Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 12 Oct 1938, p. 5

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In a sensational revolt ap.lnst the foreirn policy of Prime Minister Chamberlain, Sir Alfred Dolt- Cooper, lint lord of the admiralty. rHipc~. To Unveil Memorial llelilim --lder tO Canada, who will' ornclao.J • miftll the -Bid&ian war memorial at. Wbmlpec .... Oc~ I. NAZI GENERAL , CoL·Gee. Wilhelm Jooeph Frabo Bitter nn I.ed) Is Ia command of German troops oeeUpylDJ' the 8adeten distrld uadu the Mantch ~ent. CANADIAN PEER DEAD Lord Shaurhnusy , son of the for- Iller president of ti.e C.P.R., who dJed, Oct. f, al Montreal, aced 5L I · Harlenbad and ·Carlibad· recel.ed u..· Faeluer, 0.~ t. u ~ !rOo,. CODllnued thCir' occupation• of the Sudeatenlazul. London aenP.peq carrkd reports of a wave of .leWes 1D the diatrid as tile· Nub iook control a nd martial law W&$ appUed. · Tbls picture was tuen. Oct. l, M BlUer enteud. WUdeoaa. It wu nown to Berllo and radioed &CS'OSI the .tUlanUc. Mary Speeda to Baddy'• Bedaide way Assn. Asks Prov. PUNf FAGTORY ADDS TO PLANT IN NORTH YORK Paving No. 7 Road Association more of the Province Uum any · L other highway," declared Mayor Big· Tourist osa Thomas Henry of stratford. He tained Because of pointed out that 1f this route were completed Jt would relieve conges- Shape of Road - Drive' I tlon on the crowded No. 2 Highway, de Haviland Firm Wing, Started Yesterday, to Cost $100,000 - Britiah Orders Expected for Government A!"d and open up a new country for tourists. "We are entitled to nave TOronto, Oct. 5.-ctalmlng North- Ontario's' .- touriat trafftc had I06t to the southern part ot PrOvince because of poor forty-five delegates trom Ontario munlclpalltles met ~·~~=:~~ryesterday and formed h Seven Highway As· an organization design• upon the Ontario Gov- •f::~J.~~: immedis.te necessity oJ a paved highway be~ and Ottawa. no resoluUons were drawn 'up .. ye:steJ:~:y ~ It Ls expected a dele ... appointed to ap~ proa~h Queen's Park to reque:.t. 'that No. 7 Highway, which followed noitherly route from Sarnta and Jloint Edward to Ottawa, be plaeed tn a. tlrsto.cla.ss paved condition be- fore next spring. Ofllcers were elected a.s follows : -Honoraly President, R. Thomas · Stratford; - President, Mayor llr~~~~ .. ,!ri•~H~~enry, stratford: Ftrst Mayor George C . Towmend, Perth ; second VIce~ President, Reeve R •. E. Wilson, A:t_· :~II ;:".)<ona. The Board of Directors is com- poaeti of the following: H. D. Mar- ahall."Ottawa; D. J . McRury, Point. .:_. Edward; W. L. Smith, Sa.mla; MayOr' J: J. Bradley, Smiths Falls: . · E. J o; Lambert, Pertp; Mayor George W. Gordon, Kitchener;. Mayor wu .. "llam ·~ Taylor, Guelph ; R. H. Mac· Dona.Id1 Stratford; J. F. Dickison, .Arkona; .G. C. Henderson, 'I'hed- .-..tOrd: ·David White; St. Ma.rys; Fred X..Uil'iton. ···ParkhUI, and C. C. Lee, oOc:tertch. ·In addition, directors 'Will ·this highway finis hed because lt ts one of the oldest in the Prov- ince," the Mayor added. Alderman George SUrret t or Sar- Toronto,. Oct. 6-Coll.!ltructfon nia, .said Ontario was losing con- has been started on a SIOO,OOO ad .. siderable tourist income from lack dition tG the deHavilland Aircra!t or an alternative route a..cross the or Canada's plant on Sheppard ave., Province. North York. "When tourists leave Saroia they are informed the roads are bad 1n The addition to Lhe present bUild· the north, so the great majority of lng will be 50 feet by 175 feet, and them pass across the Niagara_ cost or the building alone wtU be Peninsula. 1n one day and don't approximately $50,000. Aa weU, the e'\·en spend the night tn canada. If present assembly plant wlll bP ex· we can head their cars north over tended another 50 feet to tbe south. No.7, the entire Province wlll bene~ Reason for the lncrea.se 1D the fft. by the added expenditure they size of the plant was "not war plane are bound to · make," Mt. Stirrett orders, an official of the company declared. stated . The Canadian company is Alderman A. Belanger of Ottawa, a t. present working on an order for added that many tourists from 200 Tiger Moth t~ planes for Quebec would enter Ontario 1f they the parent compan~ England. were assured of a dl!!erent route "We . have put through ten of by which to return.. those already. Another elght will Sessions will continue Wednesday be ready !or shipment to England at the Royal York Hotel. 1 next week. In another month we will be turning them out at the rate or one a day. We simPlY rr::ust have more space, however. We're beinl crowded right out or the pla~," thts ortlclal declared. . SGHOOL BOARD WOULD EXTEND DENTAL SERVIGE Peterboro T rwstees Agree Two Dentists Are .Neces- sary and Urge Parents' C<M>peration There ts every possibUlty that the deHavllland Company \VUl obtain orders from the BriUsh government later on, It wa..1 revealed, and the present construction wmk. is ~inK rushed with that possibility in vi~w. ~llf.]:!~~~ later !rom -Brampton, .. Peterborough ·and J,,o~:~~~b::~~: Oct. 6-"It Ia the duty tp assume ttm cost ," decl~ed Trustee D. G. H. Melton during a discussion by the Board of Education Tuesday night of the need for Increased denttl $ervlees. At present there are 150 skilled craftsmen and women working on aircraft at the plant. The con- .structton or the addiUon 1s 1n the hancbs or tho A. w. Robertson Con- struction Company. The new bulld· 1ng and the assembly plant addition are expected to be completed be- fore Chrlstmas. Report o! dental otrlcer Dr. J. C. Green bearing on a recent Inspec- tion at King Edward ~chool showtc• that o! 375 school children, 7~ per cent. had oral _sietecta. which ·ln· eluded 68'7 cavities in permanent teeth. Chairman J;>r. G. R. Scott expr~ss .. ~;=H~!~~;~~~~;.~~:. ei1 tbe opinion aehool dental services :1 w.,. Inadequate. and Trustee Mel· needea . .. The b08.rd. should the cost, he Wc:l, and m:. o! f011DWfl;18' up re- ll&rrlst.er, SollcltQr, Notar;r . Otftee: Broell: St. !South ftoae 1M WhltbJ MONUMENTS N. W. STAFFORD Dealer ln. Imported · and Canadian GraDlles. · J'int. elua wort ia& moderato prlcea CEMETERIES GROVESIDE CEMETERY W, B. JONES, ·Sexton rhoae 1505 UNDERT 1\.KING~ . W. C. TOWN · - Fane'ral Director · aDd · Embalaier Ambal&nc.- semce ftone ilO WhUbr A. G. Marlow FUNERAL SERVICE AMBULANCE PbO{>O 738 Brook S~ CAitDS ·MEDICAL I)R.R.T.Macl.AREN l'hJlllclan and Barreon · &elldence aDd ornce Comer M&l'}' and Broelr. BU.. Whltb PHONE &07 DR. F~.ERICK A. CUDDY PHYSICIAN Corner Brron and Colbome Btl. PHONE 71Z VETERINARIAN DR. G. R. BOOTH Acuedited Veterinary Large and Small An1ma1 Surgery. Personal Attentioh to All Call! . 3ZS Kin& 8~ West, Ooha- TeJephone 917, Oohawa DR. A. S. BLACK Veterinarian & Surgeon BaOOKLIN • ONTAIUO TELEPHONE 6% TA~IS Central Taxi Service DON. J. BRYANT Phone364 Two Heated Sedima for Day and Night Service INSURANCE-- ' L .W.DUDLEY .• Bep-.aU.,. ' Notional ~flnaurMce Co. _ ...... _ ~ Fire, Aa .. bUe, Aeollleui and . Sldl:aea. PBONB F Ont.e.rlo · County's apple crop, tn the fruit belt between Bowmanv111e and Plcke'rlna, is far abov• aver- this year. accordJna: to Dick · foreman and buyer tor Red. Rella and Bald- are abundant and aald Mr. A<lamll. the Their Majestie. KiD&" GeoJ"Ee VI and Queen Elbabeth wiD make a toar ~~=e::X:o:=~~ !.;:,:!r~~~:n:.U:.=r ~:!:t~· ~= that they 8hoal4 vlllt the Dominlon next year. They wtU arrive earl7 ln the summer and spend about three weeQ ln this country. It will be the f'lrH iD blatoey that a relcnlnl British Soverelrn will have set fool in North America. EXPELl REGORD AlTENDANtEAT PLOWIN6 MATGH International Event Opens Tuesday at Mineaing, Near ·Barrie Great lntemattonal JOt. UD· cter war Tuesda7, Ociober uu.. at. Mlneslns- - AUmdance 1flll: h:ceed 100,000 If WeatbU'ID&D. Behave. - SpHlal Featura wlli Please Every Fanner - J'artiD.r FaaiiiUes Emure easy Ent17 and · E:zlt. . If the weatherman smnes, the at- tendance record of 100,000 establish• ed lut year wlll be broken at the Intematlouat Plowing Match and Farm 1\lachlnery DemonstraUon as; Mineslng near Barrie ·next week. October 11, 12, 13 and 1"- The ground j::; ln excellent shape tor plowing; the exhibit area hu been laid out; final selection has been made of the plowing flelda and these have been staked out: the On~ tarJo Depntmenl or Health has Bluewat~r Hailed As • r!.~t.rc supervised arrangements tor water ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i;~ .supply and sanitation and Hydro has a.rnu:.ged for an adequate supply ot power. Parting arrangements wW be more than adequate. Mlnesln&' on a paved highway It nUles ·.rrom Banie and motorists ·wm have no dlfficulty In getting their cars placed and will be' able to leave wlth equal fo.cillty • 'nle ttue ' InternaUooal flavor of the matcn wtn be malntained wlth arrivals !rom the Onlted StateS. Erie County, New YOfk Sttl.te,· is sending one party of thirty and. lt Is expected there will be a number of Mi~lgan plowmen 1n compeU- tion this year for trophies and prizes valued at $5,000. In addttton to a Saskatchewan entry, Jliirray Uttle of Portase-la Prairie, MaDt- toba, will be on hand to ·do battle with the best plowmen Eutem canada can· produce . ... Simcoe County, the bOule ot t.h1l yea"r's matc:h· wUl have a yotei of oxen on hand wlitcb. ·Wlll have poalt::,.on from another counQ" 1\ comes to t.rolllna over the rowa. 'I'h1a 1S a ·feature that will draW· many !pee\&ton. .'1',"1>0 !Udces 'iool<' om lbo lSO·Plow . lbo ·will The ('nle &.Pn on the 18 Ia 37; . '"""':.;;, . 20:7. thew 6:9, "Our · heaven, .H&Uo'nd

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