onn!ng lt. ~lght. liiAP'I'JST OIIUBC1I At \he Baptlsl Church nen Sun• day tho loplo · wlll bo, "DelplaiDa • Yout.h." · Young men and women are 6IPOq1a1iJ ID•Ite<l. to.bt Relief Recipients in tember. Triple That of Year Ago POR ·SA_LE...:...A VERY A'lTRAcr- ive bungalow In the town of Whit- by, five rooms and bathroom, hard .. .L!J~~~· Oct. 16.-The total cost wOOd noon, French doora, oak trim., the town for the month splendid cellar. front verandah, sun SO!•IOII'bol waa $306.1'1, a::cOrd- parlor, good garage, lawns, treel, read. by Alderman etc. A real buy for aameone. write at the CO"l..tncll Advertiser, Box 21Q tte. Ko01dl.y evening. Tile ;;;::;;;:;;:---::;:;::--;;7.';;-"""::::;:::;:;;:: of the vouchers cent of the cost .. :·~ \V:HITBY - 'utiTED .CHURCH ,T.ue•doy, Oct. tB _,1 ... otrm'ANDINC CONCERT a, Maoleal eam- · of. T01<111io, Ia Soq, 51o,y &Dd Dialo,_ ~.SOc ail 2Sc RENT-BOOMB P.OR balhMoln na~ ' four . rooma,. decoralod, heat, ilabt. waler tdephono. Applf 1\lro. :Rabme, DW>d&o Blr<et, East.. • Letter to the Editor ·UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA ' . 'f • CEMENT WHITBY . . ·· ~ TORONTO ASPHAL'l' SHJNOI.ES ~ . aooi:1Nc. AM) INSuUTJON1 >A ' ' . ' . . . . . ia ...,;., • . ...;. mAikat · L -·,..:olalla .IQ-· HEAJIIG · Reliaiis a $Peciilty _, . v- . , · .. ' '· • f'.otlblat.• cl.eoffullr . ' li-t..; .,;, .n ~ loqe ·~· ~· ·m.· ... iC :AL WORFOLK 107 COLBORNE.ST. , PHON£486 1110 EPAIRS WEDNESDAY, NEW EXECtmVES 12, 1938 WOMAN tHAR6ED 3 .INFR.4tTIONS OFGEMffERY '·:. : ~ . ' at ELMONt Ono MDo·Wen '2s · aepi.reil SIMiot· ... ,_._ ' .. C.W. 2o y~~:(Uoai' 100>lllo. -.h)' · '

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